The Chimes

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The Chimes A publication of United Presbyterian Church

. Peoria, IL

Volume.12 Issue 4. April 29, 2015



The Chimes

May 2015

In this issue: Page 2 Those in Uniform Website Prayer List Page 3 Message from Pastor Stephen Page 4 Message from Pastor Patricia Page 5 Children Connecting Point Notes of Gratitude Page 6 Christian Education Quest Page 7 Health & Wellness News and Notes Page 8 Worship & the Arts Page 9 Worship & the Arts Cont’d Prayer Corner Page 10 Library News Stewardship & Fianance Notes of Gratitude Page 11 New Members Page 12 Sharing Our Stories News and Notes Page 13 Mission News and Notes Page 14 Church Life Page 15 News and Notes Notes of Gratitude Insert Calendar

Tony Anthony Eunice Andrews Robert Avery Audrey Beeney Jack Bensing Dorothy Bloom Bryce Brand Leonard & Ellie Brown Lorraine Bunker Fern Deemie Fred Dickinson Betty Dixon Delores Fogler Bob & Carolyn Gnepper Margaret Greiner Pam Harrison Midge Hillard Margaret Hochstrasser Loretta Horst Mary Johnson Dwight & Corda Jones Nancy Jones Betty Keller Mike Kelley Vicki Kirchgessner Maureen Leuba Ray Long Bill Maule Ethel Moore Stephanie Murray Annie Nichols Nathan Pennington Althea Rauen

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LTC Jim Pugh SETAF CMR 427, Box 3778 APO, AE 09630 Joseph Scranton 7882 Drum Street Ft Riley Kansas 66442 IS1 Chris Davis Capt. Elton Herrick

June 2015

The Chimes

______ _ _ 3

To the Gifted and Strong This summer I want to say words to the gifted and strong. I won’t be talking about the gifted and strong, but talking to the gifted and strong. I’ll be talking to you. When you look around our church, you see the gifted and the strong. Next time you’re here on Sunday morning, ask the person next to you, “Am I gifted and strong?” And I’m sure bet for the price of a Sunday brunch, they’ll say, “of course!” Sometimes the gifted and strong are hard to identify. I remember Peter Ustinov saying, “People who reach the top of the tree are only those who haven't got the qualifications to detain them at the bottom.” You are the gifted and strong, though. You are leaders in business and community. You are gifted in resources: finances, relationships, connections, knowledge, and skills to bless and aid our community. You are strong leaders, role models, and change-agents. United Presbyterian Church is in a position to lead and bless our community in so many ways. We are the gifted and the strong. I will be talking to the gifted and strong through a New Testament letter attributed to James. James addresses issues concerned with and for the gifted and strong, which I consider you to be. It is letter that does not pull punches. Sometimes the gifted and strong need someone to be direct to us. James challenges us, and he names our troubles: double-mindedness, doubt, lack of wisdom, unbridled tongues that engage in empty gossip, and the desire for preferential treatment. We struggle with these things; everyone does. But when the gifted and strong struggle with them the results are more devastating and far reaching. The gifted and strong have a great capacity to bless, but also a great capacity to damage with words and actions and attitudes. I hope you, the gifted and strong, will join us this summer because I will talk to you. I will talk to myself. I will talk to us and for us. I will converse with James. He is not an easy conversation partner, but a necessary one. James will spur our faith to action. He will put us, the gifted and strong, to work: to God’s work. Faith is trust in God that results in a change of life. Faith that doesn’t work isn’t faith; it is merely empty belief. This summer James will speak to us. I pray we will listen. I pray we will hear. I pray we will do. In common calling, Pastor Stephen


The Chimes

June 2015

June Bugs and Fireflies In Colorado we did not have June Bugs or Fireflies. I know, it is hard to believe—summer without June Bugs or Fireflies. Now here we are, summer in Peoria with these new “friends”. Actually June bugs I could do without. They seem to be near-sighted or something. They fly right into people as if they don’t see you. A rather hair-tickling and startling experience for both the misdirected flier and the landing zone. Fireflies on the other hand are so fun. I remember catching them as a child in Nebraska, then holding them captive in jars for continued light show pleasure; fascinated to see them blinking on and off, lighting up the darkness. I was watching a swarm of them dancing like stars in the darkness of night just a few days ago. Little lights, flashing and blinking in the darkness. I love summer (I know I am not alone in this). June bugs and fireflies remind me that summer has in fact arrived. I love the early morning light that lasts until nearly bedtime. Light is one of my favorite things about summer. Even when darkness comes, the fireflies dance their blinking lights because it is summer. The second thing I like is the warmth of summer. I like to be warm. As I reflect on summer, I think about how serving at UPC is a lot like summer for me. There is lots of light, and an abundance of warmth as well as blinking lights even in the darkness and a few June bugs. What could be brighter than the way the light of Christ shines around here? As I listened to our new members share how they saw light (my word) when they came here. They felt loved and accepted for who they are and where they are in their faith walk; a welcoming light that shines like a beacon. The light of Christ shines in the mature faith statements of our young confirmands; we believe while still admitting that we have questions, and that our faith is still being formed. What stood out in all the statements was the love of Christ. We see throughout the gospel stories how welcoming Christ was to all who came to him. And that he stood against the religious bureaucracy that was not welcoming and not loving. The light and love of Christ is not only preached here, it is lived out in each of you like I have not experienced elsewhere. May session meeting was light and warmth, like summer to all of us who heard the stories of our new members. To feel loved and accepted and not alone in our faith walk is so heart-warming; a warmth of summer that is felt around here. It is expressed in so many of the ministries here; the deacon care, the Stephen ministry, the music ministry, the children and youth-ministry, the care of our property and so much more. The list could go on and on. Summertime. May the light and warmth of the love of Christ continue to abound through each of you. And when darkness falls, my many of you be light bearers to the darkness like fireflies, and if you find that you have been bumped by a “blind” June bug, perhaps you can remember that once, you too were blind but now you see. May God bless you, guard you and protect you in all your summer travels and adventures, Pastor Patricia

June 2015

The Chimes




Children Rotation Sunday School Ages 3 – 3rd grade Summer Rotation will be spent journeying through “The Jesus Storybook Bible”. Each class we will start with an introduction to the stories, followed by a DVD presentation of the stories. Come dressed for the outdoors as we will end classes on the playground, weather permitting. Children can be picked up there or in the rotation rooms/gym if the weather is bad. TEACHERS ARE NEEDED ALL SUMMER! You only have to commit to one Sunday, but we would prefer to have 2 leaders each Sunday. The lessons are simple introductions with DVD’s and a sharing of joys and concerns in the outdoor classroom before some play time. Please see the Narthex bulletin board for sign-up information or contact Karen Miller. 4th Grade and Up Worship Preparation Class after the Time for Young Disciples In the Youth Room In June we will focus on learning about creeds and statements of faith as well as some time in the gym or on the playground. Parents Night Out PNO will break for the summer. Thank You, Teachers! We truly cannot express how fortunate we are to have committed, excited and flexible teachers. They commit with a smile as they walk with the children and youth of UPC on their faith journey. We are so grateful to the teachers that come back year after year as well as those new teachers we added to the fold this year. Your contribution helps us keep our growing children and youth programs flowing and we are truly grateful.

Register for Vacation Bible School Today. July 19-23 6:00 – 8:30 pm Age 4—entering 5th grade $10/child - Max cost of $20/Family Scholarships are available Contact the church office @ 693-2002. Featuring the Glen Oak Zoomobile on Thursday night! Join us for a week of camping fun as we learn about people in the Bible who never failed to welcome others, no matter how different they were. We will explore how we can be more welcoming as God’s children through special “Ranger Training.” There we will learn how important it is to be welcoming to others as well as God’s Creation. Some exciting things to look forward to exploring this week are: recycling, composting, first aid, clean water, nature exploration, butterflies, animals, gardening, music, games, delicious snacks and so much more. Register today to be a part of this unforgettable week! Contact Karen Miller for more information. Vacation Bible School Volunteers Needed! We are looking for lots of VBS volunteers! Please see the table in the Fellowship Hall to see how you can help with this amazing week. With close to 120 children last year, we are actively preparing for another attendance increase. This means we need more volunteers than ever. Group leaders are super important as they are the ones with our kids each night. We need many this year so our groups are not too big to handle and everyone is safe and has an enjoyable experience, child and volunteer. Please prayerfully consider how you can help this week. If you have any camping supplies we can use for decoration, please contact Karen Miller. We appreciate any donations that help us make a wonderful experience for all the children who come through our doors. Even if it is a supply donation or you can give us one night of help, it is all so needed.


The Chimes

Christian Education Adul

t Classes

9 am Sunday Enrichment Hour Our Sunday enrichment our leaders have faithfully been leading our various classes throughout the school year. They will be taking a break from teaching this summer. So there will be no adult or children classes during the 9am hour on Sundays. Please feel free to gather small groups together for book studies, prayer, or discussion. All the classrooms are available. Let us take a moment to thank our teachers for their dedication to our Christian formation and education.

June 2015

QUEST QUEST MIDDLE SCHOOL This is a youth group for grades 5th-8th to learn, serve and enjoy fellowship. It is a place where everyone is able to be themselves amongst friends. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Miller. QUEST MIDDLE SCHOOL This summer our schedule will be off and on due to the mission trip, VBS and more. We will still try to meet regularly to keep the awesome momentum going as well as give our youth a safe place to hang out and have some fun this summer. Please check bulletins, Facebook, and with Karen for updates at any time!

The Christian Education Committee would like to thank John Warning and Don Baker, Betty Pugh and Gordon Selling, Pastor Stephen and Pastor Patricia for serving us well in the 2014-2015 season.

Quest Middle School Meeting Sunday, June 7 3:30 – 5:00 pm Activities TBD.

10am Thursday Morning Bible Study We will be meeting June 11 & 18 only. No Class on June 4 or June 25. We are continuing our study Marriage, the Bible and the Church. You are welcome to join our study at any time.

Quest Middle Gathering Sunday, June 21 3:30 – 5:00 pm Activities TBD.

Suggested Summer Reading from Pastor Patricia When I was a child I always participated in a summer reading program. It was a way of keeping my mind sharp, as well as using the opportunity of time for some reading that had been on my wish list. I have two lists here of books that you may consider for your summer reading plan; one is some favorite books I have read, the other my book list for this summer. Favorite book list (not all inclusive) The Story by Max Lucado Embracing the Love of God by Dr. James Bryan Smith The Scandalous Freedom by Steve Brown Kneeling with Giants by Gary Neal Hansen God is Here Now by Peter Traber Haas 2015 book list for summer reading The Last Sister by Courtney McKinney-Whitaker Pilgrimage into the Last Third of Life by Jane Marie Thibault and Richard L. Morgan Hidden in Christ: Living as God’s Beloved by James Bryan Smith Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God’s Transforming Presence Finding Faith: A Search for what is Real by Brian McClaren

QUEST HIGH SCHOOL This summer our schedule will be off and on due to the mission trip, VBS and more. We will still try to meet regularly to keep the awesome momentum going so please check Facebook and the bulletin for any updates. The High School group may meet sometimes during the week to work on putting the youth room together. Quest High School at Summits Edge for Rock Climbing and High Ropes Course Sunday, June 7 5:00 – 6:30 pm Activities TBD Quest High School Gathering Sunday, June 21 5:00 – 6:30 pm Activities TBD Our mission trip to Kentucky departs Sunday, June 28 at 12:00 pm and returns Friday, July 3 around 3:30 pm.

June 2015

The Chimes

Health & Wellness Safety Awareness Month June is Safety Awareness Month, and our focus is on fall prevention. Did you know one in three older adults will fall this year leading to broken bones, trouble with mobility and other health problems? Making small changes can help prevent falls. Falls occur more often to those over the age of 65 because as we age muscles can weaken and balance become poor. Older adults usually fall while doing simple activities, like walking or turning around. Some older adults also have vision problems or other medical conditions that can make a fall more likely. For example, a stroke can affect your balance and make you more likely to fall. You have an increased risk of falling if you have fallen in the past year. A decreased mobility indicated by trouble walking, getting up from a chair or stepping up onto a curb also increases your risk. The following steps are easy things YOU can do to help prevent falls: Do exercises daily to improve your balance and leg strength. Ask your doctor to review your medicines. Some medicines can make you dizzy or sleepy. Get your vision checked by an eye doctor at least every 1 to 2 years. Update your glasses or contact lenses when your vision changes. Stand up slowly after eating, lying down, or sitting. Make your home safer by: - Add railings to both sides of stairs - Remove throw rugs or use double-sided tape to keep rugs from slipping - Have grab bars put inside and outside the bathtub or shower and next to your toilet - Add non-slip mats in the tub - Keep stairs and places you walk free of clutter - Use bright lights throughout the house - Keep often-used kitchen items in easy-to-reach cabinets Fall prevention is the key to a healthy, independent, and mobile you! If you are concerned about your mobility or falling, talk to your primary care physician or nurse. More information is available at Be WELL and Be SAFE, Kirsten Tharp RN, BSN Parish Nurse


Grief Camp for Grown-Ups Greif Camp for Grown Ups is a free educational grief seminar offered by UnityPoint Hospice-Peoria for individuals fwho have experienced the loss of a loved one. The seminar is focused on understanding the challenges of grief and find positive ways to cope. The seminar will take place Thursday, June 11, 2015 from 5:30-7:30 pm, at the Methodist Atrium Building. Please RSVP at 309-.672.5746 by June 9, 2015. Questions, contact Kirsten Tharp, Parish Nurse Thank You Donors Thank you to everyone that supported the blood drive on May 11. The Red Cross was able to collect 20 units of blood. Each unit can save up to 3 lives, so up to 60 people will benefit from a few hours in the UPC fellowship hall!

Session Notes Session Notes Your session convened on Tuesday May 19 moderated by Pastor Patricia. Terry and Nancy Thompson, Mike and Ryan Murphy, Alyssa Hofmann, Elise Hanson, Larynn Mick, Abby Stella, and Isabell Potts were received into membership. Hearing the youth read their stories and statements of faith was an exciting moment. One elder stated, “this is the best session meeting ever.” Session approved the baptism of Tyler Emrick Ryan, son of Matt and Kelly Ryan with Stephen and Courtney McKinney-Whitaker as sponsors. And the baptism of Isabella Rose Goergen, daughter of Rachel and Kris Goergen with Pauline Harris as sponsor. Session also approved the installation of a prayer wall in the atrium area outside the sanctuary. Volunteers will make it and Properties will install it. And Session approved the Financial Policies and Procedures Manual.


The Chimes

Worship & Arts Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions: Part One Since I have started the position of Director of Worship and Arts last August, there have been a few changes made. Some of this is natural and inevitable change given the fact of me being a different person in the position! But most of them have been carefully considered and mindfully implemented. To give you an insight into some of these changes, I will provide brief answers to some frequently asked questions about the worship ministry. For this first article, I will begin by answering one question. Why isn’t the worship band mainly singing music I hear on Christian Radio? In my first week here at UPC, I sat down and made a list of short and long term goals. On that list, there was one item of supreme importance for me: getting the congregation to engage more in worship, especially with active participation in congregational singing. There are some congregations who can sing absolutely everything. I remember being in a worship service in Chicago where we sang an upbeat gospel song, a Swedish song, a Spanish song, and a variety of others. Everyone present was belting it out the whole time! Let me tell you, this is not typical. With most congregations, there is an established spectrum of congregational song that exists. In the center of the spectrum is music the congregation can comfortably sing, while other differing genres and styles become less and less accessible the farther you move from the comfort zone. UPC has a comfort zone. I’m not speaking about individuals; rather I am speaking as a whole. Some songs are sung with great vigor by most of the gathered people. Have you noticed this? There are some commonalities: familiarity with the song, the amount of repetition the song has been used historically in worship, the music is not too high or too low, the rhythm is fairly easy without much syncopation, the melody is primarily in stepwise motion (i.e. there are not a lot of leaps in the melody), and the music is presented in accessible notation (either in a hymnal, in the bulletin, or on the screens).

June 2015 Now, back to the original question… Music on Christian radio is not synonymous with worship music of the church. From purely a marketing standpoint, these two entities are incredibly different. The music being played on Christian Radio has a completely different agenda than music being written for the church’s worship life. COMPLETELY different. The Christian music industry is out to reach a specific demographic of listeners (the main marketing demographic is white, middle-aged, suburban moms). The industry has a main goal of selling records and attracting a wider audience base. Here lies the problem when we confuse music we sing along to in our cars with music written for the church; the origination of intent matters a great deal in composition. Am I writing a song that will sound good to my established audience base and one that my producers can mix well so it is congruent with the material I have been writing? Or am I writing music to be sung by a large group of diverse people with wide ranging musical tastes? The content of these questions and the results of their answers create a significant divide between the two compositional pathways. Since congregational singing has becoming increasingly difficult over the course of recent history, we need to be careful with the material we are singing as a collective body. It needs to be accessible, it needs to be singable, it needs to be theologically appropriate, it needs to be artistically valuable, and it needs to be malleable enough to use in a variety of contexts. I take the job of picking out music in worship very seriously. It is my hope, as we mature in our faith as a community, that we will grow as worshippers in our ability to sing the wide range of music the church universal is participating in. In this process, I will continue to find music that resonates with our community and challenges us to become a more unified body of singing worshippers.

Aaron Schultz

June 2015

The Chimes


Worship & Arts

Prayer Corner

Sermon Series- James: Faith That Works This summer, we are going to study the Book of James and what James has to say to each of us, and our church, as disciples of Christ. James paints a picture of how we should now live that we have faith and trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. James makes it clear that salvation doesn’t come through good works but that true faith produces good works. Faith isn’t just something we have or a set of things we believe. Faith is a lifestyle built on trust in God. Faith is active. Faith works, and it isn’t always easy. In fact, it is rarely easy. Come and hear a challenging message of faith and hope each week from this powerful book of instruction and advice for living faithfully, wisely, justly, and righteously.

Prayer for Summer Many of us long for summer throughout the winter months, and summer is finally here. Summer brings picnics, watermelon, swimming, vacations, and long days of light. Join us in this Prayer for Summer this month. Creator God, thank You for summer. Thank you for the warmth of the sun and the increased daylight. Thank You for the beauty I see all around me and for the opportunity to be outside and enjoy Your creation. Thank You for the increased time I have to be with my friends and family, and for the more casual pace of the summer season. Draw me closer to You this summer. Teach me how I can pray no matter where I am or what I am doing. Warm my soul with the awareness of Your Prayers Needed We continue to lift in prayer the following: Lorraine Bunker, Linda Kelley, Barb Livingston, Toni Redlinghsafer, Jack & Betty Dixon, Margaret Greiner, Margaret Serup, Stephanie Murray, and Dale Warren.

Preaching Schedule June 7: June 14: James 1:1-8 “The Disease of the Double-Minded” Pastor Stephen June 21: James 1: 12-18 Pastor Patricia June 28: James 1:19-27 “The Trouble with Mirrors” Pastor Stephen Celtic and other mid-month, mid-week evening worship services. A big thank you to our musicians, and all those who assisted with our many special services throughout the 2014-2015 season. Enjoy your summer! We look forward to what God may have in store for us in the 2015-2016 season.


The Chimes

June 2015

Library News

Church Life

It seems a long time since I have put library news in the Chimes.

Local Lunch Local Lunch in June will be Monday, June 15th at 12:00pm at The Chef and Baker on McClure, near the zoo. We will order to go box lunches and then head over to Glen Oak Park and have a picnic in one of the shelters. The Chef and Baker has some of the best sandwiches and cupcakes you’ll ever eat (plus bacon brownies. Yes brownies with bacon in them). We hope to see you there.

Good news for our revolving rack fiction readers! We now have Jan Karon's Mitford Series book entitled "Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good." If you have enjoyed the books in this series, you won't want to miss checking this one out. After five years of retirement from Lord's Chapel, Father Tim Kavanagh and his wife return to Mitford as retirees. Although this book could be read on its own, it would be a more enjoyable if you had read the other books in the series (we have them in the library too)! Follow Dooley, Lace, Hope, Puny, and all the other loveable characters in this book. You decide if Mitford still takes care of its own. Almost forgot to mention that the book is in large print, so we "older folk" can see the words a bit easier. Having said that, I will also mention that these books are for teenagers through the golden years age! Remember to check out the table containing Stephen's suggested books and books members of the staff are reading. Enjoy the nice spring weather.

Stewardship & Finance Per Capita If you have not paid the Per Capita of $28 per church member in your family, please consider doing so soon. This helps us meet our obligations to the denomination and helps the work of the larger church. We receive many wonderful benefits from the Presbytery, including grants of $3000 this year to do some of our mission projects. Thank you for your generosity.

Church Life Softball Team at UPC Grab your gove and join the UPC softball team this summer. Most Monday nights (see calendar) UPC will be playing in the Monday Night League Co-ed Softball at Northminister Presbyterian Church on Knoxville Ave. Anyone 16 years and older can participate. Softball not your thing? Bring a chair and cheer your UPC softball team to victory! Share the Warmth The next Share the Warmth Blanket workday will be Saturday, May 30th at 9:30 am.

Men’s Breakfast Men of all ages are invited to gather together to strengthen community and relationships at Le Peep on the second Thursday of the month (June 11th) at 9:00am. Bus Trip to Pontiac Church Life is sponsoring a walking tour of Pontiac IL. on Saturday, June 13. This city is full of charm and nostalgia. Among the 5 museums are the Route 66 Hall of Fame and Museum and the PontiacOakland Automobile Museum. There are more than 30 unique and specialty stores. The city boasts 22 murals painted on buildings, 18 of which are located within a seven block radius. Best of all, there are no admission fees to the museums! Our bus leaves from the parking lot at 8:30 am and returns at 5 pm. The cost is $10 for transportation. Please sign up in the church office and join us for a funfilled day! Hiking Do you like hiking? On Sunday June 7 come to the Heritage Room at 11:15 to plan some hiking outings with Pastor Patricia. Bunco Will resume in September. Have a great summer! Anna and Ruth Circle Will resume in September. Have a great summer! Ladies Night Out Place: Olive Garden, 3915 W War Memorial Drive Date: June 18, 2105 Time: 6:00 pm RSVP: Eunice @ 688-8458 or Betty @ 822-8500

June 2015

The Chimes


Sharing Our Faith


Gary & Sue Hulin Gary and I met when we were both teaching school in Henry, IL. I have a degree in music from Northwestern University and Gary has his masters degree in history from Bradley. We have now been married 34 years. We live in rural Stark County, about 10 miles north of Wyoming. Due to the illness and eventual death of my older sister, I changed professions after we married. I have been a registered nurse at OSF St Francis for 32 years. I have worked in the surgery department for the past 24 years. This gave me the best of both worlds. I have a job that I like and the opportunity to still be involved in music. For over 20 years, I played French horn in the Prairie Wind Ensemble, Peoria Municipal Band and the River Valley Brass Quintet. When a physical problem caused me to quit playing horn, I was very grateful that the church gave me a musical outlet. At UPC, I have enjoyed playing under Dave Stewart, Dave Breeden, Aaron Ganschow and now Aaron Schultz. I also continue to play piano for area schools and community theaters. Gary taught school for over 40 years and is now retired. He enjoys hunting and fishing and collecting Indian artifacts. His book on central Illinois Artifacts, Paths in the Prairie Grass, was published last year. He is an avid reader and enjoys looking for wildlife. I am appreciative that people of such diverse ages, political and social views can worship together at UPC. I am happy that my sister, Maureen Leuba, and her family are also part of our church family. Gary and I have met so many wonderful persons through the church.

Snack Pack Program Thank you to everyone who helped fill Snack Packs this year and who donated food or funds. We gave over 1300 snack packs to children this year! We will start filling Snack Packs again on the fourth Sunday of July so we can have some ready for the beginning of the school year in August.

Note of Gratitude

If you have clothes your children have outgrown that are in good condition you can bring those to the church as well. Please have them sorted and labeled by age. There is a resource center where social workers can go and get emergency clothes for children who need them. We will collect clothes and school uniforms throughout the summer.

UPC Friends, Thank you so much for all of the thoughts, prayers and cards received for the birth of our son, Caleb. I appreciate the balloon and the red rose I received while in the hospital, and the yellow rose honoring Caleb’s birth. We are also very appreciative of the blanket for Caleb, and look forward to using it as he grows. Megan, Jud & Caleb Swan

Foster Family Celebration This Saturday, we are hosting thirty Foster Families for a Foster Family Celebration. We will have activities and lunch for the children and special activities, lunch, and gifts for the parents. It is one way we can show our appreciation for Foster Families in Peoria and form relationships so we can continue to minister and outreach to foster parents and children. If you would like to help, please come to the church at 10:30am on Saturday morning. School Uniforms And Clothes Needed I had the opportunity to talk with Foster Children Case Workers from all the agencies in Peoria recently. They said one of their biggest needs is School Uniforms. If you have school uniforms that your children have outgrown, please consider donating them to the church so we can give them to the Foster Agencies. They could also use Wal-Mart or Target Gift Cards so they can go with families to buy uniforms for the children. If you would like to donate to help these children have school uniforms, please donate to the church and mark your donation School Uniforms.


The Chimes

June 2015

Mission Continued One New Thing I read recently that the difference between a dying church and a thriving church was doing one new thing in the community. It’s not doing one new thing in worship, or one new Bible study, or one new family program. A thriving church does one new thing for the community it is in. One new thing. Sometimes the mistake is trying to do five new things and so nothing really goes deep enough or makes enough of an impact. We all make that mistake sometimes. We try to do too much. One new thing in our community. Our Mission Committee has been talking for about a year about doing one new thing. How can we support our community in a new way? What areas of need aren’t already being met by countless church and civic groups? Where can we make a real difference? The foster care community in central Illinois is an underserved, but very important community of parents and children. Children, often the most vulnerable in our society, sometimes have to be taken from their biological parents and placed in foster homes. It can be scary and stressful for the children. Sometimes they go into a new home with literally nothing of their own. Many times the foster families can’t afford to get the children everything they need right away, especially since it takes a month or more for the state to begin sending money to help with the child’s needs. These children may not have the school uniforms they need when they get placed in a home in a new district. They may not have the personal hygiene supplies they need, or even the comfort of a toy or book they can call their own. Foster parents don’t always get the support they need for this tough job. Sometimes they just need a break or a network of people who pray for them, help them, and support them. The government of Illinois is looking at making more cuts to foster care this year, which means the need is greater than ever. We can do one new thing for our community. We can support, aid, celebrate, pray for, and love the foster children and families in and around Peoria. We can meet needs. We can bring joy. We can share our gratitude. We are starting with our Foster Family Celebration on May 30th. In August the youth group is hosting a Back-toSchool event full of fun for foster children and where they can pick out all their needed school supplies for the year. This year, we’ll invite the foster families we have been serving all year to the Family Christmas Shop. We’ll be able to forge relationships with this community, not only with the foster children and families, but the agencies and social workers who work with them. You can also read in the Mission section of The Chimes some other ways you can help reach out to the foster community. Together, we can do one new thing. Together, we can thrive! In common calling, Pastor Stephen

June 2015

The Chimes

News and notes Nursery Help Needed We need one volunteer to help in the nursery throughout the summer. If you are willing to help once or twice on a Sunday, please talk with Pastor Stephen. Pastor Stephen on the Radio Recently, on his trip home, Pastor Stephen drove to Atlanta, Georgia to record two sermons for the Day 1 Radio Broadcast. Day1 is the voice of the mainline Protestant churches, presenting outstanding preachers from the mainline Protestant denominations. Day1 began broadcasting in 1945 as "The Protestant Hour" and has been on the air every week since, currently on more than 200 stations. Pastor Stephen’s sermons will air on June 14th and 21st and can be heard in Peoria at 8:00am on 1290AM. You can also visit their website at Ruth Circle Update Ruth Circle finished their year out with a salad potluck on May 11. Karen Woods was presented gifts as a thank you for her leadership the past three years. A discussion was held on possible way of increasing the circle and its future. The next meeting will be September 14 at 1:00 pm. During the past your mission work accomplished included: $100 to the Libby Rasmussen Garden, $200 to the Snack Pack Program, and $100 to the Family Christmas Shop. Gifts bags filled with toothbrushes, pencils, crayons, scarves, mittens, candy, toys, toothpaste, etc were assembled and donated to Roosevelt Magnet School. Meetings always start with a treat, followed by fellowship, devotion, and Bible study and close with prayer. Consider joining us in the fall. Photo Directories Please note there are three addresses wrong in the new church directory. Below are the correct addresses: Bob & Carol Hicks, 318 Simon Drive, E Peoria IL 61611 Joanne Long, 7025 N Patton Lane, Peoria, IL 61614 Jack & Barb Teal, 5315 N Ashford Drive, Peoria IL 61615






The Chimes SUNDAY




June 2015 THURSDAY



1 8:30 Exercise 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi 6:30 Properties 6:30 Church Life 6:30 Softball

2 3 9:00 Quilters 1:30 Tai Chi 10:00 Picnic on the 6:00 Tai Chi Playground 3:00 Bereavement 5:30 Member Care 6:30 Families Anonymous 6:30 Stephen Ministry Supervision

4 5 8:30 Exercise Hall Wedding No Adult Bible Study 6:00 Bereavement


7 Communion Blood Pressures 10:00 Worship 10:00 Children’s Rotation 11:11 11-Minute Lesson 4:00 Sports Event

8 8:30 Exercise 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi 6:00 Foundation 6:00 Worship Studio

9 9:00 Quilters 3:00 Bereavement 6:00 Church Growth/Worship & Arts 6:30 Families Anonymous 6:30 Christian Ed/ Stewardship/HR 7:15 Mission Market Day Cut Off

10 9:00 PEO BX 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

11 8:30 Exercise 10:00 Adult Bible Study 11:30 PASGDTS 6:00 Bereavement 6:00 Preschool Committee Mtg

12 12:00 Session Packet Info Due In office

13 10:30 Market Day Pick-up

14 10:00 Worship 10:00 Children’s Rotation 11:11 11-Minute Lesson 4:00 Sports Event

15 8:30 Exercise 12:00 Local Lunch 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi 6:30 Softball

16 9:00 Quilters 3:00 Bereavement 6:30 Families Anonymous 6:30 PPDBB 7:00 Session

17 8:00 CHIMES info due in office 10:00 ANG 11:30 Picnic on the Playground 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

18 8:30 Exercise 10:00 Adult Bible Study 6:00 Bereavement 6:00 Ladies Night Out



Becoming Young Thinkers Institute 21 10:00 Worship 10:00 Children’s Rotation 4:00 Sports Event

22 8:30 Exercise 1:30 Tai Chi 5:45 Softball 6:00 Tai Chi

23 9:00 Quilters 11:30 PASGNP 3:00 Bereavement 6:30 Families Anonymous 6:30 PPDBB 6:30 Stephen Ministry Education

24 1:00 Collate CHIMES 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

28 10:00 Worship 10:00 Children’s Rotation 11:11 11-Minute Lesson 4:00 Sports Event

29 8:30 Exercise 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi 6:30 Softball

30 9:00 Quilters 3:00 Bereavement 6:30 Families Anonymous 6:30 PPDBB

31 1:30 Tai Chi 6:00 Tai Chi

25 26 8:30 Exercise 11:30 PASGK No Adult Bible Study 6:00 Bereavement

June 2015

27 9:30 Share the Warmth