UCMQAnalyse Tool

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UCMQAnalyse Tool

UCMQAnalyse is a tool which allows the user to query after and to see the messages waiting to be processed by a WP as they are recorded in database.

Comparison with System Overview Information =============================================== Each WP keeps a configurable amount of (recent) messages sent or received in it's memory. The number of messages is given by the value of the system value MQA_COUNT_BACK found in the Client 0, object UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS, folder DIV_VARIABLES. This variable can have a value between 0 and 1000, which 0 meaning that no message will be recorded. These messages can be displayed and queried from the System Overview in the User Interface. UCMQAnalyse takes its information direct from the database means the output can differ from what is displayed in the System Overview.

Format of the Configuration File =================================== The tool needs information about how to connect to the database and what kind of debug information to store in log and trace files. This information must to be provided via a configuration file to UCMQAnalyse. By default, this tool is looking after a file located in the same folder with the UCMQAnylse.exe and having the same name with the .exe but having a .ini extension.

Following is an example of a configuration file: [GLOBAL] system = Automic language = (E,D) logging = log_##.txt logcount = 0 [TRACE] file = trc_##.txt trccount = 0 database = 0 [ODBC] ; ODBCVAR xxxxxxxx ; |||||||+ type of SQL-Syntax N=SQL-SERVER O=ORACLE D=DB2 Z=DB2/OS390 ; ||||||+- R=compress messages and local memory ; |||||+-- O = with userid, N = without userid ; ||||+--- I=OCI/CLI N=ODBC ; |||+---- not used ; ||+----- J = compare fieldnames case-insensitiv (in case of ORACLE !!) ; |+------ D = DB-Disconnect after 1000 commits (perhaps for Oracle memory leaks) ; +------- S = use Server-Cursor (SQL-SERVER) ; NNNNNNRN for SQL-Server 2005 ; NNJNIORO for Oracle 10.x with OCI (Oracle Call Interface) ; NNJNIORD for DB2/NT/UNIX with CLI (Call Level Interface) ; NNJNIORZ for DB2/OS390 (7.1) with CLI (Call Level Interface) SQLDRIVERCONNECT = ODBCVAR=NNNNNNNN,DSN=;UID=;PWD=

As can be seen, all this information is the same with the one found in ucsrv.ini file (it should be copied from there). For more information of what does each option please consult the documentation for ucsrv.ini. In case that the user have these information in a different file then he can use the switch -i to tell to the UCMQAnalyse.exe where is located its configuration file.

Example: UCMQAnalyse.exe -i mqa.ini ...

Obtaining Help ================= For obtaining the list with all available arguments and how they can be mixed, the user must call UCMQAnalyse with the -h switch, which will return following information: Replace the with 'C:\Automic\Tools\no-supp\UCMQAnalyse.exe' Legend: <> means that it is supplied by user [] means that it is optional ,... means that more entries are separated by comma [T] means that T can be one of the following: t, h, x [F] means that F can be one of the following: a, t, x -h -l [-i ] [-o ] -b [-i ] [-o ] -t ,... -s[T] [-i ] [-o ] -t ,... -m[T] [-i ] [-o ] -t ,... -f[T] [-i ] [-o ] -t -g[F] -b stands for Batch processing (for more information see section 6) -s stands for Statistics (for more information see section 9)

-m stands for List Messages (for more information see section 8) -f stands for Find Messages (for more information see section 11) -g stands for Retrieving Message (for more information see section 10)

Storing the Output in a File =============================== By default, all the information produced by UCMQAnalyse is displayed on the screen. If it must be stored in a file then the user can use the -o switch to indicate to the tool the file which will contain the information. The information can be formatted as: * t - text; * h - HTML; * x - XML; * a - ASCII dump.

Example: UCMQAnalyse.exe -o mq-analyse.html ... Example of output for type t: Id = 47092 Table = MQWP CAddr = *SERVER CSRName = UCGENX_R BAddr = *SERVER BSRName = JPEXEC_R FAddr = UC4#WP001 BTable = MQWP DRole = Priority = 200 Len = 1856 MsgType = GENX Client = 1 UserId = 1001001

Example of output for type h:
Id Table CAddr CSRName BAddr BSRName FAddr BTable DRole Priority Len MsgType Client UserId
47093 MQWP *SERVER UCGENX_R     UC4#WP001 MQWP   200 544 QUITT2 1 1001001

Inside of a batch file cannot be used the -i and -o switches as they are global for all executed commands.

Quick Help for Valid Table und Field Names ============================================= The -l switch displays all valid table names and field names that can be used with other commands. Following is a list with all returned entries: Valid table names: MQDWP MQPWP MQQWP MQWP MQOWP MQRWP Valid fields names: CAddr CSRName BAddr BSRName FAddr BTable DRole Priority Len MsgType Client UserId

Obtaining the List with All Messages Present in Tables =============================================== The switch –m could be used to obtains a list with all messages present in a table. Please take note that until the user launches the next UCMQAnalyse command, a message can be already processed by the UC4 One Automation and deleted from the data base. The accepted output formats are: t (text), h (HTML), x (XML). The default output format is text. The list of accepted table names can be obtained with the –l switch. Take note that if it is passed more than one table name to the –t switch then each table name must be separated from the previous one only by a comma, without any white space.

Example: UCMQAnalyse.exe –t MQWP,MQPWP -m Example of output for type t: Id = 47092 Table = MQWP CAddr = *SERVER CSRName = UCGENX_R BAddr = *SERVER BSRName = JPEXEC_R FAddr = UC4#WP001 BTable = MQWP DRole = Priority = 200 Len = 1856 MsgType = GENX Client = 1 UserId = 1001001

Example of output for type h:
Id Table CAddr CSRName BAddr BSRName FAddr BTable DRole Priority Len MsgType Client UserId
47093 MQWP *SERVER UCGENX_R     UC4#WP001 MQWP   200 544 QUITT2 1 1001001

Example of output for type x:

Obtaining Statistics for a Field =================================== The switch –s could be used to obtain a list holding statistics based on the value of a specified field from one or more tables. Please take note that until the user launches the next UCMQAnalyse command, a message can be already processed by the UC4 One Automation and deleted from the data base. The accepted output formats are: t (text), h (HTML), x (XML). The default output format is text. The list of accepted table and field names can be obtained with the –l switch. Take note that if it is passed more than one table name to the –t switch then each table name must be separated from the previous one only by a comma, without any white space.

Example: UCMQAnalyse.exe –t MQWP,MQPWP –s CAddr Example of output for type t: JPAKTJ_R = 156 JPEXEC_R = 515 UCGENX_R = 217 UCMAIN_R = 1 UCREPRTR = 20

Example of output for type h:
Name Count

Example of output for type x:

Seeing the content of a message =================================== The switch –g could be used to obtain the content of a message based on its message number and the table name in which it is found. A message number could be obtained using the –m switch. Please take note that until the user launches the next UCMQAnalyse command, a message can be already processed by the UC4 One Automation and deleted from the data base. The accepted output formats are: a (ASCII dump), t (ASCII dump), x (XML). The default output format is XML. The list of accepted table names can be obtained with the –l switch.

Example: UCMQAnalyse.exe –t MQWP –g 95994 Example of output for type a and t: 00000000 4D514255 53592020 30315E00 0006DB07 >MQBUSY 01^ < 00000010 08001F00 0A002700 090000E1 F5054600 > ' F< 00000020 00004D51 57505E20 00082000 00000000 > MQWP^ <

Example of output for type x:

Find Messages that Corresponds to a Filter ============================================== The switch –f could be used to see the content of all messages that have certain values in the fields indicated by the user. Please take note that until the user launches the next UCMQAnalyse command, a message can be already processed by the UC4 One Automation and deleted from the data base. The accepted output formats are: t (text), h (HTML), x (XML). The default output format is text. The list of accepted table and fields names can be obtained with the –l switch. Take note that if it is passed more than one table name to the –t switch then each table name must be separated from the previous one only by a comma, without any white space. Take note that if it is passed more than one field name and value pairs to the –f switch then each pair must to be separated from the previous one only by a comma, without any white space.

Example: UCMQAnalyse.exe -t MQWP,MQPWP -f CSRName=UCGENX_R,Client=1

Example of output for type t: Id = 96166 Table = MQWP CAddr = *SERVER CSRName = UCGENX_R BAddr = BSRName = FAddr = UC4#WP001 BTable = MQWP DRole =

Example of output for type h:
Id Table CAddr CSRName BAddr BSRName FAddr BTable DRole Priority Len MsgType Client UserId
96166 MQWP *SERVER UCGENX_R     UC4_RAI#WP001 MQWP   200 544 QUITT2 1 1001001

Example of output for type x: