who needs help anyway?

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WHO NEEDS HELP ANYWAY? No one likes to ask for help, especially in West Texas. Somehow asking has become a symbol of weakness or desperation, and it is often seen as a direct attack on all self-dignity. The thought is this: those who have things figured out do not really need others or need help. Or so some say (and many honestly believe). Paul wrote in Galatians 6:2 that we are to carry each other’s burdens. That instruction – which is a command, in fact – is a mutual endeavor, a two-way street. At times we are to help carry someone else’s burden, and at times we need help carrying our own. God designed it that way. But others cannot help carry a burden if they do not know about it. There must be communication, and we must be willing to ask for help. In God’s realm of things, no one is to walk alone and carry their own burden. Some crucial questions: 

Are you trying to carry a burden alone (e.g. a broken marriage, an addiction, a wayward child, deep hurt, physical illness, etc.)?


Are you willing to ask for help?