Thunder to Joy

Thunder to Joy -

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Thunder to Joy I John 1:1-4 “Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven to consume them?” Luke 9:54; Mark 3:17 I.

INTRO to I John A. Who wrote it? Irenaeus, Clemet of Alexandris, Tertullian


an eye, hand, ear ______________ B. Important? C. Why wri en? ____________ influence: disconnects _________&_______ from _____________ II.

5 ASERTIONS: I John 1:1-4 A. How do I learn about Jesus? “...heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled…” sa sfies current legal proof B. How is Jesus presented? “What was from the beginning…” “___________ the world was, I AM.” John 8:58 “In the beginning was the Word…” John 1:1 Who is the great “I AM”? C. How is Jesus explained? “...the Word of Life” “I am ____ life.” John 11:25 “I am the way, the truth and _____________.” John 14:6 “I came that you might have _____...” John 10:10

Father , I bow before You today. Thank you for giving me a faith based on verifiable facts by many people. You are from the beginning authority over all things and I choose to place my life under you as the great I AM, and not myself as the great I AM. Abandoning idols of people, places and things - I choose and pursue You alone as my Life! Today He invites you to let Him move you from “thunder” to ”joy”. Will you ask Him to? 2400 2400Pump PumpRd Rd∙ Richmond ∙ RichmondVA VA23233 23233∙ 804.740.4148 ∙ 804.740.4148 [email protected] ∙ [email protected] ∙