The Creator's Calendar video is out! - World's Last Chance

The Creator's Calendar video is out! - World's Last Chance

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The Creator's Calendar video is out!

WLC is happy to announce the release of the Creator's Calendar. In this video it will be shown how the Creator of the world designed an elegant and precise system of time-keeping to regulate life. The modern solar calendar, by which the whole world today is run, is a counterfeit of the Creator's calendar. The video argues that in order to worship on the true seventh-day Sabbath, set apart at Creation as a holy time, the Creator's calendar must be used. It is not possible to find the weekly Sabbath on the modern calendar. This newly released video explains how the Creator's original calendar works. All those who are eager to be found blameless when Yahushua comes again, and be able to meet Him in the clouds of glory should regulate their lives by His calendar.