Trinity Tidings

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Trinity Tidings Trinity Lutheran Church 2163 Mayhew Lake Rd NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4554



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Trinity Lutheran ChurchSauk Rapids, MN “Sharing the Caring Christ with all People” A Prince of Peace Lutheran School Association Church and a Good Shepherd Community Congregation

Sunday Services: 8:00am & 10:30am Wednesday Worship Services 6:00pm (Memorial Day through Labor Day) Sunday School for All Ages: 9:15am (Sept—May) Sunday Radio Broadcast at 8:00am on WVAL 800 on the AM dial and streaming live on the internet at

Trinity’s Website:

Trinity Lutheran Church

Church Contact Information Church Office: 252-3670, Church Fax: 202-1095 E-mail: [email protected]; Website:, Office Staff 252-3670 Pastor Paul Cloeter; Pastor Dave Strohschein, Pastor John Bakou Pastor Harvey Ehlers, Emeritus, Director of Christian Outreach Craig Cooper Admin. Assistant: Judy Rehwaldt

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Well, here I thought I could maybe come up with something kind of “catchy” for this lead article in the first newsletter of the year. My hope was to use the year 2017 and find a Bible verse using those numbers that I could commend to you as being a good theme verse for this new year of your life and mine. To do so would really help to make the verse stick and easy to remember and carry with you all through the year. So I looked up every verse in the bible that uses the number 2017 as in chapter 20 verse 17 (20:17).

Sauk Rapids, MN

there were only about 20 “chapter 20 verse 17’s” to choose from. To make a long story short, I did not find a Chapter 20 verse 17 verse that I felt would make a good theme for our individual lives as disciples of Jesus for the year of our Lord 2017.

So, where does that leave us? As I pondered that question, a verse came to mind (and obviously it doesn’t have a ‘20’ or a ‘17’ in it) which would serve as a great theme verse for us for this year. It speaks to our need for guidance as we enter a new year. It speaks to our need to be in God’s Word throughout the new year. It Additional Contact speaks to our need to be Information “Your ever growing in our faith in Traditional Music : and in living out that Daniel Reineke 656-0963, I looked at Genesis 20:17, Word is a Jesus faith as His disciples. It Contemporary Music: and while it is a great verse lamp to speaks of our need to be in Ruth Immerfall 291-9293 about Abraham praying to Prayer Chain: my feet worship to hear and receive God for healing for his the Word. It speaks to our Delores Volkers 252-2101, friend Abimelech and his and a need to be in Bible study to Parish Nurse: wife so they could have chillight for know the Word. Jennifer Machula, dren again…I didn’t see that Prince of Peace School my as serving us as a theme the verse. It is verse Office: 251-1477 verse for 2017. Exodus path.” Here’s 105 of Psalm 119: “Your 20:17 is what we commonly th th Word is a lamp to my feet Table of Contents know as the 9 and 10 and a light for my path.” From the Pastor pg 2 Commandments. Leviticus 20:17 is DCO Corner pg 3 part of a chapter devoted mostly to Might this be a good verse for you for Church of the Week pg 3 issues involving the 6th Command2017? Just to encourage you as you Calling all Singers! pg 4 ment. Numbers 20:17 is the request consider that possibility, here’s one Bible Study Opportunities pg 4 of Moses and the Israelites to be alWorship/Music Notes pg 5 lowed to pass through the country of more thought to share. Since Jesus is “the Word made flesh” (J ohn 1:14), Youth News pg 5 Edom on their way to the Promised Prayer Shawls pg 6 Land. Deuteronomy 20:17 are orders put “Jesus” into the verse from Psalm 119 in place of “Your Word.” Then it Good Shepherd Employment pg 6 from God to the Israelites to be sure Evangelism Workshop pg 6 to destroy certain nations so as not to reads something like this: “Jesus is a lamp to my feet and a light for my Salt & Pepper pg 7 adopt their detestable practices. All path.” It almost becomes an invitaPOP Open Houses pg 7 good verses, but not really what I was tion then – “Jesus, walk with me Connected Family pg 7 looking for by way of a verse that throughout this year.” Better yet, to Legacy Dinner pg 7 could serve as a verse for us to live read it that way gives us the blessed God’s Grub pg 8 by. assurance that He will do exactly that! LWML pg 8 500th Ann. Reformation Celebration pg 8 My search continued. Not every book In Christ, Pastor Dave Our sponsors pg 8 in the Bible has 20 chapters. Nor do all of the chapter 20’s that are in the Inserts: January Calendar and Birthdays Bible have 17 verses. So, in essence New Member Directory 2

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

DCO CORNER: I invite you to come to the next new member class! We will use the bible Study Book: I Have Good News for You. Some of the questions discussed in this course are:

For those that finish this nine-week class and want to pursue membership here at Trinity there is three -week Spiritual Gift discovery process and then a new member reception on Sunday April 9th, 2017.

 How can we know there is a God?  What did Christ really accomplish?  How can you know for sure whether you are converted?  Will you stay in your Christian faith?  Can anyone be saved without being baptized?  Who should not eat and drink at the Lord’s Table?  What will heaven be like?

The first class is Sunday, January 22nd at 9:15am in the Large classroom. If you have children between the ages of 3 years to High School they can be in their Sunday School class at the same time. Also, if you have need for the nursey from younger children it too will be available.

Thirty eight years ago I was invited to a new member class just like this one. When I look back on that class I can honestly say it was a pivotal point in my If you are considering membership here at Trinity and you have not been confir med in the spiritual life. God continues to work through the mesLutheran Church this is the “Adult Confirmation Class” sage of forgiveness of sins in Christ today? I look required for membership. Members are also invited to forward to this class and my prayer is that you will take take the class as a confirmation refresher. the opportunity to join me. There is no cost or pre-registration necessary, just come on Sunday, If you are transferring here from another Lutheran church I encour age you to take the class January 22nd. The coffee pot will be on and I hope to because Bible study is always an opportunity to learn see you in class. and it helps me to get to know you so that I may assist you in becoming an active member. DCO Craig Cooper

Church Of The Week Homeless Ministry Hosted by Trinity Feb. 13 – Feb. 19, 2017 This annual community outreach provides overnight shelter and meals for the homeless. In addition to providing overnight shelter in our Fellowship Hall for 25-35 people each night, we will be preparing and serving a community meal for 100 people at Place of Hope every night at 5:00pm. Many volunteers are needed; to drive the bus, prepare & serve meals and snacks. Some of the meals are prepared by groups but individuals are also needed. Host/hostesses are needed to serve 5 hour shifts for overnight supervision/security. This is a labor of love as our “Social Ministry” fund will be used to purchase all the food. If you would like to donate

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ - Matthew 25:35-36

to that fund, checks can be made payable to “Trinity Lutheran Church” and in the memo please note: “Social Ministry.” On January 29th we will receive a door offering after both services for Church of the Week. 3

Sign up on the poster in the narthex. See the Church of the Week Job Descriptions hand-outs for all the details and contact Craig Cooper, 252-3670, with any questions.

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Calling All Singers Over 55 Years of Age The Good Shepherd Community has been selected to participate in the Growing Art-FULL program. This program is part of Aroha Philanthropies’ national research on the impact of quality arts programming for those over 55 and is administered through the Paramount Center for the Arts. Good Shepherd has room for up to 60 participants in the choir. The choir will meet for 10 weeks beginning January 11th. You will learn more than a few songs as you gather each week to sing, play instruments and learn about the art of good breathing – the key to good singing. Don’t worry if you feel you aren’t a good singer or your voice may have changed. Anybody can learn to sing and they can do it regardless of age. Desire, practice and good coaching are what it takes to become a good singer. Teaching artists, Marcelyn Smale and Garrett Lathe bring a lifetime of success leading all kinds of singers. If you are interested in participating in the choir, please call Darcy Ruesink at 320-259-3466. The choir sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 3:30 – 5:00 pm in the Shepherd Oak Dining Room, 310 13th Street N, Sauk Rapids. We hope you will join us.

Sunday Morning Bible Classes Beginning January 8th @ 9:15 a.m., two new Bible classes will begin at church: Luther: The Man, the Moment, the Movement 2017 is the 500th anniversary year of the Reformation, which is good reason to recall and celebrate the enormous impact Martin Luther had on the growth and development of Christianity in the modern world. Using video and discussion presentation led by Pastor Paul in the fellowship hall, this class will attempt to understand better the spiritual changes that took place in Luther himself, which then led to social as well as religious changes that have become our heritage. This study will cover approximately 10 sessions.

(If you would like to learn more about Luther and the Reformation, consider joining the tour bus to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts' Luther Exhibit on Thursday, January 12th, sponsored by Good Shepherd Community. This is a unique exhibit of Luther artifacts, many of which have never been outside of Germany. Pastor Paul and Pastor Don Wilke from Good Shepherd will lead the tour. Cost is $60 and includes transportation, parking, entrance fee, and lunch at Black Forest Inn in Minneapolis. Brochures are available at church, or call Jeanette at Good Shepherd: (320)252-6525) How to Grow a Connected Family This 6 week Bible study led by Pastor Dave will focus on helping parents to purposefully raise children who know, love, and serve God. The class will be held in the Care Ministry room. Beginning Sunday, January 22nd at 9:15 a.m., DCO Craig will begin another Adult Membership Class in the large classroom. See his article in this newsletter for more information. 4

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Worship and Music Notes

For the promise that it gave, "Jesus shall His people save."

Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love The “festival” half of the Church Year is underway. We have begun Series A on our 3-year liturgical series and a majority of our Gospel Readings come from Matthew’s Gospel. At the start of 2017, New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday. January 1st is the “octave” of Christmas (Octava Domini) Eight days after Jesus’ birth, He was taken to the temple in accordance with Levitical Law for His naming and fulfilment of ritual ceremonies, including circumcision. Thus, the name for this Sunday is “The Circumcision and Name of Jesus”. It is humbling to think that our Lord already sacrificed His blood as an infant as He started His earthly journey clothed in humanity (and humility) on His pathway to the cross. Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love (LSB 900) At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow: Jesus! Name of wondrous love, Name all other names above, Unto which must ev'ry knee Bow in deep humility.

Sauk Rapids, MN

Jesus experiences the first shedding of blood in circumcision: Jesus! Name of mercy mild, Given to the holy Child When the cup of human woe First He tasted here below. Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name: Jesus! Only name that's giv'n Under all the mighty heav'n Whereby those to sin enslaved, Burst their fetters and are saved. I place my trust in You alone: Jesus! Name of wondrous love, Human name of God above; Pleading only this, we flee, Helpless, 0 our God, to Thee.

The angel Gabriel tells Mary the name of her child: Jesus! Name decreed of old, To the maiden mother told, “You are to give Him the name JESUS, because He will Kneeling in her lowly cell, By the angel Gabriel. save His people from their sins” Mt 1:21 The meaning of the name gives assurance of the forgiveness of sins: Jesus! Name of priceless worth To the fallen sons of earth,

Happy New Year!!

We are stoked to start back up with Wednesday night fellowship. On the 4th, Brett with again lead us with one of his "short" bible studies. As always, be prepared to be challenged with some deep thinking, Christ-centered growth. Make a resolution to be there! We road trip the next week to make bowls for a charity event that will benefit Place of Hope ministries. We will travel for this large group event with our friends from Holy Cross and Redeemer. Pizza will fuel our creative energy prior to making our masterpieces.

May the name of Jesus bless you and go with you this year! Daniel Reineke, Traditional Music Director (320)656-0963 [email protected]

Emily and Charlie will have a special surprise on the 18th. Don't miss this extra cool bible study to warm your soul. Finally, movie night on the 25th. An inspirational evening with a message that will be sure to make everyone think about how God is always with us. God's Grub from 5-6. We meet from 6-8 Wednesday evenings. Bring a friend!!

Make sure you are connected to the youth leaders via media of your choice. Facebook, twitter, instagram, email... Youth Leaders


Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

What is "Prayer Shawl Ministry? "If you step into the Fellowship Hall and take a peek around the corner, you will see a small cabinet displaying a number of "prayer shawls." Shawls of many colors. These have been created by a small group of people from Trinity that meet on Tuesday mornings, after Bible study, from 11:30-1:00. With fellowship, and prayer, these shawls we like to call ...... "Wrapped in His Love”...........are freely given to members requesting a warm, comforting shawl for a member of their family facing surgery, or grief, or any illness, or other reasons. They are prayed for by the group as they are being made and we wish them to go to whomever needs them. To REQUEST one of the shawls, you may call the office and share your request with Judy and she will then get in touch with one of the group to prepare your gift of giving. We include an attached small cross on the shawl, and a card, and they can be gift-wrapped if you would like. They are always donated freely. If you are in quick need, you may also request Judy in the office, or Craig Cooper to get one for you at the church. You may choose your color. We hope they can be made available as much as we can keep up making them. If anyone is interested, you are indeed invited to knit or crochet shawls with the group, or at home if that suits you better, and donate to this ministry. A prayer shawl is a centuries-old idea; even Jesus wore a prayer shawl. They are originally Jewish, with the name "tallit." In churches today, we knit and crochet these prayer shawls for comfort and healing. A prayer sample that might be included with a shawl reads: This prayer shawl was made especially for you. Each time you wrap it around you, may it's warmth fill you with hope, joy, and love as can only be revealed to you from our Lord and Savior from above.

There are numerous examples of the meaningfulness of these shawls: A nurse - "I had lost four babies before birth. I was given a prayer shawl before my baby was now born; the prayer shawl has been as important to me as holding my newborn." A hospital patient - "Oh, thank you so much! My husband had been given a prayer shawl when he was ill, and it was so meaningful to him. Thank you that now I have one." The ministries' message of caring is simple and universal. The creation and presentation of a Prayer Shawl enriches both the giver and the recipient. Beautiful colors and softness symbolize shelter, warmth, peace, and spiritual sustenance. +++++ It is a simple blessing to show God's love. +++++ 6

Sauk Rapids, MN

Good Shepherd Community Opportunities

The Good Shepherd Community in Sauk Rapids and Becker has employment opportunities available for caring individuals who want to make a difference in the lives of others. Now hiring RN’s, LPN’s, CNA’s, Homemakers and Catering Assistants. We are very proud to offer new wage scales, hiring bonus options, and an atmosphere that supports teamwork to provide exceptional customer-centered focus of care. Please see our website at for more details, full benefits, and to complete an online application. Job openings are updated every Monday afternoon.

Evangelism Workshop Coming Up Rev. Mark Wood, Director of Witness & Outreach and Revitalization in the LCMS Office of National Mission will be presenting "Everyone His Witness," an evangelism workshop at Zion Lutheran Church, Annandale MN on Saturday, Jan 14, 2017, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. "Everyone His Wit-ness" is the basic level evangelism training designed for anyone. A $10 registration fee includes materials and lunch. Please contact DCO Craig Cooper to register and coordinate carpooling to Annandale. Deadline for registration is Jan 11, 2017.

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Salt & Pepper On January 27th at 6:30 pm, Fred Joesting will be telling us many interesting facts about the Tornado that nearly wiped out Sauk Rapids in the late 1800's. Please join us for this, refreshments will be served. If you think you already know about this, come anyway. You will learn things that you never heard before. Please sign up at the kiosk. On Feb 3rd at 6:30 pm we will be hosting Rebecca Kotz of the St. Cloud Sexual Assault Center and Officer Justin Thompson of the Waite Park Police Dept. They will be doing a presentation on sex trafficking in this area. This will be an adults only event. We encourage any parents with children of a susceptible age to attend this. Watch for the sign up sheet on the kiosk.

Prince of Peace Open Houses

“How to Grow a Connected Family” This class will be offered at Trinity beginning Sunday, January 8th through Sunday, February 12th from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 am. This 6-week Bible study will focus on helping parents to purposefully raise children who know, love, and serve God. Pastor Dave will facilitate this class. Please share your intention to participate in this class with Pastor Dave by December 18th so that we can have adequate materials on hand.

Kindergarten Information Night January 19th at 6:30pm Preschool Open Houses – 3 Locations POP School—4770 Co Rd. 120 Jan. 24th that 6:30 Holy Cross— 2555 Clearwater Rd. Jan. 31st at 6:30pm Trinity—Feb. 2nd at 6:30pm All School Open house March 2nd from 6—8 pm     

SAVE THE DATE: Prince of Peace Legacy Dinner Sunday, April 23rd.

Family Friendly Environment Christian Values Extra-Curricular Activities Before/ After Care Busing though District 742

“Building on His Foundation.” “And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit.” Ephesians 2:22.

Join us to learn about our school! 7

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

God’s Grub: 111 7th Ave. S. PO Box 40 St. Cloud, MN 56302 (320)252-2841 or (888) 950-2265

320-253-4859 Duffy Engineering & Associates, Inc. Engineering Civil Structural Mechanical Electrical Land Surveying 350 Hwy 10 South, Suite 101

St. Cloud, MN 56304 320-259-6575

2550 Hwy. 10S. P.O. Box 1103 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Office: (320)252-4781 Cell: 250-1063 Leann Klimek and Toni Kasella CPA’s 1139 Franklin Ave. NE #3 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 (320) 774-2035

January 4: Hot Dogs January 11: Spaghetti January 18: Taco in a Bag January 25: Pizza

Lutheran Women in Mission

MN North-South Districts Concordia University St. Paul Reformation 500 Celebration

Advertise with us! Just call the church office to get started! 320-252-3670

Kelm & Reuter, P.A. 1287 North 2nd Street, Suite101 Sauk Rapids & St. Cloud FUNERALS CREMATION PREPLANNING

“The Sauk Rapids Law Firm” WESTSIDE LIQUORS Great prices - Great service 7 locations

114 Second Ave. N. Sauk Rapids Open 8-6 Mon – Fri & 8-4 Sat.


Waite Park, East St. Cloud, Little Falls, Sauk Centre, Albertville. Baxter, Rice

Bob & Linda Feuling

Team Behrendt Premier Real Estate Services 550 25th Avenue N St. Cloud, MN Direct office: 320-253-5689 Bob’s Cell: 320-980-5689 Jane’s Cell: 320-980-5690 [email protected]

February 1: Hot Dogs February 8: Pizza February 15: Taco in a Bag February 22: Spaghetti

500th Anniversary Reformation —2017

Will not meet in January. Join us on February 9th!


Sauk Rapids, MN

Commercial/Industrial RICK MEHRWERTH 320.252.8072 Cell: 320.980.4575 5123 Shadowwood Dr. NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Email: [email protected]


a number of opportunities for members and friends of the LCMS to celebrate the Reformation at Concordia University, St. Paul, including an art exhibit of Reformationthemed pieces, displays of rare books and other resources from the Concordia collection, the play Luther by John Osborne, performed on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, a continuous showing of one of the Luther films, and other fun and engaging activities. Costs for all of these events will be funded by CSP. The cornerstone event will be the joint worship service at 4:00 p.m. on October 29th co-sponsored by the Minnesota North and Minnesota South Districts and Concordia University. That event will feature a mass adult, youth and children’s choirs, dramatic vignettes performed by the cast of Luther, and a sermon by LCMS President Matthew Harrison.

January 2017 Sun 1

New Year’s Day

8:00am Worship (HC) Z5 No Bible Classes 10:30am Worship Z1 12:00pm Anyuak Worship

8 8:00am Worship Z2 9:15am Bible Class & S. S. 9:15am Connected Family Class 9:15am Youth Bible Study (Y) 10:30am Worship Z3 (HC) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 4:00pm Creative Crafts 15 8:00am Worship (HC) Z4 9:15am S. S. & Youth Study 9:15am Bible Class 9:15am Connected Family Class 10:30am Worship Z5 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 4:00pm 4H Meeting (Lcl) 6:00pm Green Team 22 8:00am Worship Z1 9:15am Bible Class & S. S. 9:15am Connected Family Class 9:15am New Member Class (Lcl) 9:15am Youth Bible Study 10:30am Worship (HC) Z2 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 4:00pm Creative Crafts




3 NO BIBLE CLASS 9:00am Circuit Pastor’s Meeting 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

4 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:00pm God’s Grub 6:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) 6:00pm Confirmation Classes (Scl, Lcl, Lcf)



6:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal 6:30pm Brownie Mtg. (Lcl)

9:30am Parish Workers

9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)




10:30am Bible Class 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

12 5:30pm Lay Ministry Mtg. (Lcf) 6:45pm Leadership Team Mtg. (Lcf) 6:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal


6:00pm Bev's CC (CM) 7:30pm Narcotics Anonymous (Y)

11 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:00pm God’s Grub 6:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) 6:00pm Confirmation Classes (Scl, Lcl, Lcf) 6:00pm Adult Choir Practice (W)

9:30am Parish Workers

9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)

18 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:00pm God’s Grub 6:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) 6:00pm Confirmation Classes (Scl, Lcl, Lcf) 6:00pm Adult Choir Practice (W)

19 6:30pm Brownie Mtg. (Lcl) 6:30pm Kindergarten Info. Night at POP 6:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal



9:30am Parish Workers

9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)

25 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:00pm God’s Grub 6:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) 6:00pm Confirmation Classes (Scl, Lcl, Lcf) 6:00pm Adult Choir Practice (W)

26 6:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal 7:30pm Benton Co. Jail Bible Study



9:30am Parish Workers 6:30pm Salt & Pepper Presentation

9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)

2 OFFICE CLOSED 7:30pm Narcotics Anonymous (Y)

16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day


7:30pm Narcotics Anonymous (Y)

10:30am Bible Class 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)



6:00pm Bev's CC (CM) 7:30pm Narcotics Anonymous (Y)

10:30am Bible Class 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)



29 8:00am Worship Z3 9:15am Bible Class 9:15am Connected Family Class 9:15am New Member Class (Lcl) 9:15am Youth Bible Study (Y) 10:30am Worship Z4 12:00pm Anyuak Worship

30 9:30am Parish Workers (NL) 7:30pm Narcotics Anonymous (Y)


Room Reservation Key O=Overflow Room CDC=Child Development. Center

W=Worship Space F=Fellowship Hall

Scl=Small Class Room Lcl=Large Class Room




Fri Epiphany

Sat 7



NO Bible Class 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

M=Music Room Y=Youth Room

Lcf=Large Conf Room Scf=Small Conf Room

CM=Care Ministry K=Kitchen

Name Wilson Abella Medho Agada Abuya Agid Niykola Agwa Odol Akuay Meer Akway Heidi Anderson John Anderson Suzanne Bacon John Bakou Ojuola Balo Obuyi Bang Arlene Boese Joshua Cassen Omot Cham Akeim Cooley Julius Copeland Tianna Czech Jeff Cziok Ron Eickhoff Heidi Eisenlohr Bruce England Richard Feuling Jayden Freborg Darcy Freihammer Kristen Fuchs Akuay Gilo Odange Gora Opiew Gora David Hart Kyle Haus Jessica Herbst Sarah Hollenkamp Beatrice Homan Carter Huinker Tyler Jarnot Delroy Kardell Russell Kath Julie Kleman

Birthdate 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 12-Jan 6-Jan 7-Jan 1-Jan 8-Jan 1-Jan 6-Jan 16-Jan 1-Jan 20-Jan 22-Jan 25-Jan 2-Jan 23-Jan 6-Jan 23-Jan 8-Jan 29-Jan 16-Jan 14-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 24-Jan 21-Jan 6-Jan 23-Jan 23-Jan 30-Jan 21-Jan 7-Jan 13-Jan 18-Jan

Name Duke Knafla Janelle Knafla Ken Knafla Troy Knafla Wayne Knafla Hannah Koepp Bernice Kranz Kraig Kulow Melissa Kurash Keegan Larson Nathan Lindquist Geraldine Lovitz Nicole MacKenzie Jennifer McLaughlin

Paul Mooney Penny Muehlbauer Vernon Neils Akaway Nyegowa Ajullu Obang Didumo Obuur Ajulu Ochan Bejem Ochan Ngathe Ochan Ajweo Ogala Achol Ogud DeDey Ojullu Mary Ojulo Agud Ojulu French Ojulu Ruun Ojulu Wach Ojulu Manabenda Okan Abulla Okello Akuch Okello Apada Okuch Chame Oleth Helen Oltz Lual Omot Matthew Paul

Birthdate 16-Jan 25-Jan 30-Jan 2-Jan 3-Jan 7-Jan 15-Jan 30-Jan 27-Jan 18-Jan 31-Jan 23-Jan 22-Jan 28-Jan 13-Jan 17-Jan 13-Jan 1-Jan 5-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 21-Jan 25-Jan 1-Jan 31-Jan 1-Jan 24-Jan 1-Jan 3-Jan

Name Nicole Peschl Anne Philabaum Brodie Randall Norma Reberg Kelly Reichel Charles Schafer Dick Seal Talon Sigurdson Shirley Skuza Tiffany Smith John Smolnik Jan Sorell Kayla Stafford Olivia Stockinger Riley Stockinger Geraldine Stolley Jim Stueve Nathan Stueve Samantha Sunstrom

Austin Terpstra Nikki Thole Alex Wainright Luke Walen Isaac Weappa Amy Wenger Gregory Wentworth

Troy Wiese Michelle Wilcox Nikolas Wurdelman

Shelly Zimmer Cole Zormeier

Birthdate 24-Jan 11-Jan 21-Jan 19-Jan 23-Jan 29-Jan 15-Jan 11-Jan 31-Jan 21-Jan 24-Jan 3-Jan 30-Jan 20-Jan 4-Jan 21-Jan 1-Jan 24-Jan 30-Jan 12-Jan 23-Jan 30-Jan 18-Jan 4-Jan 24-Jan 7-Jan 20-Jan 30-Jan 22-Jan 17-Jan 17-Jan