Trinity Tidings

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Trinity Tidings Trinity Lutheran Church 2163 Mayhew Lake Rd NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4554

FEBRUARY 2016 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage


PAID St. Cloud, MN Permit No. 35

Trinity Lutheran Church-Sauk Rapids, MN “Sharing the Caring Christ with all People” A Prince of Peace Lutheran School Association Church And a Good Shepherd Community Congregation

Sunday Services: 8:00am & 10:30am Monday Worship Services 6:00pm (Memorial Day through Labor Day) Sunday School for All Ages: 9:15am (Sept—May) Sunday Radio Broadcast at 8:00am on WVAL 800 on the AM dial and streaming live on the internet at Trinity’s Website:

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Dear Friends in Christ, It is one of my favorite times of the year because the daylight hours are slowly but surely becoming longer as we move toward spring. And it is one of my favorite times of the church year as we slowly but surely make our way to the garden and to the cross and to the empty tomb – the season of Lent! Lent begins about as early as it possibly can this year with Ash Wednesday being February 10th. That also means that Easter will be equally as early, for we will once again celebrate and rejoice in our Lord’s Resurrection on Sunday, March 27th!

This can be an exceptionally rich time in our worship life together. The hymns of Lent are some of the most powerful that we are privileged to sing, not only in terms of their message and content but also in terms of the music itself! Stirring – moving – sobering – inspiring - these are all words I would use to describe the gifts of music our gracious God has given in the form of hymns for us to remember His Son’s death on the cross. I want to both invite you and encourage you to make use of all of the opportunities we have for worship during Lent, both the Sunday and the Wednesday services. Maximize this special time in the church year to grow “in the grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ” and what He has done for you so that you today, can be His redeemed child living with the sure and certain promise of eternal life! Our Wednesday services will begin on Ash Wednesday and will be at 6:00 p.m. each week. “A Prophet of the Cross” will be the theme with the weekly messages focusing on the clear message of the cross that even the people of the Old Testament were given to believe and to proclaim. Each week’s message will be shared in “first person style” by the prophet Micaiah. You can read about him in 2 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 18. There will also be a children’s message at each service. Table of Contents From the Pastor DCO Corner Salt & Pepper LWML Church Directories Middle School Youth Weather Alerts Advertise With Us The Gospels in 40 Days Fare for All Radon Kits Available Worship/Music Notes Lenten Worship Schedule More Than Enough High School Youth Contact Us Earl Kothman honored Parish Workers Needed Lenten Soup Suppers Job Opening

pg 2 pg 3 pg 4 pg 4 pg 4 pg 4 pg 4 pg 4 pg 5 pg 5 pg 5 pg 6 pg 6 pg 7 pg 7 pg 8 pg 8 pg 8 pg 8 pg 8

So, did the people living in the Old Testament really have a clear knowledge and understanding of what the Messiah would do? Here is the answer to that question which we are given in 1 Peter 1:10-12. Concerning this salvation,

the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest of care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the suffering of Christ and the glories that would follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told to you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even the angels long to look into these things. I pray that you too, will long to look into these things and make both our Sunday worship and Wednesday worship a part of each week during Lent leading up to our joy-filled celebration of the news from the tomb on Easter morning – “Christ is risen!” In Christ, Pastor Dave

Insert: Calendar & Birthdays 2

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN


Church of the Week Homeless Ministry Hosted by Trinity Feb. 15—Feb. 21, 2016

This annual community outreach provides overnight shelter and meals for the homeless. In addition to providing overnight shelter in our Fellowship Hall for 25-35 people each night, we will be preparing and serving a community meal for 100 people at Place of Hope every night at 5:00pm. Many volunteers are needed; to drive the bus, prepare & serve meals and snacks. Also, hosts/hostesses are needed to serve 5 hour shifts for overnight security (Married couples, 2 men or 2 women). Sign up on the poster in the narthex. This is a labor of love as our “Social Ministry” fund will be used to purchase all the food. It costs about $2 per plate for the ingredients for a meal. Would you consider helping to feed the hungry during our week? Would you consider feeding: 10 people = $20 20 people = $40 50 people = $100 100 people =$200 If you would like to donate checks can be made payable to Trinity Lutheran Church and in the memo, please note: “Social Ministry”. We will be having a “door offering” at both services on Sunday January 31st to support this community outreach. This is a once a year opportunity for us to show God’s love to others in need just as God has shown His love to us in Christ. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ - Matthew 25:35-36 Please call me with any questions, 237-5507 - Craig Cooper, DCO A Sincere Thank You from Pastor Harvey Ehlers and his family for all the cards, prayers and memorials in remembrance of Adeline. You are a blessing to us!

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Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN


Salt & Pepper

We will meet on Thursday, Feb. 11 at 1:00pm in the Fellowship hall. The topic will be from the Quarterly. The new yearly Handbook will be ready to pick up!

Please join us on Wed., Feb 3rd at 6:30 pm for our third annual trivia night. This is held with the Middle School Youth group and is a lot of fun, prizes will be awarded also. On Tues, Feb. 16th, our group will be serving the meal at Place of Hope. Look for many fun activities coming for this summer!

Upcoming Middle School Youth Events

Pick up your Directory Today!


If you had a photo taken by Lifetouch you can pick up 1 free directory at the information desk for your family.

FEBRUARY 6th. 6-8pm. Middle School Youth Group Dodgeball at Prince of Peace FEBRUARY 20th Ski, Tubing and Snowboard Night at Powder Ridge from 4—9pm

If you did not, they are only $10 each!

POLAR PLUNGE at Lutheran Island Camp. March 4-5th

Severe Weather Alerts Listen to WJON—1240 AM Online at

Spread the Good News About your Business... to the members of Trinity Lutheran Church … It’s Easy! We’ll create an ad for you!

Or check out our Facebook page for the latest announcements; regarding cancelled events at Trinity this winter.

Just $27 for 1—7/8” x 1” ad paid in advance with an 11—issue contract or get double impact by putting 2 ads together, 1—7/8” x 2” ad paid in advance. ($49)

Call the Church office to get started! 320-252-3670, 2163 Mayhew Lake Road NE, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4554

Commercial/Industrial RICK MEHRWERTH 320.252.8072 Cell: 320.980.4575 5123 Shadowwood Dr. NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Email: [email protected]

Advertise your business here!

Don’t’ Forget to designate your choice dollars to Trinity Lutheran!

Peter said to him, "Master, it is good for us to be here. “

Luke 9:33

1301 2nd Street N. P.O. Box 567 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Phone: 320.252.5121 Fax: 320.252.5327

111 7th Ave. S. PO Box 40 St. Cloud, MN 56302 (320)252-2841 or (888) 950-2265


Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

The Gospels in Forty Days Rather than give something up for Lent…why not add something that will enrich your faith life and walk with the Lord? You can read the four Gospels in forty days following this plan. Try it. You will be blessed! (Note that the 40 days of Lent begin with Ash Wednesday but do not include the Sundays. The last day of this schedule takes you to March 26 th.) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20

Matthew 1-4 Matthew 5-6 Matthew 7-9 Matthew 10-11 Matthew 12-13 Matthew 14-17 Matthew 18-20 Matthew 21-22 Matthew 23-24 Matthew 25-26 Matthew 27-28 Mark 1-3 Mark 4-5 Mark 6-7 Mark 8-9 Mark 10-11 Mark 12-13 Mark 14 Mark 15-16 Luke 1-2

Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40

Fare For All Grand Opening in St. Cloud Fare For All, a local food program created to make fresh fruits, vegetables and frozen meats more affordable for local families, will be opening a distribution site in St. Cloud. With prices ranging from $10-$25 per package, the program has no income requirements or forms to complete. All are welcome to participate. Fare For All accepts cash, credit, debit and EBT cards.

The grand opening will be from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Feb. 1 at Salem Lutheran Church, 90 Riverside Drive S.E., St Cloud. Food distribution will take place monthly. For more information, visit or call 1-800-582-4291. Fare For All is a United Way initiative.

Luke 3-4 Luke 5-6 Luke 7-8 Luke 9-10 Luke 11-12 Luke 13-15 Luke 16-18 Luke 19-20 Luke 21-22 Luke 23-24 John 1-2 John 3-4 John 5-6 John 7-8 John 9-10 John 11-12 John 13-15 John 16-17 John 18-19 John 20-21

Benton County Public Health Offering Radon Kits Benton County Public Health will be offering free short term Radon kits to Benton County residents. Your greatest exposure is indoors where levels can concentrate. Your home can have radon whether it be old or new, well-sealed or drafty, and with or without a basement. High radon exists in every state in the United States. In Minnesota, nearly 80% of counties are rated high radon zones. Reduce your exposure- Reduce radon gas by taking action to reduce radon entry into your home. Protect your loved ones-tell your family and friends to test so they are not exposed to a deadly gas in their homes. For more information about radon visit: http:// or Radon_Information.php or to purchase a test kit from Benton County call 320-968-5087. 5

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

Worship and Music Notes Behold the Lamb of God What are you reminded of as you think of February? Perhaps you see floating red and pink hearts and think of Valentines or are excited that we have a leap year this year with the rare 29th day of February. As this is an article for Worship and Music, it will reflect on Ash Wednesday and the journey into Lent. On Transfiguration Sunday (2-7-16) we end the season of Epiphany and start the 40 days of Lent on Ash Wednesday (2-10-16). We will have the opportunity to worship on Wednesdays at 6:00PM and hear a message from the prophet Micaiah concerning the clear message of the cross. “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” "The fire and wood are here," Isaac said, "but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" “Like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.” “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,” “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." “He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.” “He then added, "Very truly I tell you, you will see 'heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on' the Son of Man." “Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.” “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”

As we journey through the time of Lent together, we are reminded of the spotless Lamb of God who carried our sins to the cross to redeem all of us, past and present and future. When we celebrate Communion, we proclaim together in the words of the Agnus Dei: Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, grant us peace. The Agnus Dei ends as the Kyrie began, the petition for peace. Peace describes the condition of the faithful in the Divine

Service from beginning to end, and the Lord who joins heaven and earth together in peace now gives the Prince of Peace/ Lamb of God into the mouths of the communicants. May we all be present to take the journey together and honor our Lord’s sacrifice and resurrection with our hearts and lips and minds as we stand in awe in His presence and the hear the message of the cross. God’s blessings as we worship togetherDaniel Reineke, Traditional Music Director (320)656-0963

[email protected]

Worship on Wednesdays at 6:00pm Ash Wednesday : February 10th (HC), February 17th, February 24th, March 2nd March 9th, & March 16th; Confirmation, Choirs and Youth Group to follow. Holy Week: Maundy Thursday: 3/24 @6:00pm (HC); Good Friday: 3/25 @ 6:00pm Easter Morning: 6:00am, 8:00am, & 10:30am (HC) Easter breakfast served from 7—10 am


Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Sauk Rapids, MN

“More Than Enough” Planned Giving Stories for Christian Stewards Peter and Gail were nearing retirement. Over the years, they made solid investments in securities and built a sizable portfolio. While their investments increased substantially in value, their potential capital gains tax bill was rising. Now with retirement on the horizon, they were looking for a way to sell their highly appreciated stock, generate income for their future and avoid paying high capital gains tax. Peter: T hroughout our married life, we had generously supported our church. Through an email we learned that we could make a gift of our appreciated stock to a non-profit like our congregation and, in the process, bypass the potential capital gains tax cost we were facing. I was thrilled to learn that after transferring our portfolio to a charitable remainder trust, the trust would sell the stock tax free. Gail: I lik e the fact that the trust would provide us with income for our retirement years. If something happened to Peter, I would still be taken care of for the remainder of my life. Peter and Gail decided to make a gift of their appreciated stock to establish a charitable remainder unitrust. They were thrilled at the prospect of creating future income while bypassing capital gains tax. Peter: W hen I heard that, in addition to helping carry on the Lord's work through the church we would also receive capital gains tax relief and a charitable deduction for our gift, it was just icing on the cake! I wondered why everyone nearing retirement doesn't set us a charitable trust. Information and confidential consultation about planned giving options that might benefit you - such as a charitable remainder unitrust - can be obtained by contacting either Mr. David Priebe, retired business attorney (612)508-4640; or Mr. George Miller (800) 482-5022. Both David and George are Gift Planning Counselors for the MN North District - LCMS. 7

Trinity High School Youth Group 9th-12th Grade Due to the growth of our youth ministry, we are looking to add some support roles. If you have a heart for this area, we need your help! We are needing help with administrative, marketing, back office, advisory, etc. The time commitment is not overwhelming. We have some great youth leaders working every Wednesday night and Sunday morning. They are all volunteers and we need to step up and help them out. Please spend some time in prayer on behalf on this ministry. Contact Terry Kurash for more information. Excitement is increasing as we prepare for the National Youth Gathering. We have special bible study time on Sunday mornings between services to help ready ourselves for the trip. Service projects, speakers, bible study, concerts, etc. are all a part of the experience. Looking forward to growing in our faith. The theme for next year is “In Christ Alone.” Watch for your opportunity to help support the youth through the next few months. All 9th-12th graders are invited to join us in the youth room on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. Bring a friend. Polar plunge is coming in February. We will be going to Lutheran Island Camp for this event in the last weekend in February. Emily and Charlie are in charge of this weekend. Check in with them for details. Make sure you are connected to the youth leaders via media of your choice. Facebook, twitter, instagram, email... In His service, Youth leaders Emily, Charlie, Brett , Leah and TK

Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing the Caring Christ With All People”

Earl Kothman Honored with Bronze Star

Church Contact Information Church Fax:

Sauk Rapids, MN

On January 22nd, 2016, Trinity member Earl Kothman

Church Office: 252-3670 202-1095 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

received the Bronze Star for Meritorious Service for his service in Vietnam, 1966. Sergeant Kothman has been waiting 49 years and celebrated the 50th anniversary of his deployment on this day. Serving ten months in country, he landed in Vietnam on January 10th of 1966. The ceremony was conducted almost 50 years to the day of his arrival in Vietnam. He served with the 27th Infantry Wolfhounds of the 25th Division Tropical Lightning. Earl was an E5 squad leader while in Vietnam, promoted in just 16 months from E1 to E5 (Sergeant) rank. The paperwork for this medal was lost upon his return to the United States, and his granddaughter, Trinity member Rachel Petersen, has been researching and trying to obtain this medal for over one year. Petersen is now forming a non-profit called Abiding Bronze Star to help other veterans reclaim their lost rights and recognition. Visit our Facebook page "Abiding Bronze Star." Donations may be made at to the Abiding Bronze Star fund.

Office Staff 252-3670 Pastor Paul Cloeter; Pastor Dave Strohschein, Pastor John Bakou Pastor Harvey Ehlers, Emeritus Director of Christian Outreach Craig Cooper Admin. Assistants Judy Rehwaldt , Katie Meemken Additional Contact Information Traditional Music : Daniel Reineke 656-0963 Contemporary Music: Ruth Immerfall 291-9293 Prayer Chain: Delores Volkers 252-2101 Youth Ministry: Terry Kurash 251-4071; Kristen Sigurdson 493-6621 Parish Nurse: Jennifer Machula

Parish Workers Needed If you would like to volunteer a little time each month to help assemble our weekly bulletins , please contact Jan Lembeck at 320-259-9562. Thank you!

Insurance Office Professional

Lenten Soup Suppers

(Part Time) 20hours per week/Flexible Schedule

Beginning February 10– served from 4:45 to 5:45pm. Thrivent Financial office is seeking a part Volunteers needed for set-up, time office professional. This position proserving, clean-up or to make soup. vides licensed administrative support to MarSign-up sheet to bring desserts is on cus Anderson, and serves as a resource to Financial Representatives and clients/ memthe kitchen door. bers in handling, researching and communiTo volunteer, talk to Gail Reginek, cating inquiries regarding their accounts. 253-9462. The position also supports the daily operaCome to enjoy great soup and tions of the practice including: meeting and fellowship before the 6pm greeting members, distributing mail, answering Lenten worship. emails, ordering supplies, utilizing the Salesforce software program and other administrative tasks. Send resumes to: [email protected] or call Marcus at 320-266-5085.


~ February 2016 ~ Sun









3 7:00am Men’s Bible Study @ GS




6:00pm Salt and Pepper Planning Mtg. (Lcf) 6:45pm Narcotics Anon. (Y)

NO BIBLE CLASS 6:30pm Preschool Open House 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

5:00pm God’s Grub (FH, K) 6:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:00pm Conf. Classes 6:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) 6:00pm Financial Peace (CDC) 6:30pm Salt & Pepper Bible Trivia

6:30pm Brownie Troop Mtg. (Lcl)

9:00am Parish Workers

9:00am Altar Guild 6:00pm MSYG Dodgeball @ POP 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal




10 Ash Wednesday



13 9:00am Altar Guild

8:00am Worship (HC) Z2 9:15am Bible Study & SS 9:15am Youth & NM Class 9:15am Marriage Study (CM) 10:30am Worship Z3 12:00pm Anyuak Worship

6:00pm Bev’s CC (Scf) 6:45pm Narcotics Anon. (Y)

10:30am Bible Study (Lcf) 6:30pm Sandwichers CC 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

7:00am Men’s Bible Study @ GS 4:45-5:45pm Lenten Soup Supper 6:00pm Worship Z4 (HC) 7:00pm Conf. Classes 7:00pm HS Youth Night (Y) 7:00pm Financial Peace (CDC) 7:00pm Ladies Leaning on Christ CC

1:00pm LWML (FH, K) 5:30pm Lay Ministry Mtg. (Lcl) 7:00pm Leadership Mtg. 7:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal (W)

9:00am Parish Workers

10:00am Narcotics Anon Mtg. (FH, K) 1:30pm St. Cloud Prison Bible Study 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal

14 Baby Bottle Return Day



17 7:00am Men’s Bible Study @ GS




8:00am Worship Z5 9:15am Bible Study & SS 9:15am Youth & NM Class 10:30am Worship (HC) Z1 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 2:30pm Anyuak NM Class (Lcl) 4:00pm Creative Crafts (Lcf)

6:45pm Narcotics Anon. (Y)

10:30am Bible Study (Lcf) 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

4:45-5:45pm Lenten Soup Supper 6:00pm Worship Z2 6:45pm Conf. Classes 6:45pm HS Youth Night & Fin. Peace 6:45pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

6:30pm Brownie Troop Mtg. (Lcl) 7:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal (W)

9:00am Parish Workers

9:00am Altar Guild 4:00pm MSYG Tubing 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal

21 Church of the Week



24 7:00am Men’s Bible Study @ GS




8:00am Worship (HC) Z3 9:15am Bible Study & SS 9:15am Youth & NM Class 9:15am Marriage Study (CM) 10:30am Worship Z4 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 2:30pm Anyuak NM Class (Lcl)

9:30am Parish Workers (NL) 6:00pm Bev’s CC (Scf) 6:45pm Narcotics Anon. (Y)

10:30am Bible Study (Lcf) 6:30pm Sandwichers CC (Scf) 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

4:45-5:45pm Lenten Soup Supper 6:00pm Worship Z5 6:45pm Conf. Classes 6:45pm HS Youth & Fin. Peace (CDC) 6:45pm Ladies Leaning on Christ CC 6:45pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

7:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal (W) 7:30pm Bible Study @ Benton Co. Jail

9:00am Parish Workers

9:00am Altar Guild 6:45pm Traditional Music Rehearsal

28 8:00am Worship Z1



9:15am Bible Study & SS 9:15am Youth & NM Class 9:15am Marriage Study (CM) 10:30am Worship (HC) Z2 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 2:30pm Anyuak NM Class (Lcl) 4:00pm Creative Crafts (Lcf)

6:45pm Narcotics Anon. (Y)

4:00pm 4H Mtg. (Lcl) Room Reservation Key O=Overflow Room CDC=Child Development. Center


W=Worship Space F=Fellowship Hall

Scl=Small Class Room Lcl=Large Class Room


M=Music Room Y=Youth Room



Lcf=Large Conf Room Scf=Small Conf Room

CM=Care Ministry K=Kitchen

February Birthdays Name Tiffany Aagard Jason Abfalter Stacy Abraham Elizabeth Anderson Rachelle Anderson Brent Behrens Lorin Besser Melba Bjorklund Ethan Boettcher Spencer Buerkle Connie Bump Hannah Cassen Marc Cassen Cindy Clitty Jason Clitty Carol Copeland Clara Czech Donna Esselman Haley Evenson Garrett Feuling Matthew Friedrichs Laurie Gerchy Becky Haehnel Brayden Jevne Connie Kelley Russel Keske Donald Klug Marie Koepp Duane Kosloske Nicole Kulzer Wayne Kulzer Joyce Lanz Meghan Lentz Kyle Lindquist Jake Machula Kelly Meierhofer Danielle Miller Sydney Morin Holly Nelson

Birthday 26-Feb 14-Feb 27-Feb 20-Feb 13-Feb 10-Feb 5-Feb 3-Feb 13-Feb 12-Feb 14-Feb 22-Feb 24-Feb 21-Feb 27-Feb 1-Feb 26-Feb 19-Feb 25-Feb 13-Feb 20-Feb 20-Feb 2-Feb 24-Feb 28-Feb 7-Feb 3-Feb 7-Feb 2-Feb 24-Feb 4-Feb 27-Feb 4-Feb 28-Feb 19-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb 25-Feb 19-Feb

Name Barbara Neske Akim Oman Adison Peterson Dan Ploof Tasha Prow Dan Reberg Morris Reberg Kaitlin Reichel Russell Riehm Samantha Roering Judith Rogosheske Myrtle Rummel Thomas Schleicher Aubrey Schlueter Kathy Schlueter Emma Schwartz Carla Skaj Carol Sova Jenny Sprengeler Brandon Stafford Lori Stuart Haydn Swenson Bruce Thom Emma Voge Sarah Watson James Weide Jeff Zimmer Lynn Zormeier Robert Zwick Rose Zwick

Birthday 14-Feb 18-Feb 9-Feb 26-Feb 11-Feb 3-Feb 3-Feb 7-Feb 2-Feb 23-Feb 21-Feb 18-Feb 10-Feb 9-Feb 18-Feb 3-Feb 19-Feb 4-Feb 26-Feb 13-Feb 21-Feb 14-Feb 27-Feb 18-Feb 15-Feb 14-Feb 12-Feb 3-Feb 15-Feb 9-Feb