The G.R.O.W. - December 2-8, 2018

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Gratitude is a biblical virtue. God calls us to be thankful to those who help us. And you, our Church Family, deserves the Poverty Response Team (PRT) appreciation and gratitude! In November, the PRT called on you to support a Shoe Drive for our partnered school. We (PRT) are honored, blessed, and thankful to you for your donations of: (drum roll please....) over 140 shoes in total / 6 large plastic bins to store the shoes and over $600 in money donations that helped the PRT buy extra shoes in the sizes we did not get a lot of and a $100 gift card for other special needs. You all are a spectacular, loving, and faithful group. Without the open-heartedness and giving, our Team and you the Church, we could not have an impact or influence in our community. As a Church body, we are doing the work our Heavenly Father desires from His people. One step at a time, one day at a time, in obedience to God, we are making a difference....molding future disciples and being good stewards of the Word. God has a plan for everyone and everything, that includes the PRT and you, the Church Family. None of us can fully know God’s plan, the best we can do is pray and listen for clarity. The PRT is doing just that and we are excited to announce our next project! The PRT will be set-up in the church lobby this Sunday, December 2nd to receive your donations for our community families in need for the holidays, and we need your support. A portion of your generous donations to the benevolence fund will be used to purchase dry goods, canned items, peanut butter, potatoes, etc. These items will be bagged and donated to low income families, to help fill the gap and cover the expense during Christmas break. We have partnered with Olympic View and Hillcrest Elementary. We are looking to recruit people, (young and old) to support us in bagging these food items for the families. We will be meeting at the church on December 9th at 2:00 PM. We humbly and boldly ask you to sign up at the table this Sunday. Then on December 9th why not put on that Santa cap and meet the PRT at FBC at 2:00PM! You won’t regret it and fellowshipping is always rewarding. Thank You and Merry Christmas!

The Lord repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel under whose wings you have come to take refuge! -Ruth 2:12

THIS WEEK @ FAMILY BIBLE CHURCH Today, December 2 Sunday Services 8:30 · 9:50 · 11:20 “Jesus, Immanuel”—Pastor Brian Haynes Matthew 1:18-25 6:00 AM Awana: Trek & Journey Monday, December 3 3:30 PM Gingerbread House Making Party—C6 Tuesday, December 4 6:00 AM Men of the Bible—B3 9:00 AM Finishing Strong—B3 9:00 AM Bible Study Fellowship—C6 6:30 PM Awana: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T 6:30 PM Financial Peace (FPU)—B4 Wednesday, December 5 9:30 AM Never Quit Bible Study—B3 6:00 PM Praise & Prayer Group—B3 6:30 PM Youth Dinner—Lobby 7:00 PM Youth Group—C6 Thursday, December 6 9:30 AM MOPS—Worship Center 9:30 AM TOPS—C5 6:30 PM DivorceCare—B3 7:00 PM Worship Team Rehearsal Friday, December 7 6:30 PM Fil-Am Bible Study—C6 Saturday, December 8 No Scheduled Events

THANK YOU! We would like to extend our gratitude to Tyler Black for his 6 years on the Elder Board. If you know Tyler, please extend your warmest gratitude for his dedicated years of service to Family Bible Church.



Angel Tree is a Prison Fellowship program that gives parents behind bars a way to restore and strengthen relationships with their children through a tangible experience of God’s love—especially at Christmas. Gift tags will be available in the lobby between services on November 25th and December 2nd. We have a few distant gifts (Darrington, Everson, Sedro Woolley & South Whidbey) for which we will need help with delivery. If you are willing to assist in this area, please see Barb on Sunday. There is also a need for food gift card donations to be included for the families. If you cannot find a tag that works for you, please consider this option. Questions? Call Barb at 360-675-7800.

At the end of this year, Jim Oldham with One Mission Society (OMS) will retire as an FBC Global Partner. He and his late wife, Nell, were also members here for several years before moving to San Diego to work with Chinese international students at UCSD in La Jolla. FBC wants to honor him with a huge 16" X 25" card which will be at the GPC table in the lobby on Sunday, December 2 & 9, for people to sign and leave a little note to congratulate him for his long career of service to the Kingdom. The Hartmans will personally deliver it to him and take him out to dinner to celebrate while they are in SoCal with their kids during the Christmas holidays. CLICK HERE for the full story on the life of Jim & Nell Oldham and their almost 40 year career with OMS.


Monday, December 3rd | 3:30-5:00 PM Join us for this fun-filled gathering where we get to let our creative juices flow. (Although hot chocolate will be served.) We provide the graham cracker structure, you help provide some white frosting and candy for all to share, and you get to create your masterpiece. Take it home to help decorate for Christmas, or gobble it up. (No one will know!) Invite your friends. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Rebecca Brooks at [email protected].

NEVER QUIT BIBLE STUDY Join other Women of the Word for a short Bible Study starting November 28th at 9:30 AM in room B3. This will be a 5-week study on the power of prayer called Never Quit based on Luke 18:1-8. Please come when you can, as these are busy times. Let Barb Riffel know if you plan to attend ([email protected] or 360-279-0980).

ADVENT DEVOTIONALS Christianity Today Advent Devotionals are available at the corner desk in the church lobby. This is a great way to keep your focus on Jesus during this busy season. Make sure to pick one up for your family on Sunday. Only one (1) per family, please!

MORE FROM GLOBAL PARTNERS Next weekend, FBC will host Jeff Johnson and his wife Danette. He is the new President of International Needs (IN), a worldwide partnership of Christian organizations fulfilling the commission of Jesus Christ, supporting each other to see transformed lives, families, and communities by helping Christians serve within their own countries. FBC has Global Partners affiliated with IN in Turkey, Egypt, Northern India, and Zambia. Next Sunday, December 9th, you will have an opportunity to hear him speak at 9:50 Am in room B4. For more information on Jeff Johnson's background, CLICK HERE.

AWANA BLESSING NIGHT FOR T&T (formerly known as the Awana Auction)

On Tuesday, December 11th, during club 3rd-6th graders get to "shop" for gifts for their friends and family from donated items. Donated gifts can be brand new or slightly used with LOTS of life left in them. No clothing or stuffed animals please. Gifts for all ages are needed to include male and female. Suggestions are: working toys, coloring sets, sports balls of all versions, miscellaneous bags of all sorts (purses, wallets, carry), various small tool sets, musical instruments, picture frames, craft sets, jewelry, flash lights, emergency roadside kits, car wash kits, mini flashlights, jewelry boxes, various kitchen items and more! Collection bins will be available in the lobby until 6:30 PM on December 11th. Gift wrappers are needed from 6:30-8:30 PM on December 11th so the children go home with the gifts ready to go under the tree. See the Awana Board in the main hallway with more information. Contact: Pamela Ketchum 360-929-2135 or Tina King 360-240-1451

Dear FBC Family, Merry Christmas from the Board of Elders. It is that time of year in which we want to say, “Thank you” to our Pastoral Staff, Office Staff, and Maintenance Staff. All work very hard throughout the year and we want to show our gratitude to them at this Christmas Season. Please mark your offering as “Christmas Bonus” and place in the Offering Slot under the Global Partners map in the lobby. Thank and Merry Christmas, The FBC Elder Board

Sparks and T&T Theme December 4, 2018 “Backward Night”


2760 N. Heller Rd., Oak Harbor, WA 98277 360-679-1585 | [email protected] Sunday Services: 8:30 | 9:50 | 11:20 Nursery (0-5 years): 9:50 | 11:20 K-6th Grade Sunday School: 9:50 Kids Church for K-6th Grade: 11:20 JR/SR High Sunday School: 9:50 Adult Sunday School Classes: 8:30 | 9:50 | 11:20 Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Follow us on Facebook: Family-Bible-Church-Oak-Harbor-Washington

Our Mission - Make Disciples