Sunday School & Small Groups Special Events

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April 22, 2018

News and Notes provides weekly church-wide information News-Blast shares information on weekly coming events and links (sign up on the tear-off to receive) Open Door Newsletter provides all announcements, prayer concerns and ministry features Available on the Website and by link on the News Blast.

Sunday School & Small Groups Children's Sunday School 9:45 AM

Adult Sunday School 9:45 AM

3 year old-1st Grade—Preschool (lower level) 2nd Grade-5th Grade—Chapel

Adventurers - Room 201 Faith and Fellowship - Room 202 Girlfriends - Room 208 Wesley Forum - Room 209 Christian Living - Room 210 Wayfarers - Fellowship Hall (lower level) Christianity and Current Events -Parlor

Youth Sunday School 9:45 AM 6th Grade/Confirmation - Room 219 7th-8th Grade - Room 208 High School - Youth Room

Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Contemporaries - Room 210

Special Events

Prayer Needs weekly prayer list may be found at HOSPITALIZED: Ed Resio CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY TO: Reverends Amy and Larry Lenow on the death of her mother, Janet Voorhis; Carol Knott and family on the death of her uncle.

Looking Ahead... •

FUMC 101 will have a class beginning April 25 for three-weeks at 6:30 in Room 207. Interested in learning more about the church and Methodism, join us! Register online at

5th Sunday Connect will be April 29th from 8:30—11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Come join us and learn about the SERVE team efforts, find out about opportunities to SERVE while sharing fellowship and snacks.

Faith and Family night 2018, May 12th. Richmond Squirrels are having a special night with a pregame Praise Band and Dance performances, Player Testimonials and Post Game fireworks. Gates open at 5pm with the game starting at 6:05. Group rates are available if you want to get your Sunday school or small group together for this fun night.

Attention Graduates. We want to celebrate with you! Fill out the green Graduation form found around the church or on the website ( so we have your information by May 20. High School graduates may apply for the scholarships. Applications are available from Amy Dotto, outside her office or in the Mail room. Completed Scholarship packet is due back to the Church Office by May 20.

visit: for full listing of events Thinking about becoming a Stephen Minister? At the conclusion of each of today’s Worship services, you can learn more about what it takes to become a Stephen Minister. Stephen Ministers will be available in Room 102. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister but can’t attend one of these sessions, please contact David at 540-656-2445 for a one on one explanation of the Stephen Ministry program.

Wednesday night dinner on April 25 will be sponsored by our own SERVE/ Community Dinner team. Come join them and help support this powerful mission. The menu is meatloaf & gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, salad and birthday dessert. Please make a reservation so they know how many to cook for. Donations will be accepted. VBS news. VBS will be June 25-29 this year. Registration is open this week, online at or hard copy around the church. Also, a VBS Volunteer information session will be held April 25 at 6:00 in Room 210. If you are interested in volunteering for this summer’s VBS, come learn about the program and sign up to help!

9 Things you Simply Must Do… Play the Movie Rev. Larry Davies Luke 14:25-33 People who succeed in love and life rarely act without considering its future implications. Tell someone the time and you might end up marrying off your son or daughter to someone who doesn't own a watch. Life is a slippery slope. Most people think about the future of their decisions somewhat but people who do well in life tend to think that way all the time in matters large and small. You learn to see everything as a link in a larger chain. Your individual steps can either wander aimlessly or they move in a direction with an ultimate destination.

Welcome to Fredericksburg United Methodist Church. We are glad you are here. Please let us know that you were here by filling out the perforated edge of this worship program and place it in the offering basket.

In other words, you “play the movie.” Any action you take or behavior you exhibit is one scene. To really understand your actions, you play it out all the way to the end of the movie. As children we learn, “Play now, pay later or Pay now, play later.” We teach this to a six-year old. How much better our adult lives would be if we were able to live it out ourselves. Three years from now, where would you like to be? Playing the movie enables you to realistically count the cost but at the same time also provides a glimpse of the possible ending. The ending can fill you with enough hope and courage to make the cost worthwhile. Being prepared, counting the cost, playing the movie is sound Biblical teaching. Then we learn to trust in God for the rest. Learning to play the movie, to count the cost, is not the only answer to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. There are scenes in the movie, you do not get to choose for yourself. There are costs that catch you unawares. Life happens but you can choose how you respond within the scene itself.

Clark and Superman

We continue our Sermon Series this week, 9 Things You Simply Must Do. Reverend Larry Davies will preach this week, telling us to Play the Movie.