The seventh Commandment

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Ten Commandments – 7th & 8th Lifeguard Copy Due Today: Dares from Jesus Journal #7, Catechism Family Reading pages. 13; 85-87, 87-89; Memorize Seventh & Eighth Commandments

Goal: Students will have a general understanding of the meanings of the Seventh and Eighth Commandments as they apply them to their lives.


1. The student will be able to recite the Seventh and Eighth Commandments with 100% accuracy. 2. The student will be able to explain the relationship of the Seventh Commandment to stewardship. 3. The student will be able to recite what Jesus says about speaking the truth.

Opening Prayer (by student), Offering, Announcements , Student Drill REPLAY:

1. What is the Sixth Commandment? (Do not commit adultery.) 2. Give one example of what God forbids in the 6th Commandment (divorce – except for marital unfaithfulness, sex between unmarried people, sexual sin). 3. What in our culture contributes to breaking this commandment? 4. What is one way to overcome sexual temptations?

Hook: In your LIFE Groups, come up with two examples of stealing (one

really BIG and obvious example of stealing and one not-so-obvious example of stealing that maybe we justify or say “it’s no big deal” about.) When it is time, send the person with the longest last name up to the front to share your group’s answer.

Bottom Line: When we take things that do not belong to us without the owner’s permission, we are guilty of breaking the 7th Commandment!

The seventh Commandment You shall not steal.

The Seventh Commandment’s Meaning: We should fear and love God so that we do not take our neighbor’s money or possessions, or get them in any dishonest way, but help him/her to improve and possessions and income.

protect his/her

What are our reasons for stealing? (Greed and lack of respect for others, insecurity)

What are some examples of things that can be stolen that we cannot touch or hold? (Time, ideas, answers, words)

Scenario: (Everyone stand & move in a cluster. Find two other people you

do not know… outside of your LIFE Group. Introduce yourself & share your favorite item in your bedroom & how you got it. Answer this question.) Three students are working on a project for school. One student decides to let the others do all the work. How is this an example of breaking the 7th Commandment? Share out loud & go back to seats. God forbids every kind of robbery, theft and dishonest way of getting things. • What does, Ephesians 4:28 tell us?

“He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something useful to share with those in need.” (We should work, not just for our own benefit, but also to help and serve others.)

• How does this go against what many people think today? Is it possible to steal from God?

• To whom do our things belong? God • What does God ask of us regarding the things HE’S given us? Check out Malachi 3:10 (Tithe-


How can we honor this commandment? (Q #60)

We should HELP our neighbor IMPROVE and PROTECT what he has and we should help other people in ANY needs they might have.

[Note: This is where sweating at someone comes into play—remember we discussed this back at the 2nd commandment?] Remember Matthew 7:12? (The Golden Rule – Do to others what you would have them do to you.) Philippians 2: 4 says to look beyond your own interests to those of others. In your small group, take three minutes to discuss how easy or hard this is to do.

The 8th Commandment

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

Scenario:. Three volunteer LIFEGUARDS will play out a scenario

where one LIFEGUARD slanders the other. Students will then discuss what the possible consequences could be of speaking poorly of another person. The 8th Commandment’s Meaning: We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his

reputation, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.

Q – What does God forbid in this commandment?

a) God forbids telling lies about others or telling lies to others (Eph 4:25) b) God forbids us to reveal our neighbor’s secrets… aka: Gossip!

c) God forbids us to hurt our neighbor’s reputation What are some ways that happens? Break up into LIFE Groups to discuss how this one might occur.

Q – What if someone makes you mad?!? Do the Matthew 18:15 thing:


LIFEGROUPs Lifeguard Copy

Note to LIFEGUARDS: The answers are in parenthesis/bold print. Please allow time for students to come to these conclusions first. Please answer the Marty’s Moment question.

What does God require of us in the 8th Commandment (see p. 88 in Catechism – Question 62)? ANSWER: Defend, speak well of and explain our neighbor’s actions in the best possible way. 1. Do you hang around people who are in the habit of stealing? If so, or if you find yourself in this situation in the future, are you/would you be willing to challenge them to change their ways and/or make some new friends, instead of going along with them?

2. What is a Steward? What does stewardship have to do with the 7th Commandment? (God called us to watch over what he has created & use our resources wisely… including our smarts! If we steal and using others, we harm our neighbor and are not taking care of what God has blessed us with. We also express to God that what he has given us is not enough… Not only are we to keep from TAKING other people’s property or HELP them keep it, we are to MANAGE things God has blessed us with in ways that are PLEASING to Him.)

3. Why are lies damaging when they are being told about matters of doctrine and salvation? (Remember back to Commandment 2!)

4. What are some ways that lies get people in trouble?

5. What should we do whenever we find ourselves in the middle of a conversation laced with gossip?

Review next week’s memory work. Share highs and lows of the past week and then share A-C-T-S (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) of prayer. Close in prayer.

FAMILY CHALLENGE By NEXT class, please prepare the following:

1. Family Discussion Question: Parents & Students – share examples of how stealing, gossiping or lying got you in trouble. How did God grow you through the experience? 2. Memorize the following TOGETHER as a family:

Ninth Commandment: You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.

Tenth Commandment: You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. Romans 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.”

3. Catechism Family Reading: pages 13-14; 89-90, 91-92

Quiz each other throughout the week. Write key thoughts on index cards and place them in the car, on the fridge and on the bathroom mirrors to help them sink in.