themes bible

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May Newsflash

It's been a Great year in JAM!! Thank you for the honor of having your child in my class. J

THEMES May 2nd /7th - Bubble Factory We will be spending the day having fun with bubbles.

May 9th /14th - Cars We will turn our classroom into a car shop making cardboard boxes into cars.

BIBLE Peter's Mission Paul's Mission John's Mission

DATES TO REMEMBER: May 16th and 21st - Last Days of JAM May 22nd - Last Day of School July 14th – 18th

Vacation Bible School

May 16th /21st - Treasure Hunt This will be our last day of school and we will go on a Treasure Hunt.

**Note** for more special events going on in CCC visit their website at:

Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via email [email protected]