Small Group Discussion Questions

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Small Group Discussion Questions Francis Chan – Forgotten God (Session 3 – Theology of the Holy Spirit 101)

1. Think about our worship gathering times at Meadowbrook in light of the huddle analogy. Have you been running form the huddle to the bench? If so, in what ways? 2. Different people are at different stages in their spiritual walk. Which of the following do you feel like best describes where you are right now and why? a. I feel like I need to have a better understanding of what Scripture teaches before I can be of use to God. b. I feel like my Scriptural knowledge is sufficient. I just need to live out what I already know. c. I don’t really know what I need. I feel stuck in my walk with God. 3. God gave us the Spirit so that we might change the world through His Power. How do you think the church would look if we all began “running the plays”? How do you think the world would respond? 4. What are some ways that we can better learn to rely on the Holy Spirit for direction in our lives, rather than on our own understanding? 5. Pray together as a group for the Spirit to be our source of understanding God’s call on our lives.