Using JJ Business Card Templates

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Using JJ Business Card Templates Just Jewelry is pleased to offer our consultants these beautiful, professional Business Card templates! Designed to use with business card software, you can now personalize and order your Just Jewelry business cards through VistaPrint! Please be advised that Just Jewelry is in no way affiliated with VistaPrint and we are not responsible for any aspect of your business card order should you choose to order from VistaPrint. All correspondence regarding orders, payments, and product received should be directed to VistaPrint.

First, you will need to save the templates you wish to use to your computer. You can find them under Consultant Resources, the Marketing category, under Miscellaneous. Then save them to an appropriate place on your Computer.

Go to and click on “Business Cards”. Scroll down the page until you see the gray box that says “More great ways to design your perfect card” and click on the green “Use your complete design” image.

Select the appropriate layout for the card design you have chosen (Horizontal for Standard or Vertical for Seasonal). We are using the Standard layout (Horizontal) for the Tutorial. Then click “Continue”.

You will arrive in the business card program on the “Image” tab of the “Customize Your Standard Business Card – Front Side” step with a prompt for you to “Choose an image source to upload your design.” Select “My Computer”, click the “Choose Images” button and locate the Front Side file for the template you chose in the location you saved it to on your computer and select “Open”.

It will load the image to the website and you will see it like this:

Then click the “Next” button, or you may click the “Add a Back Side” option. Click the “+ Add images from:” option near the top left of the screen and select the Template for the back side. Once uploaded you may have to drag the image to the gray area.

Now that you’ve uploaded the images, it’s time to fill in the text. Click on the “Text” tab. Your page should now look something like this:

You can click the “Add New Text Field” and place the text box (outlined with a blue dotted line) wherever you would like it on the design. Then click on the “Enter Your Text” and you can type in what you want it to say.

You can also alter the Font, the Font size, and the color of the text to make it appear exactly the way you want by clicking on those options on the mini toolbar. You can drag the text box around until you get the perfect placement.

Continue to add new text fields and make alterations in font size as desired. To go back to a text box you’ve already completed, just click in the box as listed under the “Add New Text Field” area.

At any point in this process if you select “Preview” you will be able to view what each side will look like once printed. Then you can go back to Editing by clicking on the “Edit” hyperlinks or you can “Review & Purchase”. When you review, you will also see both sides of the card as it will appear once printed. It’s always a great idea to have a friend review your design for you to be certain you’ve not made any spelling errors. Even the best spellers can miss their own errors. Then simply click on the “I have reviewed and approve my design” box and click “Next” to go through the purchasing process. You’re now finished designing your Just Jewelry Business Card!

Once you receive your order you will be ready to hand these out to everyone you meet!