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Trinity Tidings Trinity Lutheran Church

MAY 2015

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Trinity Lutheran Church Sauk Rapids, Minnesota “Sharing the Caring Christ With All People” A Prince of Peace Lutheran School Association Church And a Good Shepherd Community Congregation

Sunday Services: 8:00am & 10:30am Monday Worship Services 6:00pm (Memorial Day through Labor Day) Sunday School for All Ages: 9:15am (Sept—May) Sunday Radio Broadcast at 8:00am on WVAL 800 on the AM dial and streaming live on the internet at Trinity’s Website: Find us on Facebook

Trinity Lutheran Church Church Contact Information Church Office: Church Fax:

252-3670 202-1095

E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Office Staff listed below can be contacted by calling 252-3670 Pastor Paul Cloeter Pastor Harvey Ehlers Director of Christian Outreach Craig Cooper Vicar John Bakou Admin. Assistants Judy Rehwaldt and Katie Meemken

Additional Contact Information Music Ministry: Daniel Reineke 656-0963 Prayer Chain: Delores Volkers 252-2101 Youth Ministry: Terry Kurash 251-4071 Kristen Sigurdson 493-6621 Parish Nurse: Jennifer Machula Prince of Peace School Office: 251-1477

Table of Contents From the Pastor pg 2 DCO Corner pg 3 Worship/Music Notes pg 4 LCEF Reminder pg 5 LWML pg 5 Table Usage pg 5 Nat. Day of Prayer pg 5 HS Youth News pg 6 Salt & Pepper pg 6 Family Ministry pg 6 2015 Graduates pg 6 More Than Enough pg 7 Middle School Youth pg 7 Advertise With Us pg 7 LIC Camp pg 8 POP Thank You pg 8 United Way Volunteer pg 8 Inserts: May Calendar/ Birthday List/New Members/ Military BibleSticks Duffy Engineering & Associates, Inc. Engineering Civil Structural Mechanical Electrical Land Surveying 350 Hwy 10 South, Suite 101

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“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN


From the Pastor: For many folks, May can be one of the busiest months of the year: Confirmations and graduations, Mother's Day and opening fishing, Memorial Day and end of school year with all the change that brings. The Church Year calendar is also filled up this month with Ascension Day (14th), Pentecost Sunday (24th) and Trinity Sunday (31st). Unfortunately, many also consider this the beginning of vacation time in the church year. Sunday attendance and offerings tend to dip to an annual low point during the next three months. For those of you who will be spending weekends away from home during the summer, let me remind you to include Monday evening worship, beginning June 1st, at 6:00 on your schedules. Also during the month of May here at church:

LCEF (Lutheran Church Extension Fund) Sunday on May 10th George Miller, LCEF vice president and Gift Planning Counselor from the MN North District office, will be here again to discuss and answer questions about Trinity's 'Shared Blessings' rebate program. During Sunday School hour that day, he will also present information about benefits of estate planning both to donors and recipients. (See the related

"More Than Enough" articles in our monthly newsletter) High School Graduate Recognition on May 17th As a way of saying

'Congratulations' to graduating high school seniors, we would like to honor them at a reception in our fellowship hall between services, and also have them sit together in our 10:30 a.m. worship service. It's an impressive accomplishment they've achieved, and an important time of transition in their lives. This senior class has also played an important part in the revitalization of our youth program. Join us in letting them know we support them in their future endeavors. Names of graduates are listed elsewhere in this newsletter. A Personal Note Both Nancy and I express our appreciation for the many cards, prayers and expressions of sympathy we received at the time of Nancy's mother's death on April 19th. Having just celebrated the victory of our Lord's resurrection 2 Sundays earlier, it was indeed comforting to commend Carmen into God's hands, sending her off to the place prepared for her in heaven. During the previous month, six of our own members made the same journey, giving Pastor Harvey and me the opportunity to share the same hope with loved ones. What joy is ours!

"If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." (I Cor. 15:19-20)

Pastor Paul Cloeter

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Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN


This month I’d like to share some thoughts with you from the convention I attended. It was the 22nd MN North District Convention of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and was held at Madden’s on Gull Lake, Brainerd from April 13-15. The Theme was, “Word of Truth, to All Truth Lead Us” based on Isaiah 2:2-4.

I served on Floor Committee #1 Evangelism, Missions and Stewardship. We presented 8 resolutions to the convention and all were passed. Resolutions 1-1 and 1-2 encouraged congregations to plant new churches and ministries and to be mindful of the opportunities to reach ethnic groups. Resolution 1-3 asked the MNN District to continue to work with LCMS Rural Small Town Ministry for resources and guidance to assist congregations that are struggling in rural settings. Resolution 1-4, 1-7 and 1-8 were all related to stewardship issues. Congregations were encouraged to use stewardship materials provided by the Division Parish Life and Nurture so that all congregations can grow in the grace of giving. The resolutions also encouraged congregations to make use of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund and our District Gift Planning Service. Resolution 1-5 and 1-6 addressed the need for congregations to assist connecting college students to campus ministries and that the district continues to support campus ministries and to keep its policy of not placing campus ministries in the subsidized category of reducing subsidy over time. Rev. Dr. Don Fondow was re-elected to serve as the MNN District President. Vice-Presidential elections were held and Rev. Dr. Karl Weber was elected first VP; Rev. Paul Cloeter was elected second VP (congratulations Pastor Paul); and Rev. Kirk Lee was elected third VP. President Don Fondow spoke Tuesday afternoon. He acknowledged that the world we live in today is a challenging one. From the relativity of modernism to the changeable spirituality inside of people, the abandonment of absolute truth has led to chaos and disorder in the world. He pointed us to the absolute Truth who was made incarnate for us, lived and was crucified. This Man rose again and gained our salvation. This is Truth. It is undeniable. The knowledge of this Truth is a gift from God through the Holy Spirit. Pres. Fondow encouraged us to continue speaking this Truth to the world with vigor. As there is no other name under heaven given by which we must be saved, we must share this Truth no matter the challenges. The reality of our salvation compels us speak Truth to those around us. Though times change, our God does not abandon us and has promised to be with us to the end of the age, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. This is our privilege and honor, to share in this Truth and message. It is the power of God for salvation to all who believe. I enjoyed the convention and was encouraged with the priorities the convention set and was uplifted by the study of God’s Word and Worship. I also enjoyed the fellowship the convention provided so that I could connect with old friends and make some new ones too.

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Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Risen – Ascended - Glorified! Worship and Music Notes The Easter season was early this year, which means that three other “holidays” are also early. That would be ‘The Ascension of our Lord’ (observed on Sunday, May 17th), ‘The Day of Pentecost’, and ‘The Holy Trinity’. Rarely do all three events happen in May. It is an opportunity for more people to join in worship and celebrate these days before the busy activities of summer take over. Many people do not give these special days much thought. I would challenge you to dig into these events and grow in appreciation for how significant these special events in our liturgical year are. Our lessons for each Sunday focus on the ministry of the early church, the future glories and splendor of heaven, and the instruction and lessons taught to the disciples on Jesus’ remaining earthly days. There are whole sections in our hymnal devoted to hymns based on these themes, not to mention references to these days in the devotions in “Portals of Prayer”, and “The Lutheran Hour” broadcasts. I look forward to preparing for these worship services with Pastor Paul and learning more on these lessons during the Bible Study time on Tuesday mornings. One of my favorite hymns tied to the Ascension is found in the Redeemer section of our hymnal; “Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor” LSB 534. It accomplished in four verses to tell of salvation and cleansing from the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ taking us to the final statement of faith; “Ris’n, ascended, glorified!” What better way to declare the ascension of our Lord? My favorite Pentecost hymn is LSB 501, “Come Down, O Love Divine”. The first verse begins with an invitation to the Holy Spirit to “Come down, O Love divine; seek Thou this soul of mind”, and verse four ends with “No soul can guess His grace till it becomes the place Where-in the Holy Spirit makes His dwelling”. Be filled with the Holy Spirit! And for Trinity Sunday? “Holy, Holy, Holy, merciful and mighty! God in three persons, blessed Trinity!” Amen. (LSB 507) It is my prayer that our church would continue in the Easter celebration and fill the pews with worshippers throughout the entire “holiday” season which has no end. Fill the pews? What has happened to involvement and participation? A devotional by Ken Klaus from The Lutheran Hour touched me: We need to be thankful that when it came to getting involved, the Lord Jesus didn't wait around for somebody else to make the necessary sacrifice to save us from our sins. Seeing that we had been kidnapped by sin, the devil and death, He came into this world to sacrifice Himself for us. He came and kicked open the door which gave us forgiveness and freedom. Now He asks all thankful hearts to get involved too. He wants us to get involved, so lost souls might see our gratitude and be brought into a new and saving relationship with the LORD.

As the Psalmist says -the Lord has rescued us and for that reason we will sing His praises. “Lord, I love the habitation of Your house, the place where Your glory dwells.” To God be the GloryDaniel Reineke, Music Director (320)656-0963 [email protected] Mark A. Kelley Insurance Agent 300 E. Germain St. Suite 260 St. Cloud, MN 56304 Tel: 320-252-7222 Fax: 320-252-8674 [email protected]

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Commercial/Industrial RICK MEHRWERTH 320.252.8072 Cell: 320.980.4575 5123 Shadowwood Dr. NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Email: [email protected]

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Table and Chair Usage

An LCEF Reminder On May 10th LCEF representative George Miller will be here between services to talk about estate planning, endowments, and wills. He will also be available to answer any questions you have regarding the Shared Blessings program.

With summer approaching… There are tables and chairs available for use by Trinity members for private events. Just contact Jan Lembeck at 320-259-9562

Thank you to those of you that attended the April 26th informational meeting and are considering becoming an investor. If you want more information please contact Lori Wendt at 320-420-4368 or [email protected].

She will explain the procedure and get you on the calendar.

Summer worship schedule begins on Monday, June 1st with worship service at 6:00pm

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League At our April meeting Pastor Cloeter shared with the leaguers attending thoughts on “What do Americans Believe About Jesus?” Gail Haake, Connie Mooney and Nancy Oswald were hostesses. Our members put on their calendar a reminder about the Zone Rally on Saturday, April 18th at Bethany in Ramey. We heard a thoughtful message by speaker David Becker titled “Create in me a Clean Heart.” After concluding meeting agenda matters, a light lunch, at noon, was served by Bethany ladies.

National Day of Prayer Come to the Sauk Rapids Municipal Park on Thursday, May 7th for the National Day of Prayer. Pastor Art Cotant from Discovery Church will be the MC along with their worship team, directed by Sue Mustain. We will begin at 6:00pm. We will have a special time of prayer for our Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters, who risk their lives every day for our communities, and also for all persecuted Christians around the world. Hear us, Oh Lord!

The Spring QUARTERLY has been distributed to members, and the May 14th meeting study topic will be selected from “Seedy Characters”, “Being Led By the Spirit,” and “Mountaintop of Mission.” Leaguers, please keep in mind and prayers the forthcoming 26th Biennial LWML Convention, June 25-28 in Des Moines, Iowa. Theme for the gathering is BOUNTIFUL! SOW – Nourish– Reap. Trinity League Delegate is Connie Mooney.


Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN


High School Youth Group

As the school year counts down, we reflect on our time with another graduating class. We will recognize our High School Seniors as they prepare to move on to their adult lives. Make sure to mark May 17th on your calendar. We will spend time during education hour learning more how these young adults have grown in their faith. It will be a great day! All are invited to come listen to some remarkable young people.

On May 16th we will be going to Little Falls to see Lydia's Flock. She owns one of 6 registered Icelandic sheep flocks in Minnesota. They are a small, hardy, dual-coated Nordic breed. She said she has lots of lambs for us to see. We will meet at church at 12:30 and will return late afternoon. Please see the sign up sheet on the kiosk.

Batman Mystery Dinner has been moved to June 6th. Ethan Fearing returns to lead this adventure. Youth will have the opportunity to be right in the action of this soon to be classic! We will also have our annual Summer Lock-In on that night.

Also on May 21st we will host a Thrivent seminar on Long Term Care insurance. There will be 2 sessions at 1 pm and 6:30 pm. Please see the poster and sign up sheet on the kiosk.

Wednesday night devo time changes a bit without God's Grub. We will be cooking our own pizza ( Jenny Style is still popular). We still meet from 6-8PM. We will meet the first two Wednesdays in May, then take a short break as many are super busy during this time. We'll meet May 6 and 13. There will be no Wednesday night youth group on May 20 and 27. There will be no youth group meetings in June. We will start up again on July 1. Hopefully the youth leaders will be rested and have regained their sanity by then! :)

We had a great turn-out for our AARP safe driving refresher course in April. We greatly appreciate all of those who support us by taking the course that we sponsor.

Graduate Recognition Sunday On Sunday, May 17th, we invite our High School Graduates to be recognized in our 10:30am worship service. A reception will be held between services.

Watch next months newsletter for a detailed schedule of activities for summer. Make sure you are connected to the youth leaders via media of your choice. Facebook, twitter, instagram, email...In His service,

The 2015 Graduates are: Taryn Anderson Tyler Benoit Kennedy Busche Angela Frey Amber Kulow Kaylah Larson Alexus Mendel Riley Novak Rachel Petersen Darien Prow Kali Reginek Samantha Sell Alex Schlichting Olivia Stockinger Timothy Thole Mason Wendt Kelsey Zoellner

Youth leaders Emily, Brett and TK

Family Ministry in May Ladies Supper Out: Monday, May 18th, 6:00pm @ G’ Allens Men’s Supper Out: Thursday, May 21st, 6:00pm @ Boulder Tap House

No Events during June, July & August! Have a great summer!

If we have overlooked anyone, please call the church office so we can extend an invitation to them as well. 320-252-3670 Thank you. 6

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

“More Than Enough”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Upcoming Middle School Youth Events

Planned Giving Stories for Christian Stewards While visiting the Wills Planner on LCEF's website, June, a surviving spouse, came across the idea of a Give it Twice Trust. She contacted LCEF for mor e infor mation and talked with a gift planner who explained the concept as a way to first give income to children through a trust and then transfer the trust balance to charity in the future. June: Fred and I talk ed about this before he passed away. We both agreed that we wanted to treat each of our four children equally and also provide a benefit to our church.

May 6. (Wed) Meet at Trinity @ 6pm for DODGEBALL. We will carpool to Prince of Peace for this event. June 22. (Mon) Valleyfair. Carpool and chaperone help is needed.

Friends are always welcome! Thanks!

RSVP to [email protected]

The gift planner told June that with her estate of $800,000 she would have the ability to do something significant for both her family and her church. June was concerned because while her three older children are financially responsible, her youngest, Jim, "spends money like water." June was afraid that if Jim were to receive cash in a lump sum he would spend it right away. The gift planner explained that the "Give It Twice" plan could be very helpful. June could transfer $400,000 from her IRA at death to the trust. Her children would each receive one-fourth of the income from the trust over 20 years. That would give Jim a chance to learn to save and invest. After that time, the trust balance would benefit her church. In addition, by using her IRA, June could save on income tax because the special trust is tax-exempt. June: I established a Give it T wice T rust and was thrilled with the plan. The prospect of helping my four children and my church made me happy and I knew that it was the right thing to do.

Spread the Good News about your business... to the members of Trinity Lutheran Church It’s Easy! We’ll create an ad for you!

Information and confidential consultation about planned giving options that might benefit you - like a Give It Twice Trust - can be obtained by contacting either Mr. David Priebe, retired business attorney (612)508-4640; or Mr. George Miller (800)482-5022. Both David and George are Gift Planning Counselors for the MN North District - LCMS.

Just $27 for 1—7/8” x 1” ad paid in advance with an 11—issue contract or get double impact by putting 2 ads together, 1—7/8” x 2” ad paid in advance. ($49) Call the Church office to get started! 320-252-3670, 2163 Mayhew Lake Road NE, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4554 7

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Dear family and friends of POP!

Trailblazer/Voyageur Prairie and Woods Camp Campers will go back to the 19th century and share experiences similar to those from Little House on the Prairie and Little House in the Big Woods. We’ll use a Dutch oven, learn about foods, experience games that were played back then, learn about faith and its importance, see how families earned their living, and experience many of the activities of children from the late 1800’s. Please note that a more detailed description will be provided to campers when they sign up. There is a limit of 24 campers.

How can I say what I want to say, following Sunday and our POP Benefit and Legacy Dinner? How can I say it to our absolutely GREAT TEAM that worked so long and so hard to plan and carry out the Benefit? How can I say it to our absolutely GREAT and GENEROUS GUESTS who came and gave and enjoyed the Benefit? How can I say it to our GIFTED musical friends from HOLY CROSS who added so much to our Benefit with their voices? How can I say it to everyone who donated items to benefit our school? I can say it this way: Dankie! Ta! Do Jeh! Dekuji! Tak! Klitos! Merci! Danke! Toda! Grazie! Arigato! Takk! Dziekuje! Spasibo! Asante! Tack! Terima kassih! Xie xie! Efharisto! Obrigado! Istutiy! Or, in plain English – THANK YOU! Better yet, as Paul says it in Philippians: “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel…” (Philippians 1:3-5)

Ages: Trailblazer (7-11) and Voyageur (12-14) Dates and Cost: June 21-26. $295 Deposit:$75

Thankful for our partnership in the Gospel at Prince of Peace! ~ Pastor Dave

[email protected] 218-583-2905

Pastor Paul’s Contact Number Please note: Pastor’s cell number is 320-333-6319. You may reach him at that number with any emergency.

Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity's thrift store ~ ReStore The ReStore is a discount home improvement retail store. It is owned and operated by Central MN Habitat for Humanity. Individuals and businesses donate new and used home improvement and building materials that are sold at a discount in the store. The sales fund’s their mission by providing affordable housing to low-income families. Anyone from the public can shop or donate items. Majority of the ReStore team are volunteers. Volunteers can come for a one-time experience or on a regular basis. One-time volunteers help with general store tasks such as loading/unloading items, cleaning, and stocking the floor. Volunteers that commit to coming for one shift per week have the option of being trained in a variety of roles. To sign up for a one-time experience, go to OnlineSign-up. Internship Opportunities are available year around to gain business, management, and marketing experience. Contact them for more information about volunteer roles, tour or about donations. Contact Melanie Blake, Volunteer Manager at (320) 248-8256 or [email protected]. 8



May 2015 Wed




1 9:00am Parish Workers


2 9:00am Altar Guild 10:00am Walk for Life 1:00pm Immerfall Piano Recital (W,F) 4:30pm Private Event (FH,K) 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W) 9 9:00am Altar Guild 1:30pm Bible Study @ St. Cloud Prison 4:00pm Stafford/Dallman Wedding 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)

3 8:00am Worship (HC) Z5 9:15am Bible Class & SS 9:15am Youth Bible Study 10:30am Worship Z1 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 1:00pm Immerfall Piano Recitals(W,F) 5:00pm YABS 6:00pm Rehwaldt Piano Recital 10 Mother’s Day/LCEF Sunday 8:00am Worship Z2 9:15am LCEF Information Mtg. & SS 9:15am Youth Bible Study 10:30am Worship (HC) Z3 (Trad.) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 4:00pm Creative Crafts

4 6:00pm Salt & Pepper Planning Meeting (Lcf) 6:45pm Narcotics Anonymous

5 9:00am – 1:00pm Pastor’s Circuit Meeting (W,K, FH) 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

6 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 8:30am Finance Team Mtg 6:00pm Adult Choir 6:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) MSYG Dodgeball @ POP

7 9:00am Sewing and Crafts (F) 6:00pm National Day of Prayer @ Sauk Rapids Municipal Park

8 9:00am Parish Workers 6:00pm Wedding Rehearsal

11 6:00pm Bev's CC (CM) 6:45pm Narcotics Anonymous

12 9:00am – 2:00pm Joint N/S District Meeting (F,K) 10:30am Bible Study 6:30pm Sandwichers (CC) 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

13 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 6:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) 6:15pm Ladies Leaning on Christ (CC)

14 Ascension of Our Lord 1:00pm LWML (F) 5:30pm Lay Ministry Mtg. (Lcf) 6:30pm Brownie Troop Mtg. (Lcl) 7:00pm Leadership Team Mtg (Lcf)

15 9:00am Parish Workers

16 Armed Forces Day 9:00am Altar Guild 12:30pm S&P Lydia’s Flock Trip 12:00-6:00pm Anyuak Memorial Service (W,F) 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)


18 6:00pm Ladies Supper @ G’Allens 6:45pm Narcotics Anonymous

19 10:30am Bible Study 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

20 Newsletter Deadline

22 9:00am Parish Workers

23 9:00am Altar Guild 12:00-3:00pm Anyuak B-day Party (K,F) 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)


26 9:30am Parish Workers (NL) 6:30pm Sandwichers (CC) 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

27 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 6:15pm Ladies Leaning on Christ (CC)

21 9:00am Sewing and Crafts (F) 1:00pm Thrivent Long Term Care Seminar (Lcl) 6:00pm Men’s Supper @ Boulder Tap 6:00pm Thrivent Long Term Care Seminar (Lcl) 7:00pm POP Spring Concert (W) 28 6:30pm Brownie Troop Mtg. (Lcl) 7:30pm Bible Study @ Benton County Jail

29 9:00am Parish Workers

30 9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)

Military Bible Sticks Door Offering

8:00am Worship (HC) Z4 9:15am SS (last day) 9:15am Graduate Reception (F) 10:30am Worship Z5 (HS Graduate Recognition) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship (M,Y) 3:00pm Gunnerson Piano Recital 5:00pm YABS 24 PENTECOST SUNDAY 8:00am Worship Z1 9:15am Bible Class 9:15am Youth Bible Study 10:30am Worship (HC) Z2 (Trad.) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship (HC) (M,Y) 4:00pm Creative Crafts 31 TRINITY SUNDAY 8:00am Worship Z3 9:15am Bible Class 9:15am Youth Bible Study 10:30am Worship Z4 (Traditional) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship (M,Y) 5:00pm YABS

OFFICE CLOSED 6:45pm Narcotics Anonymous

7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 6:00pm POP Preschool Program (W,F)

Room Reservation Key

W=Worship Space

Scl=Small Class Room

M=Music Room

Lcf=Large Conf Room

CM=Care Ministry

O=Overflow Room

F=Fellowship Hall

Lcl=Large Class Room

Y=Youth Room

Scf=Small Conf Room


May Birthdays Name Beverly Abraham William Adkins Karl Anderson Matt Beck Kristine Belanger Nathan Bennett Destinie Benson Austin Besser Blake Besser Tanya Boettcher Zachary Bratland Nicole Bynaker Anne Cham Tyler Christensen Taenaesha Cooley Ryan Cordier Connee Cossairt Karen Dunham Louise Erickson Linda Feuling William Feuling Diane Gooch Edna Grabuski Jan Gratke Carly Hackett Dustin Hadley Mary Lou Haehnel Alivia Hejhal Chris Hendrickson Kali Hendrickson Tracy Hendrickson Dean Henkemeyer Eli Huinker Ginger Jarnot Allie Johnson Joshua Kaeter Jason Kardell Emily Kath Halley Keske Patricia Kjorlien

Birthday 14-May 14-May 13-May 25-May 3-May 1-May 4-May 31-May 23-May 18-May 7-May 14-May 4-May 8-May 26-May 26-May 24-May 6-May 11-May 24-May 17-May 3-May 20-May 17-May 23-May 4-May 12-May 22-May 25-May 22-May 17-May 4-May 8-May 9-May 6-May 2-May 9-May 10-May 4-May 1-May

Name Marie Knapek Luke Knowles Leona Kula Amber Kulow Cassidy Kulow Joshua Kutzorik Corrine Lanz Nicholas Lindquist Helen Lovelett Matthew LurkenTvrdik Spencer Lyness Tom Machula Clayton Mathews Jacob Meierhofer Jordan Mendel Jan Middlestadt Dennis Miller Michael Milner Joe Morey Darlene Nastrom Vicki Neils Marvin Neubert Cameron Ngo Britney Nieters Nicole Norton Emily Novak Akway Okello Charolang Omot Obuuy Omot Tasha Ostendorf Gabe Pageant Lillian Philippi Alberta Pierce Elaine Poepping Emma ProwDockendorf Aaron Reginek Frank Riehm Aaron Ringsmuth Natalie Ringsmuth

Birthday 16-May 28-May 18-May 14-May 15-May 5-May 21-May 27-May 29-May 21-May 5-May 17-May 29-May 23-May 10-May 10-May 8-May 30-May 17-May 22-May 14-May 8-May 22-May 8-May 29-May 23-May 7-May 16-May 3-May 5-May 19-May 26-May 20-May 29-May 16-May 23-May 8-May 11-May 20-May

Name Richard Robarge Grace Roesch Garrett Sarazin Ronald Schaefer Janice Schleicher Grace Schroeder Brendan Schwartz Adam Schweiss Samantha Sell Nicole Severson Colten Sigurdson Inette Smith Elaine Sowa Jennifer Srur Jacob Staneart Eric Steffen Kathy Stueve Kaylee Thom Janet Tucholke Duane Unke Mallory Voge Payton Voge Marlene Vogel James Volkers Joanna Volkers Tim Volkers Delores Wainright James Wainright Tiarah Watson Paul Wegner Nyla Wendt Michael Wiese Darlene Williams Paige Woitalla Cody Wurdelman Cody Zoellner

Birthday 1-May 26-May 22-May 28-May 25-May 14-May 4-May 24-May 17-May 10-May 27-May 25-May 1-May 15-May 2-May 9-May 29-May 24-May 30-May 17-May 19-May 19-May 10-May 31-May 13-May 18-May 25-May 5-May 30-May 1-May 7-May 5-May 11-May 5-May 24-May 1-May