things which must shortly come to pass

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FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND A 52-Week Study of the Book of Revelation

DR. RON BAITY Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 23

THINGS WHICH MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS A STUDY OF REVELATION—PART 23 In Chapter 14 of Revelation, we have a brief pause in the bitter battle of Tribulation. It is as if we have come to a summit and are looking out over a large valley. In the valley we see a picture of what will take place through the 19th Chapter of Revelation.


WE SEE A FLURRY OF ANGELIC ACTIVITY IN REVELATION 14 A. In ancient Greek dramas, it was impossible for them to stage everything that took place in the drama on their stages. 1. When they could not portray a scene on the stage such as a fire burning, they would send out a messenger. 2. The messenger was called an “angel.” The word “angel” means “messenger.” 3. The angelic messenger would announce what was taking place in the drama. 4. To illustrate: if the city had been burned, the messenger would announce that the city had been burned. B. We have a series of angel messages in Revelation 14. 1. An angel proclaims the everlasting Gospel. (14:6) 2. An angel proclaims the destruction of Babylon. (14:8) 3. An angel proclaims the message of indignation. (14:9-11) a. There is a Hell; the Bible says so! b. There is an escape from Hell; the Bible says so! (Revelation 1:5) 4. An angel comes out of the temple with a message. (14:15) 5. Another angel comes out of the temple with a sharp sickle. (14:17) 6. Another angel comes out from the altar. (14:18)


WORDS OF COMFORT TO EARTHDWELLERS (REVELATION 14:12, 13) A. Remember seven years of Tribulation are taking place in our text. 1. The Tribulation is intensifying at this point. 2. The church is in Heaven. 3. 144,000 Jews are preaching on earth. 4. The two witnesses have prophesied on earth (Revelation 11) 5. An angel is proclaiming the everlasting Gospel on the earth. (14:6) 6. These messengers will produce converts for Jesus. (Revelation 7:9) 7. However, the converts will be called upon to endure, not enjoy, their Salvation—“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13) a. “The end” is a reference to the end of the Tribulation.

FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND A 52-Week Study of the Book of Revelation

DR. RON BAITY Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 23







b. “Shall be saved” means they will not die during the Tribulation but will be saved to enter the 1,000 years of Christ’s reign. Because of the nature of the Tribulation sufferings those who are enduring are encouraged to remain faithful. (14:12) 1. The message of woe to those who identify with the Antichrist is a message of encouragement to the saved. 2. The saved recognize their lot is preferable to those who choose the easy way out and worship the beast. (14:9-12) Note the traits of the saints, even during the Tribulation. (14:12) 1. They “keep the commandments of God”. (14:12) 2. They keep “the faith of Jesus”. (14:12) 3. In all ages, faith and commandments go together. The beatitude of blessing is seen. (14:13) 1. An encouragement to earth dwellers is given. (14:13) a. They are encouraged not to worship the beast. b. If they refuse the mark and die as martyrs, they go to Heaven. c. Their life will remain a testimony to God’s grace. 2. An encouragement is given to those who have died. (14:13) a. They now rest from their labours. b. Their works will live on: “their works do follow them.” (14:13) c. Like tin cans tied to the car of a couple just married, they follow them. d. The works of both saved and lost will follow us through life into eternity. As to the word “rest”: 1. The word means refreshment 2. The word means rejuvenation 3. The word was used of a soldier who had fought the battle and is now returning home 4. The word was used of a sailor who had sailed through stormy seas and is now entering the harbor The believer is always ahead when following Jesus. 1. The antichrist could say; “I will make you suffer” The believer could say; “You will make us saints” 2. The antichrist could say; “I’ll persecute you to the grave!” The believer could say; “You’ll promote us to glory!” 3. The antichrist could say; “I will blast you!” The believer could say; “You will bless us!”

THE HARVEST OF THE EARTH IS SEEN (REVELATION 14:14-20) A. The harvester is Jesus. (14:14) 1. He is “The Son of Man.” a. This is a title He used for Himself: “Saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders

FOR THE TIME IS AT HAND A 52-Week Study of the Book of Revelation

DR. RON BAITY Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 23

and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day.” (Luke 9:22) b. This word identifies Jesus with the human race. 2. His moral purity is seen. (14:14) a. “A white cloud” b. “And upon the cloud one sat” c. The cloud is a symbol of the presence of God. d. The “White cloud” represents the righteousness of God. 3. His great power is seen. (14:14) a. He has “On His head a golden crown” (14:14) b. A crown is worn by a King. c. In Revelation 19, He is seen wearing many crowns. (19:12) 4. His awesome purpose is seen. (14:14) a. He had “In his hand a sharp sickle.” (14:14) b. Sickles were used to harvest grain. c. Sickles have a razor-sharp iron blade attached to a wooden handle. d. With both hands, the reaper would cut off the grain at ground level. e. The picture is that of the Lord Jesus cutting off His enemies like a harvester cutting grain. B. The reason for the harvest is seen. (14:15) 1. “The harvest of the earth is ripe”. (14:15) 2. The word “ripe” means: a. Dried up b. Withered c. Ripe to the point of being rotten 3. The grain has passed the point of usefulness and is fit only to be “gathered up and burned with fire”. (Matthew 13:40) C. The tragedy of the harvest is seen. (14:16) 1. “The earth was reaped”. 2. God’s patience has at last been depleted. 3. Mercy has ended and judgment has arrived. D. The finality of the harvest is seen. (14:18-20) 1. We have two harvests set forth. a. The reaping of the grain harvest (14:14-16) b. The gathering of the grape harvest. (14:18-20) 2. The grapes are fully ripe” (14:18) a. This word is different than “ripe” in 14:15. b. This word means the clusters of grapes are: i. Fully grown ii. In their prime iii. Almost bursting with juice c. The clusters are gathered. (14:19) i. They are cast into the winepress. (14:19) ii. Winepresses have an upper and lower vat.



A 52-Week Study of the Book of Revelation

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 23

iii. The grapes are thrust into the upper vat. iv. They are trampled under foot. v. The juice runs through a channel to the lower vat. d. This is a picture of the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19:15: “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.” i. His feet of brass (Revelation 1:15) will destroy His enemies. ii. The scene is like small grapes under the foot of a large man. e. The description of the harvest is seen. (14:20) i. The battle was “By the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.” (14:20) ii. Millions will be assembled to this battle. (Revelation 16:13, 14) iii. King Jesus will trample His enemies under His feet. iv. The blood will flow for 200 miles. v. The depth of the blood will be approximately four feet deep, up to the bridles of the horses. (14:20) vi. This battle is called the “Supper of the great God” (Revelation 19:17) vii. The carnage is so great that the vultures will be called to eat the flesh of those slain. (Revelation 19:17)


KING JESUS WILL CONQUER! A. Do not ever try to persuade yourself that: 1. Death will reign forever 2. Violence will last forever 3. Sin is eternal B. King Jesus: 1. Reigns supreme today 2. Because of Him swords will be beaten into plowshares. 3. Because of Him spears will be beaten into pruning hooks 4. “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” (Revelation 19:7)