Table Talk

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Table Talk

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This past week, we celebrated all we’ve learned about God’s holiness! 1. What was the best part of your day? We’ve seen His holiness through the 10 commandments - He has “rules for 2. What are you thankful for today? our lives” to help us and guide us. Then, we learned that He wants us 3. What does “Holy” mean? How is God holy? Holy means “set apart” or above. God is not to obey Him, but we need the power of the Holy Spirit in order to do that. like us, He is set a part from us. Finally, we talked about how through 4. How many commandments did God give His faith in Jesus, we will be called holy people? Do you remember any of them? through Christ’s blood with the 10 opportunity to live with God forever. God is holy and truly awesome! 5. Why does God give us special rules?

February 26th, 2019

So we can learn how to follow God

6. What do we have to do to be able to live in heaven with God someday? Believe in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection - that He died on the corss and rose again; Believe that He is still alive! 7. What will heaven be like? 8. How can we follow God more while we are on earth? *Praise God for His holiness, His perfection and ask Him to help your family grow in your knowledge of Him. These questions are a guide to help get the conversation going. Parents, grandparents, family members - add your input and make it an amazing conversation!