Stop Smoking

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Nicotine is a powerful drug, so quitting smoking is difficult—it takes many attempts for some. Since half of all smokers eventually quit, some tips and tricks for being successful have been discovered along the way. Here are some tips for quitting smoking:  Aim for quitting completely—allowing yourself to have even one cigarette could sabotage your effort to quit.  Come up with a system to rewarding yourself for not smoking—give yourself something to look forward to, but don’t give yourself the reward if you end up having a cigarette.  Lessen your coffee intake—the effects of caffeine increase when you’re not smoking.  Modify your routines associated with smoking, such as your morning coffee break or your commute to work.  Join a support group—talking to others who are going through the same thing can be an excellent motivator.  Try nicotine gum or patches to help with the quitting process—these products allow you to have control over the amount of nicotine in your blood stream so you can slowly decrease the amount of nicotine your body requires to feel normal.  Be aware that withdrawal symptoms and triggers may occur even three to four weeks after quitting—don’t let your guard down.  Avoid or severely limit your alcohol intake when first quitting—if you choose to reintroduce it, be careful, as alcohol is a smoking trigger for many individuals.

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