What is a testimony?

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1. The witness of the Holy Ghost, As borne by those who know, Has lifted me again to thee, O Father of my soul. 2. I know that thou art in the heav’n. I know the Savior reigns. I know a prophet speaks to us For our eternal gain. 3. My eyes are wet; my heart is full. The Spirit speaks today. O Lord, wilt thou my life renew And in my bosom stay. 4. As testimony fills my heart, It dulls the pain of days. For one brief moment, heaven’s view Appears before my gaze. Text: Loren C. Dunn, 1930–2001. © 1985 IRI Music: Michael Finlinson Moody, b. 1941. © 1985 IRI


to the following storiesStory 1: When Jesus explained that he would soon be put to death, a man said, “I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death” (Luke 22:33).


1 (continued): This same man followed in the crowd when Jesus was arrested and taken to a trial. A woman approached and said that this man had been with Jesus, but the man denied it, saying, “I know him not.”


1 (continued): Soon afterward another person said, “Thou art also of them.” Again the man denied knowing Jesus.


1 (continued): A third time someone pointed him out as one of Jesus’ followers, but the man said once again, “I know not what thou sayest.” (See Luke 22:54–62.)


2: One day a man and his friend were stopped by a man who had been born lame.

The man said to the lame man, “In

the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” He took the lame man’s hand and lifted him up.


2 (continued):

The lame man was

immediately healed and went into the temple “walking, and leaping, and praising God.” When the chief priests heard about this, they asked by what power the lame man had been healed.


2 (continued): The man who had healed the lame man said it was by the power of Jesus Christ, even though he knew that he could be put in jail or killed for saying this. The priests commanded him not to teach again in the name of Jesus Christ.


2 (continued): But he replied that it is more important to obey God than to obey the false Jewish priests and that he would continue teaching in the name of Christ. (See Acts 3:1–9; 4:6–20.)


man in both stories was Peter. When Peter denied knowing Jesus just before the Crucifixion, he was still learning and growing. Jesus had been arrested, and Peter was frightened.


the time Peter healed the lame man, he had received the Holy Ghost and had a stronger testimony of Jesus Christ. This gave him the strength to do what was right no matter what might happen to him.


is a testimony? This lesson can help strengthen our testimonies of Jesus Christ.

“Lesson 37: Peter the Apostle,” Primary 7: New Testament, 127


Peter followed Jesus (Matthew 4:18–19; note footnote a for verse 19 in the LDS edition of the Bible).


day Jesus taught people from a boat on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. The boat belonged to Peter. After Jesus finished teaching, He told Peter to take the boat out into deep water.


obeyed and caught so many fish that the net broke. Peter called to his friends James and John for help. They were amazed when their boats began to sink from the weight of so many fish. Jesus told them they would become fishers of men.


do you think Peter followed Jesus Christ after Jesus told him who He was? What did Peter have to sacrifice in order to follow Jesus?


do we have to sacrifice to follow Jesus? How have you been blessed for following the Savior?


Jesus and Peter walked on the water (Matthew 14:22–33). After feeding 5,000 people with fish and bread, Jesus went to a mountain to pray. His disciples got on a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee.


night, Jesus came to join His disciples. He walked on the water to get to the boat. His disciples saw Jesus walking on the water. They were afraid. Jesus told them not to be afraid.


wanted to walk on the water too. Jesus told Peter to come to Him. Peter climbed out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. Because

the wind was blowing hard, Peter became afraid.


began to sink in the water and asked Jesus to save him. Jesus took Peter’s hand and lifted him up. Jesus asked Peter why he didn’t have more faith. Jesus and Peter walked on the water back to the boat and the storm stopped.


do you think Jesus was able to walk on the sea? Let’s read Matthew 14:25 Why

was Peter able to walk out to meet Jesus? Let’s read Matthew 14:28–29


happened to Peter after he took a few steps? Let’s read Matthew 14:30–31 Why

do you think Peter’s faith wavered? How did Jesus help Peter when his faith wavered? Let’s read Matthew 14:31


is our faith sometimes weak? How does Jesus Christ help strengthen our faith? Every time we do something that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have commanded us to do, we are exercising faith.


time we exercise faith, our faith will get a little stronger. We,

like Peter, must use our faith to follow Jesus’ teachings, and then our faith will help strengthen our testimonies.


Peter testified that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Matthew 16:13–17). Jesus asked His disciples who the people thought He was. The disciples answered that some people thought Jesus was John the Baptist. Others

thought He was an Old Testament prophet who had come back from the dead.


asked His disciples who they thought He was. Peter said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus explained that Peter’s testimony had not come from the learning of men. His testimony had come by revelation from God.


promised Peter that He would give him the priesthood and the authority to lead His Church.


Peter and the disciples would have the authority to set up Jesus’s Church on earth.


did Peter say Jesus Christ was? Let’s read Matthew 16:16 How did Peter know this? Let’s read Matthew 16:17 How can we, like Peter, express our testimonies of Jesus Christ?


Peter was with Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1–9).


took Peter, James, and John to the top of a high mountain to pray. As Jesus prayed, the glory of God came upon Him.


face was bright like the sun. Two Old Testament prophets named Moses and Elias appeared to Him. They talked about His coming death and resurrection.


James and John saw the glory of Jesus Christ, Moses and Elias.


heard Heavenly Father’s voice testify, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.”


Apostles were afraid and fell to the ground. Jesus touched them and told them not to fear. When they looked up, the heavenly messengers were gone. Jesus told the Apostles not to tell anyone what they had seen until after He had died and been resurrected.


happened to Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration? Let’s read Matthew 17:2 Who appeared to Jesus and Peter, James, and John? Let’s read Matthew 17:3


voice did the disciples hear? Let’s read Matthew 17:5 Why

do you think this experience would have strengthened Peter’s testimony of Jesus Christ?


Peter and John healed a lame man and were cast into prison (Acts 3:1–9; 4:6–20; 5:12–42). A man who could not walk was carried to the temple every day. He sat by the temple doors and asked for money. One day he saw Peter and John about to enter the temple. He asked Peter and John for money.


said that he did not have any money, but he would give the man something else. Peter blessed the man in the name of Jesus Christ and healed him. Then he helped the man stand up. The man walked for the first time in his life.


people saw the man walking and leaping. They knew it was a miracle. They knew Peter had the power of God. Peter told them that Jesus Christ had given him the power to heal the man. Peter and John taught the crowd of nearly five thousand about Jesus and His resurrection.


Jewish priests and leaders heard of this and were very angry. They had Peter and John put into prison. The next day Peter, John, and the man who had been healed were taken before the same priests and leaders who had tried Jesus. They demanded to know by what power and in whose name the crippled man had been healed.


told the Jewish priests and leaders that the man had been healed in the name of Jesus Christ whom they had crucified. He told them Jesus had been resurrected and made whole. The officials did not know what to do.


Jewish priests and leaders met together. They decided that Peter and John must not be allowed to speak about or teach in the name of Jesus. Peter and John replied that they would only speak of the things they had seen and heard.


officials gave another warning to the apostles and then let them go. They could find no reason to hold them in prison. Peter and John continued to teach the people the gospel and healing the sick in the name of Jesus Christ.


and John were put into prison again and freed by an angel. Peter continued to teach and heal even though he knew he could be put back into prison. Peter was a great missionary. He helped many people believe in and follow Jesus Christ.


did Peter and John escape from prison? Let’s read Acts 5:19 What did the angel tell them to do? Let’s read Acts 5:20


would you feel about going back to preach after being imprisoned for doing so? How

do you think Peter and John received the strength to do what was right?


might never be imprisoned for teaching about Jesus Christ, but we will be tried in other ways. How might you be tried in your life because of your testimony of Jesus Christ?

 Let’s

name some ways other people might try to get us to deny the Church or do something wrong.  How can we be strong enough to resist such temptations?  We must gain a personal testimony of Jesus Christ to be strong like Peter.

Enr. Act. 4


did Peter’s testimony of Jesus Christ grow? Why do we need a strong testimony of Jesus Christ? How can we get this testimony? How can we help our testimonies grow?


testimony includes knowing the following: Heavenly Father lives and is the Father of our spirits. Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s Son and our Savior. Joseph Smith is the prophet through whom the Lord restored the gospel in the latter days. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and contains the fullness of the gospel. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church. We are led by prophets and apostles today.  How can we gain a testimony of these truths? Enr. Act. 1


look at and memorize the ninth article of faith: •We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Enr. Act. 2


think of experiences Peter had with the Savior that increased his testimony of Jesus Christ. Peter learned the Gospel from Jesus Christ.

Enr. Act. 3


watched the Savior perform miracles.

Enr. Act. 3


saw the Savior bless and heal many people.

Enr. Act. 3


was there for the Atonement, Betrayal, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.

Enr. Act. 3


can we know for ourselves that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Enr. Act. 3

 The

following story is about what happened to President Joseph F. Smith, sixth President of the Church, when he was a young man returning home from his mission: • “One day after Joseph F. Smith and his companions had traveled a short distance and made their camp, a company of drunken men rode into the camp on horseback, cursing and swearing and threatening to kill any Mormons that came within their path. • “Some of Joseph’s companions had gone down by the creek and out of sight when they heard the men coming. They waited there for this band of men to pass. Enr. Act. 5

• “Joseph F. Smith was a little distance

from the camp, gathering wood for the fire as these men rode up. • “When he saw them, he said his first thought was to find someplace to hide. Then the thought came to him, ‘Why should I run from these fellows?’ With that thought in mind he boldly marched up to the campfire with his arms full of wood. • “One of the men pointed his gun at the young elder and demanded in a loud, angry voice, ‘Are you a “Mormon”?’ Enr. Act. 5

• “Joseph F. Smith did not hesitate for a

moment. He looked the man in the eye and answered, ‘Yes, siree; dyed in the wool; true blue, through and through.’ • “He answered without any sign of fear and completely surprised the man. The man grasped Joseph F. Smith by the hand and said: ‘Well, you are the pleasantest man I ever met! Shake, young fellow, I am glad to see a man that stands up for his convictions’ ” (Joseph Fielding Smith, The Life of Joseph F. Smith, pp. 188–89).

Enr. Act. 5


memorize Acts 5:29: Then

Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. Enr. Act. 6


bear testimony of Jesus Christ, and testify that as we learn more about Jesus and listen to the witness of the Holy Ghost, our testimonies of Jesus will continue to grow throughout our lives. We may still have doubts and questions, but as we continue to study the scriptures, pray, and obey the commandments, our testimonies will become stronger.


lesson is from lds.org. The scripture stories are from lds.org and paraphrased from various articles on lds.org and from the scriptures. Images and clipart are from lds.org, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use. Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.