Small Group Questions July 2, 2017 Series Title: Be

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Small Group Questions July 2, 2017 Series Title: Be The Church Message: “Bottom Line”

Introduction This series will walk through the book of Acts. It will follow the start, the growth and the expansion of the early church. What we will see is not much about buildings and organizations but impact through the life and faith of followers of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit. The hope of this series is that we would know that church is not just something we attend but it something we are and do as well. May we all long to see once again, the deep impact made by humble followers of Jesus as they transformed culture for the better. We will learn ways in which we, today, can do the same kinds of things these early followers did. Discussion Questions (Questions to get everyone to participate) 1. What did one have to do to be a part of the “in” crowd in high school? Did you do it? 2. Do you like controversial issues or do you like to avoid them? Why? (Questions based on the primary text) Read Acts 15:1-24 3. Imagine that you are a Gentile hearing about the regulations in :1, how would you feel about your faith? 4. What is the main issue as Paul sees it? (note :2 and following) 5. How would you summarize James’ position on the matter? (:13-21) 6. What roles do you see played by experience, theology and practical considerations in the decisionmaking process of the council? 7. What “add-ons” to faith in Jesus might easily find their way in our day?