The God Who Sees

The God Who Sees -

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December 18, 2016

The God Who Sees Main Scripture: Luke 19:1-10 Additional Scriptures: Isa 26:3 Discussion Questions God wants to restore our vision. Zacchaeus, a Jewish tax collector is operating under the Roman Empire system against his own people. Secular government with pagan gods ruled the culture. Jesus comes to realign his vision of the one true God.

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According to the Jewish population, what was the general consensus about tax collectors during this time? How is Zacchaeus physically described? How does his physical hindrance actually end up working in his favor? What do you notice about God’s timing in this story?

CLIMB THE TREE If we would see Jesus, we too must scramble higher than ourselves • What does it mean to be a God Seeker? • God Seeking is one of our fluencies. How would you describe this fluency to others? • What would be the benefit of implementing the one-hour challenge? (Read Bible. Pray. Seek God) HEAR YOUR NAME • What is noticeable about verse 5? • How does this interaction help us understand Jesus and his ministry? • How does this story encourage your faith? RECEIVE YOUR SIGHT • What was Zacchaeus’ response to Jesus? • Why do you think Zacchaeus changed? • What is revealed about the crowd? How does this help us understand the transformation of Zacchaeus? Two questions for you this week. • God what are you saying to me? • What am I doing with what you have said?