Trials and Temptations

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TRIALS AND TEMPTATIONS James 1:2-3 These verses can be confusing to us as we try to differentiate between trials and temptations. The word Peirasmos is the Greek word translated to “temptations.” The original meaning is what we would call “trial” or “difficulty.” It is however generally looked at as a temptation as from the devil. TEMPTATIONS James 1:13-15 Temptations to sin never originates from God. Temptation to sin comes from one of two sources: from our old nature the flesh, or from Satan. Matthew 4:3 Satan is called “the tempter” for good reason. He started his work in the Garden and has not stopped trying to get God's people to violate our fellowship and our testimony for God. Luke 22:31; Hebrews 12:1 The devil went after Peter with a vengeance and he knew how to fool and trick Peter into sin and he full well knows every believers weakness and capitalizes on it daily. I Peter 5:8 Satan looks for those that are weak, weak spiritually, weak physically, and weak psychologically. He strikes without warning even when we think everything is well in our life. I John 2:16 The Holy Spirit had John write this down so there would be no excuses from believers where sin comes from. The “world” is that evil system that has been around from the beginning of time. Sin always stems from three human areas of weakness, (mans sin nature), (a) lust of the flesh, (b) lust of the eye, (c) the pride of life. Genesis 3:6 Mans sin nature was born in the Garden of Eden when Eve was tempted by that old serpent the devil. Her flesh desired the fruit for food, her eyes saw that it looked pleasant, and the devil told her that it would make her wise as God. II Samuel 11:2 David was taken in by the devil the same as Eve was taken in. He saw the beauty of Bathsheba, he desired to have her physically, and then he had Uriah killed to save his own pride. I Cor. 10:13; II Pt. 2:9 God knows we will be tempted by the devil and he provides the means to overcome every temptation. If we sin we do so willingly and are without excuse and will reap the sin. James 1:12; 4:7 Because God knows temptations are hard on believers He has given us an incentive not to sin and also told us how we can be strong in our resistance to the devil and our flesh. TRIALS James 1:2-5 In the bible where believers are given a trial or test, it's God giving us the opportunity to prove and to grow our love for Him and when we pass “the test” we know we have grown in our faith. Job 23:10 The trials of Job offer up to every believer all the answers to our many questions as to the “why me” syndrome most of us have. Job was a very godly man minding not only his own business but caring also for the extended family members. God is no respecter of persons, we will all be tested. Romans 5:3-5; II Cor. 1:4 God allows spiritual trials in our lives that we might learn patience and gain spiritual experiences in our lives that we may help others along the way. I Peter 1:6-7 God sometimes will allow trials in the believers life so that He might receive honor and glory form that believer as the Lord is blessed and probably taunts the old devil as he is accusing you. Hebrews 11:17-19 I believe God has set some believers apart in scripture to show that our faith can be built up to a point of an unbelieving faith in God, ie. Job, Moses, Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, etc. Revelation 2:10 God has believers that will be tried to the very cost of their lives and their family. Many have already been tried and found worthy of the “crown of life” to be received by God Himself. Genesis 50:20 it is worth noting that all during the trials and tribulations of Joseph, he never once complained to God or about his brothers. The trials he endured was to the saving of the nation Israel.