THE CHIMES Advent: A Season of Inspiration - DOCECITY.COM

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Advent: A Season of Inspiration Advent is a season of promises for a future we already have. It is ours to claim, and this is why we are called to delve in deeply. All the signs and symbols of this time of year point to not being afraid, to slowing down and taking stock, to letting go and welcoming change, to seeking more light in the dark corners of our world. 692 Poplar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38105 Phone 901.527.3361 Fax 901.523.8292

THE CHIMES December 2013 Vol. XI, No. 12

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2—Christian Formation Kroger Community Rewards Advent at St. Mary’s 3—The Canon’s Corner Featured Recipe 4—Bench Notes Operation Swaddling Clothes 5—Episcopal Bookshop Advent Hours 6—Calendar of Events/ Birthdays 7—Altar Flowers Transitions, Memorials/ Honoraria 8—Singing & Greening Caroling

This is the time of year when we share the most and are most willing to take a risk. This is when our imaginations can go wild and our hearts become the most tender. So, let’s not die wondering what our life would have been like if we had taken to risk and given it our all. No need to play it safe. I pray you and I go over and above our self-imposed limits. This Advent let’s practice the lost art of welcoming a stranger. Let’s dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Maybe we can forgo a grudge held way too long. Perhaps we could call a long-lost relative or a forgotten friend. We could boldly share our financial resources with someone or some ministry in need. Let’s apologize if we are wrong and find the time to reconsider our staunchest beliefs. What if we smile at everyone we see during the day? Could we go walk in the woods on a leaf-strewn path and contemplate God’s presence in nature? What if we encourage others to talk while we lovingly listen? How could we encourage a child today? Do we know someone who is alone and isolated whom we could visit? Can we take the time to find pleasure in watching the sunset? This is the season to feel inspired. We are loved by a God who is present and incarnate in all things – fully present in the Christ child and fully present in each of us. Now is the time to be our best and most courageous selves. Find time each day in Advent to open your self to these promises. May this season lead you to the most special Christmas indeed!


MARTYRS HALL This series continues throughout the Fall & Spring semesters. December 1 —Scriptures of Advent

December 8—Scriptures of Advent/ Life Lessons and Spirituality Led by Mike Cody, Cliff Pierce, & Scott Rowlett

December 15—Annual Parish Meeting— NO ADULT FORMATION CLASSES December 22—Scriptures of Advent December 29—NO CLASSES


Heather Palumbo Angel Tree, December 1, 8, and 15 If you wish to help provide the wishes of a child at Downtown Elementary, you may write a check, and a “Santa’s helper” will shop for you. The Angel Tree party for the children will be held on Wednesday, December 18th, 12 n-2 pm. Donations and volunteers for party are welcome.

Christmas Flower Fund As we gear up for Advent, it is time to donate toward the Christmas Flower Fund (wreaths, greenery, poinsettias) in honor of or in memory of loved ones at $25 per plant. Contact Jan Morrell at 575.3258 or [email protected]. The deadline for inclusion in the Christmas Eve service leaflets is Friday, December 13. Forms on tables in the Cathedral.

Blue Christmas, December 4, 5:40 pm If thoughts of Christmas leave you anxious or sad, consider attending our Blue Christmas for food, liturgy, and conversation around the many feelings this season can bring. 5:40 pm—Blue Christmas Liturgy, Sisters’ Chapel 6 pm—Soup & Salad, $5, Crypt 6:40 pm—Conversation, Martyrs Hall

FORMATION FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH December 8—ALL Children’s Christian Formation Classes will Meet St. Nicholas in the Crypt! Ages 0-3, Nursery in the Moody Wing Ages 3-6, Catechesis-Level I Atrium in the Moody Wing Grades 2-5, Sunday School in the Moody Wing Grades 6-12, Youth Class in the Moody Wing

Feast of St. Nicholas, December 8, 10 am Children will meet St. Nicholas in the Crypt during Christian Formation hour. All are welcome. Light refreshments served.

White Station High School Choir Concert, December 6, 7 pm Adams Ave. Camerata Concert, December 15, 3:30 pm

Kroger Community Rewards Thanks to all who have enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. There are now 40 St. Mary’s households enrolled in the Rewards Program, and St. Mary’s received a check of $322 from the Kroger Rewards Program for the third quarter, 2013. If you have not enrolled in the Program, please consider signing up for it at St. Mary’s assigned participant number is 81533. These Rewards checks provide additional funds for St. Mary’s outreach ministries.


Christmas Caroling/Greening & Singing, December 18 Join us as we spread the joy of the season at Union Mission just a couple blocks from the Cathedral. 5:40 pm—We will practice our singing while we decorate the Nave with greenery, Cathedral Nave 6 pm—Soup & Salad, $5, Crypt 6:30 pm—Caroling at Union Mission, 383 Poplar

Christmas Open House, December 21 The Andrews will host their annual open house at their home (1324 Harbert Ave.) from 5-7pm. Come and enjoy! Bring a dish and beverage of your choice.

Christmas Eve, December 24 5 pm—Children’s Pageant and Mass 10:30 pm—Music for Christmas 11 pm—Eucharist

The Canon’s Corner

the special snow that goes with Christmas, whether it falls or not...

Two Prayers and a Poem:

snow as idea of whiteness, as in sno w d ro p , sno w go o se, sno w ball bush,

May the mystery and hope of this season enfold you with warmth and goodness, reminding us all how we are adored and cherished by the Divine.

the snow that puts stars in your hair, and your hair, which has turned to snow.

And…May it snow!

the snow Elinor Wylie walked in in velvet shoes,

Not Only the Eskimos By Lisel Mueller We have only one noun but as many different kinds:

the snow before her footprints and the snow after, the snow in the back of our heads, whiter than white, which has to do

the grainy snow of the Puritans and snow of soft, fat flakes, guerrilla snow, which comes in the night and changes the world by morning, rabbinical snow, a permanent skullcap on the highest mountains, snow that blows in like the Lone Ranger, riding hard from out of the West, surreal snow in the Dakotas, when you can’t find your house, your street, though you are not in a dream or a science-fiction movie, snow that tastes good to the sun when it licks black tree limbs, leaving us only one white stripe, a replica of a skunk, unbelievable snows: the blizzard that strikes on the tenth of April, the false snow before Indian summer, the Big Snow on Mozarts’ birthday, when Chicago became the Elysian Fields and strangers spoke to each other, paper snow, cut and taped to the inside of grade-school windows, the snow that covers a nest of strawberries, small hearts, ripe and sweet,

Laura+ A HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE! Stewardship Sunday’s Thanksgiving Breakfast and Brunch were successful and delicious thanks to the dedicated work of our hospitality committee, including Gene Hayden, John Geelan, Pat Geelan, Marge Sorrells, Anne Mott, Sue Shaw, Ryan Godbey, Sean McFetridge, John Weatherly, and Anne Andrews. A special thanks to Marti Kuhn for heading and organizing this committee and making all of our hospitality events lovely and memorable.

New CHIMES FEATURE! Recipes from Sunday Morning Hospitality Hour Thanks to Tony Henderson for submitting this recipe for a delicious appetizer that works perfectly for holiday gatherings!

Vidalia Onion Dip 1 onion, diameter about 3-3 1/2 inches, coarsely diced 3 oz. grated parmesan cheese 1-2 tbsp. real Hellman’s mayo Combine roughly chopped onion, cheese, and mayo. The mix should hold together. Place in an ungreased, shallow dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes until the mix browns on edges and top. Serve with pita chips, tortilla chips, or butter crackers.


BENCH NOTES A Word From Your Organist/Choirmaster

Operation Swaddling Clothes “White Gifts for the Christ Child”

It is with great pleasure that I am now able to say that the stunning 9-foot Yamaha concert grand piano in the Cathedral Nave is now a permanent part of St. Mary’s liturgical and music ministries. Through the incredible generosity of private donors, in addition to gifts from the Memorials Fund and the Music Fund, we have raised the $40,800 necessary to purchase this beautiful instrument outright. This piano has already greatly enhanced our Sunday liturgies and it will allow us to further broaden our concert series offerings through Music at St. Mary’s.

Oh, the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes- so sweet, angelic, pure, so- wait. So wet. SO wet! Everyone who's parented a child remembers that one (or more) night when you discovered with horror that you were out of diapers. We've all been there. A last minute trip to the store with a damp, unhappy infant. But what if you don't have money for diapers? What if you receive WIC or rely on food pantries to meet your family's needs? Surely diapers are included the way formula is. It's basic, right?

This historic acquisition would not have been possible without the vision and tenacity of Mr. Jim Johnson, and when you have the opportunity, please thank him for making the dream of a new piano a reality. Further, our clergy, Finance Committee and Cathedral Chapter were integral to this process, and I am personally deeply grateful for their trust and support.

Last month, while listening to an NPR story, I discovered that the answer to this question of mine is an unequivocal NO. So what to do? If you are a working parent (or a parent in school) using a daycare facility, you must provide diapers. What if you don't have them? What if you only have 4 diapers a day instead of the 6-8 a normal infant to toddler uses? You may desperately try to reuse the diaper, leading to an unhappy, and ultimately unhealthy baby. This is not how we picture the Christ Child- wet and wailing. And yet. .

Stay tuned for future events featuring the Yamaha. At some point, we will have a formal Sunday morning dedication and we are planning and hoping to present a springtime inaugural piano recital featuring a diverse range of talent. Our new Yamaha is an exquisite work of musical art, and may it resound forth with praise for many generations to come! Soli Deo Gloria, Scott Elsholz

In 2009, St. John's UMC began "Operation Swaddling Clothes," a program to meet the needs of "the least of these"the infants and their families—providing one to two weeks’ supply of diapers to MIFA screened families who visit the St. John's food pantry. As Jesus was born to a young mother in modest circumstances who did all she could to meet his physical needs, St. Mary's has the opportunity to help provide for the babes in our city by dedicating its annual white gifts for the Christ Child to Operation Swaddling Clothes. Please bring diapers of all sizes through the Advent Season and at the Christmas Eve Service. If you have questions, please contact Melissa at 901. 722.8905 or [email protected] Melissa Bridgman

Our Outreach Ministry is asking for donations to its “shoe closet.” New or gently worn (but clean) athletic shoes are being sought for this ministry. Especially needed are men’s athletic shoes in sizes 12 & 13. Any questions? Ask Drew Woodruff.


Ongoing Programs at the Cathedral

EBS: Open Sundays During Advent!!!

In memory of Bruce McCall

Across the parking lot from St. Mary’s Cathedral sits an old building with a blue awning and a flower box on the door. Inside is a warm little bookshop, filled with books, old and new, gifts, and the all important supplies that are needed in the churches of the Diocese of West Tennessee as well as churches of other denominations. The Episcopal Bookshop has been operating for over 50 years. It all started with the St. Mary’s Cathedral Episcopal Church Women (EC W) who decided that here had to be a better way than bake sales and bazaars to make money for their outreach mission. They collaborated, gathered books and supplies, got their husbands to build bookshelves and a bookshop was born, first in the Crypt of the Cathedral and then into the present location. The Bookshop has always been staffed by a group of loyal volunteers, who create friendships and who bring their own special touch to this ministry. Besides books, the bookshop is proud to carry Fair Trade items, pottery, jewelry, gift items, children's items, and needs for baptisms, confirmations, and much more. Prayer books and hymnals are stocked, and imprinting is done on site. Stop by this sweet little shop, browse, chat with the volunteers, and see what is happening “across the lot”!

Episcopal Bookshop Hours Regular Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 am-4:30 pm Additional Hours: Advent Sundays December 1, 8, 15, 22 9 am-1:30 pm [email protected] 527-5684

All 2013 financial contributions to St. Mary’s must be received no later than 10 am, Tuesday, December 31, to be included in the last deposit of the year.

Julie Campbell CHRISTIAN FORMATION-ALL AGES Terri and John P. Neal III SUNDAYS AT 10 AM In memory of Maria Magdalena Warwell See page 2! James G. Hartley-Music Fund In memory of The Rt. Rev. William A. Dimmick MONDAYS AT 6:30 PM Peggy and Loyd Templeton -Chapel Chair Narcotics Anonymous meeting

In memory and honor of their parents Claire and Yousef Valine-Chapel Chair TUESDAYS AT 2InPM memory of Clyde Washburn III Mary Servant Leadership Class in Virginia the SaraHorner Sadler and Jenks McCrory Patten Rooms in the Crypt (last class 12/3) In honor of The Rev. Jerry Harber Wayne Ferguson WEDNESDAYS AT 8ofAM In honor the baptisms of Milla Meiman and Ives Dobbins EUCHARIST-Sisters’ Chapel, BREAKFAST-Martyrs Anne and Greg Meiman


THURSDAYS AT 2 PM Bridge newspaper—Martyrs Hall 2nd THURSDAY HEALING EUCHARIST 2nd Thursday of each month ~ Sisters’ Altar in the Nave-(December 12) SUNDAY BREAKFAST BUNCH— FOURTH SUNDAYS This group meets at the Cupboard on Union Avenue at 9:30 am on the 4th Sunday of each month (December 22) SERVANT MINISTRY TEAM— SECOND TUESDAYS The Servant Ministry Team meets in Martyrs Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4 pm. (December 10) SHORT STORY GROUP Tuesdays at 10 am in the Sara Sad ler Ro o m MYSTERY BOOK CLUB First Wednesdays at Noon-at the Ep isco p al Bo o k sho p This month’s meeting is December 4. KNITTING & SEWING GROUP 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 1-3 pm Sara Sad ler Ro o m DAUGHTERS OF THE KING The Constance and Her Companions Chapter of the DOK usually meets after the 11 am Eucharist on the 3rd Sunday of the month. (no December meeting)


DECEMBER CALENDAR + Sunday at 8 AM + Holy Eucharist Rite One + + Sundays at 10 AM + Christian Education for All Ages + + Sunday at 11 AM + Choral Eucharist Rite Two + followed by Hospitality Hour in the Parish Hall December 1 Advent I First Sunday of the Month—Seminarian Sunday 8a Holy Eucharist + Rite I 9a Angel Tree 9a Sweet Mary’s Cafe 10 a Christian Formation 11 a Choral Eucharist + Rite II Tue-3 10 a Short Story Group 2p Servant Leadership Class Wed-4 8a Eucharist/Breakfast 1p Knitting 6p Soup/Salad Blue Christmas 7:15 p Choir Fri-6 7p White Station High School Concert Sat-7 9a Pop-Top Ministry December 8 Advent II 8a Holy Eucharist + Rite I 9a Sweet Mary’s Café 9a Angel Tree 9:15 am Boys and Girls Choir Rehearsal 10 am St. Nicholas Day in Crypt for children 11 a Choral Eucharist + Rite II Tue-10 10 a Short Story Group Wed-11 8 a Eucharist/Breakfast 7p Choir Rehearsal Thurs-12 12n Healing Eucharist Sat-14 9a Pop-Top Ministry December 15 Advent III 8a Holy Eucharist + Rite I 9a Angel Tree 9:15a Boys and Girls Choir Rehearsal 9:30a Annual Parish Meeting, Crypt, no Adult Formation 10 a Christian Formation (Children’s only) 11 a Choral Eucharist + Rite II 3:30p Adams Ave Camerata Concert Tue-17 10 a Short Story Group 5:25 Chapter meeting Wed-18 8 a Eucharist/Breakfast 12 n Angel Tree party, Nave & Crypt 5:45 p Singing & Greening 6p Soup/Salad 6:30p Christmas Caroling at Union Mission 7:15p Choir Rehearsal Sat-21 9a Pop-Top Ministry 5-7p Cathedral Christmas Open House @ Andrews’ December 22 Advent IV 8a Holy Eucharist + Rite I 9a Sweet Mary’s Cafe 9:15a Boys and Girls Choir Rehearsal 10 a Christian Formation 11 a Choral Eucharist + Rite I Tue-24 Christmas Eve 5p Christmas Pageant 10:30p Christmas Music 11 p Eucharist Sat 28 9a Pop Top Ministry December 29 Christmas I 8a Holy Eucharist + Rite I 9a Sweet Mary’s Cafe 9:15a Boys and Girls Choir Rehearsal 11 a Choral Eucharist + Rite I


The Pop-Top Ministry at St. Mary’s ~ Help Us Feed the Homeless “Truly I tell you: just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did to me.” Matthew 25 “To-Go” meals are handed out each Saturday morning at 9 AM. Here are items needed each week: +Vienna sausages in POP-TOP CANS +pork and beans in POP-TOP CANS +saltine crackers +fruit cups or applesauce in single serving cups +a "sweet" like Little Debbies or other cup cakes +Coca-cola or other soft drinks +bottled water

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Remember that the Fellowship Committee helps you celebrate your birthday on November 24 after the 11 AM Eucharist!!! Also, if your birthday is not listed, please contact the church office for an update to our records. 3 Emily Heartsill Shane Heartsill Frances Vaughan 4 John Gaskill Ron Jones Ellen Prewitt Mary Tickle 6 Gail Woods 7 Ruth Pouncey 8 Bette Callow 9 Zack McMillin Ruthie Watson 11 Leslie Hanna Carol Morris

13 Anna Haley Janet Smith 14 Sharon Alexander Jeff Savage 15 Leslie McQuirter 16 Reagan Leavitt Natalie Worlow 17 Parker Hedges 18 Kashirim Nwobilor 19 James Blanton Pam Chapman Eulah Clarke Leanne Kleinmann 21 Anne Boykin Allison Martin

22 Sam Gary 23 Jenks McCrory 24 Bud Reynolds 25 Carolyn Mayo 27 Evelyn Piety 28 Buddy Chapman 29 Larry Rains 30 Nina Gardner 31 Gene Hayden

ALTAR FLOWERS FOR DECEMBER December 1—Advent I The Altar Flowers are given by Richard Briscoe to the Glory of Almighty God and in loving memory of his wife, Carole, on the anniversary of their marriage at the Cathedral on December 2, 1967. December 8—Advent II The Altar Flowers are given by Frank Cooper and David da Ponte to the Glory of Almighty God and in loving memory of their loved ones. The Bread, Wine, and Candles are given by Ian Nicholas da Ponte Cooper to the Glory of Almighty God and in loving memory of his grandparents, Frank

Goal 1: Continue to pursue becoming a “house of prayer for all people” Goal 2: Continue to strengthen Christian Formation programs Goal 3: Expand Community Outreach and Hospitality Programs Goal 4: Enhance our position as the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of West Tennessee Goal 5: Continue to design services that support a unique Cathedral identity Goal 6: Present clear, unified, and targeted messages in all communications Goal 7: Staff as needed to support growth Goal 8: Provide funding for all programs and property maintenance

Cooper, Sr., Dorothy Cooper, Agnes Donaldson, Harry G. da Ponte III, and Beverly Browder. December 15-Advent III The Altar Flowers are given by Lewis Wood, Jr. to the Glory of Almighty God and in loving memory of Jane Henderson Wood.


December 22-Advent IV The Altar Flowers are given by Lib Lea to the Glory of Almighty God and in loving memory of William Lea and William Lea, Jr.

Death: Margaret Anne Mayo, 11/17/13 Transfer OUT: Richard and Mary Gruber to St. Elisabeth’s

December 29--Christmas I The Altar Flowers are given by Jean Fisher and her family to the Glory of Almighty God and in loving memory of John T. Fisher on the second anniversary of his death.


Each Sunday the Altar at St. Mary’s is graced with two beautiful arrangements donated by parishioners. There are several ways to donate to the Flower Ministry in memory of, in thanksgiving for, or in honor of loved ones. Suggested donations are: Altar Flowers $125, Branches and Greenery during Lent $75, Paschal Candle $75, Baptismal Font $150, and Bread, Wine and Candles $50. Suggested donation for Easter lilies/palms and Christmas poinsettias/greenery is $25. The Flower Ministry coordinates the donations and has a team to bundle and deliver the Altar Flowers each week to parishioners who cannot attend services. If you would like to donate to the Flower Ministry, please call Jan Morrell at 575-3258 or [email protected] for available dates and more information. We can always use more volunteers for bundling and delivering flowers during the year. Both are done on a rotating basis. Bundling of flowers is done after the 11:00 service and takes about 20 minutes. To volunteer, contact Carol Morris at [email protected]

In Memory of Whitney Hoover By Ty Legge In Memory of Charlene Strickland By Ty Legge In Memory of Nadia Price Strid By Cathy Crane In Memory of Clarisse Schroeder By Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boykin To DOK banner In Honor of Beth Stone By William R. Hickman, II To Episcopal Bookshop Fund In Honor of Claire Valine By Yousef Valine To Piano Fund


C at h e d ra l Sta ff & C h a p te r STAFF (Office Phone 527 . 3361 ) The Very Rev. William E. Andrews III, D. Min., De an-X106 [email protected] Cell 901.275.4514 The Reverend Laura F. Gettys, Cano n Pasto r f o r Parish Life -X118 [email protected] Cell 901.569.5820 The Rev. Drew Woodruff, De acon f o r Social Justice -336.1103 [email protected] The Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Harber, Theologian in Residence [email protected] Judy Phillips, Dire cto r o f Ad m inistratio n X107 [email protected]

Singing & Greening Join us as we adorn our beautiful Nave with greenery and then follow us to Union Mission as we sing carols and spread holiday cheer.


[email protected] 527.3361 Jasper Delaney, Se xto n 864.6619 Joe Dunlap , Assistant Se xto n 303.2320 [email protected] Norma Harrison, Bookkeeper X115 [email protected] Dr. Scott M. Elsholz Cano n Organist/Ch o irm aste r 527.6123 [email protected] Tyrus R. Legge, Jr., CAGO, Asst. Organist-Choirmaster X111 Associate for Liturgy [email protected] CHAPTER 2013: John Gary, Jim Johnson, Mickey Mitchell, Lee Roberts, Sherri Tipton, John Weatherly. 2014: Rebecca Chappell, Anna Holtzclaw, Gillian Steinhauer, Yousef Valine, Gene Woods, Clara Yerger. 2015: Chris Carruthers, Dennis Clark, John Gaskill, Patricia Geelan, Jan Morrell, Steve Kite-Powell. Leadership: Lee Roberts—Chapter Warden; Marcia Wunderlich—Bishop’s Warden; Michael Allen—Finance Chair; Patricia McFarland—Secretary; Ralph George—Treasurer

S t . M a r y ’s C a t h e d r a l 700 Poplar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38105

5:40 pm-Greening the Nave 6 pm- Soup & Salad $5, Crypt 6:40 pm– Caroling at Union Mission, 383 Poplar Ave.

Associate for External Communications

The Deadline for the next issue of THE CHIMES is MONDAY, DECEMBER 23

Wednesday, December 18

Miranda Cully Griffin, Director of Children & Youth Formation