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Mosoj P’unchay, Bolivia 2014

A life


© 2014 Mosoj P’unchay ADP/World Vision

A personal tale of change in Mosoj P’unchay EVERY CHILD FREE FROM FEAR

the Thank you from soj P’unchay o community in M Mosoj the people of t you are giving or pp su e th ry l e life ve k you for al verty has mad I want to than livia where po Bo of rt beginning to pa a ar is to you, we e ks P’unchay. This an th y, da t to any people. Bu difficult for m eas. ar y an m ents in run workshops see improvem mmes and to ra og pr n io at in You to boost vacc n from disease. duce You’re helping protect childre to st vegetables, re be h w es fr ho s learn s, grow more se ou where parent nh ee n. gr build r childre 250 families to pplies for thei have enabled buy school su to ey on m a d training. d earn extr equipment an w malnutrition an ne g in id ov pr have d teachers by to school. You ting schools an est families go or po e th ed You are suppor lp en from ev have even he lping children rd them. You fo af ot nn ca And you are he t you these ren who below. Withou y, books for child or ol st ho ’s sc ha ht rt ug bo you’ll see in Be on houses, as you. put new roofs possible. Thank simply not be ld ou w ts en improvem

Dear friend



uanca nchay H Vargas H r, Mosoj P’u Dr Limbert me Manage am gr ro P t opme n Area Devel

A new roof leads to new hope


ertha lives in a village near Mosoj P’unchay. Her parents left her with her elderly grandparents several years ago. If it were not for the help the family receives from sponsors I no longer like you, she might by now have stopped going to school. wanted to go to Bertha and her grandparents live in a small house on a little patch of land which is very difficult to farm. They had very little income and could not afford to buy the supplies Bertha needed to go to

school because I have material need – books, notebooks and pencils.

school. She reached a stage where she no longer wanted to go at all. “I no longer wanted to go to school because I have material need - books, notebooks and pencils - but the only book I had I had already finished. I could not do my homework; I was afraid to ask for help and was ashamed.”

I could not help her, I wish I could give her everything she needs to continue studying but I cannot.

Bertha did not want to complain because she knew her grandparents were doing their best to look after her. Their lives had always been hard, and as they grew older, earning enough money to support the family became more of a struggle.

© 2014 Mosoj P’unchay ADP/World Vision

A few years ago, Bertha’s parents left her with her grandparents. Although they love Bertha, the grandparents are very old and they were struggling.

“I knew my grandparents cannot buy my supplies as before. They are already very old people. Before my grandmother brought me things from Cochabamba [a market town nearby], but she fell when she went to graze our animals and now cannot walk because it hurts her hip,” Bertha explains. The small hut in which Bertha and her grandparents live together also needed urgent repairs, particularly to its old thatched roof. The leaky roof became more and more of a concern every year as the rainy season began. Bertha

Bertha’s grandmother says she was desperate to help her granddaughter more. “I could not help her, I wish I could give her everything she needs to continue studying but I cannot,” she explained with tears in her eyes. Now, thanks to you, Bertha almost stopped going to school because she Bertha has everything couldn’t get the supplies she needed and was having trouble with her homework. that she needs to continue her studies. We identified Bertha and her grandparents as a family in urgent need of help. Your support then helped to fund the supplies she needed to study, and provided food to help the family until they were able to harvest their own crops. You also helped to build a new metal roof for the house, so Bertha and her grandparents no longer need to worry about the decaying thatched roof. “I did not even have a table or chair to do my homework, but now I have, as well as my school supplies and my books,” says Bertha. “Thanks to all

Thanks to all the sponsors for helping me, and remembering me. I’m going to study to be a good student and learn because you have helped me. I want you to be happy for me.

© 2014 Mosoj P’unchay ADP/World Vision

and her grandparents feared the hut might collapse and they would lose the few belongings that they had.

the sponsors for helping me, and remembering me. I’m going to study to be a good student and learn because you have helped me. I want you to be happy for me.” “Now we have rice, oil, noodles and sugar to feed us until we can harvest our food,” says Bertha’s grandmother. “Thank you very much for your help. I will never forget everything you have done for us and for my little granddaughter.”

Now we have our house with tin roof and Bertha will stay in school. She will learn to read and write, and will teach me to write and say thank you for your help.

“Now I’ll be able to sleep peacefully. And now I will not worry so much about Bertha. Now we have our house with tin roof and Bertha will stay in school. She will learn to read and write, and will teach me to write and say thank you for your help.”

© 2013 Mosoj P’unchay ADP/World Vision

Thanks to your help, Bertha and her grandparents have a new roof on their house, and can now sleep peacefully.

© 2012 Moso j P’unchay AD P/World Vision

Parents have been learning how to keep their children healthy through breastfeeding, vaccinations, and early diagnosis.

Helping young mothers keep babies and young children safe Your support is helping pregnant women to eat more healthily during pregnancy. More healthcare staff are now working in Mosoj P’unchay. They are showing mothers how to breastfeed their babies and how to spot the signs of disease in children. You have provided resources that are helping to ensure that young children get all of the vaccinations and medical attention that they need. Staff have also run workshops to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention measures.

A better diet and some extra money

© 2011 Mosoj P’unchay ADP/World Vision

u are helping to The greenhouses yo nchay have allowed P’u j construct in Moso r area to grow a wide 250 families in this y the s an me . That variety of vegetables in and mineral-rich am vit r, hie alt he a have w supplement their diet. Families can no t. re produce at marke income by selling mo like les tab ge eat ve Children can now and er s, spinach, lettuce mb cu cu , es to toma d foo sh n prepare fre chard. “Now we ca n, Jua s say ” ar, t the ye ever y day throughou e. lag al vil who lives in one loc

You’ve been helping families grow a wide variety of vegetables, and improve the diet of their children.

A bit more about Bolivia Bolivia is a landlocked country in South America, bordering Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile and Peru. It is the poorest country in Latin America and its leaders face issues like deepseated poverty, illegal drug production and social unrest.

Mosoj P’unchay, Bolivia

Although fewer than 10% of Bolivians are unemployed, about 51% live below the poverty line. Income distribution is extremely uneven; in 2010, the country had the seventh highest income inequality in the world, with much of the divide falling along racial lines. Indigenous groups have limited access to healthcare and many families lack adequate sanitation. The World Food Programme estimates that over a quarter of Bolivian children under the age of five suffer from stunting due to malnutrition. World Vision is working with communities in Bolivia to increase livelihoods, improve early childhood nutrition and provide better access to education.

Protection for vulnerable children Our work in Mosoj P’unchay has a particular focus on protecting the most vulnerable children. That includes orphans and victims of exploitation or violence. Your help has enabled teachers and community leaders to work together to identify and protect children at risk. You have provided training for nearly 200 community leaders to help in this task. Discrimination against women and girls is still a problem in Bolivian society, but this work is helping to ensure that girls have access to all of the opportunities that they deserve.

e facts

Here are th

: 59/1,000 Infant mortality rate Life expectancy: 66.9

iture on Government expend GDP education: 6.3% of ion: 83.7% Enrolment in educat


.org/en/c http://hdrstats.undp BOL.html

© 2014 Mosoj P’unchay ADP/World Vision

Lifecycle of a World Vision sponsorship programme

Your community is in Phase 1

Phase 1

Building trust and laying groundwork.

Phase 2

Contributing to child well being together

Phase 3

Preparing to leave behind more resilient communities

As World Vision prepares to World Vision and communities leave, communities are better work together building skills so Communities and World Vision children and families benefit and equipped to continue their own development: caring, protecting participate in projects such as plan long-term and providing for children. education, nutrition, clean water, projects together. child protection, food security and healthcare. Partnership with community established.

All photos © World Vision In some instances, names have been changed to protect children’s identities

Registered Head Office address: World Vision UK, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 0ZR World Vision is a registered charity no. 285908, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England no. 1675552. Registered office as above 2014_BOL_MOS