
[PDF]7 Annual RFCA Breast Cancer Awareness Run/Walk...

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7th Annual RFCA Breast Cancer Awareness Run/Walk Saturday, February 6, 2016 Sponsorship Packet

Our Mission To create a greater awareness of breast cancer throughout Africa by forming strategic alliances and through targeted outreach that dispels myths and erases societal stigmas. We aim to provide free breast cancer screenings and education to the underserved individuals of this continent and to alleviate the cost of breast cancer treatment to these same individuals.

Turn the 90% breast cancer mortality rate into the 90% breast cancer survival rate.

Our Vision

Have you ever met a hero before? Let us introduce you to Yourself. When you support Run For a Cure Africa you support : • Breast Cancer Screenings: Run For a Cure Africa has provided breast cancer screenings at NO COST to over 1900 Nigerian woman. Breast cancer is 99% treatable when detected in the early stages. Breast Cancer Screening Ibadan

• Changing of a Mindset: When Nigerian women who have battled breast cancer and won come out in public to speak about their fight, it helps dispel myths and stigmas that shroud this disease. Justina, Pink Fighter

• Investment in Local Healthcare Workers: RFCA invests in local healthcare workers by bringing in renowned doctors to give lectures and trainings, RFCA has also started a Doctors Abroad program where they send key professionals abroad to receive first-hand training on sustaining a research based breast care program.

Doctors visit TATA Memorial, Mumbai

Gift, Pink Fighter

• A Household: The average cost of treating breast cancer is over N1 Million, in a country where the minimum wage is N18,000 a month, a diagnosis of breast cancer is a death sentence. When you support RFCA, you give a Pink Fighter and her family a fighting chance.

Benefits of Sponsorship: “ Implementing CSR practices is increasingly vital for a company’s sustainability and enduring success.” (EuropeanCEO, 2015). As a brand and organization you can: • Showcase your brand and products to a cross-section of people- each year, RFCA’s run/walk attracts thousands of participants both national and international from a breadth of cultural, economic, and ethnic backgrounds. • Increase employee morale through team building and participation. • Gain brand visibility- Run For a Cure Africa has a presence in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, and the United States. • Support women and local communities - when you help save a woman’s life you are supporting the development of a community (Hassan, 2008). • Participate in one of the most organized, safe, and consistently succesfull fundrainsing events in Lagos. • Witness and experience direct and tangible links to RFCA’s work and your support.





Pink Ribbon

Event Page Only

Event Page Only

Event Page Only

Name Recognition

Name Recognition


Pre-Race Visibility Highlighted in media announcements and advertising posters and fliers leading up to the run/walk event (subject to deadlines). Brand logo will appear on the RFCA Nigeria website homepage and event page. Highlighted on our social media platforms leading up to the run/walk (facebook, inst agram, and twit ter).

Race Day Visibility Highest corporate sponsor to receive trophy presentation at the Run For a Cure Africa run/walk.

Corporate representative to do the flag off at the start line of the run/walk.

Speaking opportunity at the run/walk event including presenting awards at the closing ceremony. Branding at 2016 RFCA run/walk in Nigeria e.g., t-shirts, fliers, goodie bags. (Subject to deadlines).

Logo will appear on banners at the race site. Platinum and Gold sponsors will receive additional branding on banners at the start and finish line.

Platinum sponsors will receive additional standalone branding along the race route.

Name Recognition

Opportunity to include products in goodie bags and swag bags at the run/walk in Nigeria (subject t o approval and deadlines).






Pink Ribbon

Post Race Participation 25 complimentary run/walk registrations and goodie bags.

Full-page advertisement in the 2016 RFCA Prospectus that will be distributed in Nigeria, Ghana,Cameroon, and the United States.

20 Complimentary Registrations

10 Complimentary Registrations

10 Complimentary Registrations

Half-page Advertisement

Name Recognition

Name Recognition

2 complimentary tickets to our annual Mother’s Day Big Hat Brunch.

*In-kind sponsorship will be assessed at market value to determine level of sponsorship.

5 Complimentary Registrations

Sponsor Intent Form Please complete this form and scan to [email protected].

Name of Company, Institution or Individual: __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone #: __________________________________________________________________

Tiers(Choose Tier) Platinum (N 5 Million and above) Gold (N 4 Million) Silver (N 3 Million) Bronze (N 2 Million) Pink Ribbon (N 1 Million)

Since 2009, we have enjoyed sponsorship from highly respected and recognizable brands. We say “ thank you ” to our 2015 sponsors.

Thank You

Run For a Cure Africa 15b Awolowo Road Ikoyi, Lagos Telephone: 01 - 453 - 6711 0802 287 6660 Email: [email protected] Website: www.rfcafrica.org