Terms of Reference

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Terms of Reference – CDP M&E Capacity Development 1. Overview

CDP is commissioning a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) capacity development consultancy. The purpose of the consultancy is to shift CDP’s organisational capacity and culture to produce, understand and use measurement to inform evidence-based decision making and uphold accountability. The consultancy is expected to take place from 2/2019 to 2/2020 across CDP’s global offices in the UK, US, Europe, Brazil, China, Hong Kong and India. The deadline for Letters of Interest is Friday 2 November 2018.

2. Background

CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) is a global not-for-profit organization that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their environmental impacts. CDP has built the most comprehensive collection of self-reported environmental data in the world. Over the past 15 years CDP has created a system that has resulted in unparalleled engagement on environmental issues worldwide, enabling investors, companies, cities, states and regions to make better informed decisions. CDP is currently undergoing a strategically guided organizational re-framing, which includes revisions to its global operating model and thematic priorities. The changes in its operating model aim to drive effectiveness in its ways of working whilst its thematic strategies outline a vision and pathway for change to 2030. With strategies for tackling climate change, water security and deforestation in place, CDP will translate these thematic strategies – with 10-year visions and 5-year objectives – to stakeholder plans with 5-year delivery visions. Key to this work is monitoring, reporting and evaluation. As an interim measure, CDP has developed an organizational dashboard to report on a range of financial and operational indicators and its progress towards its strategic objectives. However, the dashboard currently lacks outcome measures, and CDP requires robust M&E capacity across the organisation to operationalize it. This includes the establishment of appropriate M&E systems to identify, collect and analyse evidence-based data to inform real-time course correction as well as long-term strategic decision making. CDP has the aspiration to develop a results framework in the timeframe of this project, build M&E capacities and create a pivotal shift in culture towards an appreciation of accountability through M&E. Rather than simply retrofit capacity to the organization in an ad-hoc manner, CDP management desires a full integration of M&E into the culture and everyday working practices. While some internal capacity and knowledge management platforms exist (e.g. an internal knowledge sharing hub via Sharepoint), the organization would need external support to assess these and make realistic recommendations to inform processes and mechanisms to allow M&E to best support CDP to deliver on its strategic objectives.

3. Purpose & Scope

The purpose of this assignment is to work with CDP to develop its M&E capacity to collect, manage, analyze and use data to inform operational and strategic management decision-making, and to uphold accountability. A detailed scope of work will be identified in an inception report, and an eventual M&E capacity building strategy. However, it is important to clarify that the scope will not be strictly limited to the narrow definitions of “monitoring” and “evaluation,” but will encompass related processes for information generation, management and use. Foremost, this includes the development of a results framework for CDP, an aligned M&E framework to measure and report on results, and individual and team capacities to operationalize and use metrics and resultant data.

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 It is expected that all 260 staff across CDP’s global offices in the UK, US, Europe, Brazil, China, Hong Kong and India will need to benefit from this project. However, emphasis will be placed on the capacity development of senior and middle management at CDP. 4. Objectives

Anticipated outcomes from this exercise include: 1. CDP has a SMART results framework, aligned with its organizational strategy that builds on CDP’s existing assets and resources. Results and metrics in the framework will be used to inform real-time course correction for operational (program management) decision making, as well as longer-term strategic decision making. Development of the framework will involve CDP and strengthen its capacity to revise and adapt it to the changing contexts in which CDP operates. 2. CDP completes an organizational capacity assessment exercise to inform M&E capacity development. The exercise should include the development of an M&E capacity assessment tool and methodology (process) that supports overall organizational capacity assessment at CDP. Development of the tool and using it to conduct M&E capacity assessment will integrally involve CDP and develop its capacity to self-conduct capacity assessment exercises in the future. 3. CDP has a coherent M&E framework with protocol and systems to operationalize performance and impact measurement and reporting on its results framework. This includes tools, processes and guidelines as required for relevant and realistic data collection, analysis, and reporting at time intervals to inform both operational and strategic decision-making. Attention should be given to the appropriate use of knowledge management and information management technologies to ensure information meets different audience needs within CDP. Related, attention should be given to the capacities to uphold responsible data management, security and protection. 4. CDP has a coherent M&E learning program that complements and reinforces abovementioned M&E processes and protocol, designed and developed to build the knowledge, attitudes and practice of current and future CDP staff to operationalize, maintain, adapt and sustain useful M&E practice within the organization. 5. CDP rolls-out the first phase of its M&E learning program to further “socialize” and develop staff understanding, appreciation and practice of M&E to reliably operationalize M&E to measure and report on the result framework’s objectives in a timely and reliable manner so that this data can be put to meaningful use.

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 5. Methodology & Work Plan

Applicants advancing to the proposal stage for this assignment should submit an illustrative methodology and work plan to achieve the above objectives, which will be used to assess proposals. The contracted consultant will then develop a detailed methodology and work plan as part of the inception phase of the assignment, in consultation with CDP and the Advisory Group (see below). Emphasis should be placed on participatory approaches that develop CDPs capacity to efficiently and effectively achieve M&E goals. Related, a knowledge management plan will be important to support real-time data collection, reporting and use to support adaptive management, which is especially important giving the complex and changing nature of CDP’s thematic and operational context. The consultant/s selected for this assignment will report directly to a management team at CDP. In addition, an Advisory Group will be utilised, consisting of members from the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the Packard Foundation, and any other relevant stakeholders to advise on, review and provide on the key deliverables of this assignment. The illustrative work plan submitted during the proposal stage, and the eventual work plan detailed during the inception phase should include a schedule and process to interact with CDP and the Advisory Group to ensure their input to and oversight of the exercise.

6. Deliverables & Tentative Timeline

The tentative timeline for this assignment is between February 2019 and February 2020. Key deliverables identified for this assignment include: 1. Inception report 2. M&E organizational capacity assessment tool and exercise 3. M&E organisational capacity development strategy 4. M&E system tools, processes and guidelines implemented 5. M&E learning program developed and initiated

7. Qualifications & Experience

Consultancies, firms, and consortia are invited to submit proposals for this assignment. Competencies and experience include: 1. Proven track record delivering M&E capacity development with international organizations of similar scale, scope and complexity as CDP.

2. Proven track record working with organizations to develop organizational strategy and results frameworks, and the M&E systems to support their measurement.

3. Experience

working with socially and environmentally organizations that work internationally as well as domestically.


4. Thematic expertise in measurement for global disclosure systems to manage environmental impacts would be an asset but is not required. 5. Experience managing multiple relationships with stakeholders working on politically sensitive issues. 8. Budget

9. Application Procedures

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Proposed budgets will be reviewed with respect to the suitability of the work plan and activities for delivering deliverables in a cost-effective manner. A cap of $150,000 has been earmarked for this exercise. This budget indication is provided only as a guide, not as a requirement. CDP recognizes the time and resources devoted to preparing an application proposal. As such, it will use a two-step application process, described below to

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 respect and minimize the amount of work for interested applicants. Please note that all personal data and application materials provided by applicants will be used in accordance with applicable UK privacy regulations in the UK. 1. Letter Expressing Interest For the first step, interested applicants are asked to submit a one-page letter expressing interest. The Expression of Interest should include only the following: 1) Name of individual or Firm. In the case of a consortium, name of leading individual or firm. 2) Country of incorporation and (if different) country whose data protection laws apply to the individual or firm. 3) Website address, if applicable. 4) Summary of key qualifications/experience for the assignment. 5) CVs of proposed team members – 2-page limit per CV. Letters of interest should be submitted by 5pm (London time) on Friday 2 November 2018 to [email protected] clearly stating “Application for CDP Consultancy” and “Agency Name” as subject line. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged, but only short-listed applicants will be contacted for follow-up. It is anticipated that those applicants advancing to the proposal stage will be contacted on Monday 12 November 2018. 2. Full Proposal Selected applicants will be invited to submit full proposals for the second step in the application process. CDP understands that background information is limited for a detailed proposal, and therefore requests proposals to be limited to 6 pages or less to illustrate how the team will approach and budget an exercise to achieve the above stated objectives within the timeframe and given budget. The full proposal should include two components, and an Annex:

1) A technical proposal that does not exceed 6 pages, consisting of the proposed methodology and work plan.

2) An illustrative budget that itemizes costs in USD for the proposed work plan and given timeline. The financial proposal should clearly distinguish the budget necessary for different work streams. It should clearly state the cost of key personnel in daily rates. 3) Annex:  CVs: CVs for each key staff member/consultant who will be working on the evaluation design and implementation 2-page limit per CV.  References: At least three relevant references  At least one example of a work product most relevant to those identified for this assignment. Proposals should be professionally presented, submitted electronically via email in Microsoft Office format, in English, with font no smaller than 11 point. Where documents are embedded within other documents, please provide separate electronic copies of these embedded documents. Applicants should submit only such information as is necessary to respond effectively to this ToR. Unless specifically requested, extraneous presentation materials are neither necessary nor desired. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of information submitted by the deadline.

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 Where the applicant is a company, the proposal must be signed by a duly authorised representative of that company. Where the applicant is a consortium, the proposal must be signed by the lead authorised representative of the consortium, which organisation shall be responsible for the performance of the contract. In the case of a partnership, all the partners should sign or, alternatively, one only may sign, in which case she or he must have and should state that she or he has authority to sign on behalf of the other partner(s). The names of all the partners should be given in full together with the trading name of the partnership. For any further queries or clarifications kindly contact Irini Pantelidou at [email protected]. 10. Proposal Assessment Criteria

11. TOR Specifications

The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals, with the technical component weighted as 65% and the financial proposal as 35% of the proposal’s overall assessment. Criteria for Technical Component Previous experience with similar assignments Proposed staffing plan (demonstrated technical, managerial and capacity development experience in team members) Methodology Professional presentation of technical proposal Total

30% 10% 100%

Criteria for Financial Component Realistic illustration of potential expenses Unit costs for potential expenses Professional salaries Professional presentation of financial proposal Total

30% 30% 30% 10% 100%

30% 30%

1) While the information contained in these terms of reference is believed to be correct at the time of issue, no liability is accepted for its accuracy, adequacy or completeness, nor will any express or implied warranty be given. This exclusion extends to liability in relation to any statement, opinion or conclusion contained in or any omission from, this Terms of Reference and in respect of any other written or oral communication transmitted (or otherwise made available). 2) Contracting is also subject to the selected party having all necessary authorisations and approvals. 3) Neither the issue of these Terms of Reference, nor any of the information presented in it, should be regarded as a commitment or representation on the part of CDP (or any other person) to enter into a contractual arrangement. 4) No publicity regarding these Terms of Reference, the evaluation, or the award of any contract will be permitted unless and until CDP has given prior written consent to the relevant communication. For example, no statements may be made to the media regarding the nature of the evaluation, the contents or any proposals relating to it without the prior written consent of CDP. 5) The applicant shall treat all information obtained as a result of these Terms of Reference as confidential and shall not use any such information other than for the purpose set out in these TOR.

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 6) CDP reserves the right to: a. Waive or change the requirements of these terms of reference from time to time without prior (or any) notice being given by CDP. b. Seek clarification or documents in respect of a submission by a party. c. Disqualify any party that does not submit a compliant submission in accordance with the instructions in these terms of reference. d. Disqualify any party that is guilty of serious misrepresentation in relation to its submission or expression of interest. e. Withdraw these terms of reference at any time, or re-invite parties on the same or any alternative basis. f. Choose not to award any contract as a result of the current procurement process. g. Make whatever changes it sees fit to the timing, structure or content of the procurement process, depending on approvals processes or for any other reason. 7) CDP will not be liable for any bid costs, expenditure, work or effort incurred by a party in proceeding with or participating in this procurement, including if the procurement process is terminated or amended by CDP.

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