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Editors' Column


Chemistry Graduates in Canada A cooperative graduate program de­ signed to promote the hiring of new PhD scientists by industry will be started by the Guelph-Waterloo Cen­ tre for Graduate Work in Chemistry in September. The purpose of this coop­ erative program is to have students spend time in selected jobs in indus­ try, government departments, or pub­ lic agencies to dispel the notions that PhD graduates are too specialized and are unlikely to be interested in the kinds of research problems with which industry is concerned. The emphasis of the program will be on applied chemistry, and whatever the students learn on campus will be supplemented and reinforced by their job experience. "Until now, most university PhD programs have been primarily di­ rected at developing new faculty members," says Dr. Arthur Carty, who will direct the new program. "As long as university enrolments were expand­ ing and more professors were being hired there was a job market for this kind of person. But job opportunities have dried up in the university field now that enrolments have levelled off. If PhD holders are going to find jobs they will have to look to other areas, and we hope this program will produce scientists who are more acceptable for non-university jobs." The Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry is a joint program between the universities of Waterloo and Guelph. All students enrolled in the co-op program will be part of the Guelph-Waterloo Centre. Such stu­ dents might take part of their studies at Waterloo and part at Guelph. In this way, teaching expertise, library resources, lab facilities, and research equipment of both universities can be utilized by the student. A typical student is expected to complete the co-op PhD program in about four and one-half years after re­ ceiving their bachelor's degree. Initial­ ly, the student would be on campus for eight months doing course work. This would be followed by one year at a selected job. The remaining time would be taken up in research and writing the PhD thesis. Research areas range from analytical and environ­ mental chemistry through organic, in­


organic, physical, and theoretical chemistry to polymer chemistry and chemical physics. Chemists and Engineering In another program sponsored by the University of Waterloo, an at­ tempt to turn graduate chemists (bachelor's level) into chemical engi­ neers is underway. As reported in the January 1976 issue of Chemistry in Canada, Robert Hudgins, associate chairman of the Department of Chem­ ical Engineering says, "We'd had a number of inquiries from graduate chemists working in industry who for a variety of reasons wanted to become professional engineers . . . . We felt if we made a selection of appropriate courses it should be possible for such people to pick up what they need in a couple of four-month terms on cam­ pus. Obviously, the graduate has all the chemistry and most of the mathe­ matics needed; what he or she would have to pick up would be the 'engi­ neering' content." Students first enroll in a fourmonth term taking courses on campus. They then spend a four-month term working in industry, after which they spend a second term on campus. The program can thus be completed in a year. This represents a considerable improvement over the previous pro­ gram which took about 28 months to complete.

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Job Prospects According to a study prepared by the Technical Service Council, a non­ profit placement and personnel con­ sulting firm run by industry in Toron­ to, and reported in the SeptemberOctober 1975 issue of Canadian Re­ search, Canada will face surpluses of new university graduates in chemistry and engineering during the next 10 years. The supply of new graduates with bachelor's degrees in chemistry is expected to be over two times the de­ mand. Although the study was con­ fined to this group, recent experience suggests that master's and PhD grad­ uates in the same disciplines will also have trouble securing positions. A. A. Husovsky



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