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VISITDALLAS CULTURAL TOURISM COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 Members Present: Jill Magnuson (Chair) Stacie Wheelock Adams Zenetta Drew Benjamin Espino Jennifer Gates (Co-Chair) Geoff Green Members Absent: Chris Byrne Cecile Fernandez Mitchell Glieber Staff Present: Stacey Joseph Harris


Chris Heinbaugh Lacey LaPointe Nicola Longford Justine Ludwig Charles Santos Jennifer Scripps

Joanna St. Angelo Katherine Wagner Teresa Coleman Wash Lily Cabatu Weiss Missy Whisler Jeff Woodward

Tara Green Heidi K. Murray

John Ting Harry Robinson

Jane Robertson

Mark Thompson

Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions Jill Magnuson called the regular meeting of the Cultural Tourism Committee Meeting to order at 10:10am following a Big D Holiday participant meeting. The meeting was held in the VisitDallas Board Room. Ms. Magnuson welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Approval of Minutes The minutes of May 18, 2017 were unanimously approved as read.


Business Update VisitDallas Board Meeting Update Jennifer Gates did not provide an update of the VisitDallas Board Meeting as the meeting will transpire later today. Ms. Gates reported highlights from the recent City Council meeting which included the approval of the general fund budget. Dallas Cultural Plan Jennifer Scripps shared the mission of the Office of Cultural Affairs. The Office of Cultural Affairs manages 22 cultural facilities, administers $6.5M+ in cultural contracts, commissions and conserves the city’s Public Art Collection and operates WRR 101.1FM radio. Ms. Scripps also provided an overview of the Dallas Cultural Planning Process – noting the economic impact of nonprofit arts and cultural industry grew to $891M an increase of 277% in 7 years. The City Council awarded the cultural planning contract to Lord Cultural Resources. Dallas last updated its Cultural Plan and Cultural Policy in 2002. Ms. Scripps encouraged members to get involved by attending one of four, free citywide engagement events and by following the Cultural Planning Process on



International Update Mr. Thompson reported the VisitDallas Tourism team will have another record year with increased production four times the production four years ago, despite the challenges with political rhetoric and exchange rates in key markets. Mr. Thompson noted a significant amount of our gains have come from Arts and Cultural initiatives. Mr. Thompson thanked the Cultural Tourism Committee and the organizations they represent for their help in achieving these outcomes. Mr. Thompson highlighted markets that will continue to be a priority in the upcoming year. They include: Mexico, Canada, UK and Australia, Germany and China (Shanghai and Beijing). Moving Cities: Dallas Moving Cities: Dallas Photography Exhibit opened at NorthPark on June 7th and it closed on September 5, 2017. The exhibit opened at the African American Museum on September 6th and it will run through the State Fair –closing on November 10, 2017. The photography exhibit will be a part of our Annual Meeting this year. Ms. Robertson thanked the Moving Cities: Dallas steering committee for their help in making the VIP Opening Reception at the African American Museum a success. Big D Holiday 2017 – NEW Jane Robertson gave an update on Big D Holiday 2017. Mrs. Robertson noted this will be the fourth year of the program and it will be fully funded by VisitDallas. The investment will be nearly twice the amount budgeted in previous years. VisitDallas will also be providing 50 prize packages to be given away during the 6-week advertising campaign. DTPID Stats Jane Robertson provided DTPID stats to-date. 77 applications were pre-approved for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. $1,302,206 has been preapproved and $980,261 has been funded as of today. 38 applications have been received for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. $841,942 has been preapproved as of September 13, 2017. Jill Magnuson thanked Chris Heinbaugh for his leadership as the chair of the DTPID sub-committee. IV.

Old Business/New Business The Cultural Tourism Committee meeting schedule for 2018 is as follows: January 18, 2018, May 17, 2018 and September 20, 2018 from 10:00a.m.-11:30a.m. There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting adjourned at 11:10 am.

Stacey Joseph Harris

September 19, 2017