Southbury Girls Softball Inc. BY-LAWS

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Southbury Girls Softball Incorporated

Southbury Girls Softball Inc.  D/B/A Pomperaug Youth Softball 


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Southbury Girls Softball Incorporated


SECTION 1: Southbury Girls Softball Incorporated (hereafter referred to as Pomperaug Youth Softball or PYS) adopts the following bylaws. It is understood that the PYS may implement its own policies and procedures and obey the Babe Ruth rules to ensure efficient operation of the PYS. However, these policies and procedures will not contradict or take precedence over the Bylaws. SECTION 2: The PYS will develop and run the Girls Softball Program in Southbury and Middlebury, Connecticut


SECTION 1: The objectives of the PYS shall be to (1) promote and sponsor organized youth softball programs in the Town of Southbury and Middlebury, Connecticut; (2) teach the skills of softball; (3) promote team sportsmanship, discipline, and respect for other players, coaches and officials; and (4) provide a safe, equal and fair opportunity for all female youth to participate in organized softball as it complies with the rules and regulations set forth by the Babe Ruth Softball Organization and PYS

ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP IN THE PYS SECTION 1: Parents or guardians of children participating in PYS are eligible to participate in any organizational meeting, event or activity. Other interested persons, businesses or organizations can also become members, if the said organization, or business or member can benefit the youth of Southbury and Middlebury. ARTICLE 4: MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS SECTION 1: General membership PYS meetings will be conducted monthly on the second Wednesday of every month. During the Spring season the day may be altered to schedule around games and practices. SECTION 2: Special meetings may be called for transacting special business by the President, a majority of the Board of Directors, or on the petition of a majority of the membership. Notice of special meetings will be given in a manner that will reasonably assure that all members can receive the notice. Page 2 of 14

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SECTION 3: There needs to be at least 50% of the Board of Directors present at a general meeting to constitute a quorum. SECTION 4: Voting on routine matters at membership meetings will be by voice vote unless a secret ballot vote is requested. SECTION 5: Every member may freely exercise his or her rights, provided the member does not engage in, encourage, advocate or promote conduct that interferes with the PYS order of business. An unruly member at a meeting may be asked to leave by the presiding officer, subject to majority vote by the attending membership.

ARTICLE 5: OFFICERS SECTION 1: The elected officers of the PYS will be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. SECTION 2: Officers will be elected to office until their successors are duly installed. SECTION 3: Elected officers will appoint positions as deemed necessary. ARTICLE 6: BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers of the PYS and the following positions: -Director of Operations -Director of Information Technology and Web-Site Development SECTION 2: The duties of the members of Board of Directors will be to:  Transact necessary business in the intervals between meetings and any business referred to it by the Organization.  Approve routine bills.  Consider and determine what action will be taken on all grievances considering coaches, members or players. SECTION 3: A majority of the Board of Directors will constitute a quorum for its meetings. Page 3 of 14

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SECTION 4: A vacancy occurring in any office will be filled by a person elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. SECTION 5: Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or by a majority of members of the Board of Directors. SECTION 6: The President’s vote will decide a tie vote of the Board of Directors ARTICLE 7: DUTIES OF OFFICERS SECTION 1: The President will perform the following duties:  Preside at all regular and special membership meetings and Board of Director meetings.  Preside at Babe Ruth Meetings or appoint a designee  Enforce the PYS bylaws and its policies and procedures.  Be an ex-officio member of all committees.  Appoint all committee chairpersons and league supervisors  Have full authority of PYS administration between membership and Board of Director meetings.  Represent or designate a representative to attend functions or meetings relevant to the PYS. SECTION 2: The Vice President will perform the following duties:  Assume the duties of the President in the absence of that officer. SECTION 3: The Secretary will perform the following duties:  Keep the minutes of all regular and special membership meetings and Board of Director meetings.  Be custodian of all records and papers belonging to the PYS.  Conduct correspondence for the PYS.  Provide notification of all membership and Board of Director meetings. SECTION 4: The Treasurer will perform the following duties:  Receive all money of the PYS.  Keep accurate, documented records of all receipts and disbursements.  Prepare a monthly financial statement for the monthly meeting review.

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ARTICLE 8: FINANCES SECTION 1: All funds collected on behalf of or in the name of the PYS will be transacted through the Treasurer. SECTION 2: All disbursements made on behalf of or in the name of the PYS will be transacted through the Treasurer. All disbursements will be made by check. Any disbursements over $500.00 will require the signatures of the President and the Treasurer. All receipts must be presented to the Treasurer for payment of expenditures. SECTION 3: Expenditures above $500.00 must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors before the purchase is made. Expenditures below this specified amount the President or Vice President could transact with approval to be made at the next Board of Directors meeting. SECTION 4: If PYS were to dissolve, then all finances will be turned over to the Southbury Parks and Recreation Commission and be utilized for the Town of Southbury Softball Program. ARTICLE 9: EQUIPMENT COMMITTEE SECTION 1: Roles and Responsibilities  Conduct annual inventory of all equipment.  Develop an equipment needs list to the Board of Director.  Purchase equipment for the PYS..  Ensure all coaches have equipment.  Ensure all coaches return equipment.

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ARTICLE 10: COACHES There are only one head coaching positions per team. The Head Coach can appoint up to 2 Assistant Coach’s. Other parents or volunteers can assist the team after receiving approval from the appointed coaches. Coaching in the PYS program is a privilege and not a right. Should it be deemed appropriate that a coach be removed from his/her responsibilities, the President will hold a special session Board Meeting. All facts and circumstances will be reviewed, with player safety as the number one priority. Notification can consist of phone, email, or formal letter. SECTION 1: Head Coach Responsibilities  Attend Coaches training sessions  Make ALL in game coaching decisions  Coordinate team practices.  Promote good sportsmanship.  Ensure equal playing time.  Attend coaching clinics.  Participate in PYS events.  Get equipment from Equipment Manager.  Inspect equipment and remove unsafe equipment from play.  Return all equipment after the season.  Comply with all PYS, Babe Ruth, and League rules  Attend player evaluations and draft.  Establish communication with parents.  Management of his/her assistant coaches including the hiring and firing. SECTION 2: Assistant Coach Responsibilities  Responsible for all Head Coaching duties in the absence of the Head Coach.

SECTION 3: General Coaching Guidelines 1. Behavior: Coaches are expected to display exemplary behavior in their dealings with players, parents, umpires, opposing players and coaches. Unsportsmanlike behavior is not acceptable, regardless of situation. The Board of Directors will address all coaching complaints and appropriate measures will be taken. Page 6 of 14

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2. Score management – Coaches are expected to reduce the amount of stealing and curtail “running up the score”. 3. Disputed calls: Coaches are not allowed to comment on or dispute any umpire calls, and they should not allow any spectators to do so. 4. Supervision: Coaches are responsible for their players before, during and after practices and games. If a coach cannot be there to supervise, the Assistant Coach or a designated parent will have this responsibility. 5. Communication: Coaches will contact all players if there is a cancellation or change in schedule. It is the coaches’ responsibility to report any injury to the parent or guardian of the child. SECTION 4: Parent and / volunteer coach responsibilities  Comply with the same policies as Head and Assistant Coach.  Accept the team’s coaching responsibilities in the absence of Head Coach and Assistant Coach.

ARTICLE 11: PLAYERS for Spring Season SECTION 1: Player Eligibility  All players must be residents of Southbury and Middlebury, Connecticut or neighboring towns if required to field a team and approved by the President  All players must read and sign a player code of ethics.  Must meet age requirements as of January 1st of current playing season. U6: 5 & 6 U8: 7 & 8 U10: Ages 9 & 10 U12: Ages 11 & 12 U14: Ages 13 & 14 U16: Ages 15 & 16 * At the discretion of the President players may play up a level. SECTION 2: Player Evaluations  All players will be evaluated on a yearly basis for throwing, catching and hitting skills.  All children of coaches will be evaluated during the draft.  Children of coaches that fail to show up at an evaluation will be rated at the same score as the highest level of player at the draft.  If the coaches have more than 2 children in the same league, the 2 highest scores will be used during the draft process. The other children will be drafted Page 7 of 14

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as part of the team after the majority of players with a higher evaluation score are selected.  Any player who does not show up for the draft will be rated at an evaluation score that is mutually agreed upon by the coaches present, or at a mid-point level of the draft. SECTION 3: Pitcher Evaluation Prior to the draft, the League Supervisor and coaches must agree on the rating of those players who have previous pitching experience. For example, A = Strong Pitching Skills B = Above Average Pitching Skills C = Average Pitching Skills Ideally, teams should have a least one level A and one level B pitcher prior to the draft. SECTION 4: Player Draft The intent of the player draft is to balance the skill level of the teams. Draft Process:  The appointed coaches from each team will evaluate all players.  After the evaluations are complete, the coaches will reach consensus of all player scores, i.e., if Joan Smith is evaluated a 3.0 by 3 coaches and a 4.0 by 3 coaches, then Joan Smith’s score is a 3.5.  The President will make the final decision if a consensus among coaches cannot be reached. Vice President will assume this responsibility should the President not be available.  Players who did not participate at an evaluation will be given an evaluation score  One of the appointed coaches from each team must be present at the draft.  The team with the lowest cumulative value of coaches’ children and appointed pitchers will have the first pick.  Breaking of Ties: Each coach will select a number “out of hat.”  After each team has selected one player, then the round is complete and team scores are added. The team with the lowest cumulative score has the first selection in the next round. This continues until there are no more players that can be equally distributed across all teams.  If team rosters are not equal, then the remaining players will be placed on the teams with the highest total evaluation score. Players who sign up after draft: Page 8 of 14

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The latecomer will be placed on a team with the smallest roster, or place a strong player on a weaker team after talking with the coaches. Players changing teams after draft (Trades): Any player trades must be done prior to any coach leaving the draft. If there needs to be a trade after the draft conclusion, there needs to be a specific and justifiable cause. The President must approve all trades, after getting approval from all of the coaches.

ARTICLE 12: PARENTAL AND GUARDIAN RESPONSIBILITIES Parents have the following responsibilities  All parents must read and sign the Parent’s Code of Ethics.  Abide by the rules established by the PYS.  Have the players at all scheduled practices and games by the designated time.  Call the coach if the child cannot attend a practice or a game.  Pick up the child at the specified time.  Promote good sportsmanship.  Parents must provide an “In Case of Emergency ICE” number with their daughter.  Parents or the designated emergency contact must remain in Town during game or practices. ARTICLE 13: GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES SECTION 1: If a parent has a concern about his child’s playing time, the manner in which the child is being coached, etc., the following procedures must be followed: 1. Talk to the coach away from other players, coaches and parents. If satisfaction cannot be achieved, contact the Vice President 2. The Vice President will attempt to resolve the situation by meeting with both the parents and the coaches. 3. If the situation remains unresolved, the parents, coaches, or Vice President will contact the PYS President. The President will call a Board of Directors meeting and will request the parents, coaches be present 4. If the situation remains unresolved, the president will request a Park and Recreation commissioner be present to assist with resolving the issues.

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The decision of the Board of Directors is final and no other appeal will be considered.

ARTICLE 14: SUMMER TRAVEL PROGRAM SECTION 1: Travel Team(s) Definition:  The goal of the summer travel programs is to allow players to extend play into the summer months.  Travel teams can be established for 16U, 14U, 12U and 10U players.  There may be multiple teams in each division playing different levels of competition. SECTION 2: Travel Team Player Eligibility  Players must meet the age requirements as defined in Article XIV, Section 1.  All travel teams organized under the PYS will consist of players from Region 15 School district residents and by approval of the PYS Board players from other towns may be allowed to participate if required to field a team.  Players must comply with all league, Town of Southbury, Town of Middlebury and tournament player eligibility and player sportsmanship policies.  If there are players from outside the Town of Southbury and Middlebury they must comply with PYS polices to ensure player eligibility  All players who register are not guaranteed a position on the travel team SECTION 3: Travel Team Leagues/Tournaments (Competition): The Board of Directors will review travel teams’ schedules and competition on an annual basis, and a recommendation will be made by the Board and travel team coaches to determine the right level of competition and games for the travel program. SECTION 4: Number of players on a travel team The number of players on a travel team depends greatly on the skill level of the competition and league rules. Every attempt will be made to have the proper number of skilled players on the travel team to allow for player development and to align with the expected competition.

SECTION 5: Travel Team Player Evaluations Travel teams are more competitive than the regular Babe Ruth program and thereby require higher skill levels. Page 10 of 14

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All players will be evaluated and selected to the travel team based upon skill and player’s availability to travel.  Notification of the player evaluations dates will be given to coaches and players at least two weeks prior to evaluation date.  PYS will also advertise/post evaluation dates using the best means available.  Players must tryout for their designated age group however players may be on the roster of older grade levels for substitution due to the lack of players. The players designated age team activities takes precedents. SECTION 6: Evaluation Process U14 and U16 teams will conduct evaluations in Fall and Spring. U12 and U10 evaluations will occur in the fall or spring. SECTION 7: Travel Team Funds  The travel teams will require a separate registration fee.  The fee will vary with league, tournament and umpiring costs. Section 8: Travel Team Coaches All volunteers interested in being a head coach or assistant travel coach must complete a coaching application form (Appendix A.) by September 1st to be considered for coaching the next travel season. All coaches, new and existing coaches must reapply on an annual basis. Each team will have three appointed coaches. Other parents/volunteers can coach but must complete a coach’s application form 8.1 Travel Coach Selection process- Annually o Head Coach Selection Committee: Will consist of the Pomperaug Youth Softball Board of Directors. o Assistant Coaches Selection Committee: Appointed head coach, PYS Board of Directors The selection committee will review all travel coach applications and conduct necessary interviews prior to selecting a head coach and assistant coaches Selection of the coach will be done by majority consensus of the committee. U16 and U14 – By November 15 U12 and U10 – By November 15

8.2 Travel Coach RemovalPage 11 of 14

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8.2.1 If coach violates any of the PYS rules he/she will immediately be suspended.

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ARTICLE 15: FALL PROGRAM The goal of the Fall program is to provide a softball playing opportunity in the fall. The program may be simple in-town play or may involve other towns. There will be equal playing opportunity. SECTION 1: Fall Ball Player Eligibility  All fall ball teams organized under the PYS will consist of players from Southbury and Middlebury.  Players must comply with all PYS player eligibility and sportsmanship policies.  Players must meet the age restrictions of each league. Age is determined as of January 1st of the following spring season. SECTION 2: Fall Team Player Evaluations  All players may be evaluated from the previous spring season. If a player is new to softball, then the parent will submit a self-evaluation.  If there are many new girls the Fall League Supervisor will determine if player evaluations are required and will schedule accordingly.Notification of the evaluation dates will be given to League Supervisors and head coaches during the season at least two weeks prior to evaluation date. ARTICLE 16: BYLAW AMENDMENTS SECTION 1: Proposed amendments need to be in writing and be presented at a general meeting. Any proposed amendment must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors. Any ties will be broken by the President.

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Name:______________________________________ Date________________ Resident Address: _________________________________________________ Mailing Address:___________________________________________________ Birth Date___________________ Email Address_________________________ Phone Number: Home______________ Work___________ Cell_____________ Age Level

U10 ____ U12______

U14______ U16________

Position for which you are volunteering: Travel Head Coach (Manager) -___ (Commitment minimum 15-20 hours per week during season) Travel Assistant Coach - ____ (Commitment minimum 15-20 hours per week)

List any previous fast pitch softball coaching experiences or other coaching experiences: Indicate Travel, Recreation, or School ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

List any coaching certifications, clinics or classes attended: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever been removed from coaching in a youth sports organization? YES or NO (circle one). If yes, please explain.

__________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Have you ever committed a felony crime? If yes, please explain ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Do you agree to have a criminal background check if requested?

Signature ________________________________________Date_______________________

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