U.S. U.S. PORT PORT MISSION MISSION Georgia Port Authority
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PRESENTING SPONSOR – $3,000 (ONE AVAILABLE) ✓ Company logo and/or name on all promotional marketing pieces (includes print, electronic, and website) ✓ Company logo featured prominently on schedule of events ✓ Opportunity to bring a promotional item on mission for each attendee (must be pre-approved by the WTC-KY) ✓ Two (2) complimentary registrations for the mission ✓ Receives a list of attendees ✓ Speaking opportunity at Delegation Dinner
DINNER/RECEPTION SPONSOR– $1,500 (TWO AVAILABLE) ✓ Company logo and/or name on all promotional marketing pieces (includes print, electronic, and website) ✓ Company logo featured prominently on schedule of events ✓ Receives a list of attendees
SPONSORSHIP CONTRACT Dinner Sponsor – $1,500
SPONSORING COMPANY: Name: Title: Company: Address: City: Phone: Email:
Benefit begins with payment of invoice.
Select your form of payment below: Check – Make checks payable to World Trade Center Kentucky, c/o Fiducial Business Centers, 1303 Clear Springs Trace, Suite 210, Louisville, KY 40223. (Attach the sponsorship contract along with your check) Credit Card Name On Card: Card Number: Billing Address: City:
Expiration Date:
STAFF CONTACT: Sherry Mulkins,
[email protected]
Card Security Code: Zip: