The Priority of Pursuing | Philippians 3:12-16

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March 17, 2019

The Priority of Pursuing | Philippians 3:12-16

Welcome! We are glad you joined us today.

To reach God’s goal for you

If you are our guest today, please complete the guest card located in the pocket of the chair in front of you. After the service, you are invited to join us for coffee and light refreshments in the back of the Worship Center.

Our Vision is to develop people into followers of Jesus Christ with a passion to worship God well and communicate his love to others.

Context: Two purposes for this section of Philippians (3:12-4:1): (1) To correct the potential misunderstanding that Paul’s words about losing everything for Christ means that he has already reached spiritual perfection. (2) To encourage the believers to follow his example.

To make disciples who make disciples.

What is the “one thing” you should do?

Harvest Kids classes are available during worship service for babies-preschoolers.


Elementary students join their families for the first portion of the service, and then are dismissed to their classes (K-1 in room 102, 2-3 in room 103, 4-5 in room 105).

Thank you for your generous giving to the Lord!


______________: Understand what the true prize is (8-11).


______________ that you are not perfect (12).


______________ the past from your mind (13).


______________ the future while living in the present (13).


______________ God’s goal based on what He has already done (14).

YTD Giving $224,547 | YTD Estimated Expenses $229,154 — (10/1/18-3/10/19)

Today’s Sermon given by Pastor Jerry is based on Philippians 3:12-16 and is titled, “The Priority of Pursuing.”

Ladies Retreat Sign-Up Deadline, TODAY Moms in Prayer, TONIGHT, from 6:15-7:15 pm Men’s Retreat Sign-Up Deadline, March 20 Men’s Bible Study, March 20, from 7:00-8:30 pm Men’s Retreat, March 22-23

13301 Eastfield Rd. • Huntersville, NC. 28078 • (704) 948-3910 •

What are some hindrances to our pursuing God’s goal for us?