The Return of the King

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Series: Surprise (3) The Return of the King (Matthew 24:36-44) November 08, 2015 * Halfway through the Surprise series: statements/stories Jesus said that were difficult to hear or confusing to understand. Statements that put the real Jesus front and center. One of two reactions – either fell at feet and gave lives to, or hated and tried to kill him. * Personal struggle about today’s subject: overly cautious about eschatology (end times) * One thing we do need as a church: earnest expectation of His return. v.36 * He doesn’t know when he’s coming back? - How does Son of God not know something? – Especially something as important as schedule of return? - Luke 2:52 - Theology lesson: From the beginning, Christians have believed that Jesus was both fully God and fully man. Not 50/50 but 100% man, 100% God. (Note: in order for Jesus to save us, He had to be fully both. Had He not been man, He could not have died in our place as a substitute. Had He not been God, He could have never lived a sinless life, and defeated the power of sin and death. -

While Jesus was here on earth, He voluntarily emptied Himself of access to a lot of His divine powers. The reason He doesn’t know was because He, in His humanity, did not access his divine powers.

* Usually, when we think of “incarnation” (God in the flesh) we think of Christmas and a 6lb 8oz baby wrapped in swaddling clothes…or amazing work on the cross (grace, mercy, and forgiveness) – we can’t over preach that or ever grow routine. Invitation to “come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, I’ll give you rest…..”


* There is a day when the invitation is closed. * Get Spiritually Awake (vv 37-42) * Noah – God told the world He would send a flood and then waited 120 years before He did it. * 2 Peter 3:9 - God is not being slow. Wrath is being held back as His glory spreads. He’s saving all over the world right now. (v.42) * Wake Up! – Idea of watching, being on guard, urgent, attentive to your task, etc. * If we know the world has an end, and it could be soon, doesn’t that rearrange your priorities? * God’s Word teaches us to enjoy things. - But life is painfully short and when the King returns, we want to have invested our talents to the fullest for the Kingdom, not sitting on them. - Parable of talents à Jesus describes guy who failed to invest the talents God gave him. ‘I gave opportunity, resources….you knew I was coming back, why didn’t you invest for my Kingdom’? He cast him into “outer darkness” which means that those people who fail to invest their lives for the Kingdom are not really saved, regardless of what they say about Jesus. *Hebrews 10:24-25 * Work to Remember (vv 43-44) * “Know this” à keep this clearly in mind, remember… * ill. – If you know a thief is coming to your house….you’re awake….. (you are prepared and you don’t forget) * Our default = not remembering. - Scripture/worship à tunes us into the faithfulness of God. Reality is, Christ is coming again….(promises)