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SPECIAL NEEDS Talking Points! • Psalm 139 states that we are all fearfully & wonderfully created, designed for His purpose. ! • Focus on the here and now rather than pondering the “what if” questions.! • Consider being intentionally vocal, relating your emotions & feelings. People don’t always understand.! • Pray for others to gain understanding including self, immediate & extended family, doctors, teachers, & friends.! • Encourage special needs individuals to reach their potential in al areas, continually pointing towards this goal.!
Scripture! Psalm 139:13-16! Matthew 8:17! 2 Corinthians 13:4! 2 Corinthians 12:9! Matthew 11:28-30!
Isaiah 40:29! Matthew 19:26! Isaiah 40:31! Isaiah 41:13!
Prayer! Lord of all kindness, we ask your blessing for the children in our care who have such special needs. We ask for their comfort when their living is hard. May they experience joy if they ever feel abandoned. May they be blessed with strength to overcome challenges. May they be blessed with friendship to allow them to grow in love. Lord, we pray for all of our children, that they may realize their dreams and live their lives in the fullness of your love and mercy. May the healing touch of mercy be there for our children. Let our hands be your hands, our words be your words and let your mercy flow through all of us who have your children in our care. Lord, use our children to impact others for your glory. We pray all of this in the name and power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Chirst. Amen.! ! Suggested Reading! •Different Dream Parenting: A Practical Guide to Raising ! Resources! a Child with Special Needs! • Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County
Jolene Philo! www.ecctampabay.org ! •Dancing with Max: A Mother and Son Who Broke Free, ! Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System • Emily Colson, Charles Colson! (FDLRS)
•Get Your Joy Back: Banishing Resentment and Reclaiming ! www.fdlrs.org! Confidence in Your Special Needs Family! Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)
• Laurie Wallin! http://card-usf.fmhi.usf.edu/ ! •Wrestling with an Angel! • Florida Early Steps
Greg Lucas! floridahealth.gov! •Bella’s Gift! Autism Speaks
• Rick Santorum! www.autismspeaks.org! •I Am In Here! • Children’s Board of Hillsborough County
Elizabeth M. Bonker and Virginia G. Breen! www.childrensboard.org •Emergence: Label Autistic! Temple Grandin!
! Local Counselors! !
• Erica DuPont, LCSW
! Van Dyke Church - 17030 Lakeshore Road - Lutz, FL 33558 - vandyke.org