the order of worship

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Prelude ............................................... Mein junges Leben hat ein End, SwWV 324 ............... Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck .......................................................................... (My young life has an end) ................................................. (1562 – 1621) Entrance Antiphon The Lord said: I think thoughts of peace and not of affliction. You will call upon me, and I will answer you, and I will lead back your captives from every place. (Jer 29: 11, 12, 14) Entrance Hymn ........................................ God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending ....................................................... #805 ............................................................... (Sun. 5 pm) Laudate, Laudate Dominum ..................................................... #598 Gloria ....................................................................... from Modal Mass

Music: Modal Mass—Calvert Shenk, Adam Taylor, arr. Text: Roman Missal (2010) “Glory to God in the Highest” © CanticaNOVA Publications. Reprinted under A-701331.

....................................................................(Sun. 5 pm) from Mass of Creation .......................................................... #323 Reading I ..................................................... Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Responsorial Psalm ......................... Psalm 128: Blessed are those who fear the Lord ............................................. #1205 .................................................. (Sun. 5 pm) Psalm 128: Blessed are those who love you......................................... #101 Reading II .............................................................1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Gospel Acclamation ............................................. from Notre Dame Mass

....................................................................(Sun. 5 pm) from Mass of Creation

Music: Mass of Creation, Marty Haugen, © 1984, 1985, 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. Reprinted under A-701331.

Gospel ..................................................................... Matthew 25:14-30 Preparation of the Gifts .............................I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light ........................................................ #585 ........................................................................ (10 am) The Lord Is My Light .............................................. Fred Gramann ......................................................................... (Sun. 5 pm) We Remember................................................................ #938 Preface Acclamation ............................. Holy, Holy, Holy from A Community Mass .................................................... #353 ...................................................... (Sun. 5 pm) Holy, Holy, Holy from Mass of Creation ............................................ #365 Memorial Acclamation .................... When we eat this bread from A Community Mass .............................................. #356 ................................................ (Sun. 5 pm) When we eat this bread from Mass of Creation ...................................... #366 Great Amen ........................................................from A Community Mass .................................................................. #355 ....................................................................(Sun. 5 pm) from Mass of Creation .......................................................... #367

NOVEMBER 19, 2017


Breaking of the Bread ............................. Lamb of God from A Community Mass ...................................................... #384 ........................................................ (Sun. 5 pm) Lamb of God from Mass of Creation .............................................. #383 Communion Antiphon To be near God is my happiness, to place my hope in God the Lord. (Ps 73:28) Communion Procession .........................................Christ, Be Our Light! ....................................................................... #584 .....................................................................(Sun. 5 pm) Christ, Be Our Light! ............................................................. #584 Hymn of Thanksgiving ............................ (10 am) Behold the Tabernacle of God .......................................... William Harris ................................................................. (Sun. 5 pm) Bring Forth the Kingdom .......................................... Marty Haugen Marian Antiphon .......................................................... Salve Regina ............................................................................ #882 Concluding Hymn ................................................ Lord of All Hopefulness .................................................................... #686 ......................................................................... (Sun. 5 pm) We Are Called ................................................................. #799 Postlude .......................................................................Processional .................................... William Mathias (1934 – 1992) LITURGY AND MUSIC NOTES The first part of the Mass, known as the Introductory Rite, contains the following rituals: the Entrance Hymn, Greeting (Sign of the Cross), Penitential Act, Gloria, and Collect (Opening Prayer). When combined, all of these elements usually take about eight minutes, less in Advent and Lent because the Gloria is omitted during those seasons. Focusing on the Penitential Act, the Roman Missal provides three options. However, at Saint Jane’s, we have only been accustomed to the first two. In the first option, the priest leads a prayer known as the Confiteor, or general confession (“I confess to almighty God […]”), followed by an absolution (“May almighty God have mercy on us […]”), and concludes with the invocation of the Kyrie (“Lord, have mercy […]”). A second option is to omit the general confession and absolution and to offer the Kyrie invocations with what are known as “tropes,” (i.e.: “You were sent to heal the contrite of heart, Lord have mercy […]”). Yet, there is one more option available to us. Because more and more churches, including our Cathedral Church of Saint Matthew the Apostle, are beginning to use this third option, we will introduce it as part of our Masses during this upcoming Advent season. The third option replaces the general confession found in the first option with the following dialog: Priest: Have mercy on us, O Lord. All: For we have sinned against you. Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy. People: And grant us your salvation. This dialog is followed by the absolution found in the first option and concludes with the Kyrie invocations. We are part of a big Church, and to effectively express the universality of the Mass, it is important for us to exhaust all of the ritual options given to us in the Roman Missal. In doing so, if we visit a new church and they do something different from what we are accustomed to doing, you will still be able to fully participate as a member of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

IN OUR PARISH Can’t find the bulletin you brought home from church? Want to keep up on what’s happening in the parish even when you are away on vacation or sick in bed? Visit our parish website, to view a copy of the bulletin and for more information on parish events and organizations. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS St. Jane de Chantal Parish welcomes those who have recently registered in our parish. If you attend Mass at St. Jane Frances de Chantal regularly, we encourage you to register as a member. Please complete a registration form and drop it in the collection basket when you attend Mass. M ASS OF THANKSGIVING Thursday, November 23, is Thanksgiving. The only Mass at

St. Jane de Chantal will be celebrated at 11:00 am. The Poor Box on Thanksgiving will benefit St. Martin’s Cloak. ADVENT GIVING TREE The Advent Giving Tree program, sponsored by the St. Jane de Chantal Sodality, will begin on Thanksgiving weekend. Ornament gift tags will be hung on trees in the church gathering space. The tags indicate gift requests from charitable organizations, nursing homes, and the retired Sisters of Charity in Greensburg, PA. This program is a special way for our parish to remember others at Christmas. Please take a tag from one of the trees and return the gift in a Christmas gift bag, with the tag attached. Gifts will be collected only during the Saturday vigil and Sunday Masses the weekends of December 2/3 and December 9/10. Please note that gifts should not be left in the church during the week. If you must leave a gift early, please deliver it to the parish office. Giving Tree questions:



Denise Sintetos ([email protected] / 301-807-6199) and Colleen Hadigan ([email protected] / 301-564-0368). ADVENT WREATH WORKSHOP Begin Advent by bringing your family together to learn about the Advent wreath and make a fresh wreath of your own! On Sunday, December 3, each family who registers will be given the materials to create their own Advent wreath to place on a table in the home. We are offering two sessions: 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm; space will be limited. The cost for each wreath is $25.00. Flyers and registration forms can be picked up in the gathering space of church. Please return the registration form to the Seton Center, the parish office, or school office by November 28 to reserve your spot. For additional information, contact Maureen Bailey (301-717-8734 / [email protected]) or Sally Daniel (301-530-1640). PRO-LIFE CHRISTMAS CARD SALES The Pro-Life Committee thanks all who helped make the Christmas card sale a success. Christmas cards are still available by calling Lisa Tennant at 301-897-5412. YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP The Young Adult Fellowship is for 20 and 30 somethings, single or married, who would like to get more involved in our parish community. Please view or "Like" our Facebook page at to keep up with all of our events! M ASS INTENTIONS It has long been a custom in the Catholic Church to have a Mass offered for someone who is deceased. Masses can also be offered for a special intention, e.g., for the recovery of one who is ill, an anniversary or birthday, or for a special prayer. The priest then makes it his intention during Mass to remember the particular request made. If you would like to have Mass offered for someone who is deceased or for a special intention, stop by the parish office during office hours (M-F 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Saturday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm). A card is provided to send to the family of the deceased or to the person for whom the Mass is offered. It is also customary that a stipend, or offering, is made at the time of the request. The normal offering for a Mass, per archdiocesan guidelines, is $10.00.

REMEMBER IN PRAYER . . . those who are sick, and all those in our nursing homes and hospitals, especially Nancy Breslin, Pat Krisko, Elton Smith, Suzanne Kulikowski, James Besche, Susan Tise, Lucy Kirby, Donald Dominick, Lillian Liang, and Isabella Moya. . . . those who have died, especially John Dumont.

IN OUR LITURGY & MUSIC MINISTRIES Visit the Music Ministries page at for information on the many music ensembles at St. Jane.

IN OUR FAITH FORMATION PROGRAMS Visit the Faith Formation page at for information on the various programs, registration forms and calendars.

IN OUR BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL Check out the St. Jane de Chantal School website at to get information on admissions, see what each classroom is studying, and more. OPEN HOUSE On November 10, St. Jane de Chantal School welcomed over 30 families to the Fall Open House. Each family was greeted by Mrs. Hamilton and then led on a school tour by a current parent. Many families have since submitted applications for the 2018-19 school year. The next School Open House will be held Monday, January 29, 2018. Plan to join us, and visit our classrooms and meet the teachers. STORY-TELLING VISITOR Last week St. Jane de Chantal welcomed story teller, Gary Lloyd, as an in-school field trip, to teach the students the "Art of Story Telling." There were three different story-telling sessions to accommodate the different age groups in the school. Students were captivated by the story-teller's tales, both fiction and non-fiction. Pre-K through second grade heard stories of dragons, knights, and castles; third grade through fifth grade heard stories of adventures; and sixth grade through eighth grade heard stories about natural disasters. The story-telling experience was exciting and loved by all. Students learned what makes a good story and how to deliver a story to keep your listeners interested. FIFTH GRADE TO MOUNT VERNON The fifth grade went on its annual trip to Mt. Vernon recently to learn more about George Washington and colonial America. This trip coincides with their study of the founding of the American republic, fight for independence, and founding fathers. ARCHDIOCESAN TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Students enrolled in St. Jane de Chantal School whose families are be interested in applying for tuition assistance for the 2018-19 school year must complete a financial aid application with the Archdiocese of Washington, available at


NOVEMBER 19, 2017

IN OUR ARCHDIOCESE For more information on education, family, youth, social concerns, & other events in the Archdiocese of Washington, visit The website also has a media center, which includes social media tools, a YouTube channel, and apps. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE ON TV? Join the congregation at a taping of the Sunday TV Mass! Your presence at the TV Mass is a wonderful way to bring the Mass to those who are homebound. Two Masses are taped on the same evening, from 7:30-8:45 pm in the Crypt Church of the Basilica at the National Shrine (400 Michigan Avenue, NE). Come for one Mass or stay for both! Upcoming taping dates are December 4 and 14. To be added to the TV Mass Congregation list, contact Jacquelyn Hayes at [email protected] or 202-526-8300. Tell your homebound family and friends to pray with you on TV! The Sunday TV Mass airs every Sunday morning at 10:30 am on WDCW Ch. 50, Washington, DC; also airs nationally on Catholic TV on Saturdays at 7:00 pm, and is archived on the Basilica's YouTube Channel: marysshrine. CHRISTMAS DINNER FOR THOSE IN NEED The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception will provide meals for hundreds of poor, homeless, elderly, and needy individuals living in the District of Columbia and surrounding areas on Christmas Day. More than one thousand Christmas dinners are served each year in the National Shrine cafeteria, and another thousand are delivered to shut-ins. Volunteers are needed to fill many different positions. If you are able to help out, either at the Basilica or by delivering meals, visit for a link to online registration. For more information, call 202-526-8300, ext. 111, or email [email protected]. EXHIBIT ON THE RESTORATION OF JESUS' TOMB Journey to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Tomb of Christ in an immersive exhibit at the National Geographic Museum in Washington, DC. “The Edicule” documents the historic 2016 restoration of the Tomb of Jesus. Visitors will be able to walk through a 3-D digital rendering of the rotunda in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Tomb, including a view of the newly-revealed cave walls that have not been seen in centuries. Learn more about this extraordinary exhibit, plus talks and other special events at

STEWARDSHIP Good stewards are like the industrious and reliable servants in today’s Gospel, prudently using and multiplying the gifts entrusted to them by God.


* Offertory $13,060.00 * November 13, 2016 $10,546.00 Attendance 1373 November 13, 2016 1650 COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE The St. Jane de Chantal School Endowment Fund is currently not available for work-place giving. You can still contribute to our School Endowment Fund through our parish’s online giving program, Faith Direct (https:// You may make a onetime gift (write “School Endowment Fund” in the “Notes” box), or a monthly recurring gift that renews yearly. #GIVINGTUESDAY Kick off the season of giving on Tuesday, November 28 and help provide the students of St. Jane de Chantal School with the support and tools they need to learn and develop a positive self-image, leadership skills, and a keen sense of responsibility toward school, faith, and community. Your gift on #GIVINGTUESDAY can benefit our school in three ways: School Endowment Fund, Msgr. Christopher Scholarship Fund, and School Technology Fund. Watch for information on each of these funds, and the link for donating to these funds online on #GIVINGTUESDAY. The SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY FUND benefits the school technology enhancement plan. To date, the enhancement plan has provided wireless communications throughout the school, an audio/ visual system for Christopher Hall, and Chromebooks and iPads with applications specifically designed for education. There are four major areas that require additional funds: the purchase of additional Chromebooks to achieve a 1:1 ratio in grade 5, 6, and 7; the replacement of aging interactive classroom projectors; the replacement of aging student desktops in the computer lab and teacher desktops in the classroom; and the purchase of additional iPads to be shared in the primary grades for classroom projects. Poor Box The Poor Box next weekend, November 25/26, will benefit St. Martin’s Cloak. In the spirit of St. Martin, who tore his military cloak in half to share with a beggar, St. Martin’s Cloak provides financial and other assistance to those in need, particularly those in our parish. Financial assistance is completely confidential. Long term problems are referred to community resources.

NOVEMBER 28 | SAVE THE DATE & Support St. Jane de Chantal School



For upcoming events & dates, visit

PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, November 19—Saturday, November 25, 2017

C = Church  CH = Caulfield Hall  CGS = Gathering Space  CLL = Church Lower Lobby CRH = Christopher Hall  SMR = Scanlan Meeting Room  DCR = De Chantal Room MR = Music Room  NMR = Nalls Meeting Room  RBR = Rectory Board Room SCH = School  SC = Seton Center for Religious Education  AF = Athletic Field  PG = Parish Grounds

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 10:00 am ......................... Faith of Our Toddlers ................................................... SMR 11:00 am ......................... Youth Group Leadership ............................................. SMR 1:00 pm ........................... CYO Basketball ........................................................... CRH 1:15 pm ........................... St. Elizabeth Seton Unit ............................................... SMR 3:30 pm ........................... Family Choir................................................................... MR 6:00 pm ........................... High School Youth Ministry ............................................ SC 6:15 pm ........................... Bible Study: Wisdom ...................................................... SC MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20 3:00 pm ........................... School Chess Club ................................................... DDCR 3:30 pm ........................... CYO Basketball ........................................................... CRH 3:30 pm ........................... Girl Scouts Cadettes Troop 4232 (Grade 6) ................NMR 7:00 pm ........................... Cub Scouts Parents ..................................................... DCR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 3:30 pm ........................... CYO Basketball ........................................................... CRH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 3:30 pm ........................... CYO Basketball ........................................................... CRH THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23 3:30 pm ........................... CYO Basketball ........................................................... CRH 6:00 pm ........................... Boy Scout Troop 461 ...................................................NMR 7:00 pm ........................... Centering Prayer ............................................................ SC FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24 3:30 pm ........................... CYO Basketball ........................................................... CRH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 8:00 am ........................... CYO Basketball ........................................................... CRH after 5 pm Mass .............. Sodality Giving Tree Begins ........................................ CGS

MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, November 19—Saturday, November 25, 2017 Sunday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Parishioners All Souls B. E. Trainor/L Elizabeth Kegyes/L All Souls Alfredo & Ana Amy/D All Souls Betty Doniger/D All Souls Bina Kiyonaga/D No Mass All Souls All Souls Robert James/D All Souls Erinise Brutus/D

“May a culture of encounter always be promoted that is able to bring down the walls which still divide the world.” @Pontifex

CELEBRANTS November 26, 2017 5:00 pm Vigil Fr. Burney 8:00 am Fr. Giese 10:00 am Fr. Giese 12:00 pm Fr. McKay 5:00 pm Fr. Burney

LITURGY OF THE WORD November 26, 2017 Reading I Ez 34:11-12, 15-17 Reading II 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28 Gospel Mt 25:31-46

ALTAR SERVERS Monday, November 20—Sunday, November 26, 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 11:00 am 8:00 am 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm

C. Gotzman, M. Gotzman J. Maxwell, M. McDonald J. Broome, T. Petersen M. Ryan, S. Ryan M. D’Avella, K. McCabe M. Bailey, L. Owens No Mass HS needed, 2 volunteers needed J. Broome, T. Petersen T. McKinnon, M. Quirk S. Quirk, C. Stroud J. Morris, K. McCabe, L. Sabella-Capuano

G. Relacion, B. Harman, A. Rohatgi M. Flynn, M. Gleeson, F. Hoag J. Cerritelli, S. Pimenta, M. Skibo M. D’Avella, C. Crowley, T. Shaffer