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SUMMARY Rebuilding Lives Funder Collaborative Meeting Monday, February 5, 2018 12pm – 2pm Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission The full meeting packet is posted on CSB’s website here under Meetings. RLFC Meeting Materials and Shared Leadership Proposal No decision required – questions, thoughts, and suggestions are welcome Michelle Heritage will update the RLFC on meeting materials and how they will be disseminated. The RLFC will discuss a shared leadership proposal. Review Analysis of National and Local Homelessness Data No decision required – questions, thoughts, and suggestions are welcome Each year HUD releases national homelessness data and CSB prepares a comparison of the national data with local data. Overall, these statistics indicate that Columbus is appropriately focused on serving the most vulnerable homeless individuals and families in our community.  The Point-in-Time count of homeless individuals decreased in Columbus and nationally. Columbus has proportionally fewer unsheltered homeless individuals than the national statistic.  Like last year, Columbus serves more women, more children and young adults, more disabled individuals, fewer Hispanics, more African Americans, and larger families than the national statistics. More individuals come to the homelessness system from homelessness and fewer from institutional settings.  Homelessness episodes end more quickly in Columbus, with lengths of stay lower than the national averages. However, the average length of stay increased compared to the prior year. Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) Prioritization Decision required – prioritize PSH projects in the pipeline for the February OFHA application  In May 2017, the RLFC approved CHN and Huckleberry House’s proposal for a youth PSH project. In December 2017, OHFA notified CHN and Huckleberry House that their project is the first priority project for OHFA’s new youth set-aside. The RLFC, therefore, does not need to prioritize this project for the regular PSH pool.  HUD did not award rent subsidies for N^^ Commons at 161 in the FY17 CoC competition. The project is no longer viable as PSH and N^^ will pursue a senior project instead.  The only other PSH project in the pipeline that needs RLFC prioritization is CHN Parsons Place. OFHA requires that projects have rent subsidies for at least 50% of the proposed units at the time of application. CHN has 25 HUD subsidized units at the current Parsons Avenue project, which can be moved to cover 25 of the 62 Parsons Place units. CMHA has provided backstop commitment, in case CoC rental assistance funds are not available to subsidize the remaining units.

System Updates No decision required – questions, thoughts, and suggestions are welcome Tom Albanese will provide general updates on the following issues.  Veteran homelessness  Youth homelessness  Development of a Targeted Prevention Hub  Release of an RFP for the Homeless Hotline  Update on the January 31 Point-in-Time Count  Follow up on the January 16 Community Plan retreat