The Chimes

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The Chimes A publication of United Presbyterian Church


Volume.12 Issue.7 July 29, 2015

2 In this issue: Page 2 Those in Uniform Website Prayer List Page 3 Message from Pastor Stephen Page 4 Message from Pastor Patricia Page 5 Children Health & Wellness Christian Education Page 6 Quest Page 7 News and Notes Page 8 Worship & the Arts Page 9 Worship & the Arts Cont’d Page 10 Sharing Our Stories Memorial Garden Page 11 Mission Church Life Page 12 Health and Wellness Insert Calendar Invitation


The Chimes

Tony Anthony Eunice Andrews Robert Avery Jack Bensing Dorothy Bloom Bryce Brand Leonard Brown Lorraine Bunker Fern Deemie Fred Dickinson Betty Dixon Delores Fogler Bob & Carolyn Gnepper Margaret Greiner Pam Harrison Midge Hillard Margaret Hochstrasser Loretta Horst Mary Johnson Dwight & Corda Jones Betty Keller Mike Kelley Maureen Leuba Ray Long Bill Maule Ethel Moore Stephanie Murray Annie Nichols Nathan Pennington Althea Rauen Sherry Shedenhelm Steve Stella Dale Warren

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July 2015

LTC Jim Pugh SETAF CMR 427, Box 3778 APO, AE 09630 Joseph Scranton 7882 Drum Street Ft Riley Kansas 66442 IS1 Chris Davis

July 2015

The Chimes

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Why I’m Giving I’m writing this from my hotel room in Iowa City before my surgery tomorrow. I’m having surgery to remove some of my bone marrow in order for it to be given to someone else. Who? I don’t know. All I know is that he is twenty-nine and is dying. Last September, our church hosted a bone marrow drive through Be the Match. We hosted this drive because two of our members have received life saving stem cell or bone marrow transplants. Their stories inspired us to host a drive to connect more potential donors to those in need of a transplant. I got swabbed, as did many of you. In March, I was called and told I may be a match for someone. After a series of tests, it was confirmed I was the best match for this young man out of everyone in the donor registry across the world. As I have prepared to donate my bone marrow, many people along the way have asked me, “Why are you doing this?” I’ve thought a lot about this: why I’m giving. I want to share with you my conclusions. I signed up to be a donor at our drive last year because I personally knew two people whose lives were saved because someone else decided they would take the fifteen minutes to get swabbed and register with Be the Match. My prayers for these two faithful friends and members of this church were answered through someone else’s willingness to donate. I thought maybe I’d be the answer to someone else’s prayer for his or her mother, father, spouse, or child. I didn’t really think I’d ever get matched with anyone, but I thought it was the right thing to do. When I first got the phone call that I may be a match for someone it became more real. I was one of ten people they wanted to do more tests on to determine who would be the best match for this completely unknown individual. I tend to have a strong sense of duty, so my first response was, “Of course I’ll still donate.” I signed up, after all. But I also thought about Verity. What if, at some point in her life, she needed some kind of transplant: bone marrow, stem cell, or organ? I would want every single person in the world to register as a donor in the hopes that someone may be the match that could save her life. If I felt that way about my daughter, then I’m sure someone felt the same way about this twenty-nine year old young man. While I was on vacation in the Northeast, I got the call that I was the best match for this young man and that they wanted to do the surgery soon because it was a very desperate situation. He wasn’t going to be able to survive much longer without a bone marrow transplant. I went to Iowa City on July 6th to make sure I was healthy enough to donate, and I learned more about the operation and the recovery. My surgery is tomorrow. I will probably be sore and fatigued for a few days. The average time to a full recovery is twenty days. Twenty days. Am I willing to trade twenty days of perhaps not 100% health so that someone could potentially have many more years of health? Why am I giving? For all those reasons above, but mainly this: I am giving because I can. I have enough of what someone else desperately needs. It will not be any great sacrifice to give some of what I have, but it will mean the very life of someone else. It will mean hope. I can give and make a profound difference in someone’s life. Why wouldn’t I give? It would be wasteful, irresponsible, and a shame not to give. Honestly, for me, I think it’d be a sin not to give of what I have enough of to someone else who has none. It’s stewardship: the wise and graceful use of the resources and gifts that have been given to me. I give out of the health I’ve been given. It’s why I give. Pastor Stephen


The Chimes

July 2015

Spiritual Father Rev. George Moore is my Spiritual Father. I introduced you all to him last month when I wrote about Glory Ridge and the ministry he started there. He has been on my mind a lot lately after seeing him again. His influence on my faith journey and faith walk is beyond measure. George is the one who reflected the Father to me in a powerful way. Perhaps it is because my first real encounter with him impacted me and changed my course. Subsequent encounters grew me in faith and grew me as a disciple of Jesus. My conversion experience was still very fresh; I was 2 months into my new walk with Christ. I was struggling with an ethical dilemma. I was leaning toward the option of rescinding a verbal agreement on the sale of some property. We could make significantly more money by going with an offer that came a day later. After all, we had nothing in writing. Nothing that could legally bind us. It was the very first sermon I ever heard from George. He told a story from his boyhood. He had “borrowed” money from his sister. I say borrowed because he had every intention of paying it back. He just needed the money now. Long story short, his sister upon discovering that the money was missing had figured out what had happened to the money and it did not involve George. She believed something that let him off the hook. Perhaps he would not even have to bother with paying it back now. But then he had to live with himself and the knowledge of the deception. His guilt—daily living with this lie, and hearing of it from his sister bothered him. He tried to rationalize it, but still the guilt remained. No one would ever know! But God knew, and George was certain of that. George says the Holy Spirit daily helped him to remember as much as he tried to forget it. Even when he went to the local store to spend the “borrowed” money, the owner inquired where George had gotten the money. He quickly “spun a yarn” (made up a story) of how he had acquired it. Lies to cover the lie. Deceit to cover the deceit. This was getting thick. George came to realize that the only way to live at peace with himself was to “come clean.” So he confessed his error to his sister, who of course promptly told their father. Consequences, of course, still followed. But George says he never regretted telling the truth. He found it much easier to live with himself after confession. Conviction hit me. I went home that day and said “we have to be true to our word.” We won’t be able to live with ourselves (meaning our conscience). We will always know we did not treat the verbal agreement with integrity, we will always know that we hurt someone because of it. We came out poorer, but all the richer. That was just the first of many lessons I learned from my Spiritual Father, George. Who is your Spiritual Father? Who is the one who has reflected the actions of Jesus to you, and through his actions and words taught you about God? Have you thanked that person? If you can, let him know. Thank you God, for Spiritual Fathers. God Bless You with every spiritual blessing, Patricia

July 2015

The Chimes

Children Rotation Sunday School Ages 3 – 3rd grade Summer Rotation will be spent journeying through “The Jesus Storybook Bible”. Each class we will start with an introduction to the stories, followed by a DVD presentation of the stories. Come dressed for the outdoors as we will end classes on the playground, weather permitting. Children can be picked up there or in the rotation rooms/gym if the weather is bad. TEACHERS ARE NEEDED ALL SUMMER! You only have to commit to one Sunday, but we would prefer to have 2 leaders each Sunday. The lessons are simple introductions with DVD’s and a sharing of joys and concerns in the outdoor classroom before some play time. Please see the Narthex bulletin board for sign-up information or contact Karen Miller. 4th Grade and Up Worship Preparation Class after the Time for Young Disciples In the Youth Room We will focus on learning about creeds and statements of faith. We will also spend some time in the gym or on the playground. Parents Night Out PNO will break for the summer.

Health & Wellness Kourage Kids “Kourage Kids” is a one-day free grief camp to be held on Saturday October 3, 2015 sponsored by UnityPoint Health- Methodist Hospice. It is open to any child in the area from age 5-18. It is a day of help, fun and healing for children that have experienced the death of someone close to them. The registration deadline is September 15, 2015. Call 309.672.5746 for more information.




Christian Education 10am Thursday Morning Bible Study with Pastor Patricia We are continuing our study of Marriage, the Bible and the Church. This month we are exploring what the New Testament teaches us about marriage. We looked at the many ways marriage is depicted in the Old Testament. It was enlightening and the discussion has been lively. You are welcome to join the study at any time. There will be no class on August 6th. 11-Minute Lessons We are continuing our study of “What is the Bible” after worship in room 107 at 11:11am. We will meet throughout August. If you’d like to know more about the Bible, and some of the most interesting stories, then this short class is for you. We will talk about the nature of Scripture and how we should read and understand it. At the end of the class, you can ask questions about the class or that morning’s sermon. Rally Day Rally Day is a special day held in September on the Sunday after Labor Day to mark the end of summer and to “rally”–or draw together–in order to renew our energy and prepare for a new year of Christian Ed opportunities. The youth will host a free breakfast at 9:00am, and we’ll have some fun while learning how disciples of all ages can grow in their faith through the educational programs at UPC this year. You’ll get to learn about some of the changes to Connecting Point this year, Rotation Sunday School, and our 9:00am Education Hour classes. Join us as we rally for a new year of growing and nurturing followers of Christ in a welcoming community. Summer Reading Pastor Patricia has been reading two books in preparation for Sunday Morning Enrichment hour.  What’s So Amazing About Grace by Philip Yancy is a reread for me. The stories and the insights about grace really lead one on the grace path that Jesus intends for us as Christians. More on this one in the next Chimes.  Hidden in Christ: Living as God’s Beloved by James Bryan Smith is more like a daily devotional of a few pages in length. The stories and the questions and prayers helped me to prayerfully examine my faith walk and grow as a follower of Christ.


The Chimes

QUEST QUEST MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL IMPORTANT UPCOMING EVENTS Help with the Rummage Sale Friday, July 31 and August 1 Exact times TBD We will plan to help with some of the rummage sale as some of the proceeds go to our mission trips in the future. Hosting Coffee Hour and Mission Trip Fundraiser Sunday, August 2 Be in the church kitchen by 10:00 a.m. We are hosting coffee hour after worship as well as setting up an important fundraiser to hopefully raise funds for a 2016 mission trip. Foster Family School Supply Giveaway Saturday, August 15 Arrive by 2 p.m. to set up the shop We will set up a very special school supply “shop” for kids needing special items for school and home as they are placed with foster families. We received a grant from Presbytery to create, plan, implement and document our project and we need all hands on deck to pull off an amazing event for these kids. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Serving breakfast at Rally Day Sunday, September 6 Exact times TBD We will prepares some easy breakfast to serve after worship as part of service to UPC. More details to come!

July 2015 QUEST MIDDLE SCHOOL This is a youth group for grades 5th-8th to learn, serve and enjoy fellowship. It is a place where everyone is able to be themselves amongst friends. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Miller. QUEST MIDDLE SCHOOL This summer our schedule will be off and on due to the mission trip, VBS and more. We will still try to meet regularly to keep the awesome momentum going as well as give our youth a safe place to hang out and have some fun this summer. Please check bulletins, facebook and with Karen for updates at any time! Quest Middle School Meetings Sunday, August 2, 9 & 23 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. We will work on planning our fundraiser and coffee hour to be held August 2 and the Foster Family School Supply Shop that will take place August 15. August 23 will be a possible movie night! QUEST HIGH SCHOOL This summer our schedule will be off and on due to the mission trip, VBS and more. We will still try to meet regularly to keep the awesome momentum going so please check Facebook and the bulletin for any updates. The High School group may meet sometimes during the week to work on putting the youth room together. Quest High School Meetings Sunday, August 2, 9 & 23 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. We will work on planning our fundraiser and coffee hour to be held August 2 and the Foster Family School Supply Shop that will take place August 15. August 23 will be a possible movie night!

July 2015

The Chimes

News and Notes Thank you Notes Thank you to all our friends at UPC for their cards, calls, visits, and prayers of support during my hospitalization in June. A big thanks to Trish and Kirsten for all their invaluable help and insight, and to Stephen and Patricia for their calls, visits, and prayers. George Neal Thank you very much for the flower that was sent to me when I was in the hospital. We appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers. Cathy, Steve, and Abby Stella Many thanks for the balloons, valentines , the Chimes, etc. I enjoy communion with Karin Spaulding every month. Grace Bossingham Dear Friends, Thank you for your donations to the ALS Association and walking with me on June 13, 2015. All the money stays in this area for local services. Maybe one of these days they’ll find a cause and cure for ALS. Thanks again for your love and support. Blessings, Bill Maule A Huge THANK YOU! Thanks so much to the over 80 volunteers who helped donate, set-up, tear-down and make VBS so special. We had a wonderful time in Welcome Woods and could not have done it without all your hard work and patience. We are blessed at UPC! Swan Baptism We will be celebrating the baptism of Caleb David Swan, son of Jud and Megan Swan, on August 16, 2015.


New Member Classes UPC is offering a New Member Class for those who are interested in joining the church and for those who have joined the church in the past year. This will be a three week class to teach you more about what it means to be Presbyterian, what the Presbyterian Church believes, and how the Presbyterian Church is governed. You will also learn more about the history, present, and future of UPC, and what it really means to be a member of a church. These are classes we want all our new members to participate in, so you can know more about what it is you are joining. The first opportunity to take these classes will be at 9:00am on Sunday Aug 2nd, 9th, and 16th. Please let Pastor Stephen know if you would like to attend. Hold the Date We would like to invite you to help Allan and Lois Hultgren celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. There will be an open house at United Presbyterian Church on Saturday, September 19th, from 2 to 4 pm in the Fellowship Hall. This will be informal with light snacks and cake. The couple requests no gifts please. The reception is hosted by their family and friends. We hope you will be able to attend to help them celebrate this milestone in their lives.

Social Media Check-In on Sunday Morning A great way you can help spread the news that UPC is a place to worship, a place to serve, and a place to belong is to “check -in” at UPC when you’re here on Sunday morning, or any other time. If you are on Facebook, write a post about attending worship and either check-in with location services, tag our Facebook page in your post, or even post our website. You can do the same with Twitter (our twitter is @unitedpc). It’s an easy way to raise awareness about UPC and tell our community about us. Hospitality Team We need new volunteers for our Hospitality Team. The Hospitality Team will help identify and greet new and returning visitors. They will help greet at the doors, work at the Welcome Center to answer questions and give church tours, and be present in the sanctuary before and after worship to intentionally say hello to those worshipping with us, share about the church, invite to Fellowship or 11-Min lessons and sit with them. If friendliness and hospitality is one of your spiritual gifts, and believe it is important for UPC to be a welcoming community, then please contact Pastor Stephen. All ages are encouraged to be a part of this ministry team, including youth.


The Chimes

Worship & Arts No Distinction: A Closer Look at “Take to the World” I remember taking communion as a youth in a Baptist church. Sitting still in my seat, I would rehearse a laundry list of confessions before putting the bread and grape juice into my mouth. You see, I did not want to take it in an “unworthy manner” as Paul warns in 1 Corinthians 11. The ambient music, the dimmed lights, the emotive speaking; they were all setting me up for an experience with me and Jesus. There was a problem. Communion was not just about me and Jesus, and it is not just about you and Jesus. In the 1 Corinthians passage, Paul criticizes the community for “having divisions” among them. The people who had the luxury of arriving to their worship gathering first were eating and drinking before the poorer laborers who had to work a longer and harder day. In Paul’s mind, this was completely backwards! Communion is about you and Jesus, but it is equally about everyone who comes into contact with the bread and wine AND those who should be given this bread and wine. Preparation for communion is not just about getting your place right with Jesus; it means reconciling with someone who you are angry with in the community, or coming to terms with who is absent at the meal that should be present, or how privilege is making a mockery of the communion meal. Matthew 5:23-24 advises the person offering a gift at the altar to go reconcile any dispute with a brother or sister prior to making the offering. What we offer to God is deeply connected with what we are offering and NOT offering to others. The extent to which we are living as generous, godly, loving, and peaceful people affects the quality and value of our offering. The same thing can be said of our participation in the communion meal. We have been singing the song “Take to the World” by Derek Webb during communion. He gets this concept. My favorite line is as follows: “may the bread on your tongue leave a trail of crumbs to lead the hungry back to the place that you are from.” The elements on the Table are larger than life itself. The symbolic and real presence of God is not confined to the meal; instead it extends out to the world. If you are having your fill at the Table without going into the world and leaving a trail to crumbs so people can come and experience the relentless and unfailing grace of Jesus Christ, you are ignoring the power within Communion.

July 2015 We all need to be fed at the Table. In humility, we proclaim the Paschal mystery of Christ’s role as Savior. We proclaim that though we participate as members of Christ’s body, we are not solely the body of Christ. We have the privilege of being formed by the ritual of communion where we are invited to a Table of zero distinction. As sinners, wanderers, and outcasts, we find welcome at this meal. Every single time we partake of this meal, we get to know a hospitality that transcends all other forms of welcome. It is one place we will never be turned away. Friends, this is news the world is longing for. People hunger and thirst for a place to be received. It is my hope, as participants in this divine meal, that we can leave a trail of crumbs in our community, leading us all back to the glorious presence of God. I will leave you with the words of the refrain… “Take to the world this love, hope, and faith. Take to the world, this rare, relentless grace. And like the Three in One, know you must become what you want to save. ‘Cause that’s still the way, that He takes to the world.” Aaron Schultz Worship Studio Where are you going and where have you been? We will explore this question through scripture, music, and art at the Worship Studio this month. You are invited to join us on Monday, August 10th at 6:00pm to reflect on the paths we have walked and the paths God is leading us on. How is your past shaping your future? What are your goals and dreams? We will participate in a simple art project that everyone can do. If you can trace your hand, then you can do this meaningful project. We will pray for each other over the where we are going and where we have been. All are welcome to come to the Worship Studio for a unique and participatory worship experience. It’s a great place to bring a friend. Erin Feis August 30th Our Celtic worship team has been invited to lead a Celtic service in the Performing Arts Tent during Erin Feis (Peoria's Irish festival) on Sunday August 30th at 10:30am with music starting at 10:00am. For more information, visit the following website: http://

July 2015

The Chimes

Worship & Arts Sermon Series- James: Faith That Works This summer, we have been studying the Book of James and what James has to say to the gifted and strong. James paints a picture of how we should live if we are followers of Christ. James makes it clear that salvation doesn’t come through good works but that true faith produces good works. Faith isn’t just something we have or a set of things we believe. Faith is a lifestyle built on trust in God. Faith is active. Faith works, and it isn’t always easy. In fact, it is rarely easy. Come hear a challenging message of faith and hope each week from this powerful book of instruction and advice for living faithfully, wisely, justly, and righteously.

Worship in August August 2: James 3:1-13 “Giving One’s Word” Pastor Stephen August 9: James 4:1-10 “The Disease of the Double Minded” Pastor Stephen August 16: James 4:13-17 “YOLO” Pastor Stephen August 23: James 5:1-6 “The Dangerous Gift” Pastor Stephen August 30: James 5:13-16 “Faith that Heals” Pastor Patricia

Prayer Corner We continue to lift in prayer: the families of Margaret Serup, Betty Dixon and Stella McKee; Dan Dickerson, Dick & Myrna Schwarz, Dwight Jones, Rachel Amsbaugh and baby boy, Carla Rustmeyer (John Madden’s son’s finance), Marilyn Owen, Keith Livingston, Geneva Hall, Virigina Hall, Mike Davis, Barb Flack & her Mother, Vivian Kammeyer, Jan Cline, Barbara Daly, Jack & Barb Teal, Debbie Sullivan, Rose Schmollinger, George Neal, Theresa Bender’s niece, Bridget, Neil Strandberg, Emily and Issac Tharp, and Faith Cornell.

9 Community Choir During the summer months we invite you to participate in the monthly community choir. On Sunday August 23 we will meet at 9:00am in the choir room to learn an accessible choral song. Then, during the 10:00am service we will sing it in the beginning of the service! After the choir is done singing, everyone will return back to their seats in the congregation. All who have an interest in group singing, no matter the skill level, are encouraged to participate. If you have questions, contact Aaron Schultz ([email protected]). Suggested Songs on the Fifth Sunday Shortly after the New Year, we asked the congregation to write down their favorite songs used in Christian worship. We received an incredible response! I put all of the songs into a database, and we have been drawing heavily from this resource as we plan communal worship. In the past we have typically done “Favorites on the Fifth” where people shout out their favorite hymns. This has resulted in unexpected surprises, songs that do not fit in the time of year we are in, and difficulties in displaying the lyrics on the screens. In response to these happenings, we are going to draw exclusively from the list of requested songs on the fifth Sunday of August (the 30th). So it will have the essence of Favorites on the Fifth, but will solve all of the problems associated with it. Outdoor Concert at 1st Baptist Church August 8th A few musicians from our church have been invited to participate in an outdoor concert on Saturday, August 8th from 6:15-6:45 on the lawn of 1st Baptist Church (411 W. Lake Ave. Peoria, IL). The concert itself will last from 5:00 -8:00pm and will feature local musicians. Bring your lawn chairs, snacks, and beverages while enjoying some great music Peoria has to offer. If you have questions, contact Aaron Schultz ([email protected]).


The Chimes

Sharing Our Stories Pauline Harris I came to Peoria from Western New York forty-some years ago to attend Bradley University. At the time I was attending the Methodist church, but I had been born into and confirmed in the Presbyterian church. Let’s just say I took a 22 year detour. A life-changing event brought me back to the Presbyterian church in 1995 and I know this is where I belong. When I was at the absolute lowest a person can go, I literally said, “God, I can’t do this, this burden is too heavy. I’m giving it all over to you. Please lead me where I need to be.” And he did - first through a neighbor inviting me to her church – Washington Presbyterian Church which I attended for a year, and then when I moved back to Peoria, I found a small neighborhood church close to my new home – Arcadia Avenue Presbyterian Church. Hmm…I hear God speaking to me again. I was welcomed by the friendliest people I have ever come across in a church. I have always been involved in church activities sitting on various committees, leading vacation bible schools, assisting with children’s choirs and the one most dear to me, singing in choir. Even without being a member (yet) I was asked if I could sing with the choir at Arcadia and, again, I was warmly welcomed into the group. I became a member a year later – God certainly lead me here and I listened! Then came committee membership, becoming a Deacon, then being asked to sit on Session and becoming an Elder. I felt I was home. But God was not done with my journey – change was again coming. Enter First Presbyterian Church and the uniting of these two wonderful communities of God’s servants. Through much prayer and collaboration, these two bodies have become one in United Presbyterian Church. God spoke, and we listened. Along with this new body of Christ came new friendships, the absolute best leadership, very evident faithfulness in each of us, and the striving to truly become one church body…what a message we are sending out! God is at work in each and every one of us – sometimes quietly and at other times boldly stepping in when He knows our needs. I am so very grateful that He led me to this body of Christians. I pray that I will always hear God’s voice and take His direction for my life. This is my prayer for all of us.

July 2015

Memorial Garden Memorial Garden For centuries Christians have honored their loved ones with dignified final resting places in their churches or in the churchyards. In this tradition United Presbyterian Church's Memorial Garden, located just north of the church building, provides a place for those church members who have passed into God's loving hands. The Memorial Garden is an integral part of UPC's end of life ministry. It provides a beautiful meaningful place where families and friends can proceed directly from a memorial service to inter a loved one adjacent to their eternal. It is a sacred place where loved ones are memorialized. After the fire which destroyed First Presbyterian Church in October 2000, the church relocated those inurned in the Garden to the current Memorial Garden site. The current site was rededicated and consecrated in late 2001. The Garden continues to be an attractive part of our continuing witness as United Presbyterian Church. As all are welcome in the name of Christ at United Presbyterian Church, so all are welcome in the Memorial Garden. The UPC Memorial Garden continues to evolve in size and beauty. This Spring space for an addition 170 sites was prepared and seeded. Additional irrigation lines were laid and a drip irrigation system was installed in existing planted areas. A redbud tree has been donated and planted to replace a previous tree in the southwest corner of the Garden. The Memorial Garden Committee oversees the care and maintenance of this sacred space and welcomes any questions or comments. Arrangements for internment of ashes/cremains, engraving and placement of the memorial stones is the responsibility of the Pastors. Pastor McKinneyWhitaker and Pastor Patricia Stetson-Warning welcome any inquiries. Alan Lonn & Sandy Nott, Co-chairpersons Memorial Garden Tree Donation The Memorial Garden has received a new redbud tree in memory of Elizabeth ("Betty") Roderick Saxon, mother of Rev. Dr. Randall L. Saxon, UPC Pastor Emeritus. The congregation appreciates this new landscape feature on church grounds, and joins the Saxon family in appreciation of the LeRoy Hagenbuch Family, donor of the tree.

July 2015

The Chimes



Church Life

Foster Family Ice Cream Social

Fantasy Football It’s almost football season! UPC will have two fantasy football leagues again this year. We will have an online draft league and a league with a live draft at the church. If you were in a league last year, be on the lookout for an email inviting you back to the same league you were a part of the year before. If you didn’t play last year, but want to play this year, please talk to Pastor Stephen.

On Saturday, August 15th we are hosting another celebration for Foster Families in Peoria. This time our youth are sponsoring an afternoon of ice cream and fun. Children and youth will be able to pick out school supplies for the coming year. Foster parents will have a chance to relax and connect with each other. If you would like to help the youth with this event, please talk to Karen Miller. School Supplies Needed

We are collecting school supplies this month to give to foster children in Peoria at our Ice Cream Social on August 15th. We will also donate all the leftover school supplies, and those brought in after the 15th, to Common Place. There will be a large box by the Food Pantry to receive your donations. Thank you. Snack Pack

School is starting back this month, which means we need to fill snack packs for the children of Northmoor Elementary who need and look forward to the healthy snacks that help them get the nutrition they need over the weekend. We will meet in the sewing room (rm 105) on Sunday, August 16th after worship to fill four weeks worth of bags. We have some current needs that you can help us fill. Snack Pack Needs: 100% Juice Boxes Fruit Cups Applesauce Granola or Protein Bars Beef Sticks Dehydrated Fruit Snacks Cheese or Peanut Butter Crackers Breakfast Cereal Bars

Local Lunch Local Lunch this month will be Monday, August 17th at 12:00pm at Brienzo’s Wood Fired Pizza in Junction City. We hope to see you there. Men’s Breakfast Men of all ages are invited to gather together to strengthen community and relationships at Le Peep on the second Thursday of the month (August 13th) at 9:00am. How to Class Church Life Sponsored How To…Can Garden/Grocery Produce Saturday, Aug. 15 10 am UPC Kitchen Our own Trish Deppermann will show us just how easy it is to put up fruits & veggies from your own garden or from the store! Please call the church office by August 10 to make your reservation – 693-2002 Rummage Sale UPC annual Rummage Sale is July 31-Aug 1 from 7:30am-2:00pm in the fellowship hall. Many treasures await you! All proceeds go to support our youth program and activities. UPC Softball Our UPC co-ed softball team is wrapping up their season. Come give them a cheer at Northminster Presbyterian Church. August 3 6:30 PM August 10 7:15 PM August 15 & 16 Tournament Hiking 8:00 AM Saturday, August 15 at ( a location forthcoming). Ladies Night Out

July 2015

The Chimes




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Health & Wellness FLOOD WATERS, MOSQUITOES and WEST NILE VIRUS As floodwater recedes and hot weather approaches, pockets of standing water can create stagnant water pools that produce large numbers of mosquitoes and those mosquitoes can carry West Nile Virus. West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne disease that can cause encephalitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord). West Nile infection is transmitted through a mosquito bite to people, other birds, and animals after the mosquitoes feed on birds that are infected. Mosquitoes in central Illinois are testing positive for the disease this summer. How can you keep yourself and loved ones safe? Homeowners should focus on removing catch basins, ditches and “old” water impoundments that may produce breeding grounds for spring and summer house mosquitoes. In addition the use of insect repellents and other personal precautions need to be put into place for preventing mosquito bites. Precautions include:       

Avoiding being outdoors when mosquitoes are most active, between dusk and dawn, Wearing shoes and socks Following the 3 “L”s of clothing: Light colored, Loose fitting and Long pants and sleeves Applying insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR 3535, according to label instructions, when outdoors, Making sure doors and windows have tight-fitting screens, repairing or replacing screens that have tears or other openings, and trying to keep doors and windows shut, Eliminating sources of standing water that can support mosquito breeding, including water in bird baths, ponds, flowerpots, wading pools, old tires and other receptacles, and Cleaning clogged roof gutters. Be WELL, Kirsten Tharp RN, BSN, FCN


The Chimes MONDAY



July 2015 THURSDAY


SATURDAY 1 7:30 Rummage Sale

2 10:00 Worship 10:00 Children’s Worship 11:00 Fellowship 11:11 11-Minute Lesson 4:00 Sports Ministry

3 8:30 Exercise 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00Tai Chi 6:30 Properties 6:30 Church Life 7:15 Softball

4 5 9:00 Quilters 1:30 Tai Chi 9:30 Ollie Book 6:00 Tai Chi Study 9:30 PGR Visioning 10:00 Picnic on the Playground 3:00 Bereavement 5:30 Member Care 6:30 Families Anonymous 6:30 SM Education 6:30 PPDBB

6 8:30 Exercise 10:00 Adult Bible Study 6:00 Bereavement



9 10:00 Worship 10:00 Children’s Worship 11:00 Fellowship 11:11 11-Minute Lesson 4:00 Sports Ministry

10 8:30 Exercise 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi 6:00 Foundation 6:00 Worship Studio 7:15 Softball

11 9:30 Ollie Book Study 10:00 PGR Admin 3:00 Bereavement 6:00 Church Growth/Worship & Arts 6:30 Families Anonymous 6:30 Christian Ed/ Stewardship/HR 7:15 Mission

12 9:00 PEO BX 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

13 8:30 Exercise 9:00 Men’s Breakfast 10:00 Adult Bible Study 11:30 PASGDTS 6:00 Bereavement 6:00 Preschool Committee

14 12:00 Session Packet Info Due in Office

15 Foster Activity Day 8:00 Hiking

16 10:00 Worship 10:00 Children’s Worship 11:00 Fellowship 11:11 11-Minute Lesson 4:00 Sports Ministry

17 8:30 Exercise 12:00 Local Lunch 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

18 9:30 Ollie Book Study 3:00 Bereavement 6:30 Families Anonymous 7:00 Session

19 8:00 CHIMES Info Due in Office 11:00 ANG 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

20 8:30 Exercise 10:00 Adult Bible Study 6:00 Bereavement 6:00 Ladies Night Out


22 9:30 Sharing the Warmth

23 10:00 Worship 10:00 Children’s Worship 11:00 Fellowship 11:00 Ministry Fair 11:11 11-Minute Lesson 4:00 Sports Ministry

24 8:30 Exercise 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

25 9:30 Ollie Book Study 11:30 PASGNP 3:00 Bereavement 6:30 Families Anonymous 6:30 SM Supervision

26 9:30 PASG 1:00 Collate CHIMES 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

27 8:30 Exercise 10:00 Adult Bible Study 10:00 Picnic on the Playground 11:30 PASGK 6:00 Bereavement



30 10:00 Worship 10:00 Children’s Worship 11:00 Fellowship 11:11 11-Minute Lesson 4:00 Sports Ministry

31 8:30 Exercise 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

August 2015