Sunday School & Small Groups Special Events

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June 17, 2018

News and Notes provides weekly church-wide information (hard copy at Services). News-Blast shares information on weekly coming events and links (sign up on the tear-off to receive), sent on Thursdays via email. Open Door Newsletter provides all announcements, prayer concerns and ministry features. Hard copy available at church, electronic available on the Website and by link on the News Blast.

Prayer Needs weekly prayer list may be found at

Sunday School & Small Groups Children's Sunday School 9:45 AM

Adult Sunday School 9:45 AM

3 year old-1st Grade—Preschool (lower level) 2nd Grade-5th Grade—Chapel

Adventurers - Room 201 Faith and Fellowship - Room 202 Girlfriends - Room 208 Wesley Forum - Room 209 Christian Living - Room 210 Wayfarers - Fellowship Hall (lower level) Christianity and Current Events -Parlor

Youth Sunday School 9:45 AM 6th-8th Grade - Room 207 High School - Youth Room

Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Contemporaries - Room 210

Special Events visit: for full listing of events Heartwood Center Food Pounding—Today we have boxes in the Gathering Space to collect all summer lunch items you have brought for donation. We will meet during Sunday School in the Preschool commons on June 24 to assemble the kits. Trivia Day is TODAY at 9:45. All kids in grades 2-5 can compete to test their knowledge of the Bible and the Rotation lessons during the 2017/18 year. Put your thinking caps on and see which grade will be crowned the winner! This will be the last Sunday School until the Fall. SOKS camp will be July 9-12, 12:30—3:30 at Fredericksburg UMC. We need your help! Contact Fanya Morton at [email protected] if you would like to volunteer. Donations are needed as well: Bags of Fiberfill for craft projects, Capri Sun juice packs, Coloring books and crayons/colored pencils. Any donations are appreciated, please place them in the SOKS bin in Mission Control.

HOSPITALIZED: Bob LaChance (VCU); Tina Sheffield CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY TO: Frances McNutt and family on the death of Bobby McNutt

Looking Ahead... •

Youth Sunday School will end for the summer on June 24. • VBS is right around the corner and several volunteer spots still need to be filled! Please contact Jillian Murray at [email protected] to volunteer. We also need help with food, if you would like to donate food for the marketplace go to the website at children. • The Welcome Reception for Pastors Gina and Josh will be held at noon in Kobler Hall on July 1. • Crafting for a Cure will be held on July 21 in Kobler Hall. If your child would like to make crafts for this event, visit the website for an application or pick one up in the Gathering Space kiosk. • Summer mission team Commissioning schedule: VBS all services on June 24 CCC prior to leaving on June 24 FredCamp 9:45 service on July 1 Highland Support Project 9:45 service on July 1 Jeremiah Project 9:45 service on July 8  If you would like to send Bob LaChance a card or note, his address is: Critical Care Hospital, Robert W. LaChance (Rm # 2-148) 1213 Clay St., P.O. Box 985922 Richmond, VA 23298

Saying Goodbye, Father’s Day and Play Ball Romans 12:1-5 Rev. Larry Davies

During our Baseball Worship service we’ve hopefully learned several lessons: 1. In sports the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat are both important lessons. Becoming a follower of God was never meant to be a never-ending string of joy, laughter and success. Losing, tragedy and grief often represent our journey. Either way, we are meant to be players on God’s team and how we play, win or lose defines who we are. 2. Romans teaches that we are all players on God’s team and each of us has different work to do. We belong to each other and we need each other. We especially need God. Good baseball players understand their strengths and weaknesses so when playing together as a team they know who should play where. Paul challenges us to know our gifts and play where we are needed. 3. Using a baseball diamond, we learn how our church should be a catalyst for spiritual growth. You learn about the church and make your commitment in the batter’s box, then move to first base and you strengthen your relationship with God and the church. You move to second where you put your knowledge to use through ministry and move to third base. Home plate is where you practice everything you’ve learned as you become a leader for others. So, whether we win or lose. Whether we play or sit in the dugout. Whether or not we are growing in our faith. Whether hitting a home run or striking out… nothing can keep God away. God’s grace will accompany us from the moment of acceptance to the forever of eternity. 1. If your life could be described like a baseball game, how are you doing? 2. How can your life become more of a witness for God? 3. Paul’s letter to the Romans teaches we are all a member of God’s team. What position do you play? 4. Using the baseball diamond, how would you describe your spiritual growth? 5. Remembering that nothing can keep you away from God’s precious love and grace, can you more fully appreciate that you are already a winner? This message is my gift to a church I have come to love as my own. Please know that Mell and I love you all and we look forward to seeing you again soon as friends and team mates. May God continue to bless this church and all of you. Love and Prayers – Larry and Mell Davies

June 17, 2018

Welcome to Fredericksburg United Methodist Church. We are glad you are here. Please let us know that you were here by filling out the perforated edge of this worship program and place it in the offering basket.

Pastor Larry: Saying Goodbye, Father’s Day and Play Ball “And so, fellow teammates, I plead with you to give your team to God. Let us be willing to make a holy sacrifice – the kind deep in the outfield so others can score. When you think of what God has done for you, is this too much to ask? Don’t copy the behavior and customs of the other team, but let God transform you into a new player by changing the way you think. Then you will know what position God wants you to play, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his coaching really is. As God’s player, I give each of you this warning: Be honest in your estimate of yourselves, measuring your value by how much ability God has given you. Just as your team has many players and each player has a special function, so it is with Christ’s team. We are all players of his one team, and each of us has different work to do. And since we are all one team in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs the others.” (Romans 12:1-5; New Baseball Version)