Spring Newsletter 2014

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Spring Newsletter 2014 Chris and Debbie Gibson -

He is Risen, He is Risen indeed! Preparing for the "FAMILY GATHERING"

In July "World Outreach" is bringing some 270 plus missionaries, their families and staff from around the globe to Budapest for a week of care and encouragement! Debbie and I are so excited to be the on the Ground Hosts and to be bringing the entire group to the Garden House for a 4th of July type hamburger, hotdog cookout/picnic. The day will be complete with games, fellowship, music and an ice cream Sundae extravaganza making a fun day for everyone. What a great way for us to meet all of the (especially new) WO missionaries and to show them the Garden House so they know we are here for them if and when they need us! So, in the picture above we are trying to get some major spring cleaning and fix up done here at the Garden House, as we prepare for the Family Gathering.

MINISTRY UPDATE We are working locally (reminder, over 2000 M's live in Budapest, as it is a Hub for many mission agencies who have their regional home offices located here) with many missionaries weekly who are dealing with issues related to their "past" that are making life difficult in some way, usually relationally, whether with team members or family and friends. We are also counseling 5 families currently via Skype who serve in very difficult and isolated places, with various issues including

parenting, teams, personal "burn out", cultural issues. SKYPE counseling is difficult, being face to face in person with people is much better to connect more easily on a personal and heart level, but God is able. Chris is speaking at a conference for 100 missionaries on April 30-May 3(it is 2 hours from Budapest) doing 2 seminars, one on Parenting and one on healthy marriages on the field. We will also take private counseling appointments over those days. We have 2 daughters in major transition....our 3rd daughter Christian graduates in June from University of Denver with a master's in Social Work (we are not able to attend, it is just too costly, and for such a short time). She is looking for jobs in her field. Our youngest Rebekah, graduates in June the same week from the International Christian School of Budapest as Christian's graduation. We are waiting to hear from the 3 colleges where she has been accepted about financial packages before she makes a decision. She has been accepted to go to Thailand with CRU "Campus Crusade" MK2MK for a summer evangelistic missions project. She has worked locally for 2 years with Campus Crusade's Hungarian high school ministry, weekly attending their youth groups and working with a small group of girls on Bible Study

We are extremely busy right now and doing well physically, just need prayer to stay organized and focused, and discern the things that need to be a priority. We also want to enjoy all of the above and bless those God brings our way to minister to.

Thank you for your continued Prayers and Support. God' bless you throught our risen Lord - Happy Easter! Sincerely, Chris and Debbie Gibson - Budapest [email protected] | Kastely U. 80 Torokbalint 2045, Hungary.

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