Table Talk

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Table Talk February 12th, 2019 1. What was the best part of your day? 2. What are you thankful for today? 3. Who are the sheep supposed to be? Who are the goats supposed to be? The sheep are people who love and obey God, the goats are people who do not love and obey Him. 4. Do you think the shepherd could tell the difference? Do you think God can tell the difference between those who love Him and those who do not? How?

at home This week we dove into the story of the parable of the sheep and goats. This can be a serious passage that reminds us who God is and what He values. However, can we obey God on our own? Of course not! We need His power, grace, and f orgiveness in our lives in order to obey Him. We receive power by putting our faith in Him and receiving the Holy Spirit. Read the passage from Matthew 25:31-46 as a family and discuss it afterwards!

5. Who are we really showing love to when we love others? God 6. How do you show love and obey God? Can you give some specific examples? 7. Can someone trick God into thinking they are sheep when they are actually a goat? No, God knows our hearts and the truth behind our actions. 8. Review the memory verse Revelation 4:8b as a family and talk about its meaning.

These questions are a guide to help get the conversation going. Parents, grandparents, family members - add your input and make it an amazing conversation!