Trinity Tidings

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Trinity Tidings Trinity Lutheran Church 2163 Mayhew Lake Rd NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4554

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Trinity Lutheran Church-Sauk Rapids, MN “Sharing the Caring Christ With All People” A Prince of Peace Lutheran School Association Church And a Good Shepherd Community Congregation

Sunday Services: 8:00am & 10:30am Monday Worship Services 6:00pm (Memorial Day through Labor Day) Sunday School for All Ages: 9:15am (Sept—May) Sunday Radio Broadcast at 8:00am on WVAL 800 on the AM dial and streaming live on the internet at Trinity’s Website:

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

First of all, I want to thank you for the very warm welcome you have given me. It seems a bit odd to say that since Karen and I have been members here during the same 13 years I referenced earlier. But, this is a bit different now being a part of Trinity’s called ministry team as you have graciously welcomed me as one of your pastor’s. I count it a privilege to serve our Lord in this way and to serve with both Pastor Paul and DCO Craig and all of the great people who make up our staff. My prayer is simply this, that all I do in this place Dear Friends in Christ, brings honor and glory to our gracious God, provides helpful service to I will admit that it has been a while – you, the people of Trinity, and is usejust under 13 years – since I last had ful in our common goal of sharing the opportunity to write an article for the Good News of Jesus Christ with the newsletter of a congregation our community and world so that where I was serving as a member of more may come to know and believe their pastoral staff. So, look out for a in Jesus as their Savior. little rust to show up in this letter! As you may know, my call to Trinity is to serve half-time with the other half of my time spent in service to our school, Prince of Peace, as the administrator/principal. We are very Table of Contents blessed to have the opportunity to From the Pastor pg 2 continue Trinity’s long history of Golf Outing Thanks pg 2 providing Christian Day School education in partnership with Holy Cross, Submit Photos pg 3 Redeemer, and Love of Christ. If you Reception for Pastor Ehlers pg 3 have never been to our school, Opportunities to Volunteer pg 3 please consider this to be a personal Walkathon pg 4 invitation to stop by for a tour and to Quilt Sale! pg 4 learn more about the great things LWML pg 4 God is doing at Prince of Peace. And, God’s Grub pg 4 if you have children, I invite you to Advertise With Us pg 4 visit and see the ‘grace place’ for edDCO Corner pg 5 ucation that our school offers. Worship/Music Notes pg 6 Speaking of parents and children, Middle School Youth pg 6 there is a new parenting class being More Than Enough pg 7 offered Sunday mornings which can, I HS Youth pg 7 believe, be of great benefit to all who Dave Anderson pg 7 have been blessed by God’s entrustLIC Update pg 8 ing of children into their care. Even Salt & Pepper pg 8 though we will be well into the class Altar Guild Meeting pg 8 by the time you read this, it still won’t Contact Us pg 8 be too late for you to join in as we work our way through the “Daily Dozen of Christian Parenting.” Please Inserts: Oct. Calendar & Birthdays join us in the CDC at 9:15 each Sunday morning to grow in the grace of parenting! 2

Sauk Rapids, MN

Then too, speaking of our children, we have begun a new way for children to be more involved in our Sunday morning worship, especially when it comes to the offering. We now have a special ‘Just for Kids’ offering bucket placed near the altar. As the offering plates are being passed among the pews, the children are invited to bring their offering forward and ‘make a joyful noise’ by placing it in the offering bucket. In addition, we are seeking to have more children’s messages in our services as well. We want to do everything we can to live out what we say in each Sunday bulletin, that “We welcome families with children at Trinity!” God’s blessings, in Christ,

Pastor Dave The Prince of Peace Scholarship Golf Day Committee would like to thank all of you for sharing the information about our recent fundraiser with your congregations. The event was a huge success with 48 golfers participating. We were blessed with great weather, and the general feedback received was everyone had a great time. Through our sponsors and participants we were able to raise over $8000.00 which will be used by the school to award scholarships so more students will benefit from an education that is 'Centered in Christ'. Please continue to keep the school in your prayers. Again, thank you very much. The Golf Day Committee

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Do you have a family member who is serving our country in the military? We want to include them in our new Pictorial Directory. Please submit a photo to the church office by Sunday, October 18th. There will be a special page dedicated to these selfless people.

Pastor Harvey! There will be a cake and ice cream social in honor of Pastor Harvey, in appreciation of all of his years of service in the Ministry, namely, Trinity. The reception will be held in the Church Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 11, 2015 from 2-4-p.m. Featured speakers will include Pastor David Franzmeier, and Pastor Paul Cloeter. Please come, and express your gratitude briefly, or stay for the entire program.

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OPPORTUNITIES TO VOLUNTEER Great River Area Faith in Action is a faith-based nonprofit organization that focuses on mobilizing volunteers, empowering their clients, and educating our communities and clients. They have a need for two people to do grocery shopping for clients on the southeast side of St. Cloud. They are also looking for volunteers to help with painting and yard work. Contact Cherise Robb, Volunteer Coordinator for Great River Area Faith in Action at (320) 290-3428 The Greater St. Cloud Area RSVP engages men and women age 55 or better in meaningful volunteer opportunities at over 200 human service agencies throughout the community. We are seeking compassionate volunteers in a variety of positions; including many roles with flexible commitments. RSVP staff will work with you to cater your volunteer schedule so it fulfills your needs and has a positive impact on your community. Contact RSVP at (320)255-7295 or [email protected]

God Bless them!

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About the ReStore: The ReStore is a discount home improvement retail store. It is owned and operated by Central MN Habitat for Humanity. Individuals and businesses donate new and used home improvement and building materials that are sold at a fraction of the retail price. Sales from the ReStore further the mission of Central MN Habitat for Humanity by providing affordable housing for low-income families. Anyone from the public can shop, donate items and volunteer. The majority of the ReStore team are volunteers. Volunteers can come for a one-time experience or on a regular basis. One-time volunteers help with general store tasks such as loading/unloading items, cleaning, and stocking the floor. Volunteers looking for regular opportunities include the following roles: cashier and customer service, donations, sales floor, truck support team and tinkerer volunteer. Volunteer Shift Times: Wednesday - Saturday 9:30am - 2pm, 2pm - 6:30pm. Contact Derek Peterson, ReStore Volunteer Manager at Central MN Habitat for Humanity, at (320) 241-4643 or [email protected].

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Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

POP Walkathon Prince of Peace students, parents and teachers will be participating in our annual 2015 Walkathon on Saturday, October 3rd at Lake George in St. Cloud. All students at Prince of Peace are being asked to collect pledges to raise money for our school, Preschool-8th grade. If you would like to make a pledge to support this fundraising effort, please sponsor a POP student from your congregation, leave your donation in the free will offering basket after services next Sunday, September 27th, or send to the school. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our students and school where We Believe!

Sauk Rapids, MN

Quilt Sale! The Sewing Guild will be selling their quilts on Sunday morning, October 18th. Check out their lovely work! Proceeds will go for supplies to make more quilts for missions.

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League observes Sunday, Oct. 4th as LWML Sunday. Fall Joyshop for Little Falls Zone, which includes our Trinity league, is set for Tuesday, Oct. 27th at Good Shepherd Chapel meeting room. The theme is BOUNTFUL...SOW...NOURISH...REAP. Registration is $6.00, from 9:30 to 10:00am. A light lunch will be served at noon to conclude the session. Ingathering includes lotions or other comfort items for residents of the nursing home EXCEPT aerosol spray containers.

Don’t Want to Cook Tonight? God’s Grub Wednesday’s at 5:00pm Oct. 7—Hot Dogs Oct. 14—No God’s Grub Oct. 21—Taco In a Bag Oct. 28—Spaghetti

Join us for food and fun! Leann Klimek and Toni Kasella CPA’s Commercial/Industrial RICK MEHRWERTH 320.252.8072 Cell: 320.980.4575 5123 Shadowwood Dr. NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Email: [email protected]

Spread the Good News About your Business... to the members of Trinity Lutheran Church … It’s Easy! We’ll create an ad for you!

1139 Franklin Ave. NE #3 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 (320) 774-2035

Just $27 for 1—7/8” x 1” ad paid in advance with an 11—issue contract or get double impact by putting 2 ads together, 1—7/8” x 2” ad paid in advance. ($49)

Mark A. Kelley Insurance Agent 300 E. Germain St. Suite 260 St. Cloud, MN 56304 Tel: 320-252-7222 Fax: 320-252-8674 [email protected]

Call the Church office to get started! 320-252-3670, 2163 Mayhew Lake Road NE,

111 7th Ave. S. PO Box 40 St. Cloud, MN 56302 (320)252-2841 or (888) 950-2265

Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4554 4

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”


Sauk Rapids, MN

This month I would like to share with you a letter from the District Newsletter:

Dear Friends in Christ; I received a letter that was addressed to the church I was serving. The letter was sent from a family that had recently moved to Kansas and I assumed that it was a letter requesting a transfer of membership. I opened the letter and was greeted with the salutation; “Dear ABC Lutheran Church family.” In the letter, she expressed her thanks to people she had come to view as her church family. In the letter, she spoke about how difficult it was to connect with a new church home. Every church she attended in her new community was different from the one she had left behind and felt so much a part of. She was feeling homesick for her church home. She didn’t realize how much she had looked forward to those Sunday morning meetings at the church. But then she wondered if, in her connections she made at the ABC Lutheran Church, she had not noticed the new people who had moved into ABC town and visited the church and felt the coldness and isolation of being a new person in a strange church. Everyone around you is busy chatting and having a good time, but you are not a part of them. How lonely that felt. Perhaps they had left a wonderful church home and were searching for a new home. They didn’t realize that they were visiting one of those wonderful loving churches when they came to ABC Lutheran Church. Through her letter, I had the opportunity to see the church through visitor eyes. We can talk about having the purest doctrine, the most pristine worship, the most conservative communion practice, the most authentic blah, blah, blah. But then I see 1 Corinthians 13 – “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become a sounding brass or a clanging symbol. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all the mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.” Everything we do means nothing, if we do not love. Not just the ones you know who are already members of the church family, but love the widow and the orphaned, the visitor and the homeless, the sick and the needy, the rich and the poor. We want to be that loving congregation that people call home. In our home, we welcome guests as if they are expected and wanted. Look at your church home through visitor eyes. Will they see what we have come to know and appreciate in this church home? Will they be warmly greeted? Will we provide them with a clear, uncomplicated order of worship that they can follow along as though they have been a part of this church family for years? Is the Gospel presented clearly in the message preached? Is the love of Christ evident in and through each of the members that interact with that visitor on a Sunday morning?

I spoke to a group of elders about the importance of welcoming people to worship services and how important it was to speak to new people. One elder said, “I would, but they bee line it out of the church right after the worship service and I don’t get the opportunity to say boo to them.” “But”, I said, “that should speak volumes to how well they were welcomed before the service. They felt so uncomfortable that they couldn’t wait to get out of here.” We need to do a better job of welcoming guests. If we do not love, they won’t hear the Good News in that place, the coldness will distract them from that proclamation that Jesus loves them. Jesus died for them. By grace, through faith in Christ Jesus our savior, we are a family who is charged with the responsibility of loving each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. We have been set free from the bondage of sin death and hell. We have been redeemed in the blood of Jesus. We are one! We are loved! We should be loving. In His Service;

Craig Cooper, DCO

Rev. Jeffrey A. Lee


Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Worship and Music Notes A Mighty Fortress is Our God “God is our Refuge and Strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 Reformation Day, October 31st, is the only festival in the Lutheran calendar which is peculiar to the Lutheran church. As we remember Martin Luther’s posting of the 95 statements which started the Reformation we are taught again and reminded of Faith Alone, Grace Alone and Scripture Alone. From 1517 to present day, we need to be reminded that our salvation is a gift from God through the redemptive work of His Son, Jesus. The working of faith in our hearts from the Holy Spirit leads us to His Word and Sacrament in worship. We will celebrate the Reformation on October 25 and also witness our confirmation class affirm their faith in the Rite of Confirmation between services. Plan on signing “A Mighty Fortress” with gusto! The text and tune (Ein feste Burg ist unse Gott) by Martin Luther have been used since 1529. “The victory has been won; the kingdom ours remaineth.” I would like to encourage your participation in our worship services. We are working on a more consistent Traditional and Contemporary worship format in the second half of October and beyond. Our new Contemporary Music Director is Ruth Immerfall. She will be leading the Contemporary Services with the help of worship band instrumentalists and song leaders. Please lend your talents to her endeavors! I would also like to invite your participation in our Adult Choir and Handbell Choir. These two ensembles will contribute to our worship experience by reinforcing the message of the Word through music. The success of these programs depends on your participation. Please respond gladly saying “Here am I, Send me!” Watch your calendar and bulletin announcements for details. (This also applies to sound board teams!) On October 11th, we will welcome the music ministry of Dave Anderson. They will be involved in both the 8 and 10:30 services. The Bell tower is nearing completion! Watch for more details as to its Music Ministry. See you at ChurchTo God be the glory, Daniel Reineke, Music Director (320)656-0963

[email protected]

Upcoming Middle School Youth Events OCTOBER 7th Fields of Faith. We will carpool from Trinity to travel to Sartell High School as a group that night. We will plan to leave Trinity at 6pm and return back to Trinity by 8pm. We must have written notice if you plan to pickup your child directly from Sartell High School. AS ALWAYS....WE ARE LOOKING FOR AMAZING, AWESOME CHAPERONES.... OCTOBER 21st. Campfire and S'mores 7:15pm-8pm (after Confirmation) OCTOBER 28th. Pumpkin Painting 7:15pm-8pm (after Confirmation) NOVEMBER 4th. GONE FISHIN'! This is our local gospel group. They have invited our families to come to a local concert. Stay tuned.....

All For Him, Kristen - Middle School Youth Group Rsvp to [email protected] 6

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

“More Than Enough” Planned Giving Stories for Christian Stewards

We have all heard the saying, "Have your cake and eat it too." It's something we say when we can have more than one good thing at the same time. Mary and David Smith felt this pride when they gave to their church and created a stream of payments for their family. While working on their estate plans, the Smiths were conflicted. They wanted to pass on their estate to their family but they also had a place in their hearts for their church.

Sauk Rapids, MN

Trinity High School Youth Group 9th-12th grade We are meeting again on Wednesday nights from 6-8PM. God's Grub will be available before hand at 5PM. Anyone who wants to knock out some homework, or just hang out, can show after school. We will take the night of October 14th off. That is MEA weekend.......go to the football game, hang out with your family. All other Wednesdays we will be getting together to share and grow in our faith walk. Be sure to connect with one of the youth leaders for the National Youth Gathering next summer. Dates are July 16-20, 2016. This event will be in New Orleans, LA. Get signed up.

David: W e were having a tough time determ ining how to best split our estate when we received a mailing from our church's gift planning counselor that sparked our interest. The Testamentary Charitable Remainder Unitrust was a new concept to the Smiths.

We're going to Nawlins Y'all.

David: I didn't realize that there was a way that we could stretch our assets so that we could accomplish both of our goals. We called the gift planning counselor and were amazed at how we could customize this plan to help both our family and our church. The Smiths will be using their estate assets, including their retirement accounts, to fund a unitrust that will begin after their lifetimes. The trust will provide a steady stream of payments to their daughter and three grandchildren for a term of years and ultimately fund the ministry of their church. Mary: W e are thrilled that we are able to use our accounts now, provide our family with payments and still be able to support the ministry of our church. Information and confidential consultation about planned giving options that might benefit you - like a Testamentary Charitable Remainder Unitrust, can be obtained by contacting either Mr. David Priebe, retired business attorney (612)508-4640; or Mr. George Miller (800)482-5022. Both David and George are Gift Planning Counselors for the MN North District - LCMS.


Make sure you are connected to the youth leaders via media of your choice. Facebook, twitter, instagram, email... In His service, Youth Leaders Emily, Charlie, Brett, Leah and TK

Dave Anderson and Roger Walck Will be leading us in worship on Sunday October 11, at both 8 and 10:30 worship services. A Free Will offering will be received to benefit Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat.

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Updates from Lutheran Island Camp Just a reminder of the date change for Autumn Adventure/Western Adventure. It is now scheduled for the weekend of October 9-11. Give us a call to register or download the brochure from our website. Our annual Fall Cleanup is scheduled for the weekend of October 2-4 with October 3 being the actual date for the cleanup. We will have lots of things to put away and get ready for winter. We also will have nearly 60 trees to plant at the ranch and at camp. We could use some strong, young backs to get everything accomplished. November and January Quilting Retreats have been set and we are already getting registrations for both. The dates are November 3-8 and January 19-24. Flyers are soon going out to past campers and they can be found on our website under Events. We continue looking for hay for our horses. Altogether we need about 300 bales and we have about 100 committed so far. If you have some nice horse hay that you would like to donate or sell very reasonably, please let us know. We can line up transportation with a semi-tractor and trailer. Reformation for Today will be held on Sunday, October 18th. The cost is $25 and will include a hymn sing, presentation by our speaker, Ted Kober, and a delicious German meal.


Salt & Pepper September was a fun month for all who journeyed with us to the Carlos Creek Winery for the free wine tasting and watching the grape stomp. If you missed it, there’s always next year. Now, it’s time to turn our attention to October.

DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM 55+ Here’s a great opportunity for you to learn the recent driving updates and save money on your auto insurance. If you take the latest Smart Driving Class, you are entitled to a 10% discount on your car & truck insurance. The class is open to anyone age 55 and over. The date and time is here in the Fellowship Hall on Tues., Oct. 20 starting at 1:00. You may sign up on the sheet in the narthex or call the church office to enroll. The class fee is only $20 for AARP members and $25 for nonmembers. The Salt and Pepper group is providing refreshments.

Altar Guild will meet on, Tuesday, October 6th at 6:30pm We need more members! It is a small time commitment working together with other women to beautify our Altar. Interested? Questions? Join us for coffee and a cookie and find out about us. Any questions call Sue Kulzer @ 248-9783. 8

Church Contact Information Church Fax:

Church Office: 252-3670 202-1095 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Office Staff 252-3670 Pastor Paul Cloeter; Pastor Dave Strohschein Pastor Harvey Ehlers, Emeritus Director of Christian Outreach Craig Cooper Vicar John Bakou Admin. Assistants Judy Rehwaldt , Katie Meemken Additional Contact Information Music Ministry: Daniel Reineke 656-0963 Prayer Chain: Delores Volkers 252-2101 Youth Ministry: Terry Kurash 251-4071; Kristen Sigurdson 493-6621 Parish Nurse: Jennifer Machula Prince of Peace School Office: 251-1477

October 2015




4 8:00am Worship (HC) Z3 9:15am Bible Class & S. S. 9:15am Youth Bible Study 10:30am Worship Z4 12:00pm Anyuak Worship

5 6:00pm Salt & Pepper Planning Mtg (Lcf) 6:45pm Narcotics Anon. 7:30pm Handbell Choir Practice

6 6:30pm Altar Guild Meeting 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

11 Dave Anderson in Worship 8:00am Worship Z5 9:15am Bible Class & S. S. 9:15am Youth Bible Study 9:15am Parenting Class 10:30am Worship (HC) Z1 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 2:00pm Pastor Ehlers Reception 4:00pm Creative Crafts CC 5:00pm YABS Bible Study

12 6:00pm Bev's CC (CM) 6:45pm Narcotics Anon. 7:30pm Handbell Choir Practice

18 QUILT SALE 8:00am Worship (HC) Z2 9:15am S. S. 9:15am Youth Bible Study 9:15am Voter’s Meeting 10:30am Worship Z3 12:00pm Anyuak Worship

19 6:45pm Narcotics Anon.


26 9:30am Parish Workers (Newsletter) 6:45pm Narcotics Anon.


8:00am Worship Z4 9:15am Rite of Confirmation 9:15am Youth Bible Study & SS 9:15am Parenting Class 10:30am Worship (HC) Z5 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 4:00pm Creative Crafts CC 5:00pm YABS Bible Study Room Reservation Key O=Overflow Room

W=Worship Space F=Fellowship Hall

Scl=Small Class Room Lcl=Large Class Room





1 9:00am Sewing and Crafts (F) 6:30pm Brownie Troop Mtg.

2 9:00am Parish Workers

3 9:00am POP Walkathon @ Lake George 9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)

7 7:00am Men's Bible Study@ GS 8:30am Finance Team Mtg 5:00pm God's Grub 6:00pm Fields of Faith at Sartell HS (meet at Trinity) 6:00pm HS Youth Night

8 1:00pm LWML (F) 5:30pm Lay Ministry Mtg. (Lcf) 7:00pm Leadership Team Mtg (Lcf)

9 9:00am Parish Workers 4:30pm Wedding Rehearsal

13 10:30am Bible Class (Lcf) 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

14 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS No God’s Grub/ Confirmation Classes or Youth 6:00pm Adult Choir Practice 6:15pm Ladies Leaning on Christ (CM)

15 9:00am Sewing and Crafts (F) 6:30pm Brownie Troop Mtg.

16 9:00am Parish Workers

10 9:00am Altar Guild 1:30pm St. Cloud State Prison Bible Study 2:30pm Schefers/Friendshuh Wedding 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W) 17 9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)

20 10:30am Bible Class (Lcf) 1:00pm AARP Driving Class 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

21 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:00pm God's Grub 6:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) 6:00pm Confirmation Classes 6:00pm Adult Choir Practice 7:15pm MSYG Campfire

22 7:30pm Bible Study @ Benton County Jail

23 9:00am Parish Workers

24 9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)

27 9:30am LWML Joyshop at Good Shepherd 10:30am Bible Class (Lcf) 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

28 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:00pm God's Grub 6:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) 6:00pm Youth Mystery Dinner 6:00pm Confirmation Classes 6:00pm Handbell Choir Practice 6:15pm Ladies Leaning on Christ (CM) 7:15pm MSYG Pumpkin Painting


30 9:00am Parish Workers

31 9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal(W)

M=Music Room Y=Youth Room

Lcf=Large Conf Room Scf=Small Conf Room

CM=Care Ministry K=Kitchen



October Birthdays Name Wyatt Alstrup Oman Balo Abbygail Beck Bentley Behrendt Robert Behrendt Paul Boettcher Carol Bomstad Cyrus Borgerding Joshua Borgerding Tara Butkowski Tessa Buttweiler Jaelyn Cooley Stormy Cooley George Copeland Kim DuChene Jo Duea Terry Duea Katie Dusing Sharon Elg Kay Fleck Teresa Fragodt Angela Frey Elmer Gottschalk Ellard Grabuski Lindsy Hackett Nicole Haehnel Kelly Haffner John Heintze Emily Heyne Chuck Hoese Arden Holzheimer Jennifer Johnson Diane Kaeter Bev Karls Mark Kelley Emily Kleman Miss Kerry Kuklok Makenna Kulow Barb Larson Annamae Lauermann

BirthDate 19-Oct 30-Oct 28-Oct 31-Oct 13-Oct 15-Oct 3-Oct 23-Oct 4-Oct 6-Oct 16-Oct 20-Oct 6-Oct 15-Oct 3-Oct 1-Oct 27-Oct 7-Oct 1-Oct 16-Oct 22-Oct 16-Oct 8-Oct 13-Oct 6-Oct 28-Oct 2-Oct 21-Oct 12-Oct 14-Oct 10-Oct 19-Oct 26-Oct 1-Oct 1-Oct 15-Oct 27-Oct 31-Oct 24-Oct 18-Oct

Name Lori Lentz Matthew Lentz Jean Leyk Caden Line-Voge Cidavia Marchand Michael Maselter Mike Maselter Amanda Meemken Joel Mendel Marlene Mousky Sandra Murphy Candace Nieters Alami Ogud Carl Oltz Ryan Oltz Marjwok Omot Okoth Ongwach Jayme Paul Amy Petersen Chad Ramler Robby Randall David Reberg Joan Reberg Kali Reginek Dace Renn Robert Robarge Troy Roering Sandra Rosha Denise Schultz Doreen Schultz Kristen Sigurdson Wayne Smolnik Jean Staneart Madison Tadych Thea Terpstra Sarah Torell Dee Tvrdik Cynthia Umland Sandy Vanvickle Carson Voss

BirthDate 15-Oct 2-Oct 6-Oct 9-Oct 10-Oct 12-Oct 4-Oct 23-Oct 12-Oct 10-Oct 25-Oct 13-Oct 2-Oct 26-Oct 31-Oct 9-Oct 2-Oct 1-Oct 12-Oct 6-Oct 11-Oct 7-Oct 3-Oct 2-Oct 3-Oct 31-Oct 22-Oct 7-Oct 5-Oct 8-Oct 10-Oct 30-Oct 19-Oct 25-Oct 21-Oct 15-Oct 21-Oct 19-Oct 15-Oct 17-Oct

Name Randy Walen Jaden Wendt Roy Wesenberg Brenda Wilcox Debra Wimmer Earl Wolf Lacey Woodard

BirthDate 28-Oct 2-Oct 19-Oct 5-Oct 11-Oct 15-Oct 10-Oct