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All the lives that St. Mary’s has blessed

We, at St. Mary’s, have been graced with magnificent success these past years. Even though the waves have seemed against us at times, we have continued to grow and prosper. God is so very good. Since 2007, attendance on Sunday has increased 71%. The number of children at St. Mary’s has swelled by 45. Our pledge giving is up 63%. More people are volunteering. We have a robust staff in place. Our liturgies are exceptional and grand and moving. Our music offerings have rarely been better. More people are volunteering. Just smile and give thanks for all the lives that St. Mary’s is blessing. 692 Poplar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38105 Phone 901.527.3361 Fax 901.523.8292

THE CHIMES November 2012 Vol. X, No. 11

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2—Christian Formation Victorian Village News Advent Wednesdays 3—Diocesan Choral Festival Angel Tree Ministry 4—Memorials & Honoraria Annual Parish Meeting Bench Notes 5—Opportunities at the Cathedral/in the Diocese 6—Calendar of Events/ Birthdays Pop-Top Ministry 7—Altar Flowers Christmas Flower Fund 8—Servant Ministry News

God is not done with us yet. Actually, we have only just begun, and this next year we are shooting for the moon. We want to build on our relationship with the neighborhood. Providing 225 meals a week and planting the St. Mary’s garden is phase one of our strategy. We want to tackle the blight and provide more resources for women and children who live north of St. Mary’s. We plan to provide Bible studies and worship services geared toward the medical community to our south. Internally, we want to create more infrastructures for ministries to our own young people – strengthening children’s and youth programs. A youth choir will spring up. With Lisa McIndoo heading off to seminary in August, we will be hiring someone to replace her big, holy shoes. The Worship Committee is planning to create more contemplative prayer experiences for our members. Canon Laura will continue to build and expand on the Pastoral Care Teams. The staff will focus on creating more small groups and additional volunteer opportunities. To sustain St. Mary’s for many generations to come, the finance committee is finding ways to slash our dependence on our endowment and make us economically viable and flexible for the future. So give boldly to God this next year through St. Mary’s. Our future is bright together.

Your On-Line

LOVE Pledge Card

can be found

at the following link:

Christian Formation for all ages Sundays at 10 am

November 4 & 11

The Gospel of Mark The sacred story of Jesus from Mark’s perspective. Led by Jerry Harber-Sisters’ Chapel

November 4 & 11

From Enemies to Friends The Christian art of loving those you don’t agree with. Led by Dean Andrews-Parish Hall

November 18

Spirituality of Coffee God meets us in strange places—sometimes even in a mug. Led by Amy George and Geoff Bakewell-Parish Hall

November 25

Advent Wreath Making Join in this multi-generational annual activity at 9 am following the early service and also at 10 am before the late service -Parish Hall

Catechesis and Sunday School

Wednesdays in Advent 5:40 pm ~ Gather for Worship 6:00 pm ~ Mary & Martha Café in the Crypt 6:30 pm ~ Programs/Activities Dec 5-”Blue Christmas”, dealing with sorrow and grief during the holidays & reaching out to others who need our thoughts and prayers Dec 12-Caroling to those receiving medical care in our community Dec 19-Greening the Cathedral for Christmas as we prepare for the coming of Christ


Brothers and Sisters! Come and gather together at the

Victorian Village Tent Revival

Come Be Filled with the Spirit of Neighborhood Revitalization!

Sunday, November 11, 1pm to 5pm Victorian Village Park / Adams Avenue at Neely St. Enjoy a catfish lunch by Trolley Stop Market, Gospel Choirs, Bluegrass music, Special Guests "testifying" to the power of this historic neighborhood. Ticket includes free admission to the historic Mallory-Neely House Museum Woodruff-Fontaine House Museum tickets are half price at $5 $10 per person for VVI members / $20 per person for non-members Not a member? Join at the Revival! Tickets will be available in advance at and at the tent door Any questions, please call (901) 5230235 [email protected]

Diocesan Choral Festival Evensong Saturday, Nov 10 At 4 pm Indiana University Associate Professor of Organ and Sacred Music and renowned composer and improviser, Bruce Neswick will lead West Tennessee’s first-ever Diocesan Choral Festival. Bruce will work with choirs from every corner of the diocese in a day-long workshop, culminating in a Choral Evensong at 4 pm. All are invited to come hear one of our most beautiful liturgies sung by perhaps the largest choir ever amassed at St. Mary’s. Featuring the music of: Martin Neary ~ Preces & Responses C. V. Stanford ~ Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis R. Vaughan Williams ~ O how amiable Bruce Neswick ~ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace

The Angel Tree

The Canon’s Corner How good it is to be back with all of you after a gifted time of maternity leave! I missed you! I am filled with deep gratitude and love for the time apart as well as the time we have ahead of us. And what better month to think about gratitude and the many gifts we are and have been given than November? Leaves are turning beautiful colors of reds, oranges and yellows. The air is becoming crisp, and early morning walks have us seeing our breath. Thanksgiving, a day to celebrate blessings and love, invites us to take inventory of all the beauty and gifts around us. No matter where you are this day, I hope you will take a moment to drink in the love that has been given to you – in both the big and very small ways. By family, by friends, by unnamed strangers, by the natural world. I guarantee you that your heart will grow a size as you reflect! Try it. Our mind, our heart, these “body-clothes” of ours are all gift, says poet Mary Oliver. Just as the sheep in the pasture and the delphinium of the field are as well. You cannot help but be filled with gratitude when you see even the smallest of joys and beauty as gift, because that’s what they are: Gift.

Laura+ Come share in and BE a gift on Sunday, November 25, when Pastoral Care Teams will be making “Gratitude Baskets” that, with your help, we will fill with all sorts of goodies and then deliver to members of the Cathedral. We will gather in the crypt at 12:15 or as soon as the 11am service is over. Questions? Contact Laura at [email protected] .

is coming soon Beginning Sunday, November 4, the Angel Tree will be up in the Parish Hall with Christmas wishes from the children at Downtown Elementary. Gifts are to be returned no later than Sunday, December 2. The party date: Tuesday, Dec 11 Noon until 2 pm For information or to offer your help with this project, contact Claire Valine at 901-729-6996 or [email protected]


ANNUAL PARISH MEETING, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 AT 9:45 AM Mark your calendar for the Annual Parish Meeting with its State of the Cathedral Address and the Election of Six Chapter Members. If you would like to nominate a fellow parishioner, please receive their permission, then contact a member of the Nominating Committee : Scott Blake, Pam Chapman, Ryan Godbey, Jerry Harber, Shane Heartsill, and Robert Watson and obtain a nomination form. The deadline for submission is November 22.

Memorials & Honoraria In memory of Charles Lindley Chavis: Richard Briscoe Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Wood Larry & Martha Ann Gossett-Deacon Drew Woodruff’s Discretionary Fund Sara Frey-Dean’s Discretionary Fund In memory of Dot McDonald: Larry & Martha Ann Gossett-Music Program In honor of Jim Johnson: Louise R. Horn-Sound System In honor of Joan Curd: Frank Curd-Concert Series In honor of Dean Andy Andrews, Canon Laura Gettys, and Deacon Drew Woodruff: Marilyn Dunavant-Sound System In honor of Scott Elsholz and Ty Legge: Marilyn Dunavant-Concert Series



EPISCOPAL BOOKSHOP The Episcopal Bookshop (just across the parking lot from the Cathedral) will be open extra hours for your holiday shopping! EBS will be open every Sunday during the Advent season from 9 am until 1:30 pm. Those dates: December 2, 9, 16 & 23.


As of November 1, 2012, there have been 84 pledges given. The total pledged: $402,090. Look for weekly updates in the service leaflet each Sunday!!!


Cathedral Opportunities ~ FYI

TRANSFER IN: Jim & Julie Powell, from St. John’s Cathedral, Knoxville, TN DIOCESAN ECW ANNUAL MEETING, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 AT CHURCH OF THE HOLY APOSTLES Dr. Mitzi Minor of Memphis Theological Seminary is the guest speaker. Election of officers, program, Eucharist, and lunch. Register by Oct 31--$5 to Linda Miller, Treasurer, PO Box 3797, Cordova, TN 38088.

In memory of Bruce McCall

MARRIAGES: Julie Campbell October 6, 2012-Cathedral Terri and John P. Neal III In memory of Maria Magdalena Warwell Carrie Ann Meeker and Beau Farmer James G. Hartley-Music Fund October 20, 2012-Cathedral In memory of The Rt. Rev. William A. DimRenee Stearns and William Kuhn mick October 27, 2012 Peggy and Loyd Templeton -Chapel Chair Patricia Newberry andInErnest Kelly memory and honor of their parents BAPTISM: October 21, 2012 Hudson Jay Kuhn

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR ST. JUDE MARATHON STATION See Dean Andy if you are interested in serving on a volunteer team of Cathedral folks to work at a St. Jude Marathon aid station on Saturday, December 1. HOSPITALITY REQUEST When the cabinets fell off the wall in the Parish Hall kitchen we lost many of our glass bowls of all sizes. If you have any glass bowls that you would like to contribute to Hospitality, please bring them to the parish hall kitchen with a note with your name and e-mail or phone number. Thanks for your help. Hospitality/Fellowship Committee SHORT STORY GROUP TO RESUME ITS BOOK STUDY On November 27th, December 4th and December 11th (Tuesdays > 10:00 amSara Sadler Room) we will meet to discuss Death Comes For The Archbishop by Willa Cather. Ms. Cather won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1923 for One of Ours. Our format is to discuss a portion of the novel at each meeting. Please read The Prologue and chapters 1-3 for November 27th, chapters 4-6 for December 4th, and chapters 7-9 for December 11th. We hope you will join us as we begin this new reading adventure!!! The St. Mary's Short Story Group has read 50 short stories in the last eighteen months. The list of authors includes 5 Nobel Prize winners and 7 Pulitzer Prize winners. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AT THE ANDREWS-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20 Anne, Andy, Ferris, Will, and Sam Andrews warmly invite you to their annual Holiday Open House scheduled for Thursday, December 20. Come mingle and share holiday cheer with your Cathedral friends. 5PM—7:30 PM

Claire and Yousef Valine-Chapel Chair In memory of Clyde Washburn III Mary Virginia Horner Jenks McCrory In honor of The Rev. Jerry Harber Wayne Ferguson In honor of the baptisms of Milla Meiman and Ives Dobbins Anne and Greg Meiman

Ongoing Programs at the Cathedral

CHRISTIAN FORMATION-ALL AGES SUNDAYS AT 10 AM See page 2 of THE CHIMES for the latest class offerings. WEDNESDAYS AT 8 AM EUCHARIST-Sisters’ Chapel, BREAKFAST-Parish Hall, WALKING THE NEIGHBORHOOD, and WORKING THE COMMUNITY GARDEN. 2nd THURSDAY HEALING EUCHARIST 2nd Thursday of each month ~ Sisters’ Altar in the Nave at Noon-(November 8) GLORY BE GALS & EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN Meetings scheduled as needed. Lisa McIndoo, President SUNDAY BREAKFAST BUNCH—THIRD SUNDAYS This group meets at the Cupboard on Union Avenue at 9:30 am on the 3rd Sunday of each month-Nov 18, Dec 16. In January the group will return to its 4th Sunday date! SERVANT MINISTRY TEAM—SECOND TUESDAYS The Servant Ministry Team meets in the Parish Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4 pm. (November 13)


CATHEDRAL CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER + Every Sunday at 8 AM + Holy Eucharist Rite One + + Christian Formation for all ages at 10 AM + + Every Sunday at 11 AM + Choral Eucharist Rite Two + followed by Hospitality Hour in the Parish Hall + Every Wednesday at 8 AM + Holy Eucharist + in the Chapel followed by Breakfast and Walking the Neighborhood with Andy and Working the Community Garden

The Pop-Top Ministry at St. Mary’s ~ Help Us Feed the Homeless “Truly I tell you: just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did to me.” Matthew 25 “To-Go” meals are handed out each Saturday morning at 9 AM. Here are items needed each week: +Vienna sausages in POP-TOP CANS +pork and beans in POP-TOP CANS +saltine crackers +fruit cups or applesauce in single serving cups +a "sweet" like Little Debbies or other cup cakes +Coca-cola or other soft drinks +bottled water

+ Every 2nd Thursday of the Month at Noon + Healing Eucharist at Sisters’ Altar in the Cathedral


Pop-Top Ministry Diocesan ECW Annual MeetingHoly Apostles’ Church November 4 All Saints’ Sunday Daylight Savings Time Ends-Fall Back 8a Holy Eucharist + Rite I 9a Names for All Saints’ are read 10 a Christian Formation 11 a Choral Eucharist + Rite II 12:15 p Names for All Saints’ are read in the Chapel Courtyard Wed-7 8 a Chapel Eucharist/Breakfast Thu-8 Noon Healing Service Sat-10 9 a Pop-Top Ministry 4p Diocesan Choral Festival Evensong-Nave November 11 24th Sunday after Pentecost 8 a Holy Eucharist + Rite I 10 a Christian Formation 11 a Choral Eucharist + Rite II Tue-13 4 p Servant Ministry Meeting 5:25 p Chapter Meeting Wed-14 8 a Chapel Eucharist/Breakfast Fri-16 Diocesan Convention-GSL Sat-17 9 a Pop-Top Ministry Diocesan Convention-GSL November 18 25th Sunday after Pentecost 8 a Holy Eucharist + Rite I 9:30 a Breakfast Bunch 10 a Christian Formation 11 a Choral Eucharist + Rite II Wed-21 8 a Chapel Eucharist/Breakfast 12 n Offices closed Offices closed on November 22 and 23. Sat-24 9 a Pop-Top Ministry November 25 Last Sunday after Pentecost 8 a Holy Eucharist + Rite I 9/10 a Advent Wreath Making 11 a Choral Eucharist + Rite II Tue-27 10 a Short Story Group-Sara Sadler Room Wed-28 8 a Chapel Eucharist/Breakfast


9a 9:30 a

NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Remember that the Fellowship Committee helps you celebrate your birthday on November 11 after the 11 AM Eucharist!!! Also, if your birthday is not listed, please contact the church office for an update to our records. 1 Judd Osten Alex Valine 3 Ian Cooper Donnie Snow 4 Fred Blackmon Gary Cook 5 Bubba Allen 6 Jerry Harber John Hiatt 8 Georgia Heartsill Kaki Whitley 9 Elizabeth Wirls 10 Gary Bridgman Laura Gettys

11 Marjorie Gerald Carrie Ann Farmer 12 Clara Yerger 13 Aubin Christopher Lydia Christopher Mike Harber 14 Caren Adams Lewis Wood 16 Ty Legge 17 James Gruber 18 Kathy Barnes Cristin Laird Ian McMillin Chima Onwuka

19 Nash Bridgman Helen Hiatt 21 Mary Snow Marsha Callow 22 Ralph George 23 Becky Buczkowski Don Vistica 24 Cameron Massengale 25 Marge Sorrells 26 Sara Frey 28 Fred Blackmon III Susan Nelson 29 Stephen Nelson

Altar Flowers for November

November 4 + All Saints’ Sunday The Altar Flowers are given by Tim and Marta Michell to the Glory of Almighty God and in loving memory of Merlyn Plumlee. November 11 + The 24th Sunday after Pentecost The Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of Almighty God in loving memory of Dr. Daniel Copeland by Phoebe Copeland, Charles Dean, and Malcolm Dean. November 18 + The 25th Sunday after Pentecost The Altar Flowers are given by Edith and Terry Street to the Glory of Almighty God and in loving memory of her parents, Joanne Patten Brown and John Jefferson Brown, and her brother, Joseph Brown. November 25 + The Last Sunday after Pentecost The Altar Flowers are given by Sara Ackerman Frey to the Glory of Almighty God and in loving memory of her husband,

Goal 1: Continue to pursue becoming a “house of prayer for all people” Goal 2: Continue to strengthen Christian Formation programs Goal 3: Expand Community Outreach and Hospitality Programs Goal 4: Enhance our position as the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of West Tennessee Goal 5: Continue to design services that support a unique Cathedral identity Goal 6: Present clear, unified, and targeted messages in all communications Goal 7: Staff as needed to support growth Goal 8: Provide funding for all programs and property maintenance Goal 9: Improve facilities for future generations at St. Mary’s and provide for unforeseen emergencies

Just Across the Parking Lot ~ EBS Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM & Sundays in Advent, 9 AM—1:30 PM (Dec 2, 9, 16, 23) [email protected] or 527-5684

Healing Eucharist — 2nd Thursdays at Noon

Leonard Warren Frey, on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan Morrell is our Altar Flowers Calendar Coordinator. If you would like to donate Altar Flowers, Bread and Wine, or Baptismal Font Flowers, she can be contacted at 575.3258 or [email protected]

Christmas Flower FundYes, it’s getting to be that time of the year! If you would like to contribute to the Christmas Flower Fund in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please call Jan Morrell at 575-3258 or e-mail her at [email protected] no later than December 10 for inclusion in the Christmas service leaflets. Your donations go toward the purchase of Altar Flowers, poinsettias, wreaths, and other greenery.

At the Sisters’ Altar in the Nave Sacrament of Unction and Healing Prayers open to all ~ a 30-minute experience The next service will be NOVEMBER 8 at NOON

Sisters’ Chapel Chair Dedications A beautiful, meaningful way to participate in the new life of our Sisters’ Chapel is to provide a chapel chair as a memorial or honorarium for a loved one. The cost is $600 which includes an inscription plaque. Look for the forms or contact the Cathedral office: Judy Phillips 527-3361.

CHAPEL PEWS FOR SALE A full length pew is $600. A pew with the cut outs due to the Chapel columns is $400.


Servant Ministry Team News

Cathedral Staff & Chapter STAFF (Office Phone 527 . 3361 ) The Very Rev. William E. Andrews III, D. Min., Dean-X106

The Angel Tree has begun! The Angel Tree will go up in the Parish Hall on November 4th. The “angels” on the tree will contain the name, age, and gift wishes of a student at Downtown Elementary School. The ingathering of gifts will begin on November 25th and conclude on December 2nd. All participants will receive full instructions on buying the gifts, wrapping, and labeling it, etc. If you would rather participate by donating money, we can use that as well— the committee always has last minute presents to buy to make sure all students receive gifts. We can also use volunteers to help with the festive party to be held on December 11th from Noon to 2 pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral for the students. Whatever you can do to continue this long-running ministry of St. Mary’s would be most appreciated by this year’s Angel Tree Chair, Claire Valine ([email protected] or 901-327-6996)

[email protected] Cell 901.275.4514 The Reverend Laura F. Gettys, Canon Pastor for Parish Life-X118 [email protected] Cell 901.569.5820 The Rev. Drew Woodruff, Deacon for Social Justice-336.1103 [email protected] The Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Harber, Theologian in Residence [email protected] Judy Phillips, Director of Administration X107 [email protected] Lisa McIndoo, Director of Creative Ministries 335.3800 [email protected] Tericka “Trell” Parker Pearson, Sexton 568.0405 [email protected] Jasper Delaney, Sexton 864.6619 Norma Harrison, Bookkeeper X115 [email protected] Scott M. Elsholz, Canon Organist/Choirmaster 527.6123

Tutoring has begun at the Downtown Elementary School, but you can still volunteer. If you are interested, want to learn more, or yearn to be inspired by young minds, contact Dawn Roberts at ([email protected] or 901-757-1497).

[email protected] Tyrus R. Legge, Jr., CAGO, Asst. Organist-Choirmaster X111 Director of Publications [email protected] Sheila Dabney, Receptionist CHAPTER

We also continue to search for a chair for the 2013 Silent Auction. If this opportunity appeals to you, consider co-chairing with a friend - it’s always easier with two!

S t . M ary’s C at he dral 700 Poplar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38105


The Deadline for the next issue of THE CHIMES is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19

One of the actions for the Servant Ministry Team as defined in Goal 3 of Project Grow (St. Mary’s Cathedral’s Strategic Plan) is to target organizations for outreach giving. Your Servant Ministry Team has been hard at work evaluating grant applications from organizations that serve St. Mary’s neighborhood. The money available for granting represents a set percentage of St. Mary’s annual operating budget. To be eligible for a grant, the project must meet specific evaluation criteria (for example, goals for addressing poverty, street people, homelessness and/or education; realistic funding expectations, assessment of the organization’s facility and personnel; proximity to St. Mary’s Cathedral.) Interested organizations must submit the defined goals of the project, a detailed budget ,and a method for measuring success; the organization is encouraged to describe any opportunities for Cathedral parishioners to volunteer. The Servant Ministry Team’s recommendations for grants are made to the Cathedral Chapter, which approves the award decisions. Stay tuned for announcements on who will receive this year’s awards, which is just one of the ways your Cathedral returns God’s blessings to the community.

2012: Scott Blake, Pam Chapman, Ryan Godbey, Jerry Harber, Shane Heartsill, Robert Watson. 2013: John Gary, Amy George, Jim Johnson, Lee Roberts, Sherri Tipton, John Weatherly. 2014: Rebecca Chappell, Anna Holtzclaw, Gillian Steinhauer, Yousef Valine, Gene Woods, Clara Yerger. Leadership: Pam Chapman— Chapter Warden; Marcia Wunderlich—Bishop’s Warden; Michael Allen—Finance Chair; Patricia McFarland—Secretary; Ralph George—Treasurer