South Jr. Deb Girls Softball League 2015 Sponsor Formhttps://35b7f1d7d0790b02114c-1b8897185d70b198c119e1d2b7efd8a2.ssl.cf1.rackcdn...
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South Jr. Deb Girls Softball League 2015 Sponsor Form I would like to sponsor a team in the South Jr. Deb Girls Softball League.
Company Name:______________________________________________________________
Name as you would like it to appear on team shirt:__________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________
Telephone Number:____________________________________________________________
Contact Person:________________________________________________________________
Email Address:________________________________________________________________
Please fill out this form completely and return with your payment (check) of $300 to: South Jr. Deb Softball League 207 Cottage Road Manchester, N.H. 03103
PLEASE REMIT BY FEBRUARY 26TH TO ALLOW FOR OUR SHIRTS TO BE PRINTED PRIOR TO THE START OF THE SEASON-THANKS MUCH! Thank you in advanced for your interest in sponsoring a team in our league. Sincerely, Board of Directors South Jr. Deb Girls Softball League