The Story of the Bible The Story of the Bible

[PDF]The Story of the Bible The Story of the Bible - Rackcdn.comhttps://1c0130325dca084aa0d4-4892c4c22fe31d1ed215e2fb5341fe81.ssl.cf2.rackcd...

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The Story of the Bible Part 8 Gathering Wood on the Sabbath to Moses’ Final Challenge 1473 BC – 1435 BC Punishment for Gathering Wood on the Sabbath Korah’s Revolt and Punishment

Numbers 15:32-41 Numbers 16:1-40

The People’s Anger

Numbers 16:41-50

Rod of Blossoms

Numbers 17:1-13

Bearing Guilt

Numbers 18a:1-12

The First Issue of the Womb

Numbers 18:13-31

A Red Heifer

Numbers 19

Water From Rock-Kadesh

Numbers 20:1-13

Messenger to Edom

Numbers 20:14-21

Kadesh to Mount Hor

Numbers 20:22 st


Aaron’s Death – 1435 BC 1 Day, 5 Month

Numbers 20:23-29

Canaanite King

Numbers 21:1-3

Impatient Israel at Edom

Numbers 21:4-5


Numbers 21:6-9

Israel from Camp to Camp

Numbers 21:10-20

Messenger to Sihon, King of the Amorites

Numbers 21:21-31

Og, King of Bashan

Numbers 21:32-35

Camp in Moab

Numbers 22:1

Error of Balaam

Numbers 22:2—24:25



Numbers 25:1-18

Census of the People

Numbers 26:1-56

Census of the Levites

Numbers 26:57-62

Moses and Eleazar

Numbers 26:63-65

Daughters of Zelophehad

Numbers 27:1-11

Mount Abarim

Numbers 27:12-17; Psalm 90

Moses’ Successor

Numbers 27:18-27

The Required Offerings

Numbers 28-29

Reminder about Vows

Numbers 30

Destruction of Midian

Numbers 31:1-47

Census of Warriors

Numbers 31:48-54

Land for Reuben and Gad

Numbers 32

Review of the Journey

Numbers 33

Borders of the Promised Land

Numbers 34

48 Cities for the Levites

Numbers 35

Inheritance by Marriage

Numbers 36

Moses’ Last Words st th th 1 day, 11 Month, 40 Year – 1435 BC


Deutronomy 30:1-11