Solicitation VBSS14146 eTraumaBase system

Solicitation VBSS14146 eTraumaBase system...

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State of Utah

Bid VBSS14146

Solicitation VBSS14146

eTraumaBase system renewal

Bid designation: Public

State of Utah

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State of Utah

Bid VBSS14146

Bid VBSS14146 eTraumaBase system renewal Bid Number


Bid Title

eTraumaBase system renewal

Bid Start Date

Apr 22, 2014 2:25:32 PM MDT

Bid End Date

Apr 30, 2014 12:00:00 PM MDT

Question & Answer End Date

Apr 22, 2014 2:30:00 PM MDT

Bid Contact

Vinessa Baldwin Purchasing Services Administrative Services [email protected]

Contract Duration

1 year

Contract Renewal

3 annual renewals

Prices Good for

4 years

Bid Comments

THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR BID – THIS IS A PUBLIC POSTING FOR SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE. If for any reason any party does not agree with the proposed sole source procurement, you wish to comment, or object please email Vinessa Baldwin in the Utah Division of Purchasing at [email protected] prior to the “Due Date for Comments” identified in the attached Notice of Sole Source Procurement document. Please do not submit questions, bids, no-bids, or proposals in BidSync; this is a request for information only. Item Response Form


VBSS14146-01-01 - eTraumaBase System renewal


1 each

Unit Price Delivery Location

State of Utah No Location Specified Qty 1 Expected Expenditure $186,000.00

Description THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR BID – THIS IS A PUBLIC POSTING FOR SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE. If for any reason any party does not agree with the proposed sole source procurement, you wish to comment, or object please email Vinessa Baldwin in the Utah Division of Purchasing at [email protected] prior to the “Due Date for Comments” identified in the attached Notice of Sole Source Procurement document. Please do not submit questions, bids, no-bids, or proposals in BidSync; this is a request for information only.

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State of Utah

Bid VBSS14146


SOLICITATION NO. VBSS14146 eTraumaBase system renewal


Apr 30, 2014 12:00:00 PM MDT

RESPONSES MAY BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY TO: RESPONSES MAY BE MAILED OR DELIVERED TO: State of Utah Division of Purchasing 3150 State Office Building, Capitol Hill Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-1061

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State of Utah

Bid VBSS14146

Notice of Proposed Sole Source Procurement State of Utah Division of Purchasing 3150 State Office Building, Capitol Hill Salt Lake City, UT 84114-1061 Telephone (801) 538-3026

Notice Number: VBSS14146 Date Posted: 04/18/2014 Due Date for Comments: 04/30/2014 @ 12:00 noon

Fax (801) 538-3882

This is not a competitive bid The Utah Procurement Code provides that a procurement may be made without competition when there is only one source for the required supply or service. Therefore “sole source” procurement is justified if there is only one product or service that can reasonably meet the state’s need and there is only one vendor who can provide the product or service. The Division of Purchasing has received a request to make the following sole source procurement. Requesting Agency: Department of Health and Department of Technology Product and/or service to be purchased: Renewal of TraumaBase / eTraumaBase system Contract Length: 1 year with 3-1 year renewals Proposed Sole Source Supplier: Clinical Data Management Justification of Sole Source: TraumaBase®, by Clinical Data Management, is Utah’s trauma registry data collection system, both for local hospitals, which provide the data, and for the Department of Health, which receives and aggregates the data. It is required by Utah Administrative Rule R426-5. It supports the National Trauma Data Standard (NTDS). R426-7 states that “All hospitals shall collect, and quarterly submit to the Department, Trauma Registry information necessary to maintain an inclusive trauma system. The Department shall provide funds to hospitals, excluding designated trauma centers, for the data collection process.” It also states that the data shall be in a standardized format specified by the Department. The Bureau of EMS and Preparedness selected CDM TraumaBase as the product to use. The Bureau must ensure that the software receives ongoing support and maintenance from CDM and that the software is available for hospitals to comply with their reporting requirements. Clinical Data Management is the original developer of TraumaBase and the only licensor. It is necessary to maintain CDM’s services to maintain, support, and enhance the system.

Action To Be Taken: No action is required if you agree this proposed purchase is a valid sole source. If you disagree that this proposed purchase is a valid sole source, you are then asked to email your comments noting so to Vinessa Baldwin in the Utah Division of Purchasing at [email protected] prior to the “Due Date for Comments” indicated above.

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State of Utah

Bid VBSS14146






LAWS AND REGULATIONS:7KH&RQWUDFWRUDQGDQ\DQGDOOVXSSOLHVVHUYLFHVHTXLSPHQWDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQIXUQLVKHGXQGHUWKLV contract will comply fully with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, including applicable licensure and certification requirements.





6WDWXV9HULILFDWLRQ6\VWHP   (DFKRIIHURUDQGHDFKSHUVRQVLJQLQJRQEHKDOIRIDQ\RIIHURUFHUWLILHVDVWRLWVRZQHQWLW\XQGHUSHQDOW\RISHUMXU\WKDWWKH named Contractor has registered and is participating in the Status Verification System to verify the work eligibility status of the contractor¶s new employees that are employed in the State of Utah in accordance with applicable immigration laws including UCA Section 63G-12-   7KH&RQWUDFWRUVKDOOUHTXLUHWKDWWKHIROORZLQJSURYLVLRQEHSODFHGLQHDFKVXEFRQWUDFWDWHYHU\WLHU³The subcontractor shall certify to the main (prime or general) contractor by affidavit that the subcontractor has verified through the Status Verification System the employment status of each new employee of the respective subcontractor, all in accordance with applicable immigration laws including UCA Section 63G-12-DQGWRFRPSO\ZLWKDOODSSOLFDEOHHPSOR\HHVWDWXVYHULILFDWLRQODZV6XFKDIILGDYLWPXVWEH provided prior to the notice to proceed for the subcontractor to perform the work.´   7KH6WDWHZLOOQRWFRQVLGHUDSURSRVDOIRUDZDUGQRUZLOOLWPDNHDQ\DZDUGZKHUHWKHUHKDVQRWEHHQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKLV Section.   0DQXDOO\RUHOHFWURQLFDOO\VLJQLQJWKH3URSRVDOLVGHHPHGWKH&RQWUDFWRU¶s certification of compliance with all provisions of this employment status verification certification required by all applicable status verification laws including UCA Section 63G-12-302. ,QGHPQLW\&ODXVHIRU6WDWXV9HULILFDWLRQ6\VWHP   &RQWUDFWRU LQFOXGHVEXWLVQRWOLPLWHGWRDQ\&RQWUDFWRU'HVLJQ3URIHVVLRQDO'HVLJQHURU&RQVXOWDQW VKDOOSURWHFWLQGHPQLI\ and hold harmless, the State and its officers, employees, agents, representatives and anyone that the State may be liable for, against DQ\FODLPGDPDJHVRUOLDELOLW\DULVLQJRXWRIRUUHVXOWLQJIURPYLRODWLRQVRIWKHDERYH6WDWXV9HULILFDWLRQ6\VWHP6HFWLRQZKHWKHU YLRODWHGE\HPSOR\HHVDJHQWVRUFRQWUDFWRUVRIWKHIROORZLQJ D &RQWUDFWRU E 6XEFRQWUDFWRUDWDQ\WLHUDQGRU F DQ\HQWLW\RU person for whom the Contractor or Subcontractor may be liable.   1RWZLWKVWDQGLQJ6HFWLRQDERYH'HVLJQ3URIHVVLRQDOVRU'HVLJQHUVXQGHUGLUHFWFRQWUDFWZLWKWKH6WDWHVKDOORQO\EHUHTXLUHGWR indemnify the State for a liability claim that arises out of the design professional's services, unless the liability claim arises from the Design Professional's negligent act, wrongful act, error or omission, or other liability imposed by law except that the design professional shall be required to indemnify the State in regard to subcontractors or subconsultants at any tier that are under the direct or indirect control or responsibility of the Design Professional, and includes all independent contractors, agents, employees or anyone else for whom the Design Professional may be liable at any tier. 6.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Contractor represents that none of its officers or employees are officers or employees of the State of Utah, unless disclosure has been made in accordance with 67-16-8, Utah Code, as amended.



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State of Utah

Bid VBSS14146

such conflicting interest. 8.

CONTRACTOR, AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: The Contractor shall be an independent contractor, and as such, shall have no authorization, express or implied, to bind the State to any agreements, settlements, liability, or understanding whatsoever, and DJUHHVQRWWRSHUIRUPDQ\DFWVDVDJHQWIRUWKH6WDWHH[FHSWDVKHUHLQH[SUHVVO\VHWIRUWK&RPSHQVDWLRQVWDWHGKHUHLQVKDOOEHWKH WRWDODPRXQWSD\DEOHWRWKH&RQWUDFWRUE\WKH6WDWH7KH&RQWUDFWRUVKDOOEHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWhe payment of all income tax and social VHFXULW\DPRXQWVGXHDVDUHVXOWRISD\PHQWVUHFHLYHGIURPWKH6WDWHIRUWKHVHFRQWUDFWVHUYLFHV3HUVRQVHPSOR\HGE\WKH6WDWHDQG acting under the direction of the State shall not be deemed to be employees or agents of the Contractor.


CONTRACTOR ACCESS TO SECURE STATE FACILITIES, DATA, AND TECHNOLOGY / CRIMINAL CONVICTION INFORMATION / FORMER FELONS:$Q\DJHQWVRUHPSOR\HHVDQGWKHDJHQWVDQGHPSOR\HHVRIDVXEFRQWUDFWRU LIDQ\ DUH required to complete federal criminal background check, in accordance with DTS Policy 2000-0014 Background Investigations, if they will A) enter upon secure premises controlled, held, leased, or occupied by the State, B) have access to, maintain, or develop any hardware, software, firmware, or any other technology, that is used by the State, or C) have access to or receive any State data, during the course of performing this contract. A federal criminal background check may be completed by the Contractor (at its own expense) and the results provided to the State, or the Contractor may provide the State with sufficient personal information (at its own expense) so that one may be completed by the State, at State expense. Contractor ZLOOSURYLGHUHVXOWVRIVDLGEDFNJURXQGFKHFNV before work is started by the agent or employee and said background check must have been completed within the two years prior to the contract effective date. The Contractor will notify the State of any negative results (such as conviction of a felony) found during WKHDJHQWRUHPSOR\HH VEDFNJURXQGFKHFN7KH6WDWHUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRFRQGXFWDGGLWLRQDOEDFNJURXQGFKHFNVRQDJHQWVRU HPSOR\HHVZKRVHSURYLGHGEDFNJURXQGFKHFNVZHUHGHHPHGRXWRIFRPSOLDQFHZLWK6WDWHVWDQGDUGV,IDQ DGGLWLRQDOEDFNJURXQGFKHFNLVQHHGHGWKH&RQWUDFWRUZLOOSURYLGHWKH6WDWHZLWKVXIILFLHQWSHUVRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQ DWLWVRZQH[SHQVH  IRUDIHGHUDOFULPLQDOEDFNJURXQGFKHFNWREHFRPSOHWHGDW6WDWHH[SHQVHRQVXFKSHUVRQQHOE\WKH6WDWH ³Sufficient personal information´ about its agents or employees, and the agents and employees of its subcontractors (if any) means for the Contractor to provide to the State Project Manager, in advance of any work, a list of the full names of the designated employees, including their VRFLDOVHFXULW\QXPEHUGULYHUOLFHQVHQXPEHUDQGWKHVWDWHRILVVXDQFHDQGWKHLUELUWKGDWH7KHUHDIWHURQHZHHNSULRUWRVWDUWLQJ work, each contractor employee shall be fingerprinted by the State, and the State is authorized to conduct a federal criminal EDFNJURXQGFKHFNEDVHGXSRQWKRVHILQJHUSULQWVDQGSHUVRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQSURYLGHG7KH6WDWHZLOOXVHWKLVVDPHLQIRUPDWLRQWR complete a Name Check in the Utah Criminal Justice Information System (UCJIS) every two years and reserves the right to revoke any access or security rights granted in the event of any negative results. Contractor, in executing any duty or exercising any right under this contract, shall not cause or permit any of its agents or employees, and the agents and employees of its subcontractors (if any) who have been convicted of a felony and misdemeanors other than minor misdemeanors to A) enter upon secure premises controlled, held, leased, or occupied by the State, B) have access to, maintain, or develop any hardware, software, firmware, or any RWKHUWHFKQRORJ\WKDWLVXVHGE\WKH6WDWHRU& KDYHDFFHVVWRRUUHFHLYHDQ\6WDWHGDWD$IHORQ\DQGPLVGHPHDQRUDUHGHILQHGE\ the jurisdiction of the State of Utah, regardless of where the conviction occurred. Upon request, DTS agrees to provide Contractor with a copy of the latest version of the DTS Policy 2000-0014 Background Investigations.


DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE:7KH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWRDELGHE\WKH'HSDUWPHQWRI7HFKQRORJ\6HUYLFHV '76 GUXJ -free workplace policies while on State of Utah premises. DTS will provide the Contractor with a copy of these written ³drug-free workplace policies´ upon request.

&2'(2)&21'8&7:KHQ&RQWUDFWRUHPSOR\HHVDUHZRUNLQJRQ-site, the Contractor agrees to follow and enforce DTS Policy 2000-&RGHRI&RQGXFW,I&RQWUDFWRULVZRUNLQJDWIDFLOLWLHVFRQWUROOHGE\RWKHU6WDWHDJHQFLHV&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWRIROORZDQG enforce the Code of Conduct Policy of these other State agencies when Contractor is providing services at these facilities under provisions of this contract. The Contractor will assure that each employee or volunteer under Contractor¶s supervision receives a copy of such Code of Conduct, and a signed statement to this effect must be in each Contractor or Subcontractor employee¶s/volunteer¶s file and is subject to inspection and review by the State¶VPRQLWRUVUpon request, DTS agrees to provide Contractor with a copy of any applicable codes of conduct,ID&RQWUDFWRURU6XEFRQWUDFWRULVZRUNLQJDWDQ\6WDWHDJHQF\ZKLFK has a Code of Conduct applicable to this Contract, the DTS Project Manager will provide the Contractor with a copy in advance of the Contractor¶s on-site contract services performance. ,1'(01,7<&/$86(7KH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWRLQGHPQLI\VDYHKDUPOHVVDQGUHOHDVHWKH6WDWHRI8WDKDQGDOOLWVRIILFHUVDJHQWV volunteers, and employees from and against any and all loss, damages, injury, liability, suits, and proceedings arising out of the performance of this contract which are caused in whole or in part by the acts or negligence of the Contractor's officers, agents, YROXQWHHUVRUHPSOR\HHVEXWQRWIRUFODLPVDULVLQJIURPWKH6WDWH VVROHQHJOLJHQFH7KHSDUWLHVDJUHHWKDWLIWKHUHDUHDQ\/LPLWDWLRQV of the Contractor¶s Liability, including a limitation of liability for anyone for whom the Contractor is responsible, such Limitations of Liability will not apply to injuries to persons, including death, or to damages to property. 13. EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES CLAUSE: The Contractor agrees to abide by the provisions of Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42USC 2000e) which prohibits discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment or any applicant or recipient of services, on the basis of race, religion, color, or national origin; and further agrees to abide by Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 45 CFR 90 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which prohibits discrimination on the EDVLVRIGLVDELOLWLHV$OVRWKH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWRDELGHE\8WDK V([HFXWLYH2UGHUGDWHG'HFHPEHUZKLFKSURKLELWVVH[XDO 4/22/2014 2:27 PM

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harassment in the work place. 6(3$5$%,/,7<&/$86($GHFODUDWLRQE\DQ\FRXUWRUDQ\RWKHUELQGLQJOHJDOVRXUFHWKDWDQ\SURYLVLRQRIWKLVFRQWUDFWLVLOOHJDO and void shall not affect the legality and enforceability of any other provision of this contract, unless the provisions are mutually dependent. 5(1(*27,$7,212502',),&$7,216 7KLVFRQWUDFWPD\EHDPHQGHGPRGLILHGRUVXSSOHPHQWHGRQO\E\ZULWWHQ amendment to the contract, executed by authorized persons of the parties hereto, and attached to the original signed copy of the FRQWUDFW$XWRPDWLFUHQHZDOVZLOOQRWDSSO\WRWKLVFRQWUDFW '(%$50(177KH&RQWUDFWRUFHUWLILHVWKDWQHLWKHULWQRULWVSULQFLSDOVDUHSUHVHQWO\RUKDYHHYHUEHHQGHEDUUHGVXVSHQGHG proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction (contract), by any JRYHUQPHQWDOGHSDUWPHQWRUDJHQF\,IWKH&RQWUDFWRUFDQQRWFHUWLI\WKLVVWDWHPHQWDWWDFKDZULWWHQH[SODQDWLRQIRUUHYLHZE\WKH 6WDWH7KH&RQWUDFWRUPXVWQRWLI\WKH6WDWH'LUHFWRURI3XUFKDVLQJZLWKLQGD\VLIGHEDUUHGE\DQ\JRYHUQPHQWDOHQWLW\GXULQJWKH Contract period. 7(50,1$7,218QOHVVRWKHUZLVHVWDWHGLQWKH6SHFLDO7HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQVWKLVFRQWUDFWPD\EHWHUPLQDWHGZLWKFDXVHE\ HLWKHUSDUW\LQDGYDQFHRIWKHVSHFLILHGWHUPLQDWLRQGDWHXSRQZULWWHQQRWLFHEHLQJJLYHQE\WKHRWKHUSDUW\7KHSDUW\LQYLRODWLRQ will be given ten (10) working days after notification to correct and cease the violations, after which the contract may be terminated for cause. This contract may be terminated without cause, in advance of the specified expiration date, by either party, upon sixty (60) GD\VSULRUZULWWHQQRWLFHEHLQJJLYHQWKHRWKHUSDUW\2QWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKLVFRQWUDFWDOODFFRXQWVDQGSD\PHQWVZLOOEHSURFHVVHG according to the financial arrangements set forth herein for approved services rendered to date of termination. ,QWKHHYHQWRIVXFKWHUPLQDWLRQDQGSURIHVVLRQDOVHUYLFHVDSSO\WRWKHFRQWUDFWWKH&RQWUDFWRUVKDOOEHFRPSHQVDWHGIRUVHUYLFHV properly performed under this Contract up to the effective date of the notice of termination. The Contractor agrees that in the event of such termination for cause or without cause, Contractor¶s sole remedy and monetary recovery from the State is limited to full payment for all work properly performed as authorized under this Contract up to the date of termination as well as any reasonable monies owed as a result of the Contractor having to terminate contracts necessarily and appropriately entered into by the Contractor SXUVXDQWWRWKLV&RQWUDFW&RQWUDFWRUIXUWKHUDFNQRZOHGJHVWKDWLQWKHHYHQWRIVXFKWHUPLQDWLRQDOOZRUNSURGXFWZKLFKLQFOXGHV but is not limited to all manuals, forms, contracts, schedules, reports, and any and all documents produced by Contractor under this Contract up to the date of termination are the property of the State and shall be promptly delivered to the State. 6863(16,212):25. 6KRXOGFLUFXPVWDQFHVDULVHZKLFKZRXOGFDXVHWKH6WDWHWRVXVSHQGWKHZRUNEXWQRWWHUPLQDWHWKH FRQWUDFWWKLVZLOOEHGRQHE\IRUPDOQRWLFH7KHZRUNPD\EHUHLQVWDWHGXSRQDGYDQFHIRUPDOQRWLFHIURPWKH6WDWH NONAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, REDUCTION OF FUNDS, OR CHANGES IN LAW: 19.1 Upon thirty (30) days written notice delivered to the Contractor, this contract may be terminated in whole or in part at the sole discretion of the State, if the State reasonably determines that a change in Federal or State legislation or applicable laws materially affects the ability of either party to perform under the terms of the contract. 19.2 Upon thirty (30) days written notice delivered to the Contractor, this contract may be terminated in whole or in part, or have the services and purchase obligations of the State proportionately reduced, at the sole discretion of the State, if the State reasonably determines that a change in available funds affects the State¶VDELOLW\WRSD\XQGHUWKHFRQWUDFW$FKDQJHRIDYDLODEOHIXQGVDVXVHGLQ this paragraph, includes, but is not limited to, a change in Federal or State funding, whether as a result of a legislative act or by order of the President or the Governor. 19.3 If a notice is delivered under paragraph 1 or 2 of this Section 19 ³NONAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, REDUCTION OF FUNDS, OR CHANGES IN LAW, ´ the State will reimburse the Contractor for products properly delivered or services properly performed up until the effective date of said notice. The State will not be liable for any performance, commitments, penalties, or liquidated damages that accrue after the effective date of said notice. 19.4 Notwithstanding any other paragraph or provision of this Section 19 ³NONAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, REDUCTION OF FUNDS, OR CHANGES IN LAW, ´ if the State in said notice to the Contractor indicates that the Contractor is to immediately cease from placing any orders or commitments with suppliers, subcontractor or other third parties, the Contractor shall immediately cease such orders or commitments upon receipt of said notice and the State shall not be liable for any such orders or commitments made after the receipt of said notice. 20. SALES TAX EXEMPTION: The State of Utah ¶s sales and use tax exemption number is 11736850 -010-STC, located at KWWSSXUFKDVLQJXWDKJRYFRQWUDFWGRFXPHQWVVDOHVWD[H[HPSWLRQIRUPVLJQHGSGI7KHWDQJLEOHSHUVRQDOSURSHUW\RUVHUYLFHVEHLQJ purchased are being paid from State funds and used in the exercise of that entity¶VHVVHQWLDOIXQFWLRQV,IWKHLWHPVEHLQJSXUFKDVHG are construction materials, they will be converted into real property by employees of this government entity, unless otherwise stated in the contract. :$55$17<7KH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWRZDUUDQWDQGDVVXPHUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDOOSURGXFWV LQFOXGLQJKDUGZDUHILUPZDUHDQGRU software products) that it licenses, contracts, or sells to the State of Utah under this contract for a period of one year, unless RWKHUZLVHVSHFLILHGDQGPXWXDOO\DJUHHGXSRQHOVHZKHUHLQWKLVFRQWUDFW7KH&RQWUDFWRU VHOOHU DFNQRZOHGJHVWKDWDOOZDUUDQWLHV JUDQWHGWRWKHEX\HUE\WKH8QLIRUP&RPPHUFLDO&RGHRIWKH6WDWHRI8WDKDSSO\WRWKLVFRQWUDFW3URGXFWOLDELOLW\GLVFODLPHUV 4/22/2014 2:27 PM

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and/or warranty disclaimers from the seller are not applicable to this contract unless otherwise specified and mutually agreed upon HOVHZKHUHLQWKLVFRQWUDFW,QJHQHUDOWKH&RQWUDFWRUZDUUDQWVWKDW  WKHSURGXFWZLOOGRZKDWWKHVDOHVSHUVRQVDLGLWZRXOGGR   the product will live up to all specific claims that the manufacturer makes in their advertisements, (3) the product will be suitable for the ordinary purposes for which such product is used, (4) the product will be suitable for any special purposes that the State has relied on the Contractor¶s skill or judgment to consider when it advised the State about the product, (5) the product has been properly designed and manufactured, and (6) the product is free of significant defects or unusual problems about which the State has not been ZDUQHG5HPHGLHVDYDLODEOHWRWKH6WDWHLQFOXGHWKHIROORZLQJ7KH&RQWUDFWRUZLOOUHSDLURUUHSODFH DWQRFKDUJHWRWKH6WDWH WKH SURGXFWZKRVHQRQFRQIRUPDQFHLVGLVFRYHUHGDQGPDGHNQRZQWRWKH&RQWUDFWRULQZULWLQJ,IWKHUHSDLUHGDQGRUUHSODFHGSURGXFW proves to be inadequate, or fails of its essential purpose, the Contractor will refund the full amount of any payments that have been PDGH1RWKLQJLQWKLVZDUUDQW\ZLOOEHFRQVWUXHGWROLPLWDQ\ULJKWVRUUHPHGLHVWKH6WDWHRI8WDKPD\RWKHUZLVHKDYHXQGHUWKLV contract. 6(&85(3527(&7,21$1'+$1'/,1*2)'$7$ 1.


Those standards the State of Utah applies to its own network, found outlined in DTS Policy 5000-0002 Enterprise Information Security Policy (copy available upon request)


Current standards set forth and maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, includes those at: -53r4.pdf; or


Any generally recognized comparable standard that Contractor then applies to its own network and approved by DTS in writing.




Data Transmission&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWKDWDQ\DQGDOOWUDQVPLVVLRQRUH[FKDQJHRIV\VWHPDSSOLFDWLRQGDWDZLWKWKH6WDWHRI Utah and/or any other parties expressly designated by the State of Utah, shall take place via secure means, (ex. HTTPS or FTPS).


Data Storage&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWKDWQR6WDWHRI8WDKGDWDDWDQ\WLPHZLOOEHSURFHVVHGRQRUWUDQVIHUUHGWRDQ\SRUWDEOHRU laptop computing device or any portable storage medium, unless such medium is part of the Contractor's designated backup and recovery process.






Data Re-Use:&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWKDWDQ\DQGDOOGDWDH[FKDQJHGVKDOOEHXVHGH[SUHVVO\DQGVROHO\IRUWKHSXUSRVHHQXPHUDWHG in this Contract. Contractor further agrees that no State of Utah data of any kind shall be transmitted, exchanged or otherwise passed to other Contractors or interested parties except on a case-by-case basis as specifically agreed to in writing by DTS.


Data Destruction7KH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWKDWXSRQWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKLV$JUHHPHQWLWVKDOOHUDVHGHVWUR\DQGUHQGHUXQUHDGDEOH all State of Utah data from all non-state computer systems and backups , and certify in writing that these actions have been completed within 30 days of the termination of this Agreement or within 7 days of the request of DTS, whichever shall come first.

127,),&$7,21$1''$7$%5($&+(6Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable laws that require the notification of individuals in the event of unauthorized release of personally -identifiable information or other events requiring notification in accordance with DTS Policy 5000-0002 Enterprise Information Security Policy FRS\DYDLODEOHXSRQUHTXHVW ,QWKHHYHQWRIDGDWD EUHDFKRIDQ\&RQWUDFWRU VVHFXULW\REOLJDWLRQVRURWKHUHYHQWUHTXLULQJQRWLILFDWLRQXQGHUDSSOLFDEOHODZ 8WDK&RGH†-44-101 thru 301 et al), Contractor agrees at its own expense to assume responsibility for informing all such individuals in accordance with applicable laws and to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the State of Utah against any claims, damages, or other harm related to such Notification Event. &+$1*(0$1$*(0(17Contractor agrees to comply with DTS Change Management Policy 4000-7KLV'76SROLF\ 4/22/2014 2:27 PM

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requires that any work performed by the Contractor that has the potential to cause any form of outage, or modify the State ¶s infrastructure architecture must first be reviewed by the DTS Change Management Committee, and coordinated accordingly. The DTS Project Manager will inform the Contractor if this change control requirement is applicable. Following this notification, any failure by the Contractor that causes outages or data security breaches caused by the Contractor as a direct result of failure to comply, will result in the Contractor¶VOLDELOLW\IRUWKHGDPDJHV Upon request, DTS agrees to provide Contractor with a copy of the latest version of DTS Change Management Policy 4000- 38%/,&,1)250$7,21&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWKDWWKHFRQWUDFWUHODWHG6DOHV2UGHUVDQG,QYRLFHVZLOOEHSXEOLFGRFXPHQWVDQG PD\EHDYDLODEOHIRUGLVWULEXWLRQ&RQWUDFWRUJLYHVWKH6WDWHH[SUHVVSHUPLVVLRQWRPDNHFRSLHVRIWKHFRQWUDFWUHODWHG6DOHV2UGHUV DQG,QYRLFHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH6WDWHRI8WDK*RYHUQPHQW5HFRUGV$FFHVVDQG0DQDJHPHQW$FW *5$0$ ([FHSWIRUVHFWLRQV identified in writing and expressly approved by the State Division of Purchasing, Contractor also agrees that the Contractor ¶s UHVSRQVHWRWKHVROLFLWDWLRQZLOOEHDSXEOLFGRFXPHQWDQGFRSLHVPD\EHJLYHQWRWKHSXEOLFXQGHU*5$0$ODZV7KHSHUPLVVLRQ to make copies as noted will take precedence over any statements of confidentiality, proprietary information, copyright information, or similar notation. 26. CREDITING DEPARTMENT IN ADVERTISING / PUBLICITY:$Q\SXEOLFLW\JLYHQWRWKHSURMHFWRUVHUYLFHVSURYLGHGKHUHLQ shall identify the State of Utah¶s managing agency as the sponsoring agency and shall not be released without prior written approval by that State agency¶s Project Manager. 27. STATE AGENCY WEB SITE BRANDING:7KH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWRXVHWKH'76ORJRRUDQHZHUYHUVLRQLIUHSODFHGLQWKHIXWXUH RQZHEVLWHVSURGXFHGXQGHUWHUPVRIWKLVFRQWUDFW&RQWUDFWRUIXUWKHUDJUHHVWRDOORZD6WDWHDJHQF\WRDOVRXWLOL]HWKHLURZQZHEVLWH branding and logo, if requested by that State agency. '(/,9(5< 8QOHVVRWKHUZLVHVSHFLILHGLQWKLVFRQWUDFWDOOGHOLYHULHVZLOOEH)2%GHVWLQDWLRQZLWKDOOWUDQVSRUWDWLRQDQGKDQGOLQJ FKDUJHVSDLGE\WKH&RQWUDFWRU5HVSRQVLELOLW\DQGOLDELOLW\IRUORVVRUGDPDJHZLOOUHPDLQZLWK&RQWUDFWRUXQWLOILQDOLQVSHFWLRQDQG DFFHSWDQFHZKHQUHVSRQVLELOLW\ZLOOSDVVWRWKH6WDWHH[FHSWDVWRODWHQWGHIHFWVIUDXGDQG&RQWUDFWRU VZDUUDQW\REOLJDWLRQV 25'(5,1*$1',192,&,1*$OORUGHUVZLOOEHVKLSSHGSURPSWO\LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHGHOLYHU\VFKHGXOH7KH&RQWUDFWRU ZLOOSURPSWO\VXEPLWLQYRLFHV ZLWKLQGD\VRIVKLSPHQWRUGHOLYHU\RIVHUYLFHV WRWKH6WDWH7KH6WDWHFRQWUDFWQXPEHUDQGRUWKH agency purchase order number shall be listed on all invoices, freight tickets, and correspondence UHODWLQJWRWKHFRQWUDFWRUGHU7KH SULFHVSDLGE\WKH6WDWHZLOOEHWKRVHSULFHVOLVWHGLQWKHFRQWUDFW7KH6WDWHKDVWKHULJKWWRDGMXVWRUUHWXUQDQ\LQYRLFHUHIOHFWLQJ incorrect pricing. 3520373$<0(17',6&2817 2IIHURUPD\TXRWHDSURPSWSD\PHQWGLVFRXQWEDVHGXSRQHDUO\SD\PHQWKRZHYHU discounts offered for less than 30 days will not be considered in making the award. Contractor shall list Payment Discount Terms on LQYRLFHV7KHSURPSWSD\PHQWGLVFRXQWZLOODSSO\WRSD\PHQWVPDGHZLWKSXUFKDVLQJFDUGVDQGFKHFNV7KHGDWHIURPZKLFK discount time is calculated will be the date a correct invoice is received or receipt of shipment, whichever is later; except that if testing is performed, the date will be the date of acceptance of the merchandise. 3$<0(17 3D\PHQWVDUHQRUPDOO\PDGHZLWKLQGD\VIROORZLQJWKHGDWHWKHRUGHULVGHOLYHUHGRUWKHGDWHDFRUUHFWLQYRLFHLVUHFHLYHG ZKLFKHYHULVODWHU$IWHUGD\VIURPWKHGDWHDFRUUHFWLQYRLFHLVUHFHLYHGE\WKHDSSURSULDWH6WDWHRIILFLDOWKH&RQWUDFWRUPD\ assess interest on overdue, undisputed account charges up to a maximum of the interest rate paid by the IRS on taxpayer refund claims, plus two percent, computed similarly as the requirements of Utah Code Section 15-6-7KH,56LQWHUHVWUDWHLVDGMXVWHG TXDUWHUO\DQGLVDSSOLHGRQDSHUDQQXPEDVLVRQWKHLQYRLFHDPRXQWWKDWLVRYHUGXH 7KHFRQWUDFWWRWDOPD\EHFKDQJHGRQO\E\ZULWWHQDPHQGPHQWH[HFXWHGE\DXWKRUL]HGSHUVRQQHORIWKHSDUWLHV8QOHVVRWKHUZLVH stated in the Contract, all payments to the Contractor will be remitted by mail, electronic funds transfer, or the State of Utah ¶s purchasing card (major credit card). The State of Utah will not allow the Contractor to charge end users electronic payment fees of any kind. 7KHDFFHSWDQFHE\WKH&RQWUDFWRURIILQDOSD\PHQWZLWKRXWDZULWWHQSURWHVWILOHGZLWKWKH6WDWHZLWKLQWHQ  ZRUNLQJGD\VRI receipt of final payment shall release the State from all claims and all liability to the Contractor for fees and costs of the performance of the services pursuant to this Contract. 1RWLFH:KHUHYHUXQGHUWKLVFRQWUDFWRQHSDUW\LVUHTXLUHGWRJLYHIRUPDOQRWLFHWRWKHRWKHUVXFKQRWLFHVKDOOEHGHHPHGJLYHQ upon receipt of electronic mail and e-mail attachments. Formal Notices to the Contractor and to DTS shall be addressed as follows: Contractor: E-mail sent to Contact person at Contractor¶s named e-mail address as indicated on signed State of Utah Contract (Cover) Page of this 4/22/2014 2:27 PM

State of Utah - DTS: E-mail sent to [email protected]

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Bid VBSS14146

Contract. 2YHUSD\PHQW7KH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWKDWLIGXULQJRUVXEVHTXHQWWRWKHFRQWUDFWSHUIRUPDQFHD&3$DXGLWRUD6WDWHDJHQF\DXGLW GHWHUPLQHVWKDWSD\PHQWVZHUHLQFRUUHFWO\UHSRUWHGRUSDLGWKH'HSDUWPHQWPD\DGMXVWWKHSD\PHQWV7KH&RQWUDFWRUVKDOOXSRQ ZULWWHQUHTXHVWLPPHGLDWHO\UHIXQGWR'76DQ\VXFKRYHUSD\PHQWV7KH&RQWUDFWRUIXUWKHUDJUHHVWKDWWKH'HSDUWPHQWVKDOOKDYH the right to withhold any or all-subsequent payments under this or other contracts that the Contractor may have with the State until recoupment of overpayment is made. 3D\PHQWZLWKKROGLQJWKH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWKDWWKHDGHTXDWHUHSRUWLQJUHFRUGNHHSLQJDQGFRPSOLDQFHUHTXLUHPHQWVVSHFLILHGLQ this contract are a material element of performance and that if the Contractor¶s record keeping practices, compliance, and/or reporting to DTS are not conducted in a timely and satisfactory manner, DTS may withhold part or all payments under this or any other FRQWUDFWXQWLOVXFKGHILFLHQFLHVKDYHEHHQUHPHGLHG7KLVLQFOXGHVEXWLVQRWOLPLWHGWR&RQWUDFWRUVIDLOXUHWRSURYLGHWLPHO\ LQYRLFLQJDQGRURWKHUUHTXLUHPHQWVGHVFULEHGHOVHZKHUHZLWKLQWKLVFRQWUDFW,QWKHHYHQWRIWKHSD\PHQW V EHLQJZLWKKHOG'76 agrees to provide ten (10) day advance Notice to the Contractor of the deficiencies that must be corrected in order to bring about the UHOHDVHRIZLWKKHOGSD\PHQW&RQWUDFWRUVKDOOKDYHWHQ  GD\VWKHUHDIWHUWRFRUUHFWWKHFLWHGUHSRUWLQJRUUHFRUGNHHSLQJSUDFWLFH deficiencies or the contract may be terminated. 3$7(176&23<5,*+76(7&7KH&RQWUDFWRUZLOOUHOHDVHLQGHPQLI\DQGKROGWKH6WDWHLWVRIILFHUVDJHQWVDQGHPSOR\HHV harmless from liability of any kind or nature, including the Contractor's use of any copyrighted or un-copyrighted composition, secret process, patented or un-patented invention, article or appliance furnished or used in the performance of this contract. 33. COPYRIGHT:7KHFRQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWKDWDQ\DQGDOO'HOLYHUDEOHVSUHSDUHGIRUWKH6WDWHRI8WDKDVUHTXLUHGE\WKLVFRQWUDFWWRWKH extent to which it is eligible under copyright law in any country, shall be deemed a work made for hire, such that all rights, title and LQWHUHVWLQWKHZRUNDQG'HOLYHUDEOHVVKDOOEHH[FOXVLYHO\RZQHGE\WKH6WDWHRI8WDK6WDWHRI8WDKUHVHUYHVDUR\DOW\ -free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use and to authorize others to use for Federal or State *RYHUQPHQWSXUSRVHVVXFKVRIWZDUHPRGLILFDWLRQVDQGGRFXPHQWDWLRQ7RWKHH[WHQWDQ\'HOLYHUDEOHLVGHHPHGQRWWREHIRUDQ\ reason whatsoever, work made for hire, Contractor agrees to assign and hereby assigns all right title and interest, including but not limited to copyright patent, trademark and trade secret, to such Deliverables, and all extensions and renewals thereof, to the State of 8WDK&RQWUDFWRUIXUWKHUDJUHHVWRSURYLGHDOODVVLVWDQFHUHDVRQDEO\UHTXHVWHGE\WKH6WDWHRI8WDKLQWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWSUHVHUYDWLRQ DQGHQIRUFHPHQWRILWVULJKWVLQVXFK'HOLYHUDEOHVZLWKRXWDQ\DGGLWLRQDOFRPSHQVDWLRQWR&RQWUDFWRU&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWRDQG hereby, to the extent permissible, waives all legal and equitable rights relating to the Deliverables, including without limitation any and all rights of identification of authorship and any and all rights of approval, restriction or limitation on use or subsequent modifications. 34. OWNERSHIP, PROTECTION AND USE OF RECORDS: ([FHSWIRUFRQILGHQWLDOPHGLFDOUHFRUGVKHOGE\GLUHFWFDUHSURYLGHUV the State shall own exclusive title to all information gathered, reports developed, and conclusions reached in performance of this &RQWUDFW7KH&RQWUDFWRUPD\QRWXVHH[FHSWLQPHHWLQJLWVREOLJDWLRQVXQGHUWKLVFRQWUDFWLQIRUPDWLRQJDWKHUHGUHSRUWVGHYHORSHG RUFRQFOXVLRQVUHDFKHGLQSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKLV&RQWUDFWZLWKRXWWKHH[SUHVVZULWWHQFRQVHQWRIWKH6WDWH7KHLPSURSHUXVHRU disclosure of any information concerning a State of Utah client, or a State of Utah employee for any purpose not directly connected with the administration of the State, or the Contractor¶s responsibilities with respect to services purchased under this agreement, is prohibited except on written consent of the state agency employee, state agency client, their attorney, or their responsible parent or guardian. The Contractor will be required to sign a Confidential Information Certification form in situations where they will be given access to confidential computerized records.7KH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWRPDLQWDLQWKHFRQILGHQWLDOLW\RIUHFRUGVLWKROGVDVDJHQWIRUWKH State as required by Government Records Access and Management Act (³GRAMA ´), RURWKHUDSSOLFDEOHIHGHUDORUVWDWHODZ7KH State of Utah shall own and retain unlimited rights to use, disclose, or duplicate all information and data (copyrighted or otherwise) GHYHORSHGGHULYHGGRFXPHQWHGVWRUHGRUIXUQLVKHGE\WKH&RQWUDFWRUXQGHUWKH&RQWUDFWThe Contractor, and any subcontractors under its control, expressly agrees not to use confidential client, or confidential federal, state, or local government data, without prior written permission from the State of Utah Project Manager and appropriate officials of the State Agency. 35. OWNERSHIP, PROTECTION, AND USE OF CONFIDENTIAL FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES:7KHLPSURSHUXVHRUGLVFORVXUHE\DQ\SDUW\RISURWHFWHGLQWHUQDO )HGHUDORU6WDWHEXVLQHVVSURFHVVHVSROLFHVSURFHGXUHVRUSUDFWLFHVLVSURKLELWHG&RQILGHQWLDOIHGHUDORUVWDWHEXVLQHVVSURFHVVHV policies, procedures, or practices shall not be divulged by the Contractor, Contractor¶s employees, or their Subcontractors, unless prior written consent has been obtained in advance from the State of Utah Project Manager. 2:1(56+,33527(&7,21$1'5(78512)'2&80(176$1''$7$8321&2175$&77(50,1$7,2125 COMPLETION: $OOGRFXPHQWVDQGGDWDSHUWDLQLQJWRZRUNUHTXLUHGE\WKLVFRQWUDFWZLOOEHWKHSURSHUW\RIWKH6WDWHDQGPXVWEH delivered to the State within 30 working days after termination or completion of the contract, regardless of the reason for contract WHUPLQDWLRQDQGZLWKRXWUHVWULFWLRQRUOLPLWDWLRQWRWKHLUIXWXUHXVH$Q\6WDWHGDWDWKDWPD\EHUHWXUQHGXQGHUSURYLVLRQVRIWKLV clause must either be in the format as originally provided, or in a format that is readily usable by the State or that can be formatted in a ZD\WKDWLWFDQEHXVHG&RVWVIRUDOORIWKHVHGHVFULEHGLWHPVZLOOEHFRQVLGHUHGDVLQFOXGHGLQWKHEDVLFFRQWUDFWFRPSHQVDWLRQRIWKH work described used by the State. &21),'(17,$/,7<Contractor, and anyone for whom the Contractor may be liable, must maintain the confidentiality of any nonSXEOLFSHUVRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQ3HUVRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQLQFOXGHVEXWLVQRWOLPLWHGWRQDPHVVRFLDOVHFXULW\QXPEHUVELUWKGDWHVDGGUHVV 4/22/2014 2:27 PM

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FUHGLWFDUGQXPEHUVDQGILQDQFLDODFFRXQWQXPEHUV7KH6WDWHUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRLGHQWLI\DGGLWLRQDOUHDVRQDEOHW\SHVRUFDWHJRULHVRI LQIRUPDWLRQWKDWPXVWEHNHSWFRQILGHQWLDOE\WKH&RQWUDFWRUDQGDQ\RQHIRUZKRPWKH&RQWUDFWRUPD\EHOLDEOH7KLVGXW\RI confidentiality shall be ongoing and survive the term of this contract. $66,*10(1768%&2175$&7 &RQWUDFWRUZLOOQRWDVVLJQVHOOWUDQVIHUVXEFRQWUDFWRUVXEOHWULJKWVRUGHOHJDWH responsibilities under this contract, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of the State. '()$8/7$1'5(0(',(6Any of the following events will constitute cause for the State to declare Contractor in default of the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epartment may procure or otherwise obtain, upon such terms and conditions as the Department deems appropriate, services similar to those terminated, and Contractor shall be liable to the Department for any and all damages arising there from, including, but not limited to, attorneys¶ fees and excess costs incurred by the Department in obtaining similar services. 41 FORCE MAJEURE:1HLWKHUSDUW\WRWKLVFRQWUDFWZLOOEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOHIRUGHOD\RUGHIDXOWFDXVHGE\ILUHULRWDFWVRI*RG DQGRUZDUZKLFKLVEH\RQGWKDWSDUW\ VUHDVRQDEOHFRQWURO7KH6WDWHPD\WHUPLQDWHWKLVFRQWUDFWDIWHUGHWHUPLQLQJVXFKGHOD\RU default will reasonably prevent successful performance of the contract. 352&85(0(17(7+,&6The Contractor understands that a person who is interested in any way in the sale of any supplies, services, construction, or insurance to the State of Utah is violating the law if the person gives or offers to give any compensation, gratuity, contribution, loan or reward, or any promise thereof to any person acting as a procurement officer on behalf of the State, or who in any official capacity participates in the procurement of such supplies, services, construction, or insurance, whether it is given for their own use or for the use or benefit of any other person or organization (63G-6a-2304.5, Utah Code, as amended). :25.(56¶ COMPENSATION:7KH&RQWUDFWRUVKDOOIXUQLVKSURRIWRWKH6WDWHXSRQUHTXHVWDQGPDLQWDLQGXULQJWKHOLIHRIWKLV contract, workers¶ compensation insurance for all its employees as well as any subcontractor employees related to this contract. 44. LIABILITY INSURANCE:7KH&RQWUDFWRUDJUHHVWRSURYLGHDQGWRPDLQWDLQGXULQJWKHSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKHFRQWUDFWDWLWVVROH H[SHQVHDSROLF\RIOLDELOLW\LQVXUDQFH7KHOLPLWVRIWKHSROLF\VKDOOEHQROHVVWKDQIRUHDFKRFFXUUHQFHDQG DJJUHJDWH It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to require any of their Subcontractor(s) to secure the same insurance coverage as SUHVFULEHGKHUHLQIRUWKH&RQWUDFWRU &21)/,&72)7(506&RQWUDFWRU7HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQVWKDWDSSO\PXVWEHLQZULWLQJDQGDWWDFKHGWRWKHFRQWUDFW1RRWKHU Terms and Conditions will apply to this contract including terms listed or referenced on a Contractor¶s website, terms listed in a &RQWUDFWRUTXRWDWLRQVDOHVRUGHUHWF,QWKHHYHQWRIDQ\FRQIOLFWLQWKHFRQWUDFWWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVWKHRUGHURISUHFHGHQFHVKDOO EH$WWDFKPHQW$6WDWHRI8WDK6WDQGDUG,77HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQV6WDWHRI8WDK&RQWUDFW6LJQDWXUH3DJH V 6WDWH $GGLWLRQDO7HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQV&RQWUDFWRU7HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQV (17,5($*5((0(177KLV$JUHHPHQWLQFOXGLQJDOO$WWDFKPHQWVDQGGRFXPHQWVLQFRUSRUDWHGKHUHXQGHUDQGWKHUHODWHG6WDWH Solicitation constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter, and supersedes any and all other SULRUDQGFRQWHPSRUDQHRXVDJUHHPHQWVDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJVEHWZHHQWKHSDUWLHVZKHWKHURUDORUZULWWHQ7KHWHUPVRIWKLV$JUHHPHQW shall supersede any additional or conflicting terms or provisions that may be set forth or printed on the Contractor¶s work plans, cost estimate forms, receiving tickets, invoices, or any other related standard forms or documents of the Contractor that may subsequently be used to implement, record, or invoice services hereunder from time to time, even if such standard forms or documents have been VLJQHGRULQLWLDOHGE\DUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRIWKH6WDWH7KHSDUWLHVDJUHHWKDWWKHWHUPVRIWKLV$JUHHPHQWVKDOOSUHYDLOLQDQ\GLVSXWH between the terms of this Agreement and the terms printed on any such standard forms or documents, and such standard forms or documents shall not be considered written amendments of this Agreement. 6859,9256+,37KLVSDUDJUDSKGHILQHVWKHVSHFLILFFRQWUDFWXDOSURYLVLRQVWKDWZLOOUHPDLQLQHIIHFWDIWHUWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIRU termination of this contract, for whatever reason: (a) State of Utah Standard IT Terms and Conditions # 2, Contract Jurisdiction, Choice of Law, and Venue; (b) State of Utah Standard IT Terms and Conditions # 22, Secure Protection and Handling of Data; (c) State of Utah Standard IT Terms and Conditions # 23, Notification and Data Breaches; (d) State of Utah Standard IT Terms and &RQGLWLRQV&RS\ULJKW H 6WDWHRI8WDK6WDQGDUG,77HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQV2ZQHUVKLS3URWHFWLRQDQG8VHRI5HFRUGV LQFOXGLQJ5HVLGXDOVRIVXFKUHFRUGVDQG I 6WDWHRI8WDK6WDQGDUG,77HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQV2ZQHUVKLS3URWHFWLRQDQG8VHRI Confidential Federal, State, or Local Government Internal Business Processes, including Residuals of such confidential business SURFHVVHV J 6WDWHRI8WDK6WDQGDUG,77HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQV2ZQHUVKLS3URWHFWLRQDQG5HWXUQRI'RFXPHQWVDQG'DWD 4/22/2014 2:27 PM

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State of Utah

Bid VBSS14146

S  J  S  8SRQ&RQWUDFW7HUPLQDWLRQRU&RPSOHWLRQ K 6WDWHRI8WDK6WDQGDUG,77HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQV&RQILGHQWLDOLW\ L 6WDWHRI Utah Standard IT Terms and Conditions # 45, Conflict of Terms. 48. WAIVER:7KHZDLYHUE\HLWKHUSDUW\RIDQ\SURYLVLRQWHUPFRYHQDQWRUFRQGLWLRQRIWKLV&RQWUDFWVKDOOQRWEHGHHPHGWREHD waiver of any other provision, term, covenant or condition of this Contract nor any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision, term, covenant or condition of this Contract. If professional services are applicable to this solicitation/contract, the following terms and conditions apply: 7,0(7KH&RQWUDFWRUVKDOOFRPSOHWHWKHVFRSHRIVHUYLFHVZRUNLQDPDQQHUWRDFKLHYHDQ\PLOHVWRQHVLGHQWLILHGLQWKHSURFXUHPHQW GRFXPHQWVUHODWHGWRWKLV&RQWUDFWDQGWKHDWWDFKPHQWVWRWKLV&RQWUDFW7KHIXOOVFRSHRIVHUYLFHVZRUNVKDOOEHFRPSOHWHGE\DQ\ applicable deadline stated in the solicitation. 7,0(,62)7+((66(1&()RUDOOZRUNDQGVHUYLFHVXQGHUWKLV&RQWUDFWWLPHLVRIWKHHVVHQFHDQG&RQWUDFWRUVKDOOEHOLDEOHIRU all damages to the State of Utah and anyone for whom the State of Utah may be liable, as a result of the failure to timely complete the scope of work required under this Contract. &+$1*(6,16&23($Q\FKDQJHVLQWKHVFRSHRIWKHVHUYLFHVWREHSHUIRUPHGXQGHUWKLV&RQWUDFWVKDOOEHLQWKHIRUPRID written amendment to this Contract, mutually agreed to and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties, specifying any such changes, fee adjustments, any adjustment in time of performance, or any other significant factors arising from the changes in the scope of services. 3(5)250$1&((9$/8$7,217KH6WDWHRI8WDKPD\FRQGXFWDSHUIRUPDQFHHYDOXDWLRQRIWKH&RQWUDFWRU¶s services, including VSHFLILFSHUVRQQHORIWKH&RQWUDFWRU5HIHUHQFHVLQWKH&RQWUDFWWR&RQWUDFWRUVKDOOLQFOXGH&RQWUDFWRU&RQWUDFWRU¶s subcontractors, or subconsultants at any tier, if any. Results of any evaluation will be made available to the Contractor. :$,9(561RZDLYHUE\WKH6WDWHRU&RQWUDFWRURIDQ\GHIDXOWVKDOOFRQVWLWXWHDZDLYHURIWKHVDPHGHIDXOWDWDODWHUWLPHRURID different default. ,1685$1&( 7RSURWHFWDJDLQVWOLDELOLW\ORVVDQGRUH[SHQVHLQFRQQHFWLRQZLWKWKHSHUIRUPDQFHRIVHUYLFHVGHVFULEHGXQGHUWKLV&RQWUDFWWKH Contractor shall obtain and maintain in force during the entire period of this Contract without interruption, at its own expense, LQVXUDQFHDVOLVWHGEHORZIURPLQVXUDQFHFRPSDQLHVDXWKRUL]HGWRGREXVLQHVVLQWKH6WDWHRI8WDK,IWKHVROLFLWDWLRQGRFXPHQWKDV qualification requirements for the financial stability of the insurance company, these requirements must be met. 7KHIROORZLQJDUHPLQLPXPFRYHUDJHVWKDWPD\EHVXSSOHPHQWHGE\DGGLWLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWVFRQWDLQHGLQWKHVROLFLWDWLRQIRUWKLV Contract or provided in an Attachment to this Contract; if no insurance limits are identified in the solicitation, insurance minimums will default to Section 44. Liability Insurance Requirements:   :RUNHU ¶s Compensation Insurance and Employers ¶ /LDELOLW\,QVXUDQFH:RUNHU¶s compensation insurance shall cover full liability under the worker¶s compensation laws of the jurisdiction in which the service is performed at the statutory limits required by VDLGMXULVGLFWLRQ   3URIHVVLRQDOOLDELOLW\LQVXUDQFHLQWKHDPRXQWDVGHVFULEHGLQWKHVROLFLWDWLRQIRUWKLV&RQWUDFWLIDSSOLFDEOH   $Q\RWKHULQVXUDQFHGHVFULEHGLQWKHVROLFLWDWLRQIRUWKLV&RQWUDFWLIDSSOLFDEOH $Q\W\SHRILQVXUDQFHRUDQ\LQFUHDVHRIOLPLWVRIOLDELOLW\QRWGHVFULEHGLQWKLV&RQWUDFWZKLFKWKH&RQWUDFWRUUHTXLUHVIRULWVRZQ protection or on account of any statute, rule, or regulation shall be its own responsibility, and shall be provided at Contractor¶s own expense. 7KHFDUU\LQJRILQVXUDQFHUHTXLUHGE\WKLV&RQWUDFWVKDOOQRWEHLQWHUSUHWHGDVUHOLHYLQJWKH&RQWUDFWRURIDQ\RWKHUUHVSRQVLELOLW\ or liability under this Contract or any applicable law, statute, rule, regulation, or order. 67$1'$5'2)&$5(7KHVHUYLFHVRI&RQWUDFWRUDQGLWVVXEFRQWUDFWRUVDQGVXEFRQVXOWDQWVDWDQ\WLHULIDQ\VKDOOEHSHUIRUPHG in accordance with the standard of care exercised by licensed members of their respective professions having substantial experience providing similar services which similarities include the type, magnitude and complexity of the services that are the subject of this Contract. The Contractor shall be liable to the State of Utah for claims, liabilities, additional burdens, penalties, damages or third party claims (i.e. another Contractor¶s claim against the State of Utah), to the extent caused by wrongful acts, errors or omissions that do not meet this standard of care. 67$7(5(9,(:6/,0,7$7,2167KHULJKWRIWKH6WDWHWRSHUIRUPSODQFKHFNVSODQUHYLHZVRWKHUUHYLHZVDQGRUFRPPHQW upon the services of the Contractor, as well as any approval by the State, shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor from its SURIHVVLRQDODQGOHJDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUVHUYLFHVUHTXLUHGXQGHUWKLV&RQWUDFW1RUHYLHZE\WKH6WDWHRUDQ\HQWLW\XVHUDSSURYDORU acceptance, or payment for any of the services required under this Contract shall be construed to operate as a waiver by the State of any right under this Contract or of any cause of action arising out of the performance or nonperformance of this Contract, and the 4/22/2014 2:27 PM

p. 12

State of Utah

Bid VBSS14146

y g y g p p , Contractor shall be and remain liable to the State in accordance with applicable law for all damages to the State caused by the wrongful acts, errors and/or omissions of the Contractor or its subcontractors or subconsultants at any tier, if any. 5HYLVLRQ'DWH0DU

4/22/2014 2:27 PM

p. 13

State of Utah

Bid VBSS14146

Question and Answers for Bid #VBSS14146 - eTraumaBase system renewal

OVERALL BID QUESTIONS There are no questions associated with this bid. If you would like to submit a question, please click on the "Create New Question" button below.

Question Deadline: Apr 22, 2014 2:30:00 PM MDT

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p. 14