The Beacon

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The Beacon University Baptist Church

May 2014

Building A Community of Easter People

In This Issue:

Easter Sunday is behind us. Resurrection, however, was the first act of a lifetransforming and Spirit-filled drama of faith. Some theologians speak of the Church as “Easter people”, making emphasis on the reality that those who are part of the Christian faith are to proclaim new life and resurrection. As the community of University Baptist Church looks towards the future, I believe that it is imperative that we keep this in mind: UBC is part of the Easter people! The church now enters the Season of Easter, which runs through the celebration of Pentecost in early June. During this time, it would be great to focus on what brings new life to our faith community.

pg. 1

From the Pastor

pg. 2

Moderator’s Message

pg. 3

Education: A Local and Global Priority

pg. 4

Lent & Holy Week 2014

 What ideas would you like to try out?

pg. 6

Knowing God Through the Psalms

 What missions would you like to be more involved with? I have already heard from

pg. 8

UBC a New Venue for UW Graduate Recitals

pg. 9

FAN Spring Summit

Mother’s Peace Day 5/11

May AID NW Meeting Give BIG to FAN 5/6

pg. 10

Stewardship Council Meeting Minutes (April)

pg. 11

May Birthdays Joyful! Noise Concert

pg. 12

BPFNA 2014 Summer Conference

pg. 13

Where’s the Pastor?

pg. 14

UBC May Calendar

We are a welcoming and affirming congregation. We celebrate our diversity in religious background, sexual orientation, race, age, gender and abilities.

University Baptist Church 4731 15th Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 632-5188

 What gifts can you share with us in order to

continue growing as a church?

many of you regarding your interest in having a second work mission trip to Deborah’s House. Who would like to sign up to make this a reality?

 And, more importantly, how can we share this passion for what we are doing with

others around our circles?

If our faith community is to live out this message of resurrection, it is important that we all take part, with enthusiasm, of our life together. The church, being a community of human beings, is certainly not perfect. However, this is precisely the beauty of faith communities: that we each bring out whole humanity to it. Everyone is called to bring their whole selves and to explore ways in which we can make the community stronger by sharing our gifts and by supporting the ministries of our sisters and brothers. As humans, there will be mistakes and errors. Yet, where else but at church would you find a supportive community that is willing to help each other grow and become a better person? Dorothy Day, that great Catholic social activist, once wrote: “We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.” Isn’t that the truth! Love comes from community. Certainly, you can and should love yourself. But it is equally important to share our love with one another. It is equally important to celebrate each other’s gifts and to support each other’s ministries. Additionally, it is equally important to recognize that the church is a body, and that this body needs of all of its members in order to be alive; in order to renew itself continually and to live as Easter people. As we continue to grow together, and to live into resurrection and new life, let us keep the eyes on the goal: to transform ourselves, transform our communities and transform the world. This is what Easter is all about: a new beginning and renewed lives. In the Spirit of New Life,

Pastor Manny

Moderator’s Message Flowers! Shorts! Kayaking! Spring is here. Today it’s a joy to play our roles on the great mandala of rebirth and renewal. It’s Friday and we’re off for a weekend with friends, to take pleasure in food, views, and paddling. I hope you are looking ahead as well. As you look ahead, plan to be at the UBC after worship conversation on Sunday, May 18th. There will be a short business meeting and more discussion of how we reinvest the money from the sale of our former building. With warmth,

Ralph H Celebrate “Mother’s Peace Day” on May 11th No doubt many of you know that it was 1914, at the prompting (perhaps better termed “hounding” since she launched her campaign seven years earlier in 1907!) of Philadelphian Anna Jarvis, that President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother’s Day a national holiday in the United States: a “public expression of our love and reverence for all mothers.” It was Julia Ward Howe, however -- an abolitionist whose most recognizable legacy to our country’s history was the poem “Battle Hymn of the Republic” -- who created Mother’s Peace Day some years earlier in 1870. She dedicated this day of remembrance to the eradication of war and organized festivities in Boston for years. Howe’s 1870 proclamation of Mother’s Peace Day provide, in her own impassioned words, the goals of the original holiday. “Arise, all women who have hearts, whether your baptism be that of water or of tears! Say firmly: "We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies, our husbands shall not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. “Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs." From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says, "Disarm, disarm! The sword is not the balance of justice." Blood does not wipe out dishonor nor violence indicate possession. “As men have often forsaken the plow and the anvil at the summons of war, let women now leave all that may be left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel. Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead. Let them then solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace, each learning after his own time, the sacred impress, not of Caesar, but of God. “In the name of womanhood and of humanity, I earnestly ask that a general congress of women without limit of nationality may be appointed and held at some place deemed most convenient and at the earliest period consistent with its objects, to promote the alliance of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement of international questions, the great and general interests of peace.”

May we never forget.

Page 2

Education: A Local and Global Priority This is a reprint of a Guest Opinion written by UBC’s own Lin C. that was published by Crosscut Media on May 9, 2014. You can also find it online at:

In Washington state, communities consider education of our children a high priority. It is also true that we frequently argue over funding levels and reform policy. When I volunteer each week at an elementary school in South Seattle, I am motivated by the dedication of teachers and the eagerness of young learners. As we work together to make progress locally, we can also have a significant impact on children’s education around the world. Surprisingly, 57 million children who are primary school age do not have access to an education. Why are so many children not in school? Malala Yousafzai has brought a focus to this concern. Yousafzai is the Pakistani teen who was shot by the Taliban for supporting girl’s education. Her campaign for the right of children to attend school is inspiring. Unfortunately, a 2014 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) education monitoring report expects only 70 percent of countries to reach gender parity in primary education by 2015. The benefits of girls’ education are striking. The report states that educating girls increases their chances of staying healthy and improving the health of their children as women. Adolescent girls who attend school delay marriage and childbearing and acquire information and skills that lead to increased earning power. Educated women are less likely to die in childbirth and their children are twice as likely to survive to the age of five. In June, the U.S. has an important opportunity to invest in advancing global education. An international pledging conference, hosted by the European Union, is scheduled in Brussels. Funds committed will support the

work of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). As a result of its formation by the international community in 2002, 22 million more children are in school. With a $250 million commitment over the next two years, the U.S. could make a significant contribution and join with many other nations to reach a goal of enrolling 29 more million children over the next four years. It's an issue that, perhaps, is faraway in some sense but with lots of local connections. Republican Rep. Dave Reichert is the lead Republican sponsor of a bill, the Education for All Act, that would make it easier to contribute to multilateral organizations working to improve schooling internationally. Reps. Jim McDermott and Adam Smith are among the Democratic co-sponsors, and Smith is committed to pressing the president to fund the Global Partnership for Education. I have been fortunate to visit a number of schools in Kenya and learn about the challenges they face. Kenya eliminated primary school fees in 2003 and enrollment increased by 1 million students. This greatly stressed their educational system. In my visits to schools, it was common to see classrooms of 50 to 80 students. Head teachers and other staff expressed concern about overcrowding and limited resources. How can they use the effective instructional practices and small group learning activities that I see in Seattle? Another challenge is securing the large number of trained educators to meet the demand for classroom instruction. Countries like Kenya need support. The merits of partnering with other countries to increase the number of schools and trained teachers are clear. The UNESCO report states that education reduces poverty, increases job prospects and fosters economic prosperity. (continued at bottom of page 8) Page 3

Lent & Holy Week 2014 By Carol S. Lent and Holy Week were special days in the life of University Baptist Church this year. As we contemplated our own need to grow and stretch our spiritual muscles we were also deeply aware of the needs of our world. Disasters close to home and far away touched our hearts. The pain of family, friends and strangers helped us understand the pain of the Holy One contemplating what we have done with creation. Starting with Ash Wednesday and culminating in the glorious celebration of Easter, we met for times of silence, singing and sharing. Vespers on five Thursdays gave us a chance for intimate encounters of the soul. Palm Sunday was a respite from gloom as we cheered the arriving Humble One with our palms. Maundy Thursday was a time to eat together and look again at the psalms of the season as refracted through UBC eyes and hearts. Thank you for being a part of the holy season at UBC. Your contribution, seen or unseen, helped to make it a time of worship and community.

Page 4

Page 5

German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote: “Even if a verse or a psalm is not one's own prayer, it is nevertheless the prayer of another member of the fellowship; so it is quite certainly the prayer of the Man Jesus Christ and his Body on earth. [...] The Psalter is the great school of prayer.” Throughout this past Season of Lent, our faith community joined the voices of many generations in praying the Psalms. Members of the congregation was invited to write their own Psalms. A few people from UBC took the time to rewrite - in their own words - some of the Psalms that have spoken to them. We wanted to share with you this month in The Beacon several of those new Psalms written by members of our congregation.

A Song of My Soul Suggested for Psalm 121 By Jodi H.-J.

I lift my soul towards the heavens – where does our hope come from? The child under no one’s care with more strength than seems reasonable? The mother at the grave whose prayer is whispered with conviction? The father with his baby, homeless for just one more night? Does their hope come from our Lord – the creator of earth and sky, love and loss, whole and incomplete? Where does our hope come from? In the creation around the bird as it leaps in first flight, the seed as it waits to be drawn toward the heat and light?

Page 6

A circular ripple on smooth water against the setting of the sun? The laugh of a child, the hug of a friend, the love of a family that is no longer close or near? In our Lord is all things, in our Lord is our spirit, in our Lord is our soul, in our Lord we are our best selves, love and light and faith and hope. * * * *

Psalm of the Migrant Suggested by Psalm 56 By Gail F. Watch over me God, for there are those who wish me harm. My livelihood has been taken from me and my family is hungry. When I seek for a new place to work, I am despised and told there is no place for one such as me. When I travel to a new land looking for work, I must hide who I am for there are many who do not want me there. I work hard for the small amount of money I receive, yet some call me lazy. I am alone and afraid. My family depends on me, but I cannot be with them. I meet others who are also traveling, in search of a life without hunger and fear; we help each other along the way. God, I know that I am your child. You will not forsake me wherever I may wander. Even though life is hard, I trust that You have a plan for my life. You give me the strength to keep going on my journey. I journey on in the hope that my God will deliver me from my trials. God will bring justice to those who strive for human dignity. * * * *

Page 7

UBC New Venue for UW Student Recitals The proximity of UBC to the University of Washington campus, the aesthetic and acoustic elegance of our sanctuary, and the ever increasing need for suitable available recital venues for graduate students matriculating UW’s School of Music has converged this year (with merely meager effort) to situate UBC as the venue for two graduate flute recitals in the month of May. This will enable introduction to the physical facility of University Baptist Church to UW students, their families and their friends -- while filling a very present need for the School of Music. You are invited to sit in as a guest to enjoy these upcoming recitals: 

Friday, May 9th at 7:00 p.m.: Flute Recital of Daria Binkowski (musical style: modern)

Saturday, May 10th at 1:00 p.m.: Flute Recital of Maya Reiter (musical style: classical)

Here’s wishing and praying for great experiences by these two graduate students - so that they tell their advisors and their friends, who tell their friends, who tell their friends … who book their 2015 recitals at UBC!

Education: A Local and Global Priority (cont. from pg. 3)

The report analyzed data to determine the impact if all students in low-income countries finished school with basic reading skills. Their calculations show that 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty, which would be equivalent to a 12 percent cut in world poverty. Poverty reduction contributes to healthy and stable societies. As countries develop economically, they become active trading partners. Currently, over 50 percent of all U.S. exports are purchased by developing countries. In 2000, all 189 members of the United Nations adopted eight Millennium Development Goals to make significant strides by 2015 to end poverty and improve the lives of people around the world. Goal two is to ensure

that children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary school education. In 1999, 108 million children were out of school, and that number has dropped by nearly half. Unfortunately, poverty, lack of funding and countries affected by conflict make it unlikely that this goal will be achieved by next year.

We need to continue the focus on universal primary school and teacher support. Tell President Obama and members of Congress that, while all of us work to strengthen our own schools, a meaningful U.S. contribution at the GPE pledging conference is in our interest and will benefit children, families and communities around the world. Lin Carlson

Linwood is a retired school administrator who worked for Seattle Public Schools between 1987 and 2009 in various positions, including as Director of School Services. He volunteers at a school and with RESULTS, a nonprofit that addresses poverty issues, and the Global Citizens Network. Crosscut Public Media is a 501(c)3 nonprofit news organization. Founded in 2007, Crosscut’s mission is to reveal and strengthen the civic and cultural life of Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. We do this primarily through our online daily news magazine,, devoted to high-quality journalism and commentary. We are nonpartisan and self-sustaining. Our readership is concentrated primarily in Seattle, the Eastside of King County, Olympia and Tacoma, but we also have a loyal following throughout the Pacific Northwest, prompting our catch-phrase, “News of the Great Nearby.” Page 8

Register NOW for FAN's Spring Summits! FAN’s advocating faith communities across the state of Washington come together during our annual Spring Summits to talk about how we did this session, plan for the rest of the year, and learn strategies and tools for building relationships with legislators and continuing our advocacy during the “off” season. Together, we look for new ways to be more effective at creating lasting change. Please join us!  Yakima: Sunday, May 4th, St. Michael’s Episcopal,

3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

May 2014 AID NW Meeting: Learn About “The Parental Interests Directive” Join other Puget Sound advocates with a heart for the rights of immigrants on Wednesday, May 21st, 9:30 a.m., at St. Leo Church - 710 S. 13th Street in Tacoma. The May program will be presented by a panel of experts who will address a new ICE policy announced in August 2013, “The Parental Interests Directive”, which:  Urges consideration of alternatives to detention for

undocumented immigrants when their minor children are impacted.

 Seattle: Sunday, May 18th, Seattle First Baptist, 3:00 -

5:00 p.m.  Spokane: Sunday, June 1st, Spokane Friends Meeting,

 Calls for making sure that, as much as possible, detained

parents have involvement with their children and any child welfare requirements.

3:00 - 5:00 p.m.  Vancouver: Sunday, June 8th, First Congregational,

3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

 Calls for parents to be detained geographically near

where their children live.

Get more information and register online at:

Scripture urges us to welcome and care for strangers. Join the social justice mission of Advocates for Immigrants in Detention NW,

Help Build a Movement of the Faithful With FAN:

GiveBIG on May 6 Next week is GiveBIG day on May 6th - Faith Action Network’s spring appeal to support FAN’s work building a statewide movement of interfaith communities. Every online donation you make through FAN’s Seattle Foundation profile page ( on that day (midnight to midnight) will grow with funds from the Seattle Foundation’s stretch pool. FAN has already received some matching funds to help FAN THE FLAMES, so your support that one day is magnified! Just one of the ways that FAN builds the movement of the faithful is through their Network of Advocating Faith Communities (NAFC). In less than three years of FAN’s existence, NAFC is up to a total of 77 faith communities statewide! FAN staff reaches out and builds relationships in faith communities across the state. FAN learns about their advocacy interests, provides resources and education, and invites them to participate in FAN. Faith communities commit to taking action with FAN through education forums on FAN's legislative agenda, other critical social issues, and candidate forums. FAN THE FLAMES! … GiveBIG in Support of Faith Action Network on May 6th! Page 9

Abridged Minutes of the UBC STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL MEETING May 16, 2014 Present: Ralph H, Mona H, Paul W, Suzan B-W, Carol S, Marilee N, Meredith E, Yvette S, Cass N Welcome: Ralph welcomed everyone. He distributed Manny’s report, financial reports from Marilee, and team reports from PSRT, PJR, Hospitality, Learning and Play, and Finance. Opening prayer: Carol led us in an opening prayer. Approval of minutes of March 19, 2014 meeting. The minutes were accepted. Pastor’s report: Manny submitted his report prior to the meeting, but was ill and not able to attend the meeting. We reviewed his report but did not discuss it. Financial report: Marilee discussed the profit and loss statement and the balance sheet. She reported that we are mostly under budget and in pretty good shape especially considering that we did not have the interest from the Mars Hill note since their loan payoff. Ralph suggested that we might want to consider our contributions to the Baptist missions, such as One Great Hour of Sharing, America for Christ and World Missions. We have carried over these same organizations and same contribution amounts from year to year. Perhaps we should consider all of our missions together and look at these contributions along with and at the same time as the PJR team reviews the grants that it gives out. Peace Justice and Reconciliation Team: Mona will share her report on the kick off meeting on March 23 with the congregation through the Beacon. Worship Team: Carol gave a brief report on the work on the Common Prayer Book and Holy Week services. Pastoral/Staff Relations Team: Meredith reported that the PSRT supports moving the reviews of Manny and Margie to a different time of year to separate them from the budget process. We agreed. OLD BUSINESS - Equity from Sale of Former UBC Building Suzan reported on the meeting with the congregation on March 30th regarding the money UBC received from the payoff in full of the note for sale of the former UBC Building, and we discussed some of the ideas and suggestions. We agreed that there should be further discussion with the congregation on this issue. Ralph, Marilee, Lori, Dave and Suzan will consider options and will come up with some possibilities and suggestions to help focus the discussion.

NEW BUSINESS - Updating the Office Computer We discussed whether to update the old office computer or buy a new computer and agreed to authorize the purchase of a new computer. We also discussed the need to replace the silverware that was lost and to replace the carpet in the narthex. There is not a category in the budget to cover these improvements. It was pointed out that the endowment fund has not made contributions to the budget for several years. There was a motion to use endowment funds to pay for a new office computer, flatware and a new rug in the narthex. The motion was passed. Closing prayer. Mona led a closing prayer. Page 10

May Birthdays 5/11 Suzan B.-W.

5/20 Marilyn M.

5/14 Dan P.

5/22 Jerry H.

5/15 Ethan C.

5/24 Ron B.

5/15 Ralph H.

5/24 Kevin P.

5/16 Lynn G.

5/25 Ron N.

5/16 Terri S.

5/29 Marian B.

5/17 Meagan L.

5/29 John D.

5/18 Ed M. If you don’t see your birthday here, please contact Carolyn in the office so we can add you to our list! Call (206) 632-5188 or email [email protected].

Page 11

2014 Summer Conference ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! The BPFNA Summer Conference is a gathering for anyone and everyone who longs for the spirituality, inspiration, skills, knowledge and community to support a life of peace rooted in justice. Known affectionately as “Peace Camp,” Summer Conference is a special time of gathering for peacemakers across North America and the world. This year’s conference brings together leaders (thoughtful theologians, preachers and musicians) who have played key roles across Canada in the struggle to protect land, water, and air for future generations; leaders who are devoted to creation care. We invite you to join us this July as we gather to worship together, learn together, and celebrate together what God is calling us to be and to do. Together we can change the world!


Page 12

Where’s the Pastor?

If you want to schedule a visit or a conversation with Pastor Manny, please feel free to call the UBC Office at (206) 632-5188 or email Pastor Manny directly at [email protected]. While Pastor Manny is out of the office speaking at the Conference on Religion and LGMT Rights in Cuba, please contact either Lynn G.J. or Cass N. from the UBC Congregational Care Team should you become aware of any needs within the congregation: Lynn G.J.

[email protected], 206-399-9043 (cell)

Cass N.

[email protected], 206-632-4008 (home)

(The following calendar does not show visitation times nor scheduled meetings with congregants for privacy purposes.)

May Sun

4 Worship


5 - Day off

COMMUNION - Sadie & Peter’s baby celebration 11 - Worship | Mother’s Day

18 - Worship

12 - Day off - Conversations on race & class potluck 19 - Day off



6 - “State of the Church” conference - Seattle U.


13 - Pub Theology




1 - Worker’s & Immigrant’s Rights March

2 - Pastors covenant meeting


8 - Worship planning meeting




17 - Cong. Care meeting

3 - Hispanic Caucus Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser

- Worship Team meeting 15

Manny away at Conference on Religion and LGBT Rights in Cuba 20

Rev. Marilyn Marston, preaching

21 - S.C. Meet- 22 ing






Manny at Conference on Religion & LGBT Rights in

25 - Worship

26 - Day off - Memorial Day - office closed

27 - Young adults clergy meeting


- Pub Theology Page 13

UBC Calendar 

May 1

Annual May 1st Rally and March for immigrants and workers rights

May 3

Hispanic Caucus of the Evergreen Association “3rd Annual Cinco de Mayo Fiesta!”

May 4

Choir Rehearsal | Worship| Communion Celebration & Potluck for Baby Cunningham

May 7

Finance Team Meeting

May 8

Worship Team Meeting

May 9

Daria Binkowski Graduate Flute Recital (UW School of Music)

May 10

Maya Reiter Graduate Flue Recital (UW School of Music)

May 11

Choir Rehearsal | Worship| Mother’s Peace Day

May 12

Conversation on Race Potluck & Discussion

May 14

UBC-UCC Building Coordination Meeting

May 17

Congregational Care Team Meeting

May 18

Choir Rehearsal | Worship| All Congregation Business Meeting

May 21

Stewardship Council Meeting

May 25

Choir Rehearsal | Worship

May 26

Federal Memorial Day Holiday - OFFICE CLOSED

May 27

Deadline for submissions to the BEACON newsletter Young Adults Pub Theology | Burien at Mick Kelly’s

May 25

Deadline for submissions to the BEACON newsletter

The Beacon

Minister Rev. J. Manny Santiago

All original material © University Baptist Church, Seattle, WA

University Baptist Church 4731 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105 206-632-5188

Minister of Music Rev. Margaret Paynton


Office & Communications Mgr Carolyn R. Bolton

Office Hours: 1 to 6 p.m., M-F

Custodian Percy Dawson

*SUBMISSION DEADLINE* is generally the 27th of each month, unless the 27th falls on a weekend. Next month’s deadline will be May 27th for the June Beacon.

We are a welcoming and affirming congregation. We celebrate our diversity in religious background, sexual orientation, race, age, gender and abilities. Printed on 100% recycled paper